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*Before the service starts, teachers are encouraged to mingle with the kids to get to
know them and make them feel welcome. (Note: The time applies for all services.
Take note of the duration.)
11:00AM- 11:15AM
11:15AM- 11:20AM
11:20AM- 11:25AM
11:25AM- 11:30AM
11:30AM- 11:35AM
11:35AM- 12:10PM
12:10PM- 12:25PM
12:25PM- 12:30PM

Praise & Worship

Transition | Prayer
Welcome | Rules (Announcements, Bible-Pen-Notebook,
Tithes & Offering
Pre-Lesson Activity
WORD | LESSON (Video is included in the lesson)
Huddle Time | Prayer
Wrap Up | Dismissal

Tithes and Offering Verse

Week 1: Money to meet your needs
Text: Philippians 4:19, ESV
And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory
in Christ Jesus
Key Points:
As the church in Philippi gave to Paul, he was confident that God would meet their
God desires to meet your needs.
As you take this step to give, God will meet your needs.
Series Objective: By the end of the series, it is our hope that the kids will know that they
can tap on the supernatural power of God, resulting in complete faith in Him.
Note to the preacher: The series objective is just a guide for you, you dont need to mention
it when you preach.
PT: Our God is the living God who is always faithful to provide.
PV: Matthew 19:26 ERV Jesus looked at them and said, This is something that people
cannot do. But God can do anything.
Today, we are starting on a new series entitled, Whoa!. We will be talking about people in
the Bible who tapped into the supernatural power of God. I hope that by the end of this
series, you will realize that you can also experience what they experienced.



Before we talk about our lesson for today, lets play a little game. I will show you different
pictures with statements about them and you tell me whether they are true or false. If you
answer correctly, you will get 50 KC Bucks.
1. Picture of honey.
Q: Properly stored honey can last for hundreds of years.
2. Picture of a lobster.
Q: Lobsters are biologically immortal.
ANSWER: False.
3. Picture of a polar bear.
Q: Eating a polar bears liver may cause death because of Vitamin A overdose.
ANSWER: True (Also known as Hypervitaminosis A)
4. Picture of hippo with hippo milk.
Q: Hippos have pink milk
5. Picture of crocodiles and stones.
Q: Crocodiles swallow rocks.
6. Picture of the moon.
Q: If you could fold a piece of paper 42 times, it would be thick enough to reach the
7. Picture of YouTube
Q: There are 10 years worth of videos uploaded to YouTube every day.
ANSWER: False (There are 16 years worth of videos uploaded to YouTube every
These incredible statements can be either fact or fiction, but all of them are incredibly
amazing if they were all true, which of course some are. And today, we are going to talk
about something amazing in the Bible, something miraculous that actually happened in the
life of Elijah. But before we go to the scriptures, lets watch this video . . .
VIDEO: Elijah and the Provision of God
Now, lets take a closer look at the Scriptures . . .
Just to give you a background, Elijah was a prophet (from Tishbe in Gilead) at the time of
King Ahab (Northern Kingdom, Kingdom of Israel, ten tribes). King Ahab ruled for twenty-two
years and did more things to disobey and make the Lord angry than any king before him.
(He built an altar and temple for Baal in Samaria and set up a sacred pole for worshiping the
goddess Asherah.)
As with other prophets, Elijah was a man raised by God in a time of conflict. He defended the


worship of God over the Canaanite idol, Baal. In fact, he challenged Baal and the Baal
1 Kings 17:1 (ERV) Elijah was a prophet from the town of Tishbe in Gilead. He said to King
Ahab, I serve the Lord, the God of Israel. By his power, I promise that no dew or rain will
fall for the next few years. The rain will fall only when I command it to fall.
2 Then the Lord said to Elijah, 3 Leave this place and go east. Hide near Kerith Ravine, east
of the Jordan River. 4 You can get your water from that stream, and I have commanded
ravens to bring food to you there. 5 So Elijah did what the Lord told him to do. He went to
live near Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan River. 6 Ravens brought Elijah food every
morning and every evening, and he drank water from the stream.
7 There was no rain, so after a while the stream became dry. 8 Then the Lord said to Elijah,
9 Go to Zarephath in Sidon and stay there. There is a widow there that I commanded to
take care of you.
Again, Elijah obeyed God. As he reached the town gate, he saw the widow gathering
firewood. Then Elijah asked for some water and bread.
12 The woman answered, I promise you, before the Lord your God, that I have nothing but
a handful of flour in a jar and a little bit of olive oil in a jug. I came here to gather a few
pieces of wood for a fire to cook our last meal. My son and I will eat it and then die from
13 Elijah said to the woman, Dont worry. Go home and cook your food as you said. But
first make a small piece of bread from the flour that you have and bring it to me. Then cook
some for yourself and your son. 14 The Lord, the God of Israel, says, That jar of flour will
never be empty and the jug will always have oil in it. This will continue until the day the Lord
sends rain to the land.
The jar of flour and the jug of oil were never empty. The promise of God came to pass, as
spoken through Elijah.
Now, you might be thinking, what did Elijah do to experience the supernatural power of God?
Lets look at the three things Elijah did . . .
1. Elijah worshiped the living God.
1 Kings 17:1 (ERV) Elijah was a prophet from the town of Tishbe in Gilead. He said to King
Ahab, I serve the Lord, the God of Israel. By his power, I promise that no dew or rain will
fall for the next few years. The rain will fall only when I command it to fall.
King Ahab was a king who worshiped Baal, a fertility god. If someone went up to King Ahab
and said there would be no rain, that person was literally saying, Ahab, the god you are
worshiping is not the true God. But because Elijah knew God and he trusted God so much,
he went to King Ahab even thought it might cost him his life.


Rock climbers have the confidence to go up a rock because they know they have a harness.
Elijah, on the other hand, knew that he was safe and secure with God because the God he
worships is the living God. Thats what gave him the confidence to go to King Ahab and
declare the message God wanted him to say.
If you know God, you can stand up for Him. If you have a classmate whom you know is not
obeying his or her parents, you should be the person who will encourage him or her. It is
because you know God and you know the truth that if kids honor their parents, God will give
them a long, good life.
2. Elijah obeyed the instructions of God.
1 Kings 17:5 (ERV) So Elijah did what the Lord told him to do. He went to live near Kerith
Ravine, east of the Jordan River.
Bible scholars say that the distance Elijah traveled was 15 miles. With that distance, Elijah
could have changed his mind. He could have doubted. But since he trusted God so much, he
just obeyed Gods instructions.
ILLUSTRATION: Appliance Breakdown
Do you know what happens when you plug an appliance in the wrong voltage socket? What
would probably happen is the power supply will emit smoke and then you will notice a
burning smell and it might melt, explode, and probably burn the appliance. If you or
someone you know have experienced that, it is most likely because they did not read the
instructions, they did not know or basically they did not follow the instructions.
Following a set of instructions for every appliance or gadget that we have is probably the
wise thing to do. And obeying Gods commands is, I believe, the wisest thing that we can do.
If God said through His word to love you enemies, you should do so because God said so.
3. Elijah believed the promises of God.
1 Kings 17:14 (ERV) The Lord, the God of Israel, says, That jar of flour will never be
empty and the jug will always have oil in it. This will continue until the day the Lord sends
rain to the land.
The belief and the obedience of Elijah resulted to him and the widows family experiencing
Gods miraculous provision. They had enough food for a long time, just as the Lord said
through Elijah.
If a stranger tells you to go to the toy store because there are freebies, would you believe
that person right away? No! Because you dont know the person. You dont even know if that
person has the right or wrong intention. But if your parents tell you to go to the toy store
because there are freebies, youd believe them. It is because they are your parents, you
know them and you know that you can trust them.


Elijah believed that God will provide because He knows that God can be trusted. God is
faithful in what He says. Also, God is the ultimate provider, thats why when He says He will
provide, He will really do so. Just like what our Power Truth says . . .
PT: Our God is the living God who is always faithful to provide.
Our families have different problems. But every family has a challenging situation. Your
family might have a lack of money. Maybe some of you may have seen you parents fighting
lately. But remember that you can ask God to provide not just money but even other things
like peace and restoration in the family.
Knowing that we can believe and obey Gods promises and instructions with the confidence
that we can receive his provision, what do we do now?
1. Believe in Gods power.
When we believe in Gods power to create the earth and everything in it, there is nothing
that we can think of that He cannot do (Of course God wont make us lie and tempt us to sin.
He cannot contradict His Word.). There is absolutely nothing we can think of that He cannot
provide. Our prayer is that we ask God to help us believe that He can make the impossible
possible in our lives. Even if you have a bully classmate in school, God can change that
person to even become your closest friend someday! Just believe and pray!
2. Obey Gods commands.
Obeying Gods commands is important; but it should be done not because you want to get
something in return, but because of your love for God. Obedience should not only be
practiced just because you are praying for something to happen in your life or you are
praying for a toy or gadget. That is trying to manipulate God. Our love for God should always
be the reason for our obedience. On your paper, write down one command of God that you
are currently not following but would want to follow from now on.
Its amazing that God can do so many things for us and through us. Believing in His power
and promises is not just something we want to teach you but it is something that even Jesus
Christ taught to His disciples. Can you imagine that Jesus Christ, who can do so many
amazing miracles, relied on Gods power rather than his own? Lets read our Power Verse.
PV: Matthew 19:26 (ERV) Jesus looked at them and said, This is something that people
cannot do. But God can do anything.
1. What have you learned from todays preaching?
2. Are there impossible things you want us to pray for?

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