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DNA MONTHLY June 2005 Page 1 of 10

your FREE online resource for cutting-edge news about who you truly are

June 2005 (special inaugural issue)

BREAKING NEWS: The cutting edge just returned to center!

Galactic Center, that is. In the ancient world, from the Mayans to the Egyptians, the center of
the Milky Way Galaxy was considered the womb or Source of life. It appears from many
pieces of compelling evidence that both these cultures not only understood that Galactic
Center is a massive black hole, but that this puzzling region that transcends (or creates)
space-time actually emits radio and light frequencies for creating life ... in the form of DNA!

The latest Russian research in "wave-genetics" calls this energy that gives rise to DNA
"torsion radiation" because of its twisting shape that recalls the DNA molecule. This
fascinating new research describes torsion radiation as a form of nonlocal consciousness
emanating from Galactic Center that gives rise to an extraordinarily complex holograph: the
Universe. This includes humans.

For decades, it was assumed in mainstream science circles that black holes swallow
everything that approaches them, even light. No longer. Recently, physicist Stephen
Hawking performed a radical about-face when he was quoted in the news as saying that
black holes may indeed "leak information." If we understand information to include radio and
light codes such as those for creating life via DNA, then we must admit that the ancients
were right all along about Galactic Center.

Interestingly, the constellation Ophiuchus, which sits almost directly on top of Galactic
Center, is known as the "Serpent Bearer" and is shown holding a pair of entwined serpents
somewhat resembling a caduceus or ... the twin helixes of DNA!


1. "When Letters Are More Than Letters: The Hidden Code of the Hebrew
Language" (excerpt), by Gregg Braden

2. "The Pirates' Position on DNA" (excerpt), by Leonard Horowitz

3. "The Art & Science of the Regenetics Method," by Sol Luckman

Also, Also ... DNA-related Definition of the Month & Did You Know? 26-6-2010
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1. When Letters Are More Than Letters: The Hidden Code of the Hebrew

Gregg Braden

[The following excerpt is taken from Chapter 5 of The God Code: The Secret of Our Past, the
Promise of Our Future (Hay House, 2004) by Gregg Braden. Permission to reprint from Gregg
Braden and Hay House. Editor's note: The God Code is a fascinating exploration of the symbolic
language of DNA as translated into ancient Hebrew. The excerpt below describes the author's first
encounter with the Dead Sea Scrolls that sowed the seeds for his revelation that the ancient Hebrew
name for God, YHVH (the Tetragrammaton), is actually code for the four nucleotides of DNA based
on DNA's chemical composition of nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen and carbon.]

As the taxi rolled to a stop in front of the museum, lines of people were already bulging
beyond the entrance, spilling down tiers of concrete steps into the drizzle of a spring storm.
Earlier in the afternoon, I had completed an interview with a writer from one of the national
news services that included a lengthy discussion of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

"The Scrolls are here in town!" she had exclaimed following the interview. "At the Chicago
Field Museum."

"Really?!" I replied. "How far is the museum from where we are right now?"

"With traffic, maybe 15 minutes by taxi," she answered.

"Although I have seen the Coptic manuscripts in Egypt and studied the words of the scrolls
extensively, I have never seen the actual Dead Sea Scrolls! I would love to see them," I
said. "Maybe we should have a field trip."

That was all it took. In a matter of minutes, we were in a cab and off to the museum.

As we stepped from the taxi into the icy wind, I pointed to the lines of people.

"Are they all here to see the scrolls?" I asked.

"Some are," she replied, "but many are probably here to see Sue." It just happened that the
time we chose for our visit to the scrolls was also the opening of the exhibit for the most
complete remains of a Tyrannosaurus rex discovered to date, nicknamed "Sue." Both were
in the same museum, only a few hundred feet apart! Approaching the ticket booth, our
suspicions were confirmed with the bulk of the lines heading in Sue's direction. To the side
of the main hall, smaller groups were forming that would be allowed access to the scrolls in
timed intervals for crowd control. We were there just in time for the last group of the day!

Weaving our way through the specially designed exhibit, I could feel my anticipation 26-6-2010
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building, as well as the excitement of those around me. As we entered the room, I heard
gasps of awe from others around us. To minimize the harmful effects of the heat from the
lights, the bulbs illuminating each scroll fragment were on timers that brightened and
dimmed every few moments. Each case housing one of the delicate fragments was set on a
different timer, creating an eerie effect, as portions of the room alternated from light to dark.
Immediately, I was drawn to a small grayish parchment in a freestanding case near the
center of the room. As I stood in front of the fragment--part of the ancient Book of Enoch--I
noticed a wave of warmth that flooded my body as I realized the full magnitude of what I was

There, on a tattered patch of animal hide, were the letters of a message created by the hand
of another human over two millennia ago! Nearly 200 years before Jesus walked the earth,
an unknown scribe had taken the time to record words of wisdom that were already ancient
when they were written. The flecks of black ink forming each of the perfectly proportioned
letters still clung to the parchment’s surface, precisely the way that hand had applied them
so long ago.

For a split second, the centuries separating us dissolved. Through the mystery of the letters,
now only inches from my face, the forgotten scribe had defied the limits of time. In that brief
moment, I understood language in a way that I had not before, and have not since. Beyond
a logical knowing, I could actually feel the symbols bridging the past and the present,
through the power of the Hebrew letters.

For over three millennia, the letters of the Hebrew alphabet have held a unique place in the
study of sacred languages. While other ancient forms of writing such as Egyptian
hieroglyphics and Sumerian cuneiform are thousands of years older, they are no longer
used today. It is entirely possible that in our modern interpretations of such languages,
though we generally understand them, we may have missed subtleties that can be known
only in their use. This is not the case with the Hebrew alphabet--it has been used
continuously for 3,000 years, and perhaps longer.

While changes in the meaning and use of some letters have occurred during that time, we
know with certainty that the alphabet has remained the same for at least the last 1,000
years. One of the oldest versions of the complete Old Testament written in Hebrew, the
Leningrad Codex, was written in 1,008 C.E. When this manuscript is compared to modern
versions of the same Bible, the texts match identically--letter for letter! Due to the length of
time that the language has been in use and the stability of its alphabet, when we translate
the words of an ancient Hebrew document, we may feel confident that we know precisely
what the author intended to convey when the words were recorded thousands of years ago.

Even those who do not read Hebrew say that they feel a sense of holiness, awe, and 26-6-2010
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mystery in the presence of its letters. Although many languages have hidden number values
associated with each letter of their alphabet, perhaps none of these number systems has
been documented as extensively and applied as frequently as ancient Hebrew.

Attributing tremendous power to the forces of the Hebrew alphabet, the Sepher Yetzirah
states that it is from the letters themselves that God “depicted all that was formed and all
that would be formed.” Historically, scholars have viewed this statement as a metaphor
symbolizing the power of God as the source of creation. As we explored in the previous
chapter, the correlations between the chemical elements and the most ancient, continuously
used language known in existence offer a powerful new perspective on this statement, and
perhaps on the origins of life itself. In its completeness, the encoded text describes precisely
how and by whom (what force) our species came into existence.

Copyright (c) 2004 by Gregg Braden. All Rights Reserved.

[Gregg Braden is a New York Times bestselling author and has been a featured guest for international
conferences and media specials exploring the role of spirituality in technology. A former Senior Computer
Systems Designer (Martin Marietta Aerospace), Computer geologist (Phillips Petroleum) and Technical
Operations Supervisor (Cisco Systems), Braden is now considered a leading authority on bridging the wisdom
of our past with the technology and peace of our future. For more information click here.]

DNA-related Definition of the Month

Potential DNA: phrase coined by the developers of the Regenetics Method to replace "junk"
DNA to denote the transformational potential that awaits activation in the human genome.
Potential DNA interfaces with the "life-wave" of torsion energy emanating from Galactic
Center responsible for giving rise to a particular physical form through RNA transcription of
DNA codes. This occurs as Potential DNA's transposons ("jumping" DNA) are intelligently
stimulated to rewrite or reprogram the genetic code.

2. The Pirates' Position on DNA

Leonard Horowitz
[The following excerpt is taken from Chapter 4 of DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral (Tetrahedron
Publishing Group, 2004) by Leonard Horowitz. Permission to reprint from Leonard Horowitz and
Tetrahedron. Editor's note: The first half of this chapter is a fascinating recap of information from
two of the author's earlier books that "blew the whistle" on the disinformation practices of the
medical-pharmaceutical-genetics cartel Horowitz calls the "Pirates." DNA: Pirates of the Sacred
Spiral further establishes that the official way of looking at DNA (the Pirates' position) as merely a
biochemical protein-assembly code is simply wrong--and by all indications, intentionally so. "If you
knew a treasure was buried close by, but pirates held the only map to it, you could hardly expect
them to simply hand the secret intelligence over to you," writes Horowitz. "They would most likely do
whatever possible to keep the treasure's value secret and precise whereabouts hidden. Indeed, this
treasure--DNA--holds the power over life and death. Those who have controlled it have gained great
wealth and power, and the pirates are currently in a position of stealth strength." We pick up where
Horowitz has just finished discussing the Pirates' various eugenics policies and practices.] 26-6-2010
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What is DNA?

"Somehow, every point in the structure of nucleic acids was reached with great difficulty by
the paths of error and controversy," stated Phoebus A.T. Levene, among the earliest
geneticists at Rockefeller Labs, in the opening text of [their] website.

The [website] tour moves to explain that "DNA is a complex molecule containing life's
instructions. Today DNA is a household word. The daily news is filled with stories about
DNA profiling, DNA testing for inherited diseases and the development of gene therapy,
genetically modified foods, and the biotechnology industry. Fifty years ago scientists worked
out the chemical structure of the DNA molecule: one of the most important scientific
discoveries of the 20th century. But one hundred years ago, chemists were just beginning to
isolate and analyze the molecules that lie within the nuclei of cells.

Chemical Definitions and DNA Structure [Editor's note: the official story]

DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. Phoebus A.T. Levene examined how DNA's four
nucleotide components are linked together. This work was completed much later by James
Watson and Francis Crick at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, England. Using X-ray
crystallography, they showed that DNA is shaped like a twisted ladder. Alternating
sequences of DNA's building blocks, they noted, were strung together in a double helix.
These blocks were named nucleotides. They consist of a deoxyribose sugar, a phosphate
group, and one of four nitrogen bases--adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G), and cytosine
(C). Phosphates and sugars of adjacent nucleotides link to form the long DNA crystal
polymer. Experiments showed that the ratios of A-to-T and G-to-C in DNA are constant
throughout life.

The alternating deoxyribose and phosphate molecules form the twisted uprights of the DNA
latter. Complementary pairs of nitrogen bases form the rungs of the ladder whereby A is
always paired with T and G always paired with C.

Due to the "obligatory pairing of adenine-to-thymine and guanine-to-cytosine, Watson and

Crick proposed that one half of the DNA ladder serves as a template for recreating the other
half during DNA replication. By 1958, two lines of evidence came together to provide proof
of this hypothesis. First, an enzyme was discovered--DNA polymerase--that adds
complementary nucleotides to the template provided by a half DNA molecule.

"Second, an ingenious experiment used nitrogen isotopes to follow the construction of new
DNA molecules during successive generations of bacteria. This showed that one strand of
each DNA molecule is passed along unchanged to each of two daughter cells. This
'conserved' strand acts as the template for DNA polymerase to synthesize a second
complementary strand, which completes each new DNA molecule.

"DNA is found mostly in the cell nucleus, but another type of nucleic acid, RNA, is common
in the cytoplasm. Watson and Crick proposed that RNA must copy the DNA message in the
nucleus and carry it out to the cytoplasm where, at a subcellular organelle called the
ribosome, proteins are made based on the code. Crick also predicted the existence of an
'adaptor' molecule that reads the genetic code and selects the appropriate amino acids to
add to growing protein polypeptide chains.

Later it was learned, "several types of RNA are involved in the utilization of genetic
information. In the nucleus, the DNA code is 'transcribed,' or copied, into a messenger RNA
(mRNA) molecule. In the cytoplasm, the mRNA code is 'translated' into amino acids.
Translation is orchestrated at the ribosome--itself partly composed of RNA--with transfer
RNA (tRNA) playing the role of adaptor. 26-6-2010
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"The genetic code had to be a 'language'--using the DNA alphabet of A,T,C, and G--that
produced enough DNA 'words' to specify each of the 20 known amino acids. Simple math
showed that only 16 words are possible from a two-letter combination, but a three-letter
code produces 64 possible words. Operating on the principle that the simplest solution is
often correct, researchers assumed a three-letter code called a codon.

"Research teams at the University of British Columbia and the National Institutes of Health
laboriously synthesized different RNA molecules, each a long strand composed of a single
repeated codon. Then, each type of synthetic RNA was added to a cell-free translation
system containing ribosomes, transfer RNAs, and amino acids. As predicted, each type of
synthetic RNA produced a polypeptide chain composed of repeated units of a single amino
acid. Several codons are 'stop' signals and many amino acids are specified by several
different codons, accounting for all 64 three-letter combinations ... The triplet genetic code
further refined the definition of a gene as a discrete sequence of DNA encoding a protein--
beginning with a 'start' codon and ending with a 'stop' codon."

DNALC (DNA Learning Center) Rebuttal

From here, further physical explanations of DNA-to-RNA-to-protein synthesis become highly

technical and confusing, and downright contradictory. If simplicity is the litmus test, there is
obviously something very wrong or missing in this Cartesian method of regenerating life.
Take for instance the following DNALC explanation of RNA-messaging inconsistencies:

"Dogma and logic dictated that the mRNA code is a faithful representation of the DNA from
which it is transcribed. This exact correspondence between mRNA sequence and DNA
sequence was generally upheld in experiments with bacterial cells (prokaryotes). However,
inconsistencies surfaced as recombinant-DNA techniques allowed researchers to explore
the genes of higher cells (eukaryotes). Then, it was found that mRNA transcripts appeared
to be shorter than their corresponding genes. This difference became obvious in electron
micrographs of mRNA bound to its complementary DNA template--where regions of DNA
without corresponding mRNA form loops.

"In fact, the protein coding information in genes is interrupted by non-coding sequences
called introns, which results in 'split genes.'" The entire DNA code is faithfully transcribed
into a temporary form of RNA (pre-mRNA), but this is edited in the nucleus to yield a mature
mRNA. The process of RNA splicing involves removing non-coding regions, nucleic acid,
and splicing together adjacent coding regions, exons."

All of this may, however, be an artifact of the recombinant-DNA techniques employed. More
importantly, the mechanistic model of genetics expressed above by the DNALC has become
largely, if not entirely, undermined by recent advances in water science, electrochemistry,
nanotechnology, and the physics of bioelectric phenomena.

For this reason, we now turn our interest to the control of genes from outside of cells, that is,
from the environment, including from potentially Divine sources. In contrast to the DNALC,
we will primarily focus on the electromagnetic matrix of universal, and/or spiritual, energy
discussed in previous chapters. Alternatively, we recognize that modern mainstream DNA
evangelists have heavily invested in hormones and neurohumors (blood chemicals) to
explain genetic regulation of growth and development. They barely allude to, likely for fear of
embarrassment, natural energy as a far more rational and holistic approach to
understanding life's physical manifestation and underlying science of creationism. Cellular
up-regulation occurs from the energetically empowered Sacred Spiral. You will now learn
about this bioacoustic and electromagnetic creationistic system beginning at the level of
your DNA. 26-6-2010
DNA MONTHLY June 2005 Page 7 of 10

Copyright (c) 2004 by Leonard Horowitz. All Rights Reserved.

[Leonard Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., is an internationally known authority in public health and emerging
diseases. He has appeared repeatedly as a newsmaker and health expert on every major television and radio
network in America and Canada, as well as the BBC. In 1999 he received "Author of the Year Award" by the
World Natural Health Organization. In 1999, he wrote Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, a landmark
publication that revealed sacred Bible codes intimately involved with the music of creation, destruction and
miracles--including miraculous healings. For more information click here.]

Did you know . . . in biology circles more and more attention is now being paid to a system
known as "biophoton light communication" that appears essential to many regulatory
processes in living organisms? The cellular hologram equivalent of the nervous system, this
sophisticated communication network that operates via DNA and employs light for data
transfer is much faster than the nervous system and may be considered a parallel-
processing quantum bio-computer allowing for an unmediated electromagnetic interface with
the individual's environment.

3. The Art & Science of the Regenetics Method

Sol Luckman

Viewed from the perspective of spirit, cosmologically in light of a hypothetical Big Bang, or
through the scientific lens of E=MC2, the statement that everything is energy transcends the
empirical domain of fact and approaches the metaphysical realm of Truth.

This even involves human physiology. The outmoded view of the body as a machine that
may use energy but is somehow distinguishable from it is fast giving way to undeniable
evidence that we, too, are conscious energy. This growing awareness of humans as energy
beings is not merely occurring on the metaphysical fringes; it is happening at the heart of
materialism: science.

Enlightened individuals have known for eons that spirit precedes matter, not the other way
around, and that energy (often called consciousness) is reality's fundamental building block.
Lately, physics has begun to arrive at the same conclusion. The holographic model
interprets the so-called physical universe as a product of intersecting electromagnetic
frequencies that energetically project the illusions we call the world ... and ourselves!

The notion that humans possess a detectable bioenergy field, sometimes termed the aura,
is indisputable. In their book Future Science, John White and Stanley Krippner point out that
nearly a hundred different cultures refer to the aura with nearly a hundred different names.
The aura appears as a halo around Christian saints in sacred texts; Kirlian photography has
captured the aura for decades; and recently, Dr. Valerie Hunt, UCLA professor and author of
Infinite Mind: Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness, has even measured the
human aura with an EEG machine.

Early in the 20th Century, it was theorized that the aura is composed of electromagnetic
gradations, called auric fields, and that each of these fields governs distinct aspects of
human anatomy, psychology, and spirituality. This idea, filtered through the work of
radionics pioneer Dr. David Tansley, was my personal starting point on a self-healing
odyssey that grew out of the field of energy clearing based on Dr. Devi Nambudripad's
Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET). 26-6-2010
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After nearly eight years of chronic fatigue and debilitating allergies, having for some time
made my living offering energy clearing but having failed to cure my own illness, I was
intuitively guided to the idea that the auric fields, far from esoteric curiosities, represent an
individual's bioenergy blueprint that can be "reset" like a blown fuse. Eventually, as I
explored the relationship between the electromagnetic fields and our genetic alphabet, DNA,
I turned my simile into a metaphor and started giving public lectures on "textual healing" and
"rewriting" the body's "ener-genetic" script.

Using kinesiology (muscle testing) on our clients, my partner Leigh and I performed literally
thousands of tests to determine which elements (physical, emotional, etc.) belong to which
electromagnetic fields. Our theory was that the bioenergy fields, when properly "mapped,"
would reveal themselves as "ecosystems" where a number of related energetic factors work
either harmoniously to create vitality or disharmoniously to produce illness. Now all we had
to do was find a way to reset or rewrite a damaged electromagnetic blueprint.

Enter DNA. According to bestselling author Gregg Braden in The God Code, the ancient
Hebrew four-letter name for God is actually code for DNA based on the latter's chemical
composition. "Applying this discovery to the language of life," writes Braden, "the familiar
elements of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon that form our DNA may now be
replaced with key letters ... In so doing, the code of life is transformed into the words of a
timeless message [that] reads: 'God/Eternal within the body.'"

Such revelations, to say nothing of the relative infancy of molecular biology, suggest
genetics has a long way to go to fully understand DNA. The traditional explanation of DNA is
that it is a biochemical recipe for creating proteins--thus cells, tissues and organs. This is
tantamount to saying humans (and all other living creatures based on DNA) are merely
biochemical--i.e., physical--creations. Where does this leave the idea that everything is
energy, or that energy and matter are at least interchangeable as Einstein proved?

Something is not quite right with the classic theory of DNA. Fortunately, some are beginning
to rethink this tired rhetoric. For starters, it has been asked, what do we make of the fact that
over 90% of our DNA is so apparently useless mainstream science has dubbed it "junk"? It
is strange indeed that in a world displaying the astonishing precision we witness at the
macro-level of galactic movements, the micro-world of genetics would involve such sloppy

Could there be a purpose to "junk" DNA? Could it have hidden potential awaiting activation?
Could it somehow relate to the 90% of our brains that goes unused?

Such questions have led a vanguard of scientists to revisit the dominant genetics paradigm
that insists DNA is merely a biochemical protein-assembly line. In the words of Dr. John
Mattick, director of the Institute for Molecular Bioscience at the University of Brisbane,
quoted in a recent issue of Scientific American, the failure to recognize the importance of
"junk" DNA "may well go down as one of the biggest mistakes in the history of molecular

In the 1990s Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Peter Gariaev teamed linguists
and geneticists in an exploration of the electromagnetic behavior of DNA. Dr. Gariaev
concluded that chromosomes "function just like holographic computers using DNA's own
laser radiation." Russian linguists found that the genetic code follows the same basic rules
of "syntax" and "usage" as human languages, indicating that the latter did not appear
randomly but reflect our shared genetic structure.

One revolutionary corollary of the Gariaev group's research is that, to rewrite and heal 26-6-2010
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damaged DNA, one can simply use words. While Western researchers clumsily cut and
splice genes, Gariaev and his team invented sophisticated devices to influence cellular
metabolism through radio and light waves keyed to human language frequencies. This
approach has been called "wave-genetics" and represents the exciting confluence of energy
medicine and molecular biology where the impossible of yesterday becomes the probable of

Employing this groundbreaking method, Gariaev's team proved that chromosomes damaged
by X-rays, for instance, can be repaired noninvasively. This was accomplished by simply
applying vibration and language--in effect, words--to DNA. Gariaev has even suggested the
same effects can be achieved by healers without machines.

Finally, I had found the electromagnetic blueprint reset mechanism I was seeking.

In the words of Iona Miller and Richard Miller, longtime genetics researchers and authors of
an article published in Nexus based partly on Gariaev's work entitled "From Helix to
Hologram," "Life is fundamentally electromagnetic rather than chemical, the DNA blueprint
functioning as a biohologram which serves as a guiding matrix for organizing physical form."
The revolutionary implication for genetic science is that DNA can be activated through sound
and intention (words) to rewrite the human electromagnetic fields, which, as "authors" of
biology, are capable of "revising" the human organism.

Leigh and I used these concepts to develop a three-part DNA activation technique we call
the Regenetics Method. In addition to many other benefits, this method healed my nearly
decade-long chronic illness and took care of Leigh's asthma, cat allergies, and
environmental sensitivities.

Part of an emerging paradigm that phenomenally expands the scope and effectiveness of
energy medicine, the Regenetics Method, and modalities based on similar principals, is
transforming healing, proving inside the human body Einstein's universal principal that
energy is real.

Copyright (c) 2005 by Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.

[Sol Luckman is editor of DNA Monthly and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for Regenetics, offering cutting-
edge educational services and materials designed to activate unity consciousness and actualize human
potential. The developers of Regenetics are educators and ordained ministers, not medical doctors, and do not
purport to diagnose or treat illness. The preceding article is adapted from Book One on the Regenetics
Method, Conscious Healing. For information click here.]

Coming in our July issue ... Richard Miller and Iona Miller on parallel universes,
multiverses & so much more!

***Unless otherwise indicated, all materials appearing in DNA Monthly are copyrighted (c) by Sol
Luckman and may be reprinted without permission provided there are no content changes and the
author's byline is included with the following: Sol Luckman is editor of DNA Monthly and cofounder of
the Phoenix Center for Regenetics, offering cutting-edge educational services and materials designed
to activate unity consciousness and actualize human potential. For information visit***

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Mission. DNA Monthly seeks to empower readers with vital information relative to their divine genetic
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breakthrough genetic research to educational materials devoted to specific DNA activation methods and

Disclaimer. The editors of DNA Monthly publish free material relative to DNA at their sole discretion as a bio-
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[DNA Monthly is sponsored by the Phoenix Center for Regenetics, facilitating conscious personal
mastery as a bio-spiritual healing path through integrated DNA activation. For information on our
cutting-edge services, click here.]

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