Bullfighting An Acceptable Sport in The

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Is bullfighting an acceptable sport in the

Yes, bullfighting is fine inmodern
day? It's purely torture for
world that sells millions of
entertainment. If you read any
pounds of hamburger. It strikes
article about bullfighting, you will see
me that people don't really have a
that the animals are tormented and
problem with cruelty to animals;
tortured for at least 15 minutes until
they just don't want to see it.
they finally die. The bulls only charge
Anyone that enjoys a nice juicy
the matador because they are in
steak certainly has no right to
pain! Horses are also killed in these
protest bullfighting. It is a long
bullfights. No matter what you want
tradition in Spanish culture, and
to classify it as, art, sport, etc, it is
unless a person is a true-blue, died
pure cruelty and torture of an animal
in the wool vegetarian they have no
that has no defense. These bulls are
right to judge the sport.
living free range until they enter that
ring and are stabbed and tortured
continuously until they die.
Bulls in jeopardy? If bullfighting
were to be banned completely then
it would cause a lot of people to be
distraught and agitated.
Unemployment is a big problem in
Spain and banning bullfighting will
greatly increase the amount of
unemployment. Families would be
poorer as bullfighting gets people
good money and it would affect the
amount of tourism and therefore
the growth of Spains economy.

I believe bullfighting is an
acceptable sport, because all
sports have risks. Bullfighting is
an acceptable modern day sport.
All sports have risks. People are
always getting injured in other
sports such as football, tennis,
baseball and basketball. Rodeos are
just as deadly as bullfighting, and
yet we continue to praise and go to

How is it acceptable? Just because

people eat meat does not mean that
it is ok to say bullfighting is
acceptable. When slaughtering
animals, they are killed as quickly
and painlessly as possible. They are
not abused days before the fight
takes place. Furthermore, it is
irrelevant whether there are risks
involved for the matador as it is
certain that the bull will die, that is
the object of the sport. How this can
be acceptable is mindboggling.
Surely we are past animal cruelty?

Bull fighting should be banned. It

is not fair to the animal. How would
you like to be used and abused for a
sport like this? You would never see a
sport resulting in death, ever come
across a pair of humans that means


1--Read the handout as a warming up exercise and

explain new vocabulary.
2--Divide the class in two groups. They write arguments
For and Against bullfighting. Provide any new vocabulary.
3--Students take it in turns to speak in front of the class
and defend their arguments supporting their ideas and
giving some examples.
4Survey the whole class to find out who was stronger in
the debate and who has won: For or Against.

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