Why Is Credibility Important?

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Why is Credibility Important?

By using formal attire, teachers can show their professionalism as a teacher.

Professionalism is an important element in credibility because it shows
others that you truly care about your relationships and your work. Means
that you love your career as a teachers.
Come to work well-dressed. It might seem like a small matter, but how you
present yourself says a lot about who you are and how you feel about
yourself. When you dress in a professional and appropriate manner, you'll
likely find that your self-confidence and self-respect get a boost as well.

Third speaker, negative team

1 Good morning/afternoon/evening Mr/Madam Chairman, distinguished
guests, teachers and
2 The topic for our debate is that (Insert the topic of the debate.)
3 We, the negative team, believe that this statement is false.
1 The first affirmative speaker has tried to tell you (During the debate, list
the main arguments
outlined by the first speaker for the affirmative team. Insert them here.)
2 This is wrong because (During the debate write a reason why what your
oppositions first
speaker has said is wrong. Insert it here.)
3 The second affirmative speaker has tried to tell you (During the debate
write what your
oppositions second speaker has said. Insert it here.)
4 This is wrong because (During the debate write a reason why what your
oppositions second
speaker has said is wrong. Insert it here.)
5 The third affirmative speaker has tried to tell you (During the debate write
what your
oppositions third speaker has said, if that is important. Insert it here.)
6 This is wrong because (During the debate write a reason why what your
oppositions third
speaker has said is wrong. Insert it here.)
7 Try to rebut as many of the oppositions points as you can.

1 As third speaker it is your job to summarise your teams case. You do this
by listing the points
of your first and second speakers.
2 Our first speaker spoke to you about (Insert your first speakers first point.
Include a reason
to support this argument.)
3 S/he also said that (Insert your first speakers second point. Include a
reason to support this
4 Our second speaker spoke to you about (Insert your second speakers first
point. Include a
reason to support this argument.)
5 S/he also stated that (Insert your second speakers second point. Include a
reason to support
this argument.)
6 Make sure that you have included all the arguments for your team.
So Mr/Madam Chairman, distinguished guests, teachers and students, in
conclusion we believe
(As the final speaker for the negative, finish your speech with a really
memorable and powerful
statement. If you cant think of anything to say you may say thank you to

Give good example to students .

This statement shows that teachers somehow can give inspiration to student.
Some students will answer I want to be like my teacher especially the
student that want to be a teacher.
Same like us . some of us in IPG want to be a teacher because we want to be
like their previous teacher in the school. We looked how she or he dressed ,
how they entered our class how they teach even how they speak. What they
In addition to influencing us, our dress influences our students as well.
Without a doubt, teachers are role models for their students, so when
teachers dress professionally it sends important messages to students. We
teach our students not just about the academic subject, but also how an
adult professional looks and behaves.

Maintain good image to the community.

So the community will not underestimate the ablity of teachers to teach
Have trust on teachers in teaching their generation.

Maintain respect
As a teacher, we have to gain respect from students so the students will not
being rude to us. students will follow instruction and make our works.
Respect from parents also important so that they will not feel worry about
their children.
Some case, parents being rude to teachers because they said teachers
cannot teach their children well.
Teachers should have a say in defining their profession, and most already
know whats the best approach. says Dr. Janet Stramel, an Assistant
Professor at the College of Education and Technology at Fort Hays State
University in Kansas, is teachers should dress in a way that promotes respect
and shows students that theyre the authority in the classroom.

Research shows that clothing affects several kinds of judgments people

make, including but not limited to, credibility, likability, dominance, kindness,
and empathy (Raiscot, 1986; Morris et al., 1996). More formal attire
communicates expertise and confidence, less formal attire communicates
approachability. Usually, it is easier to relax a more formal impression into a
more relaxed one than the other way around. These considerations are likely
to be particularly relevant for young instructors who are concerned about
establishing themselves as authoritative.

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