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Guide to write a personal experience on

conducting a workshop
13th September 2015 was a remarkable day for me because this is the day where I
volunteered myself to be one of the facilitator to conduct the C3G workshop for
EWRF Tanjung Malim branch. This C3G workshop was conducted for 150 CSI
students. The ultimate goal of this workshop was to assist the students in developing
an action plan to design their dreams and construct their future by setting goals in
their chosen careers. C3G, a career planning workshop is another vital project
conducted by EWRF last year.
Mrs.Yasotha and I were the facilitators who took the responsibility of
conducting this one day workshop for the CSI students. Priya, one of the students
who participated in this productive workshop expressed her utmost gratitude to
EWRF team for creating a great platform for her and her friends that helped them on
their career choices and for them to look for available options according to their
interests and personalities. Besides that, Mr Govindasamy, The President of EWRF
Tanjung Malim branch confided that more workshops ought to be conducted in the
near future for the benefit of CSI students. In a nutshell, I believe that this C3G
workshop has provided the students with an opportunity to embrace their
interpersonal skills and taught them to seize the moment and chances, as the saying
goes strike the iron while its hot. Most of the students expressed their satisfaction
by giving positive feedback.
Being as a volunteer cum facilitator, it was really challenging to deal with a big
segment of students who appeared disinterested, but somehow we managed to
attract their attention by the different activities that could draw their attention.
Personally, I felt really happy for being a part of this workshop as this was a
wonderful experience of handling students in guiding them for a better future.

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