Test 2 - MSK

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Exercise 1

Question 1
What walking aid would you recommend for the following patients?

Male patient age 77, osteoarthritis in his right hip, full weigh
poor balance, no history of falls, reduced confidence
..............A: - I would recommend and wheeled zimmer frame.

Male patient 19, left ankle sprain, partial weight bearing, no pain,
2 weeks after injury
...............A: - I would recommend 2 elbow crutches.

Exercise 2
Question 1
What would you advise the care staff if you notice the following:

One of the carers transfers the patient from bed to chair using a
walking frame and verbal promoting. The patient is unsteady on
his feet and says that does not feel safe with one member of staff
while being transferred. Would you recommend the assistance of
2 for the transfer from bed to chair?
Would you prescribe another walking aid?
.............A: - I would recommend the care staff to use an wheeled
zimmer frame, mabe ill review at one point to see if patient feels
more confident, if not I would recommend wheeled zimmer frame
and 2 member of staff, but first ill try and see if patient is happy
with just one member of staff and wheeled zimmer frame.

Exercise 3
Question 1
What would be the possible diagnosis if you find that the following tests
are positive:
positive Varus Stress Test
....A : - positive presence of pain indicate an injury of lateral collateral

positive Maines Test

positive Thompsons Test
.....A: - done when achilian tendon rupture suspicion, therefore if positive
there is a achilian tendone rupture.
positive McConnells Test
........A: indicate sign of patella femoral pathology is present
positive McMurrays Test
......A: positive sign indicate a meniscus injury.
Exercise 4
Questions 1 What exercises would you recommend for?

Reduced eversion in right ankle

A: - thera band strengthening exercises;

30 degree flexion in right knee

A: - passive knee exercises

10 degree Dorsiflexion left ankle

A: - passive ankle strengthening exercises; thera band exercises;
aquatting and hold exercises.

Exercise 5
Question 1
What methods would you use to:

Reduce swelling in right ankle (3 days after ankle sprain?)

A: - compression wraps and ice therapy;

Reduce left upper trapezius tenderness

A: - strengthening exercises for upper trapezius;

Reduce pain in left knee (elderly patient with osteoarthritis)

A: - knee stretching and knee strengthening exercises;

Reduce stiffness in C1-C2

A: - stretching, mobilisations;

Increase limited active rotation to the right (neck)

A: - stretching exercises for neck

Exercise 6
Question 1
You have identified the following risk on assessment by three patients.
Would the following be classified as Ref Flag and why?
- Patient 1 has a major trauma - a road accident 5 weeks ago
A: - red flag might be a spinal fracture due to rta

Patient 2 has a significant muscle weakness and wasting lower

A: - can be a sign of permanent damage of the compressed

Patient 3 has a loss of tendon reflexes.

A: - can be a sign of permanent damage of compressed nerve or
an nervous system damage.

Exercise 7
Please find below an assessment for B. She is a frail, elderly lady in a
rehab unit following a fall at home. She is tired an unfamiliar with the new
environment. The care staff awaits your instructions in relation to transfer.
It is highly unlikely that this patient will go through the full assessment.
Question 1
What would you do before assessment?
A: - before assessment I would ask for consent for assessment and
Question 2
What would you check and assess?
A: - I would check: mobility, bed transfers, bed to chair chair to bed
transfers/ with WZF; I would asses muscle strength in UL and LL.
Question 3
What would you not assess?
A: - I would not asses: tone, sensation, proprioception and coordination

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