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By DIT GILLESANIA Civil . eure Reference l\wou (Oa, | as or Tete i Coaty See 81] TUT tea MUI LAT) i} and Transportation fe ye) ene nt] Bo Serenity] Structural Engineering and Construction Civil Engineering Reference For Licensure Examinations Volume 2 Copyright © 2006 by Diego Inocencio Tapang Gillesania All sights reserved. No part book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or in any form or by any mans, prior permission of th ISBN 971-8614-34-6 Cover design by the author. Civil Engineering I Reference Vol. 2, Table of Contents CE Board May 2000... ‘Mathematics, Surveying, gene Engineering, 1 solution i ms Hydraulics and Geotechnical Engineering - Z 2 canes, pie 16 ‘Structural. ee ‘and | ‘Construction. abet 22 Solution. is 29 CE Board November 2000... «34 to 62 a Surveying, and ecreeteaies Pacing 4 3 pcos Gegecnkal ehnoaing : “4 Sain 7 crt aaiind st Camas ef oe 7 CE Board May 2001... 03 to 97 ar israel isn sig ion pose 8 Solution, amar, ‘Hycraulics and Geotechnical Engineering 76 Soltin % Gea ae el Cec 7 Salton 2 CE Board November 2001... .. 98 to 137 pears eee péTeansporeton ngnecing svcturalEnginering and Constaction Solution ” Table of Comtemk cn Board May 2002. 139 to 187 tics, Surveying, and Transpo 9 bution... 13 Hydraulics and Geotechnical Engineering. 154 Solution. : 160 Seructural Engineering and Construction. : 169 Solution 7 CE Board. November 2002 .- 188 to 237 Mathematics, Surveying, and Transportation Engineering, 188 Solution. 192 Hydraulics and Geotechnical Engineering... 202 Solution. 208 ‘Structural Engineering and Construction, 218 Solution 229 CE Board May 2003.... 239 to 291 ‘Mathematics, Surveying, and Transportation Engineering, 29 Solution 242 251 258 269 5 280 ..292 to 339 292 e 295 Hydraulics and Geotechnical Engineering. 304 Solution ~ 3 ‘Structural Engineering and Construction 322 Solution, 331 Civil Engineering m Reference Vol. 2 341 to 388 Surveying and Transporea x1 345, 355 z 363 Structural Engineering and Construction 3A Solution S 381 CE Board November 2004 389 to 436 Mathematics, Surveying, and Transpor 389 Solution 394 Hydraulics and Geotechnical Engineering “405 Solution, 4. Structural Engineering and Construction : 2 20 Solution 426 CE Board May 2006... 437 to 480 Mathematics, Surveying, and Transportation Engineering 437 Solution, 442 Hydraulies and Georechnical Engineering z 453 Solution 458 Structural Engineering and Construction 455 Solution Sia 474 CE Board November 2005 ... 481 to 526 Mathemaries, Surveying, and Transportation Enginecting 431 Soliton ‘ ABS Hydraulics and Geotechnical Engineering 493 Solution, 501 Structural Engineering and Construction 510 SOFUOD on ea 57 Problem Index... Table of Comtemts Referense VoL 2" 1 CIVIL ENGINEER Licensure Examination ‘Thursday, May 11, 2000 INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED, Use pencil no. 2 only MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. How tong will it take for money to quadruple itself if invested at 20% compounded quarterly? A. 107 years ©, 95 years B. 63 years D. 7:1 years“ 2 Find the aes in sg. m. of spherical triangle Of whove angles ae 12%, 8, and 73°. The radius of the sphere is sare 3 18633, © as585 D14802 © 6am B Oem D. idem 5. Five thousand pesos is deposited at the end of each year for 15 years ito an ‘account earning 7.5% compounded continuously. Find the amount after 15, oA PIS, 5413, C. P148.3659 B PIb%7542 D, Pui2.a541 6, There are four geometric means between 3 and 729. Find the fourth term. ‘A St 243 B27 Dd. 7 Loge 975-2, Find x 331 csi7 B 412 D. 287 2 & Evaluate fercoon A 15471 © c 08 B 19085 D. 20412 9. A projectile ged at an ange of 2" with the horizontal at the top ofa 0-m high building. “The muzzle weocty i 300 m/s. Whats the total ime of” oe Z 3268 © 22 B75 Di. 1855 . Mathematics, 6 and 2 May 2000 Sanson erleeeriy iO Two verses ofa wangio are (Gol) ACTS), Find the onde of he hog verter rach tut Be oammotd ofthe Giang wl ie at the origin x cn Be ba 11. A machine costing P80 000 hos a life expectancy of 12 yeas with a salvage alae OF 08 of Sk rot cost Whot iste book value oer ve yous acing Tpadectrng balercn atid? a Pisses . Pi96402 B Pise768 D,ratee 12, Two sides ofa tiangle measure 18cm and cm. The third side may be: 23 10 Bb bat 13, Atwhat value of x will the slope ofthe curve = 9r-y =0be 18? A eo oe ieee det ese f Fk. The usta ofa nega tinagelar py aden as eqn angie frie {aeetyeh eaweriairey fh arena | iaaeheaiey cian yet ete Soe ctae wae es om D3m 15. A cyinder of radius 6 m has its axis along the Kasi, A second cylinder of ee tees tthe volume onthe at coment etic ce © tm B tisem 3. 2as me 46, Rationale the fellowing = a-set sale - ab fee ” 1-8 17 A ightouse is 2m a stig shore. seh Ht the pou fecties toa ear moving along the shore. When the car 1 ko fom the Point nearest the lightiouse the searchlight rotates O25 rev/hour, Find Peipener tocar icon arss3 c 20 B 250 5.337 18, The total surface area ofa closed cylindrical tank is 15994 square meter. tf Hisvolina is oe maxtor, whats is hepitincmaers? Cem Dee 8 ertigabout the X-axis, ofthe area bounded by “4, and the Xeaxis. ©. 1017 D. 1219, Civil Engineering Reference Vol. 2 3 20, From pint A ona simple curve the perpendicular dotance to te lngent, z at poiat Qa 61 m. The tangent passes thvough the PC The distance froin teBC ie Sobm. Bind the eng of trecavetrom PCto Aina A m037 B snr The ground makes a uniform slope of 48% from STA 12 + 180 to ST 240. AUSTA 12+ 180 the center eight ofthe roadway i 12 mil anther sation, the center height is 25 meu. ind the length of cut in meters, ‘A. 30.85 e: sil B. ast ©. 4632 D, 50.28 A vertical parabolic sag curve has tangent grades of -"2% and +0.6%. Ifthe grade changes uniformly at 0.18% per 20 my find the length of the curve. ‘A. 200 mt C. 300m B. 150m, D. 50m The observed interior angles of a triangular piece of land ABC are as ‘A= 391437" (C= 48 15°05" B= 96° a0 09" The most probable value of angle B is nearest ‘A. 96° 50" 15' ‘C. 967 30" 06" B. 96° 30" 03” . 96° 30°12" ‘A closed traverse has the following data: Line Bearing. Distance (m) AB ae a 60.00 BC Sm 268 O siraweE 443 DE «8S 736 W 56.45 EAN 730 W 30.00 Find the bearing of line BC. A. S45" 52" C. seras'E B NWSI E D. Nis*s0'E ‘The perimeter of an ellipse is 28.448 units. If the major axis is 1D units, what is length ofthe minor axis? A oe B7 D6 Ina certain stretch of the north expressway 1200 vehicles passes per hour. If ‘the traffic density is 25 vehicles per kilometer, what is the space mean speed inkph? Ads C8 BSD D. 36 ‘The driver ofa car travelling at a certain speed suddenly sees an obstruction ahead and travelled a distance of 72 m during the perception-reaction time (of 25 seconds. Determine the car's speed of approach in kph. Ar ae C1087 B. 96.3 D143 A certain copier machine cost P150,000 with a trade-in value of P15,000 after ‘making 600,000 copies. Using the declining balance method, what is the bbock value when the machine had made 300,000 c A. P6811 c B. Pos.896, ° Mathematics, Surveying, and 4 May 2000 ‘Transportation Engineering 5. Determine the equation of the it crete) ov} feed is mm 20, Fit dhe Sette of aright circular cylinder whee Intra area is 25.918 a C. 20.53 m> B. isan fear E=A+ B+ C-180° = 123° + 84° + 73°- 180° = 100" id ie a = 30)*(100") _ x Area = SOG) — 15708 sq.m. ee te ie oP Avznrk 100.53 = x4) Lj L= Bem waned = PIS3541.3, log 9 975 =x x= log 975 / log 8= 3.31 Mathematics, Surveying, and 6 May 2000 "Transportation Engineering a0 ‘Thus, among the choices, x may be 13 Mathematics, Surveying, and 8 May 2000 ‘Transportation Engineering a, fixe Va-Jab a fab dp/at= 0.25 rev/hour i0/dt = 0.5n red/hour tan 0 =x/2=05x When x= 1; 0= 26565" a sect 26565" (05 2) = 05 gros & ~ssouayre maximum when the For a given total surface area, the volume is a hen diameter (D) equal the height (1) , Ags $D1x2+nDH=2 GHP + (HFN = 15394 B-572m L= fr (-2y'? + 4)dy Ayn, 2 he [orevene- be c ty] 12.9 Civil Engineering ‘ Reference Vol. 2 ‘20 In right triangle ABO: BE = 260" + (R- 64)? Re = 67600 RE 12aR + 4096 R= 560.125 m. Length of curve from PC to A: Te 1RO/ 180° 1. m(360125)(27 657°) / 180° = 27037 m From th ran << Janstn From the grade diagram shown: L Ey 12206 018 = 200:m Mathematics, Surveying, and 10 May 2000 “transporstion Engineering ¥ angles =35° 14’ 37” + 96° 30" 09" +48° 15" 05" E angles = 179.9975" = 179° 59°51” ‘Since the sum af the interior angles ofa triangle is 180°, the total error Eis, E= 180° - 179° 59 51” = 0° 0 09" ‘Most probable value of B = 96° 30° 09" + (0° 0 09")/3. Most probable value of A = 96° 30 12” ay 28 n/m = 28S m/s (1 han/ 1000 (3600s v=103.68 kph rh 28 Solving forthe closing line AC Tne Bearng Distance _atitude Departure By cD S17 20E 4483 42.7942 13.3562, sons = P6S/2545 De Smrsew © S645 187505 53249 a» TA N73 W 5000133619 48.1815, Beis, ‘Sum 48.1828 ——_—-88.0702 tae Latitude of AC = +48.1828 Equation of ditectrix = y= 4 ory +4=0 Departure of AC = +88:0702 Bearing of AC=N 61317" E ‘Length of AC= ((48.1828)' +(88.0702)° = 100.389 m O30 Jn triangle ABC: Ayn n= 7.068 “00 359 = 60! + 72.692 2(60)7269) cos f t=15m $= 97 8682" Ardarh =2n (15) k= 25: 28 eT IE eee egies Ly le a a V= Aa x h = 7.068(2.75) us Oue-a= 61.31 58292" ~ 15,4808 bat Oe) Ope B- 4a = 97.8683 ~ 15.4808 = 82.3875" Bearing of line BC= § 82° 25° E Hydroulles and Geotechnical Rngineering 12 May 2000 Seat Now Mh ee ee eco pipiens Al fl SETA HYDRAULICS & GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING i comet answer fr each of the follovring questions INSTRUCTIONS Sel 5m by soaing the box coresponding to he eter Spiyane answer or : onl SHEN hee provided Se nets ALLOWED. Use penilne 2ony MULTIPLE CHOICE 6 m at the side of a tank containing a quid VOSS es fat elevation 4 m reads 100 kPa. What is the: reads 60 KPA. Another gege ong gy ofthe ae 2 ee cnt ee wom ga an ag Te a ea hek oe a a. flay ommend nate ede PS from he con no Eon te eng eo mapa howe eens Bieron onic bahamas eas PI BL “c.uL/s ee liameter are 7 Bee and 2 of the mame Teng end dlamet connected in eee pee * paalle. If f= 2/3 fi the flow in pipe 2 is how 1 times gr Py 1487 ne Dre J. If the water 5. Wiel Ree over a sie and ints a hermntal cngl tigen pn ste B Sapcrecal Breet, rT iy ses sloping “ © AERP Sf ot, whats he hydraulic radius forth licen ‘1D, 0.86 m ti 1 nT ama ancnp tom tine toad 2m ih eee ny dam 4m ght TE yeni up tthe el ee atthe heal in kg/m? alecing Wye ght of maxon 08 2400 ke my C. 32,220 oa ‘1D. 39,780 B 34,750 Civil Engineering = Reference Vol. 2 8 ‘A cylindrical tank 2.m in diameter is divided into two equal chambers artition along its diameter, and provided with 20 cm x 20 cm orifice at the f the partition. Ata certain instant, the level in one chamber ‘will it take for the gular flume of mos efticient proportion has a base width of 3m, It ‘na slopes, has a roughness Coeficent ny and the discharge is 9 cu ‘m/s when flowing fall Ifthe same material were ueed for the mort tient apesidal secon, by how much Woud ti dsdarge be ‘A Ost m/s O71 m/s B. O61 m/s D, O8tm/s Thice reservaits A,B, and C are connected respectively with pipes 12, and 3 flning at a common junction Pwhose elevation is 3 m. Reservoir Ais at vation S33 and reservoir Bis at elevation 644 m. The properties ofeach pipe are as fellows: Ly = 1500 m, Ds = 600 mu, ft = O02; fa = 1000 m, Dr= 5330 mm, f= C0251) 900 my Dy = 500 mum, p= OB, A prossure gage at junction ® read 4950 KPa, What isthe flow tk pipe 3 i ¥/s ‘A. O91 cu Bass B. 076 ‘A rectangular footing is to support two square columns each 12" x12” and spaced 1 fect on centers: One column carnes a toed of 40 Kips and the ther caries load of SO kips, The footing is2f thick and its length should exerd 25 eye th cnt ofthe column crying the 40 od The ‘of footing is 5 flow rurface Resta specie gravity of orevete ant soil above the footing to be 24 and 18, respectively, Determine the length ofthe footing ithe allowable aol bonring capacity 20 pt c m8 5 isk Dist A srllay, 95.5 fect ong, whose crest i elevation 4.0m releases water from aeseryou whose surface area s 4.0 hectares, inal reservoir elevation isHL8 im. How Tong wil take forthe water level todrop I meter? 30m © 30min Donia The spillway with crest elevation of 5D m releases flood runoff from a 5.) hectates in area If the reservor level stops from elevation 32 ‘15.521 in 1250 seconde, find the length ofthe spillway in mets. Use the Francis Formula. Assume corotant reservoir surface arc, C36 D328 The ratio ofthe volume of water to the Viume of vod, "A mlstuce content degree of stration Bi vold ratio D. porosity Hyerautics ane ceil 14 Mas 000) Geotechnical Engineering 14 May 2000 Reference Vol.2 1s TE The ete Sage rer Tera Tay EE a Content Conga, apparent by by ply meron oa ieee ce to in emoval of must, earthy, ihy, and muddy tastes and ole eae (3) en ble gas into to atoms of oxygen. eae i ; 2 Te dy secant, u ; oieraene Meee rete pemeet yee can Benaet oe aererie tas cum/see, Water 8 178 Pate boc of tes et Fa 20 1651 {fe he head 80 om Consider the cechy operat ed se we once hoc ri an WP eo smn cae we i millimeters) om weegom Se retary bine i t ei To ug an res tte er el nek ude es Fonzonally aay rom the vena contracts, What ipdavalue ct eed om 16. Water flow in a 10 feet wide rectang rate of 64 cubic feet B. 054m D. 063m tea What te etical dep END ‘a moisture content of 30% and degree of saturation of se apecific gravity of 261. Determine the dry unit t C934 B wie D, 1025 1s. APaaple of moist day i found to have moisture content of 100% 5! 4 SemtPeg saturation of 5%, The specie gravity of the solide is 276 ‘Determine the voids ratio of this sol A133 C1028 5, 98 D, 1299 wp. 1 of moist sand taken from the field was found to have A Stant of 14% and a porosity of 38%. In a laboratory tions, it was found that at its densest state, Te Jousest state its void ratio is 40%. Determine the ‘A. 0527 C06 2B, 0854 D. 0A72, 20, Hild density tt on « compacted fill of sandy clay gives the following results: "Weight of moist soil from the hole = 1038 grams Overvdried weight of the soil = 914 grams Volume of test hole = 0.01 Laboratory moisture density test on this sil indicated @ mazimaty ¢O) Yaborston of pet at an optimum moisture content of 114, Which of te fellowing mast nearly gives the percent compaction of A. 963% ©. 887% $B. 972% D, 993% Hydraulics and 16 May 2000 Geotechnical Engineering Solutions to May 2000 Examination (6-4); y=10KN/ms 9p. gr = 10 / 981 ~ 1.02 Let = sp. 1 ofthe block weer e | Vo= SVs ‘AGH 20) = {At = H-20= SH > (1) a | Init iq te Vo: 0: 08 A(H~15) = S(AH) (o=09 OsH-12=SH >@) [sH= se) H-2=08H-12; e H= 40m Upstream from the leak: ve a pet on AoE p= QESAOO SOG? 4254, 09-025 m/s Qasim Qu~ Qo 0.216 ~ 0.205 = 0.011 m*/s (Qasen = TL liters per second Civil Engineeriny Reference Vol. 2 17 if = i 0.0826 L404? D> = 9.0826f21202" where Ly f= 2/f Oe Aonn ganar Pw 24 14142= 4,823 m R=3/4828=0521m Wy = 2400(14(12)(28)(1)] 4nk—nm coe OM = 1,543,500 kgm Ryx = RM-OM 576,000 = 5,990,400 - 1,543,500; F = 772m e=B/2- =028m Raees ener a (= al 7 ge 60.28" 16 16 = 39,780 kg/m? Prot 92.220 g/t Myarauites and Civil Engineering May 2000 Geotechnical Engineering Reference Vol. 2 & ao a) fyi 624m .0326(0.02)650010," «og EY ee os 2)" 1399 m/e CAs f2g = 0.602) 28 cA. fg = 01083 = 2n6-~ 29825(0025)(1000)0,? (045) Qo" 0488 m/s (x/2(n/2) _2_ (5 _ Jp) Q1=Q:+ 0: x pe LDN) 1 = 2+ Os \ n/2+n/2 01068 99 - 0488 = 0.911 mis 7: £136, p= 4850 4a 12255950 the elevation of reseroir C: _ = sexo Sa EL. C=6706~35.54~ 635.06 m au Fo sauce Forthepremrein | ae Q=KARS For the rectangular section: Ana5) 45m Saka O79"! K=0.8075 For the trapezoidal section: A= 1G + 2)(1.732) A= 5,196 m2 R= d/2=0.866m Q= 080766.196)(0.86 Locate the resultant load by taking moment about the 40-kip load: Q=381m/s < 90x = 40(0) + 50(12); x= 6.67 feet From the figure: 1/2=25+667, L= 18.34 feet, Increase in flow = 0.81 m/s eb ON Another solution: ‘2000 — (62-4 x 2.4)(2) ~ (62.4 1.78)(5 - 2) ~ 1367-264 psf ‘otal Ioad = 40-+ 50 = 90 kips = 90,000 Ibs a Using treatin, Qn 90,000 Gwe. = 1.2714; Ory = 2814218 ia z : LxW=18345W= 6582 W=3.59 feet Hydraulics and Geotechnical Eaginecring sae et 1341089) | Vos co = 1488 seconds = 24.8 min. 2(50,000) 1 |, L=5.64m mer [Wes Wy = MCW, W,=MCW, + Wis Wi= 1250= w TMC W, Wye 946 ce ~ GeMoy W grams) = 64/10 = 6.4 ft/s per foot width 2 z a= f= 1SA 22.0835 gg V322 GMC=Se; 261(03)=045e; e= 1.78 ie 261 2 2 = 9.81) = 9.34 kN/a Yeo" Tee" TO GMc=Se 276(4)=085¢; e= 1299 Civil Engineering 2 Reference Vol. 2 mis a. 38-9613 =a 1-038 p= —fmmat_ 085-0613 (085-040 =0527 Bi Ne ppt IPaCHON = “Maximarmdry density sim ry dara Ory = 0.0169 fe? x (124)(2.54%) = 478.55 cc Yo 914 / 47855= 1.91 gram/ce = 119.18 pef 11948 Percent compaction = 2248 sox = 99.3% 120 5 First we neglect the velocity of approach to get the approtimate velocity of approach Oe 1s4Lin? 053= 1.841 (03% 1= 1753 m Bigselam hata OTA 1.753(1.2) Mem ln ee ton BE = PE = 00001860 = (0.003186)9] L727 m2 For the water jt: y=xtno-—£2 o-0 20,2 cost 0° 981(25) (25-25 tan 0° 509 3.502 m/s 03° 0 Y = 3502; H= 0,625 m a= J2gHt 22 May 2000 sen Couerracion ey ae LT Sato CIVIL ENGINEER Licensure Examination (08:00 a.m. - 01:00 pn SETA INSTRUCTION: Select the comect answ Niark only one answer for each item by of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pent no. only. wr each of the following questions. ihe box corresponding to the letter MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum shear stress in the rivets in MegaPascals for equivalent vertical force alone acting on the centroid. c 10 D. 70 nls forthe equivalent moment alone C70 B74 D. 760 4. Which of the following most nea gives the maximum shear sre in the vets in MegePascals ‘A170 c 10 B. 160 D.130 situaon 2 Te system shown n igre MBS consis of igh bars 4, AC. BD, & CD hinged at points A,B, € and D. When P is z2r0, points Band C ie AIBC & lesan aight i) andthe terion on AB ven arrangement inthe m the tension on member AB in N. A860, C. 980) B. 1130 DB. 1020 5, Which of the following most nearly gives the value of P in N. A, 840 a) B. 1020 D. 1540 6. Which of the following most nearly gives the spring constant K for system ABCD in N/m. ‘A. 3450 c. 2040 . 1870 D. 2560 vo a Civil Engineering 23 Reference Vol. 2 Situation 3 ~ The three concurrent forces shown in the figure are in equilibrium, 7. Which of the following most neatly gives the value cf angle 6 AS C38" B. 42° D. 46" 8, Which of the following most nearly gives the value of angle fi rae 5 eos le B si" D. 76° 9. Which ofthe following most neuly gives the vertica component of the 778- EN force. A768 KN © B2kN B. 702KN D, 653KN Situation 4 - A prismatic beam 8 m long is fixed at the left end and simply jorted af the right end. The beam carries @ uniformly distributed load of 400 KN/m throughout its lengeh 10, Which ofthe following most nearly gives the deflection atthe right end due ‘to.uniform load when the simple support is removed ‘A. 257600/21 C. 184500/& D. 204800/ 6: ingest ney gives the deflecton atthe right end due acting at the right end, wih the simple support ©. 457/381 D. 537/581 ollowing most nearly gives the reaction atthe simple support. Cc. 1300 kN a saa D. 1000 kN Situation 5 - For the structures shown in Figures AN-07, AN-08, & AN-08, identify whether the structure is unstable, statically determinate, statically indeterminate tothe frst degre, and statically indeterminate tothe second iegree. the fist dey D. statically indeterminate to the second degree 15. Theslructure shown in Figure AN‘O9 is: determinate y indeterminate to the first degree D. statically indeterminate to the second degree structural Snginecring 24 May 2000 ‘and Construction ee Situation 67 For the spiral column shown in Figure ROSE: jowing, ost nearly gives the reinforcement ratio Py in try a 150 milimeters. © oom DOO jes the ratio of the ca Jima dimension in the c. 065 B,0ss 18. Using the Interaction Diagram, which of Inapdinum downward los that te co Situation 7 - Section 5.11.6 of the NSCP states the following for the combined, stressed members with rectangular or flanged rectangular or fl jenent rectangles overhanging flange width used in design shal thickness. ‘51.64 Sections located less than a distance d from face of support may be designed for the same torsional moment , as that computed at a distance d omerete bean 300 mm wide, 600 mm, and 5 m long 20.75 Mi 19. Which of the following most nearly gives the torsional moment on the beam due to the overhanging slab in kN-m. 20. Which of the following most nearly gives the value of the sum Ex? y, due ta the component rectangles ofthe section, in ‘A. 0. 045 B01 D. 025 21. Which ofthe following most nearly gives the value ofthe limiting torque Ti, in KN-m, A 20 Gana BS D. 20 25 ia 205 of ee estimated con x minor pay item in ered by a Change Order provided th the Approving Author contact ‘The quantities and contiact prices fora projet are a fl Quant Unit Price (pesos) 100 200 60 500 ci} 0 Fi} Item 5 150 70 22. Which of the following most nearly gives the total contract price of the 2 arso00 . Pscoo i, oso D.ss0000 23. Which of thefllowing is not considered asa major pay item of the project. A. Item 4 C. Item 3. a D. Item 5 by a Change Order: fem 2 flexural stress for laterally braced compact sections is 0.5 F, The allowable deflection is) 1/360 of the span. Three compart sections are. being considered, as follows, with their respective properties Televant of this problem (length units are in meters Section Moment of Inertia (x) Beam depth (D) W25% 66 0014 0634 W30%74 00186 O72 W24x62 0011s Ooi (Note: The symbol x*y means raising the quantity or expression x to the ing most measly gives the minimum section modulus Tarte ests fun! ares wil not os coated . 0.00528 D. oaosis lowing most nealy gives the minimum moment of Inertia ache fos ath detictc wet emcee 26 May 2000 pret 27, Assuming that shear stiess is not cri considered is the mest economic section ‘A W30x74 BL W24x62 of the sections being wdequate for the given load: C. W26x 66 D. None of the sections are adequate Damm Constracion TEER para 7 Ta Wechanacal and elacial Fares n Die mn lowing gives the duration ofthe prj in weeks De 30. Which ofthe following gives the earllst start of activity m in weeks: A oar DST Bs Figure ME-02 78K 28 May 2000 Figure ME-08 Figure RC-12 = f x 2 Figure AN-O7 Figure AN-08 Figure AN-09 END 30 May 2000 1367 + 400 2T cos 30° es T=10202N Atjoint 8 P= 2T sin 0= 2(1020.2) sin 30° P=10202N Spring constant, kas: P= kago-x= Kaac (05) = 1020.2 Kee 2040.4 Nj D Situation (7 109) For the forces to be in equilibrium they must for a closed polygon (as shown) By cosine law: 7782-= 62.22 + 64.5? -2(62.2)(645) cos § = 7578 22 _ 6S __78 Bysinelaw: ing siny ” ain7S7® b= 0+30°= 75.74", 0= 45,74" +74 B= 180" 45.75" + 5347°+ P= 180°, = 80.78° Vertical component of 77.8 KN force = 778 sin B= 76.8 KN 2 Situation 4 (10 1012) Deflection at B when the simple support is removed: _ wit 40008)¢ BEI ‘BEI _ 8 Deflection due to unit load at B PL _ 1" = PE AO srapser Nigauee pe B= 2800/EF son ery 3, 512/3ET Civil Engineering Reference Vol. 2 1B Situation 5 (13 015) Figure AN-07, (PIN-ROLLER) Reactions, R= 2+1=3 31 Equations, £ = 3 DETERMINATE Figure AN-08, (PIN-ROLLER) “Although ies are UNSTABLE ecru pinied support. Figure AN-09,(PIN-ROLLER) Reactions, R= 2+1=3 | Equations, E=3+2=5 (there are two internal hinges) | Since E> 2, the structure is UNSTABLE Oy ‘y= 975/500 = 0.75 e/h= 150/500 = 03 32 May 2000 cea oe 33 Reference Vol. 2 ——————— ‘From the interaction diagram GD Situation 9 25 t027) Pew 13 tsi 6.8928 = 8961 MPa | Man = BE. 500}? Lee ‘Ay a ek wacom 075 Py= (600)? 8961; P, = 2346 KN | Maas 625 kN-m Me Scale Situation 7 (19 to 21) ten 7 = 200 0m ae AO = 0:6(248); 5, ~ 3818426 mar? = 00038218 ee, S + 200%(600) «2 < mea ue ae 1= 1171875000 mm‘ = 0001172, Zxty= 0102 m? ‘The required section must have 1 0,001172 and 5,2 0.00362 ae | For W 25 x 66, 5, 0.00124 /(0.654/2) = 0.00379 (not adequate) Fr x = NTO | For 1730 x 74, S, = 0.00146 / (0.772/2) = 0,00878 (not adequate) ha OD y 0 nee For W/24 x 62, 5; = 0.00119 / (0.618/2) = 0.00385 (ad=quate) y= 1974686478 Nem = 19.75 kN } Thus, the adequate section is W 24x 62 Beene 20 | @ Situation 10 28 to 30) Oty Price ‘Total Percentage oo —[Jo00 | Topmoo | ass 200 —|— 600 —| “120,900 —| 35368 5_|- 500 | ~100 | sa.900 [i053 [250 | 400 —| “00900 | asm em | ~150—[—700—| “Tos;p00 | 22.7% ‘Total contract price of project = PA75,000 | "Total Project Cost 3" | 475,000 | | Minor pay item = Item 3 From the diagram shown, the critical path is: a-b-d-f- Item 4 (Major pay item) from 250 to 160 Decrease = 90/250 x 100% = 36% > 15% Duration of project = 65 weeks Earliest start of activity m=45 weeks ‘Change Order {tem 3 (Minor pay item) from 500 to 600: Increase = 100/500 x 100% = 20% < 25% No need of Change Order Mathematics, Surveying, and "Transportation Engineering Seat Now 34 November 2000 CIVIL ENGINEER Licensure Examination ; November 18, 2000 08:00 am.-01:00 p.m. SETA er for each ofthe allowing auctions hing the box conesponding to te ltr ‘of your choice on the answer sheet ided. aie STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no.2 only. Mark onl oncanzwa foreach tm MULTIPLE CHOICE 1, Twenty-eight persons can do a job in 60 days. They all start complete, Five persons quitted the jab at the beginning of the 16% day. ‘They were feinforced with 10 persons at the beginning of the 45% day. How many days was the job delayed? ‘A. 58 days /C- 1S7 days B. Llddays D. 245 days 2. Point A is between points Band C. The distances of B and C from point A are 1000 m and 2000 m, respectively. Measured from point A, the angle of elevation of point B is 18° 30’, while that of point C is & 15. Find the difference in the elevations of B and C. Consider the effects of curvature ‘and refraction, Addn c 487m B. a26m, D, 521m 9, Find the area of the curve x? + y+ 6x -12y+9=0, ‘A, 1255q. units 925g. units B, 1132q. units D. 138 sq. units 4, Bind the distance between the foci ofthe curve 9r2+ 25y?~ 18x + 100y-116= 0. A? C8 Be Dia a 5. A right regular hexagonal prism is inscribed in a right circu : wwhote height is 20 cm. The difference between the circumference of the ‘Grce and the perimeter of the hexagon is 4 cm. Determine the volume of the prism, ‘A. 9756 co B 11a752ce solid if every plane section perpendit isosceles right triangle with one leg in the plane of the base. ‘A 21333 C. 18667 ce B. 20155 ce D. 20433 ce 7. Whatis the area bounded by the curves x and x= 4y? A. 60 6.065 B 7333, D. 5333, 35 ‘The slope of the curve at any point is given as 6x ~ 2 and the curve passes through jermine the equation of the curve. A G2 dy-y-62=0 C. Dat + Br-y- 62=0 B. x ty +62=0 D, 3x24 2x-y+62=0 Evaluate the iniegral of x dx / (x2 + 2) with limits from 0 to 1 A032 C. 0203, B. 0108 D. 0247 The area bounded by the curve y = sin x from x= 0 to x = x is revolved about the X is the volume generated? C, 3.450 cu. units D, 5.214 cu. units Jindrical tank having a-volume of 71.57 1 is to be constructed. ‘surface area is to be a minimum, what is the recuired diameter of the its Adm C Sm B 55m D.45m A flagpole 3m ands at the top of. side of a pathw 1¢ opposite side va agp et the flagpole subtends the same angle as the 22 ‘width of the pathway? ‘A 447m B 321m C 628m D. 8am ling at 60 kph applies a brake and stopped at a distance of 30 m. nt of friction between the tires and the road is 05, What is the road? A. 43% B 43% C 28% D. 28% ‘A man made e yearend payment of 00,000 to an account earning 8% 10 years. How much is in the account after 20 years? ce sae : C. P3,307,452.36 ing a certain commodit and P15,0 per unit fo is 420 per million entering vehicles, whats the average daily afl (ADT)? 5 A. 589 C412 D527 36 Noveniber 2000 —"“tranportstion naglnsering 78. Froma point A ona simple curve, the perpendi at point Q is x igent passes through 250 and PCiis at station 20 + 150. Ifthe radius A. 624m © 789m, B. 2547 m D, 632m s drawn ata scale of 125000. An error of 0 lent to how many moters inack C. 005m D. som ects two tangent grades of +6.5% and is the elevation of point The geome! What ie the fi aS B36 2, Solve for Bin the given partial fraction: xt 15x3— 923? 125-14 _ 817, m4, joving verticall = 2 seconds? C. 2d fps D. 35.6 fps 25. Given that tan A = 4/5, whatis the value of 48!.A=CosA A. 0579 © 0654 B. 0752 D. 0925 26. Given a regular hexagonal with consecutive comers ABCDEF, Ifthe bearing. ‘of side AB is N 25° E, whatis the bearing of side FA? A NIsW ic BAS W 27. ‘The perimeter of a triangle is 58 cm and its area is 144 sq. cm. What is the radius of tho inscribed circle? A. 497 em. C. 552em B. 965m, D. 32cm Peter timate of cores 1s em mad 37 t rectangular coordinate of a point whose polar c 652.43) 3.56) xis is inclined 60° with the base. Ifthe axis is 20 cm long, what is the volume of the cone? ‘A. 1524 ce C. 1245 ce D. 1689 cc nagnitucle of the space vectar Si 4j + 9k? C 12544 D. 11.045, END F Mashemeatcs, Sorrring mo 38 November 2000 ransportation Raginssring Solutions to November 2000 Examination ai Required number of man-days to finish the job = 28(60) = 1680 man-days 28 persons worked for 15 days, 28 - § = 23 persons worked for 44 ~ 15 = 29 days, and 23 + 1033 persons worked for t days until completion, = 1680; 1= 17.97 da the job was completed = 15 + 29+ 17.97 = 61.97 days delayed ~ 1.97 days m2 0.087 m 0.268 m ADB: yi = 1000 tan 18.5° = 384.595 m ‘AEC: yp = 2000 tan 8 15' = 289.985 m + 2) (0.268 + 289.986) as Reduce 27+ y?-+ éx - 12y + 9 = Oto standard form: SD Gx +94 y2— dy +36=-9 +94 36= 36 aa 25(4) = 205 Distance between focl= 2c* 8 units 25) (14.125) sin 60° « 6 ‘Ay= 51836 cm? riper pe eee f V=518.36 x 20= 10367.13 em* Vm Bart thn Va E (Art 4am + As) Al=A2=0 (40)(40) ~ 800 cm? v= So sano) cee) = 5.333 sq.sinite pee. pee ane yo32- 2+ 8 (5,3): 3-36)-26)+C; C= -62 yohta bat st oas-y- e240 Mathematics, surveying, and 40 November 2000 ‘Transportation Engineering as In @)]= 0.2027 Present worth of F = Present worth of annuity for 10 years F__ r00,000(1+0 mo 4 Fixed cost + Vi A 450,000 + (45 + f N= 2368.42 say lin Vaan 2x3 = 4.935 cu. units Bez aw No. of Accident rate x No. of entering vehicles 20 20 4N, N= vehicles Thon ong “Ni N= 892691 vehick In triangle OAC: tan 20=5/2 300-3 ORE = cos 7.162 = 162 mu Fe Pert =1,000,000 enon) P= pa95a,032.42. fe Mathematics, Surveying, and 42 November 2000 ‘Transportation Engineering er Actual error=0.02 + 25,000 = 500 mm = 0'm aga Sz 400 T5006 26:36 a S=1 em Aa 15(126.316)(0.03) = 1.895 m EL, B= 123,256 - 1.895 EL B.= 121361 m InEq. (1): 184m) =64 a@?-34q+64=0; a= 32and2 Dx+E 2 Set x= 2: @- 152) - 32) - 120) -14 = 0+ BG)EYE)+0+0 0-308; B= 3 mu = 100 #16. Velocity, = 4 = 100 -32.2¢= 100 32.2(2)= 35.6 fysee a Civil Engineering 43 Reference Vol. 2 as tan A= 4/5, A= 38.66" 4sinA-cosA _ 4sin38.66°—cos38.66° ee eee bar BeosA+sinA — 3c0538.66"+ sin38.65" 32 interior angles of the lot 180°(6 - 2) = 720° w= 720"/ 6=120" 0=25" O+a+p=180° = 180" -25°- 190° = 35" Bearing of FA =N 35° W Arm rs 1d = 729), 1=4.97em For a point whose polar coordinate is (r,8), x= rcos 8, y=rsin 6 X= 7cos 38° =5.52 y= 7 sin 38° =4.31 Rectangular coordinate of the point = (5.52, 4.31) = 20sin 60° = 17.32em ® 30) =1469313 cm? yy f Paso = 12.085 Pdraullcs and 46 November 2000 eotechniea! Engineering 15. Twoppe | and Dhaving te Tollowing properties are connected in series ‘Pipe l: Length = 1 ore Ds sbbmm f= 0.025 the required pipe diame ‘A O74 mm, B. 578mm 16, This occurs whenever the normal dec stmospheric temperature or 3 both with height changes anomalously Over a elatvely short C. temperature inversion D. surface heating . fatal materials B. potable water D. sewage Figures eg f = o i Figure 03 Figure 02 END Reference Vol. 2 47 Dynamic force, F= 2% y= © age ae om J2aHf orvt= 29H Dymamifoce= (4) 29H Dain aie tt Samming-op pressure head from A to Bin meters of water 24 +038) + 0-2) 5 In(0.84) + B-2) i Solving forthe velocity ofthe jet at the summit (highest point, A) =D Di= va cos 0 24,5 10605 60"=5 m/s cfeuenene © (ata = om fant +n? = +0? =5m/s Since the flow is continuous: | , Gonos pe e figure shown: pm (0.05)? (10) = Aa (6); An = 0.003927 mx? BF, + B= 35,000 ms BR= Bry an | BF, = 21,565.44 Tbs | 21,565.44 + BF; = 35,000 r BF,= 13434561 = eet gplalay ssf olan Creer ty BE: yw. Vo = 624 ((12)(12)H]= 13 434.56, Die MOO.” cake ABOgeaea LOO earl N= 1495 ft From the figure shown: as Q* G= O.- 0057875 @) Fim prAi=120 $ (0.4)2= 15.08 kN .0825(0025)(500)0; __ 0.0826(0.035)(400)05? Stee uae 035° oa = 1194 m/s = 0757905 72 In Eq (1): 0.7579 Qs + Qs = 0.05787 Wonk , 360080, 24 (Qs = 0.03292 m/s x eee (Qs = 2844286 Lit/day = 2 ei a6 1199); R= 15.26 KN 15.08 = 0.5(9.81) Say (LIMO) Ry= 15.26 kN 36), 19-3 Bt Bae ag 3+5 06(01x0a)E RP +R? = (15.26) +(05.26) in 132m R=2156kN bs a ef 50 November 2000 22-23 aesxs0pn)[ 14 1800) | YF, 723 ce elevation = 42+ Hi = 42.921 m A=4(15) + 3G)(L5) x2 A=105m R=A/P=105/10708 fata a ees qe = o (Pat - JARED ae on avs = som Hy = 9:0826(0.025)(1500)0" , 0.0826(0.020)(1200}07 Tre y Q G. (0.85)° (0.65)? ana = £*G0982) 6 sn) Ho = 24.066 ea G=189+189¢ _Gte nae SHE, 1894189e46 "i s 2i5g= est) PEROT ZOO” 2406608 eee D=0674 m= 674mm 2-048 : Porosity, n= =f Porosity, n= 2422 931 = 31% 1+045 52 November 2000 Sua Cormerectes (CIVIL ENGINEER Licensure Examination Sunday, November 19, 2000 ‘STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION SETA answer for each of te following questions ‘by sang the box coresponding to he letter Of your choie onthe anew rovided STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED, Use penitno. 2 only MULTIPLE CHOICE - A project has been bid out by the Department of Pubic Works and ert otimate (AA) is $00 milion pesos, The Mehow fi prices Nghe than th jowable government estimate (AGE) or the Approved Agency Estimate GAR) loc higher or lover fan 708 efthe AGE” The allowable fovemment emate ACE) defined a ane at ha sm fhe AE and average ofall responsive bids, For the purposes of determining en 203 ofthe AAE or lower than 3, Ps0.788,60.00 D, Paoas9200 2. Which ofthe alewing ost nearly gies the value of the approved jovernment estimate (AGE) in pesos, en ‘P482,262,700.00 C. P476,456,200.00 B. P01 455'90.00 , be 52,100.00 ee ae Civil Engineering 53 Reference Vol. 2 a cd 5. Which of the following most nearly gives the distbation lactor at B on member EC, in percent, Use the modified K. 439 C78 Bae si ig Which of the following most nealy gives the moment at B in KiloNewton- Meter. © mi) a3 es 80 D3 Situation 3 ~ For the frame shown in ANC15, the force F acting upward at C causes a horizontal reaction of 100 KN at C: lowing most nearly gives the valu: of the force F in KiloNewton’ A100 C135 B75 Dy 120 8. Which of the following most nearly gives the reaction at A in KiloNewton, A148 C. 156 3 ia bis 9. Which of the following most nearly gives the angle in degrees thatthe reaction at A makes wih the horizontal ns posits counterdcckwse) Cue Di oo lock resting on a smooth surfa in Figure ME-11, ‘The graph shown in the figure, 10. Which of the following most nearly gives the acceleration of the block ‘two seconds in meters per second per second, Aw CB B45 D. 32 11. Which of the following most nearly gives the velocity o* the block after five seconds in meters per second. An. 120 B. 102 D129 12, Which of the following most nearly gives the total distance travelled by the block in five seconds in meters shed horizontally by one versus te wal A. 385 420 B. 980 D. a3 angular concrete beam has a width of 300 mm and an of 500 mm. The beam ig simply supported over a span of carry a uniform dead load of 25 KN/m and a uniform ive load of 40 KN/m. Adsume f= 21 MPa and jy = 312 MPa. Compression reinforcement if necessary shell be placed ata depth 80 mim from the guemortconpremion cance PS : ich ofthe following most nearly gives the maximura tension steel area for singly reinforced condition ® es C. 3960 B20 D. 3780 54 Structural Engineering ‘and Construction November 2OOO Situation 6 - A ps v7. 20, jowing most nearly gives the required tension steel are B. 3750 Which of the following most nearly gives the required number of 25-mum tension bars AB co BT Dis beam is as shown in supported end causes a-unit rotation 1 most nearly gives the value of ‘applied at the joment M in ©. 700 D. 710 Which of the following most nearly gives the reaction at the simple support c.170 D155 lowing most nearly gives the moment at the fixed end in KiloNewton-Meter. ‘A. -300 . -350 B 330 Di. -380 7A project has beet ‘The approved a ssponsive bids are the Department of Public Works and. te (AE) is 500 million pesos. The Bidder C - PASA218557.98 Bidder D ~ P389,122/897-44 Bidder E ~ P284,758,426.54 ‘The implementing rules and regulations of P-D. 1554 states that no award of contract shall be made to a bidder whose bid price is higher than the allowable government estimate (AGE) or the Approved Agency Estimate (AAD), whichever =, of lower than 70% of the AGE. The allowable not be considered. No negotiation to the level of the AAE/AGE. ving most nearly gives the maximum bid price for the ©. 50,000,000 000, D. 650,000,000 Which of the following most nearly gives the minimum bid price for the . P300,000,000 . Paoo,000,000 55 ation 8A circular timber beam 250 millimetre in diameter is a simple mot 4m. The bounties a unlonaly stoned led ef BN] fading is own weigh The allowable teenes are 18 MPa for Sending td Ma for shear paniel fo grain Allowable deflerton is 170 of 8S span length. £ = 6000 MPa, Which of tho follwing most neatly gives the value of w 20 that the Allowable bending ste wil not be exteded lint Corwen the eeu fasion Gejucriscumhiong sooner AIG C2 Ba Dis 2. Which wing most nearly gives the value of w so that the hearing stress will not be exceeded. C150, a) D.190 2B. Which of the following most neasly gives the value of w so that the allowable deflection wilfnot be exceeded. aid C6 BS D2 Situation 9 - A simply supported steel beam 6 m long carries a uniform load of 92 KN/m and an axial compressive force of 320 KN. Tre properties of the Steel section is as follows: ‘Area, A= 14700 mm? Flange width, Flange thickness, y= 16 mun Overall depth, d= 390 mm Web thickness, y= 19 mm ‘According to Section 46.1 of the NSCP, for members subject to axial compression and bending, Li + Le es © O65, & {= computed aise, viel strength of tel = 248 MPa f ending stash rae bending atest = OC, role lowing ont neat ier he compte eal ess in he bem det ssa fore alone acing oh the bse, in epoca Az . cw i BF D.32 25. Which ofthe following most neal gives the computed bending stress in thebeam due to the unr lad los acting on the ben in Mego aa en Bee B75 27. Which ofthe following most nearly gives the value the interaction equation, A05 . fe C07 - Bod D. 06 i} if i 56 November 2000 Structural Engineering ‘and Construction Figures: 200 Figure AN-15 ot? Figure ME-34 END Civil Engineering 57 Reference Vol. 2 ee ———_—$— $$ 5 $— 5 << — $< Solutions to November 2000 Examination (E = P500,000,000.00, 120% of P500,000,000 = 600,000,000 60% oF P500,000,000 = 300,000,000 ‘Therefore, only bidders A, C, and D shall be considered as responsive bidders. Average of responsive bids: ‘Average = SS0:234A5158 + $54 218,557.98 + 989:122,897 4 3 Average = P464,525,302.47 AGE = 4AAE + Average of responsive ‘AGE = ¥6{500,000,000 + 464,525,302.47) 1 Situation 2 (410 6) Modified Kan = 26/4) = 1.5 Kec= 12/4=3 /6 = 2 nd Ken = 28/4) = 15 2000 saceonsraction | Referentetyon 3 59 @ Situation 4 (10 10 12) 58 Novem F200" asm a= aomie Acceleration tins degen Veloty-tie tram ‘The given graph is that of Fores (P) versus time, But since acceleration (@) = Force / Mass, the acceleration-time diagram can easily be constructed as shown above, The area under the represents the chang starts from rest, the jeration-time carve between any two points locity between the points. Since the block Ray= 100 KN Ey=0 Ray" F=120 KN Distance traveled: Se Art Art Ast AL 5 = '4(2)(80) +80(2) + (2/3)(2)(120 - 80)+ 1200) 8413.33 m B= 180° +6 = 230.19 ber of 25mm bars = 37455. _ Bey 0.85(21 312. 7.63 say Seructural Engineering ‘and Construction Civil Engineering 61 = 500; R = 166.67 kN (67) = 666.67 KN-m GR = 666.67 ~ 6(166.67) =-833.3 kN-m. ‘Maximum bid price ~ 120% of PS00,000,000 = P600,000,000 ‘Minimum bid price = 60% of P500,000,000 = 300,000,000 Therefore, only bidders A, C, and D shall be considered ae responsive bidders Average of responsive hide: ‘Average = £50.234,451,98 + 54,218,567.98 + 389,122,89744 3 Average = P464,525,902.47 AGE = Y{AAR + Average of responsive bids) AGE 000,000 + 464,525, 302.47) = Pag, 262,651.23 70% pf AGE = P337,583,855.86 Accor to the rules and regulation, no award of contract shall be made to a bidder whose bid price is higher than either the AAE or AGE, (P900,000,000) or winose bid is lower than 70% of AGE (P337,583,855.86) ‘Among the responsive bidders, the cant be made to bidder A. It ‘may etther be awarded to bidders C or D, and among the two, Bidder D is more desi ©) Situation 8 (22 to 24) Bendit ‘Equivalent square section: (b= d= x) $250); = 221.6 mm 5M 221 6221.6) (646,041,088 N-mm = 32,645 kN-m 18 = 32.646; w = 16.82 kN/m

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