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First months summary:

The table illustrates the income and expenditure of Zsars family as

well as the percentage of health. In the first month, although the total
income was $269.6, only $52.64 could be saved since family expenditures
were relatively high, costing -$216.96. The main source of income was
mostly relied on Chinny, Pleumy, and Johnny since they worked 28 days
intensively to gain $50.4. This is also similar to Roza and Monaliza, who
were working abroad as same as Johnny and Pleumy, but they could earn
$39.9 per each. Unlike Chinny, Bada and Salsa worked only 20 days,
making only $40 in total to support familys expenditures. It can be seen
that those who worked abroad could save the exact same amount of
earning compared to other members. However, familys expenditures
were quite high in this month. In the family, two children, Peemy and
Jaguary, were students and unemployed, requiring $67.2. Every member,
except who lived in another country, had to pay for the basic needs such
as wood, water, shelter, and food, medical, sanitary and brides. Regarding
to the health, working hard and taking all responsibility like father could
affect the health. On the table, his health which was only 55% was the
lowest among the familys members, while he was acquired to pay higher
tax with respect to his earning.

Second months summary:

In the subsequent month, fortunately, there was no disaster at all,
so everyone was still able to work efficiently like the initial month but
there were only few changes. Comparing this to the previous month, the
income and saving were totally rising simultaneously because the total
expenses were not that high. The family expected to this because if they
had the emergency, then they would usefully use the saving money. The
income increased from $269.6 to $279.6, saving grew from $52.64 to
$156.78, and the total expenses reduced from $216.96 to $175.46.
Therefore, these big changes proved that there must be something.
Everyones health quality except the people who study abroad largely
decreased since the shelter that they usually use was quite bad as they
paid to it less than usual. Correspondingly, all the young children did not
go school so there would be no payment of education which would partly
save a small amount of money. To have better health, good food is
included as well but in this case, the family paid less money than the last
month, therefore it would negatively affect towards their health. Lastly,

the average of the working days was higher which means that everyone
works harder rather than resting.

Third months summary:

Coincidentally, in the third month of this poor family, no one was
sick or any calamity in that area, so they still could function powerfully.
There were one good thing and one bad thing occurred in the third month.
For the positive side, the consequence of income increased and the saving
was approximately $379.5 which was twice of the second month since the
expenditures were massively lower, cost $62.84. This case is almost
parallel to the previous month but more intensive as they gained more.
All young children also began to work 28 days instead of 20 days which
mean that they did not go to school in this month. In the opposite side,
even though this family made a lot of saving and everyone worked more
days, their health was lower plus everyones health was back to 0%. They
did not pay such as shelter, medical, sanitary, clean water, and something
for their health to be better. The familys propose was to receive a very
high saving as in the next, two or three month, Kampot would perhaps
have some disasters and a part of their members might be forced to be
slaves especially for the people who study and work abroad. Hence, this
great foresight will help the family to be safe in the future.

Fourth months summary:

In this month, the family would begin caring about health as
eventually; the disaster hit Kampot province. This caused the father to be
sick and decreased the 40% of his income due to the expense of
medication. The saving was only $65.825 which was not high as the
income in this month also decreased matching to the previous month. The
expenditures were very high for example, the family had to spend higher
in shelter, food, medication, and water to heal father back like usual. The
shelter and food were the highest expenses from the table. At the same
time, no one else was sick excluding him so all the members were well
functioned in this month. The foundation of money still mainly came
from 18-year-old boys and girls even though the father did not include
much and did not contribute lots from saving. Luckily, all the children
who study abroad were still not forced to be slaves and the young

children did not go to school. This means that there was no payment in
education. This month proved that the high saving from the third month
was quite beneficial since the family would able to get solutions once
they faced to some problems or calamity.

Fifth months summary

In this month, every Zsars family members in the country decided that
after a long time of not seeing their sons namely Johny, Pluemy, Roza and
Monaliza that went abroad to find a lot of money to help the family and worked
hardly for 4 months, they want to meet them again. They want to celebrate for
surviving the past four month by staying together as a family for half of month
5. In this whole month, we focuses on health, happiness and comfortability.
So the expenditures in this month will be very high due to the best option for
everythings while just little income is flowing in. Still, we have a lots of savings
from 4 previous months, so we are prepared in case of emergency.
Last months summary ( month 6 ):
Fortunately, there was no disaster and this month was quite dissimilar from the
previous months. The saving and income were going down meanwhile, the total
expenses were super high unbelievably which never has approached this high
before, pricing $340. The reason of high expenditures is that initially, the
parents decided to send their children back from having seeing each other for a
very long time. In addition, they spent lots of money on special fees such as
shelter, fresh water, and medication and worked 14 days rather than 28 days but
this affected positively to healths quality of each member in the family.
Although this month, no one worked hard to maintain or increase the family
income, a good things that they received was cheerfulness. Everyone was able
to have a great time a family before going to work hard again in the future
especially for the people who have to go abroad. Happiness with family must
always be the most valuable thing ever. Lastly, however they spent a lot on this
month; they still have some saving left to be used in emergency situation.

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