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Ave hol scay SECTION VI FLAMMABLE LIQUID STORAGE TANK PROTECTION 9 aon FO 180 Gordon Drive, Lome PA 19953 « Prone 218 363.1400 « TWX 510 663-9307 CONTENTS Page General... Choosing the Proper Foam System ee Classifications of Flammable Liquids Protection of Hydrocarbon Storage Tanks Cone Roof Tanks... ; The Subsurface Method (Base Injections) Foam Solution Application Rate. Number of Foam Discharge Outlets Quantity of Foam Liquid Foam Makers, Pipe Sizes Head and Friction Losses | Foam Inlet Velocity . Design Example. Proportioning . : Piping and Foam Maker Configurations Foam Chamber Method, . : Solution Application Rete. Number of Foam Chambers Quantity of Foam Liquid : Foam Chambers oo a Design Example... Portable Foam Tower Method, Monitor and Portable Nozzles for Tank Protection. . Open Top Floating Roof Tanks. . . The Multiple Chamber Method . .-- Catenary Systems . The Portable Nozzie Method Covered Floating Roof Tanks Horizontal Tanks... . Fixed Foam Maker Method. Monitor Method . Protection of Polar Solvent Storage Tanks Cone Roof Tanks . . Portable Foam Tower Method, Open Top Floating Roof Tanks. 627 Covered Floating Roof Tanks 627 Horizontal Tanks. ..... : oe Fixed Foam Maker Method ce III 628 Monitor and Portable Nozzles 628 Rate of Application... .. 6-30 Supply of Foam Liquid : : 630 {© Copyrign: 1981 Priloeiphie Suburban Corporation CORR IRN i i a Flammable Liquid Storage Tank: Protectio CONTENTS illustrations Figures Page 6-1 Stotic Head Conversion Chart... : 69 62 Foam Friction Losses - 4 Expansion (2%", 3", 4". 6" B” and 10° Pipe 69 6:3 Foam Friction Losses - 4 Expansion (12", 14”, 16", 18", 20” and 24" Pipe) 610 64 — Foam Velocity vs Pipe Size (2%", 3", 4", 6", 6, 10", 12" and 14” Pipe) B10 65 Foam Velocity vs Pipe Size - Schedule 40 Pipe (14", 16” and 18” Pipe] feet 6-6 Foam Velocity vs Pipe Size - Schedule 40 Pipe (20"" and 24” Pipe} a 611 &7 Typical Connection for Portebie High Back Pressure Foam Maker 612 ~, GB Typical Fixed Installation of High Back Pressure Foam Maker faeces es O12 4 68 — Typicai Discharge Connections in Tanks... 7 613 610 Typical Arrangement of Mulzisie Foam Outiet : : 613 611 Typical Skid Mounted Balances Pressure Praportioning System for Subsurface Injection . . . 614 612 Typical Field Piping for Subsurface Injection | 5 fete 614 613 MCS Foam Chamber Assembly........... 0, fo E 616 614 Chamber Capacity versus Foam Maker Inlet Pressure — Hydrocarbons. reeneee Sy 6-15 Fabric Seal with Pantograph oe. eee. e eee se pine eee 616 Resilient Envelope Type Seal 619 617 Multiple Chamber Arrangement | oon 620 @ 618 MBS-3SA Foam Maker.Curves,.. 11)” a : a se B21 6:19 MBS-OSA Foam Maker Curves. | aan feo i 621 &20 Typical Catenary System......... : ores ponetees 6-208 Foam Discharge Above Fabric Seal or Metal Westher Shield. peereertie 23) 6208 Foam Discharge Through Shield... : +623 620C Foam Discharge for Pantogreph Type Seei 26-23 6-21 Portable Nozzle Method. eee ce 624 622 Covered Floating Roof Tank with Foam Chamber 2625 623° Horizontal Tank Area : . 6.26 "_, 624 MLS Foam Chamber Assembiy | ce : 6:29 625 Foam Moker Assembly for Foam Application on Dike Areas |. 76:30 Tobles &1 Foam Discharge Outlet Requirements... oo .eeeeeceee : : 65 62 Foam Liquid Operating Time Requirements (Subsuriace), : . 65 63 Supplementary Hose Stream Requirements, . 66 64 Foam Makers PHB-10A to PHB-30A, - 66 65 ‘Typical PHB Foam Maker Selection . ’ ae ss eee BT 66 Foam Makers PHB-35A to PHB-SSA. Soe : 2.68 &7 Foam Liquid Time Operating Requirements (Foam Chambers] 615 68 Foam Chamber Requirements . ce fn 617 69 Foam Liquid Time Requirements ~ Supplementary Hose Streams... 2617 610 Foam Tower Capacities... ao - . +618 9 611 Foam Tower Requirements for Hydrocarbons - 618 612 Foam Liquid Operating Time Requirements (Portabie Ni mn : 2618 613 Foam Tower Requirements for Polar Solvents seca at +628 ©14 Foam Liquid Operating Time Requirements ~ Supplementary Hose Stream 6-28 National Foam € GENERAL The only practical method of positively protect ing flammable liquid storage tanks is with a foam fire fighting system, CHOOSING THE PROPER FOAM SYSTEM It is first necessary to determine the type of flem- Mable or combustible liquid to be stored in the tank, Thess liquids generally can be divided into ‘two basic classifications: hydrocarbons and Polat solvents, The first includes petroleum pro: ducts such as crude oil, gasoline, jet fuels, fuel oil, etc. wnich are not water soluble, The second includes alcohols, ketones, esters and other weier soluble liquids. Mechanical foam liquids such as XL, Regular (3% and 6%), or Cold Foam ere suitable for protecting petroleum Products, Aer-O-Water PSL is needed for polar solvents Once the classification of product is determined, the type of storage tank must be considered. Flammable liquids are stored in-tanks of varying designs, depending upon storage conditions, characteristics of the flammable liquid and other factors, Tanks in common use are cone roof tanks, open top floating roof tanks, covered floating roof tanks and horizontal tanks. Classification of Flammable Liquids. NFPA terminology and definitions covering product classifications are as follows Flammable Liquid shall mean any liquid having 2 flash point below 100°F (38°C) and having vapor pressure not exceeding 40 pounds per square inch (276 kPa) absolute at 100°F (38°C) Flammable liquids shall be subdivided es follows: Class | shall include those having flash points below 100°F (38°C) and may be subdivided 2s follows: Class 1A shall include those having flash points below 73°F (23°C) and having a boiling point below 100°F (38°C). For foam application these require special consideratién, © Class 1B shall include those having flesh points below 73°F (23°C) end having a boiling point at or above 100°F (38°C) ‘© Class IC shall include those having flash points al gr above 73°F (23°C) and below 100°F (38°C) Combustible Liquid shall mean any liquid having a flash point at or above 100°F (38°C), They may be subdivided as follows Class {i shall include those having flash points at or above 100°F (38°C) and below 140°F (60°C). Cless IIIA shall include those having flash points a{ of above 140°F (60°C) and below 200°F (93°C), lass IIIB shall include those having flash points ‘at or above 200°F (93°C). Care should be taken in applying foam to high viscosity materials heated above 200°F (93°C). Judgement must be used in applying foam to. tanks containing hot oils, burning asphalts or Durning liquids which are above the boiling point of water. Although the comparatively low water content of foam can beneficially cool such fuels 2 a slow rate, it can also cause violent frothing or “slop over" of the contents of the tank. PROTECTION OF HYDROCARBON STORAGE TANKS Cone Roof Tanks. These tanks are equipped with @ fixed cone-shaped root, welded to vertical steel sides. Tanks designed in accordance with API Standards have a weak seam at this junction. In ‘the event of an internal explosion, the seam usu- 6-4 Netiona! Foss ally parts; the root blows off leaving the shell intact to retain the tank’s contents, The result. ing fire will involve the entire exposed surface of the product. Flammable Liquid Storage Tank Prot Table 6-1. Foam Discharge Outlet Requirements Up to 80 (24.4) a (Over 126 to 140 (56.5 t0 42.6) eS 5 (Over 160 to 180 (48.7 10 548) ESS TeeoO a epoees Over 200 (60.9) Add one outlet for each additional: 1 1 3 2B 5 2 2 Oh Sees : Et 5000 ft. 7500 ft (484.5 m’) (696.7 em’) Table 6-2, Foam Liquid Operating Time Requirements (Subsurface! ‘NoPMinutef Operation ate hie Solin Re my Gasoline, Crude Oil, Benzene, etc, with flash point below 100°F (38C) There are four acceptable methods of protecting cone root tanks: table Eoam Tower Method © The Portable Foam Nozzie and Monitor. _Method The Subsurface Method (Base Injection). Sub- surface systems are suitable only for the protec- tion of hydrocarbons, Polar solvent storage tanks ~\ _reannot be protected by this method cd ah, ‘The subsurface method produces foam with 3 High-Sack Pressure Foam Maker and forces this, foam through a pipe into ihe bottomof the tank. “This pipe may be the existing product line ora ling installed specifically tor foam application ‘The foam travels up through he pede erm 8 vapor-tight blanket on the surface. he foam used with subsurface systems must be aenerated with XL Fluoroprotein or Aer (O-Water PSL foam liquids, Both are propor. ore ioned at 3%. ios this apples fon techni Foams made with Regular liquids should not be Used since they will became saturated with the flammable liquid and will burn away after they rise 10 the surface, The design factors used in @ subsurface foam injection system are covzred in the following parearaphs, Supplementary foam hose streams.of.50.gpm_ 189 lpm) minimum shoul vided Tor spill 1190 lpm) minimum should be provided for spill fire protection. The minimum number is specified in Table 6-9. Additional foam liquid supplies should be provided to allow simultaneous opere- tion with the tank system. Foam Solution Application Rate, The foam ‘solution application rate will in most cares. be 0.1 apm/ft@ (4 ipm/mé) of tank surface area, “Tests indicate that the maxim: i is 0.3 gom/ft@ (12 Ipm/m?] or three times the formal rate, beyond which the effectiveness “aecreases, Number of Foam Discharge Outlets. Foam dis- Charge outlet requirementsare listedin Table 6-1 Requirements are based on observations of various tests, including a no-fire foam test on a 117.5 ft, (35.8 m) diameter crude oil tank Quantity of Foam Liquid, The foam liquid ‘operating time requirements necessary for var- ious product categories are listed in Table 6-2. An additional quantity will be necessary for sup- plementary hase stream use as shown in Table 63. To determine the foam liquid requirements for subsurface application, it is recommended that €an injection rate of 3% be used to reinforce the foam against this relatively severe method of application. The quantity of foam liquid required for subsurface application in 100 ft, (30 m) National Fear & ‘Table 6-3, Supplementary Hose Stresm Requirements pressune Gauee —____] e TE: PORTABLE TYPE KAS ENST SWIVEL INLET AND MNS DISCHARGE, National Foam oline would be pm) solut on x 3% x 55 minutes 5 (4906 litres) of XLS NOTE: This quantity does not inciude the sup- hose stream requirement, PHB High Back Pressure 4 se Se > eee - The foam coduced by the PHB is ideal for sub- surface 2: ions, The PHB is designed to operate satisfactorily at inlet pressures of 100 to "300 psi (689 to 2068 kPa] and 10 produce foam of 2104 expansion aaginst back oressures ni exeeeding 40% of the inlet pressure, With an Inlet presire of TED psi (1634 EPs), for exe @ —amnple, 6p [Td kPa} is availa “charge for forcing th ind/or piging into the tank, PHB Foam Makers are available in a range of sizes as shown in Tables 6-4 and 66. PHB-10A, through PHB-30A are available with 2%" female swivel inie: and 2%" male discharge for portable vse with nose lines. Typical PHB foam maker selections ‘or various storage tank sizes are listed in Tadie 6-5. Head and Friction Losses. The back ischarge ig the sum of the. he foam maker inlet pressor ) While PHe #oam makers will expand the foam olution 7 2 10 4 timas, 4 expansion shi Tetermine fi noses 1629 (6165.4) zical examples of head and friction los: ons are covereg ir the following pa Foam Intet Velocity, zi nlydrocarbon imeximt el IB pr iS 10 Fis (m/s) and 20 77s (© m/s) for at sth Paw erOOUCE Figures 6-4 through 6-08" « Foam velocities throuss various pipe siz cifferent flow rates. For example: Assume a 90 ft. (27.4 m) digmeter tank containing 2 Clas: 1B product with 2 1 product line available. The minimum solusion rete would be 636 gpm {2408 Ipm), so the foam rate would be apsroximately 2300 com {8706 Ipm). Referring to Figure 6-4, the fosm velocity would be 10 t./s ( % m/s}. Asan adgitional example, assume that there is 2.6 nozzie available on this same tank, From Figure 6-4, the velocity would be about 26 *t./s (7.9 m/s}. Due to the high velocity of the foam entering the product. t7is pipe size is not recommended. Note that this velocity ‘imitation applies i9 the ini where the fogm enters the product an ot necessaril a ihe ink, itis quite possible that the velocity in the sup- ply line can exceed 10 or 20 ft./s (3 or 6 mm/s) without exceeding the allowabie friction losses, For example, @ 6” line could be used leading up ‘to the 90 ft. (27.4 m} diameter tank previously considered. The velocity in the 6” line would ex- ceed 20 £1./5 (6 m/s) but the friction losses t 2300 gpm {8706 Ipm) of foam would be only 4'psi per 100 ft. (27.6 kPa/30.5 m). So, 6” could be used for the foam line, but it would have to ‘Navional Foam 6:7 Now be enlarged 10 at least 10” for 2 run of about 10 ft, (3 m) at the tank to reduce the velocity of the foam as it enters the tank. Design Example, The preceding paragraphs describe the basic considerations in the design of a subsurface system, The following example illustrates the design procedure it tank 120 it. dia. 6 mx 12m) — 12" Example: Cone roof fue! meter x 40 11, high (5: product line Minimum Sglution Applicayjon Rete 11310 ff x 0.1 gomytt.< = 1131 gpm (1081 m? x 4 tpm/m? = 4282 Ipm} Minimum Number of Injection Points — 1 Minimum Quantity of Foam Liquid. 1131 gpm x 3% x 30 minutes = 1081 gallons (4281 Ipm x 3% x 30 minutes = 3853 litres) +3 Hose Streams — 150 gpm x 3% x 30 minutes (568 Ipm x 3% x 30 minute: ations 511 litres) Minimum Total Foam Liquid Requirement = 1183 gallons (4364 litres) Foam Makers (See Tables 6-4 and 6-5): Entsr three PHB-40's or four PHB-30's would provide 1200 gpm (4542 Ipm) at 180 psi (1034 kPe) inlet pressure, Final determination might be influenced by the presence of smaller tanks in the same tank farm e.g, a tank requiring either 2 400 gom (1514 Ipm) or a 300 gpm (1136 Ipm) flow, This would allow one of the foam makers 10 protect the smaller tank, Head end Friction Losses (See Figures 6:1 6-2 and 6-3}: 150 psi inles pressure x 40% (1034 kPa x 40% = 414 kPa} Maximum Allowable Back Pressure 2 asi The static head at ¢ 40 ft. (12.2 m) product level is 14.5 psi (100 kPa). Deducting 14.5 o: (100 kPe) rom 60 psi (474 kPa) leaves 455 os (314 kPa) available ior piping friction loss iween the PHB's and the tank. Figure 6-3 in cates @ friction loss of 0.5 psi per 100 fi. 0: pipe (3.4 kPa/30,5m) at foam flow of 4800 (18170 ipm}. Foam flow equals 1200 gon: < solution multiplied by 4 expansion Foam Inlet Velocity (See Figures 6-4, 65 and 66): Figure 6-4 indicates a foam velocity o* 13.6 ft./s (4.1 m/s] 1 480 gpm (18170 lpm. Table 6-6, Foam Makers PHB-35A to PHB-55A Capacity @ 150 PS (1084 KP)" 1PM 2 1825 i "arse" 2h E400 1514 PHB-45A 238" 1708 40 ié.1 BSOAL EE SF 2rayer. 192 a0 ee IBA PHB-55A 2.3/8" 2082 40 181 NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXWATE snessume = jae ra FRORCATING ACC UNITS ARE CAST AL 3 Wantmoye At COmasut ance PRESSURE Nor To excEED cox GF cer PRESSURE, a fins SeFL0u HARD CORT 4. nro. ruansee FLANGE S26 8 ORILLING Pen ansrston roe fe rire euance 68 Navionst Foon sitter Flammable Liquid Storage Tank Protectic through the 12” product line, This is within {TYPICAL SF, GR. OF OTHER LOUIOS tolerance: for fuel ail, If the velocity had been ® excessive, it could be remedied by increasing coamn a Pte the pipe size to attain acceptable velocities. heerurcon~ as eet Pipe size increase would only be necessary for 10 ft. (3 m) at the tank, Proportioning, Balenced Pressure, Pressure Pro: Portioners and Diaphragm Proportioners are all suitable for subsurface systems. Proportioning system: details are in Section I! of this manual Line proportioners are generally unacceptable due to their high pressure loss characteristics. Exceptions te this general rule are instances where line prorortioner inlet pressure is high and back pressures against the PHB are low Figure 6-1. Static Head Conversion Chart rrverion Loss Pen 100 FT (30.5m) ) oe poze ose © Sone TP is tei? gs E4203. 27851 Soere Figure 6:2, Foam Friction Losses ~ 4 Expansion (2! "4", 6", & and 10" Pipe) National Foam 6 ae Psi ies! zt eet Fe 63 Fam Pion ones Exao 12, 14 167,07 20" 26° Pe € Sore bse S08 Figure 6-4. Foam Velocity vs, Pipe Site (2%”, 3”, 4”, 6” "10", 12" and 14” Pine) 18.10 Nasions: Foam FRICTION L085 PER 100 F1(30.5m) te 28 62 10 aos 2 cow wssec © 19002 20000 © 30000 «0000 © s0000 60000 70000 80000 sage Toe96 issea 51882 le9240 22708G 264026 OLTER aaoest 378480, Figure 6-3. Foam Frietion Losses ~ 4 Expansion (12", 14", 16”, 18”, 20” and 28” Pipe) Sore ate S88k 1588 Figure 6-4. Foam Velocity vs. Pipe Size ;2%", 3”, 4", 6” “10”, 12" and 14” Pipe} FRICTION Loss PER 100 (30.54) 6.10 Nationa! Feom ne vw Pst 2 20 & 1000 20000 30000 40000 $0000. 60000 700c0 #0000. 90000, Breas 75696113544 151392 199240 227088 2easse 0278” s40E32 ee (0&0 FOAM RATE Figure 6:3. Foam Friction Losses ~ 4 Expansion (12”, 14, 16”, 18”, 20” and 24” Pipe} “ Soe a8e Sek Bh se tere Figure 6-4, Foam Velocity vs. Pipe Sice (2%", 3”, 4”, 6”, 8°. 10”, 12” and 14” Pipel orw 2000 4000-000 «8000-19000 2000 490918000 tht SER, ARE ESRG aoe aavsy —sese7—uosie [EXPANDED FORM RATE Figure 65. Foam Velocity ve, Pipe Size ~ Schedule 40 Pipe (14", 16" and 18" Fipel cru 000 #000 12000 t#000 © «20000 24000, 28000, thu OE. BSS Tar Mone ress taser to3083 Figure 6-6. Foam Velocity vs. Pipe Size — Schedule 40 Pipe (20” and 24” Pie) Notional Foam 6:11 FEMALE Hose SmivEL poarter J WOW BACK PRESEURE FOAM MAKER Poni 8 oxtronne remmna Figure 6-7. Typical Connection for Portable High Back Pressure Foam Maker HIGH BACK PRESSURE FOAM MAKER AIP INLET STRAINER "FOAM SOLUTION PPG SWING CHECK vaLvE PRODUCT OR FOAM LINE Figure 6-8. Typical Fixed Installation of High Back Pressure Foam Maker ‘Piping end Foam Maker Configurations, There are four basic ways of injecting foam into the base of a tank: © Hot tapping product lines either as a planned installation or after the fire starts. © Attaching to existing flanges or connections on the product lines - any place that is accessible. © Adding @ special connection to the tank, possibly on @ manway cover. © Installing a fixed foam system at @ product manifold. The arrangement of é connection for attaching a PHB Foam Maker is shown in Figure 6-8. The gate valve is essential and the check valve is ad- visable, The check valve can be furnished with the foam maker as an option, Another way of accomplishing this would be to disconnect the product line at any convenient set of flanges during the fire, remove or swing aside 2 section of the line to’ make the flange accessible, and then bolt a foam connection to it, ‘An important consideration is the way the foam oF product line terminates in the tank. Figure 6-9 shows methods by which the line may terminate and provide satisfactory foam injection. If a new Connection is installed, it is recommended that the pipe terminate at the tank shell. The arrange ‘ment of the foam outlet must be such that © The foam enters the product at a velocity of Rot more than 10 or 20 ft./s (3 or 6 m/s) Gepending on the product, ‘© The foam is not discharged through the water bottom. Flammable Liquid Storage Tank Protect 9) Figure 6, Typical Discharge Connections in Tanks % ——————— @ Figure 6-10. Typical Arrangement of Multiple Foam Outlets Nationa! Fosm 6:1 FOaM LOU STORAGE TANK PROPORTIONING SKID Figure 6:11. Typical Skid Mounted Balanced Pressure Proportioning System for Subsurface Injection se House wire PROPORTIONING SKID, Figure 6-12. Typieal Field Piping for Subsurtace Injection 14 Nationa! Foam Foam Chamber Method. This method consists of ‘one or more foam chambers installed on the shell of the tank just below the root joint. A foam solution pipe is extended from the propor- tioning source, outside the dike wall, to the foam maker located upstream of the chamber. A deflector is located inside the tank shell to de fiect the discharge against the shell. Aer-O-Foam XL and Regular liquids are suitable for use with foam chambers. Figure 6-13 illustrates a typicel <-+ MCS.Foam Chamber Assembly. Supplementary foam hose streams of 50 9pm (190 Ipm) minimum should be provided for si fire protection. The minimum number is speci! ‘0 Table 6-9. Additional foam liquid supplies should be provided to allow simultaneous opera A with the tank system, Solution Application Rate, The minimum foam solution application rage for liquig hydrocarbons is 0.1 gom/ft.? (4 Ipm/m?) of product surface area, Foam liquid supplies must bbe sufficient to operate the system for a mini: mum period of time. Minimum discharge times for MCS chambers ere noted in Tabie €-7, Number of Foam Chambers. The number of foam chambers required is determined by the tank diameter. Where two or more chambers are required, they shall be equally spaced around BD __ she tank circumference. Each chember shail be Gesigned to deliver foam at approximately the eine rate, Table 6-8 indicates the number of + chambers required for various diemeter cone roof tanks. ‘Quantity of Foam Liquid. The quantity of 3% foam liquid required is determined as follows Liquid surface area x 0.1 gpm (4 tom) x 0.03 x operating time = gallon (litre) For a plant containing several tanks connected to the same system, the largest single tank re- ‘quirement is the minimum requirement for the lant, It is not necessary to add all the require- ments, NFPA standards require only that the system be designed for the greatest single hazerd. Supplementary foam hose streams of 50 gpm {180 Ipm) minimum should be provided for spill fire protection. The minimum number isspecitied in Table 6-9, Additional foam liquid supplies should be provided to allow simultaneous opera- tion with the tank system, Foam Chambers. Chamber size depends on the capacity required and the pressure available at the foam maker. Figure 6-14 shows the range of @ _ chamber capacities et various foam maker inlet Pressures, In order to select the proper size chambers, it is necessary to estimate the pressure available at the foam maker inlet Flammable Liquid Storage Tenk Protection Design Example. The preceding paragraphs illustrate the basic considerations in the design of a system, The following example illustrates the design procedure. Example: 100 ft. (30 m) diameter tank contaig ing gasolige. The application rate is 0.1 gpm/ft (4 Ipm/m?), Solution ‘Application Rate, 754.t02 x 0.1 gomytt.2 = 786 gam (730 m2 x 4 lom/m? = 2093 lpm) Number of Foam Chambers. (See above) Minimum Quantity of Foagn Liquid Required 7854 ft.2 x 0.1 gpm/ft.2 x 3% x 65 minutes 1296 gallons of 3% foam liquid (730 m2 x 4 Iam/m? x 3% x 55 minutes - 4905 litres) + foam liquid for supplementary hose streams Foam Chambers: Assuming a foam inlet pressure of 50 psi (345 kPa) and a flow rate of 303 gpm (1496 Ipm) and using Figure 6-14, two MCS-33 chambers would be required for 2 100 ft, (30 m) diameter tank, Proportioning Method: Selection of the propor: tioning method should be in accordance with Section 111 of this manual ‘Table 6-7. Foam Liquid Time Operating Requirements (Foam Chambers) Lubricating oils; dry viscous residuum ‘more than 50 seconds Saybolt-Rural at 1229F (60°C); dry fuel oils, etc. with flash point above 200°F (93°C) Geroline; naphthe, benzol, and similar liquids: with flash point below 10°F (38°C) Nationa! Fos 6.18 ere “tsb nt ne Es Fou! chaare, el ences asseusty SLs ores sy tenner * iia ue as esta ete PPAR Ge adie ane + fend eeaat os ceeon tag tan AS ar ee ALR 2 nr prow tb cron anovon Re Quan, = No ua = “SDesetiption : ‘Parker-Kalon Drive Screw Bolted Chamber with Solid Deflector ‘Namepiate—Alumminum = Zar =iidange Gasket =v "Asbestos Inspection Hatch—Steel 'MCS-55 St'd. H. H. Nut & Bolt—Steel ‘InspectionHatch GaskelWawAsbestos ‘MGS-9, 17 & 33 St'd. H. H. Nut & Bolt—Sieel MCS-17, 33 & 55 Cap Screw Si, Bronze | BDeflectoriSoiid)—Steal =. MCS-8 Cap Screw Si. Bronze Bolted Chamber with Spilt Deflector ‘ChamberBody—Stest Wing Nut—Brass 1 Deflector (Spiit}—Steel_ = Diaphragm Ring “Stee! aa =i @Stud Flange withiStuds Steal ‘Container Cement 24 MCS-55 Std. Hex Nul_—Steal Diaphragm—Glass 16 MOS-8, 17 & 39 ST. Hex Nui—Steel Foam Maker—Steel [ sBNe\ded Chamber Siar pile ae PTT, 17__1_ Deflector (Solid) —Stee! 131 Orifice Piate—Brass Saar | [42 Ring Gasket Asbestos 181 Deflector (Split) =f Specified Table of Dimensions — Allin Inches AUB Cp EF G Wa ae Ke SS OM PNG OP Seo SER MCS:9 264 7K ~=~7% 84 8 +7 24 tH % % 8 (CSTs. 22 EO SEEIO MCS-29 35% 10% 0% Figure 6-13. MCS Foam Chamber Assembly, ICS SORT MOK IOA Oh bao Be BS cogiaare Rae Flammable Liquid Storage Tank Pro a 7 | Faw oe EE ‘ i SRL REGULAR, PSL_OR AERO.WATER FOAMS NOTE: SELECTION oF CHAMBER IS BASED UPON FoaM SOLUTION TYPE T APPLICATION. MARCIA, Minis Use weer ARERR 1 Figure 6-14. Chamber Capacity versus Foam Maker inlet Pressure ~ Hydrocarbons ‘Teble 6-8, Foam Chamber Requirements ‘Tank Diameter ‘Minimum Number -Feel (Meters) Discharge Outlets 6 Up 1060 24.4) 1 [Overie0 wean Gini ea Eo AR Over 120 1 140 (96.6 1042.7) WY HiOver*a0a0560 (2730 a8. “ate Over 160 to 180 (48.8 10 54.9) 5 gested tal for Tanks above 200% (61m) in ig at lees one additional Cischarge out be 601 each adeitional SOOD (46s Sm of product Table 68. Foam Liquid Time Requirements — Supplementary Hose Streams jameterbl Largest Tank iG iniriumiNumber = inimam Operating > Se eaheetdMaters) ol Hose'Streame. “Time tn Minutes =~ Up 10 35 feet (10.6) i 70 HORDOAIOS IGOR) zeae Over 65 to $5 (19.6 to 28.9) hee eS 20 Over 120 (36.6) 20 ERE PAAR x» [National Foam € ‘Table 6-10. Foam Tower Capacities ioe 40 15 100 276 517 pucker, pal Psi pal (hPa) (ea) 50 E g SSP eo: ASOD | O17 192-207 182-077 | (341-882) (600-897) (675-1048), eS TISAI 297 S00 Beg RIT OO. |e GOOA ASS) yu, SIO) se RRB RITAD. HT-55 880-600 520-600 600, (1436-2271) (1968-2271) (2271) Portable Foam Tower Method. The portable foam tower must be transported to the scene of the fire and erected to discharge into the burning tank, While portable towers may be used in lies of the foam chamber method, the NFPA Stans ard No, 11 includes some reservations which ere essentially as follows: Portable towers have limitations. They require accessibility 10 tankage, and personnel must place and keep the apparatus in operetion. In some instances, special vehicles are needed 10 transport the equipment to the vicinity of the fire, The adequacy of such a system should be determined by the number and availability of men and equipment. Because of this, portable foam towers may not be practical for tanks over 200 ft. (61 m) in diameter. Portable foam towers are available in four sizes as listed in Table 6-10. The figures listed in Table 6-10 show solution capacities in gallons per minute and litres per minute using the smallest and largest orifice plate in the foam maker. The first determination in design of a tower sys- tem is the rate of applicatjon, For hygrocarbons this is usually 0.1 gomAt* 4 Ipm/mé) of sur face area, ‘The next item in system design is the number of ‘towers as shown in Table 6-11. Once the application rate and number of towers, required have been determined, the tower size must be determined as shown in Table 6-10 based on the rate of flow required for each tower and the foam maker inlet pressure at each tower. For foam liquid operating time require- ments refer to Table 6-7. ‘Supplementary foam hose streams of 50 gpm {190 Ipm) minimum should be provided for spill fire protection. The minimum number is specified 610 Nations! Foam in Table 6-9. Additional foam liquid supp’ should be provides to allow simultaneous opera- tion with the tank system, Example: 100 ft. (30m) diameter tank. Two towers are required, per Table 6-11. The total solution rate required is 785 gpm (2871 ipm), or 393 gpm (1487 lpm) per tower. Referring to Table 6-10 and assuming an expected foam maker pressure of 75 psi (517 kPa), the chart indicates that two HT-33 towers are required. Next, select the proportioning method (from Proportioning Section III} or@ truck or trailer (from Mobile Equipment Section VII). Table 6-11. Foam Tower Requi for Hydrocarbons Up to 80 (26.4) pou Over 120 to 140 (36.5 t0 42.6) hed (3 Selve Monitor end Portable Nozzles for Tenk Protection, Foem nozzles are generally used as auxiliary protection in conjunction with a fixed piping system or portable towers. They are suit- able, under limited conditions, for primary pro- tection cP mall fixed roof storage tanks. Portable nozzles are also suitable for extinguishing rim fires in floating root tanks. Where acceptable 10 the authority having juris- diction, portable foam nozzles may be used for protection of fixed root tanks not over 30 ft. Flammable Liquid Storaze Tank Protect! (9 m) in diameter nor over 20 ft. (6m) in height. type roof floats directly on the flemmable liquid Monitor foam nozzles may be used for protection _ surface, The spece between the roof and the @ of fixed roof tanks up to 60 ft, (18 m) in dia. tank shell is equipped with @ pantograph seal or meter. Monitors operated at grade are usually a tube type seai as illustrated in Figures 6-15 and not recommended for floating roof rim fire pro: 616 tection becouse of the difficulty of directing ; foam into the annular space and the danger of Since the only place where the surtace of the sinking the floating roof, flammable liquid may be exposed is at the point where the shell and roof come together, fixed ny For hydrocarbon storage tanks, the normal foam ~. - :fosm protection. isusually designed to extin solution epplication sete with foam nozzles is guish’a fire in this “seal” ares, usuetly 0.16 gpm/tt. (6 Ipm/m?) of liquid sur face area, XL-3 Fluoroprotein foam and Regular - type foams either 3 or 6% are suitable for hycrocar- No specific number of foam nozzles is specified bon protection. for tank application, When considering foam nozzles for this use, special consideration snould Two techniques are aveilable for application of be given to wind, nozzle range, and thermay up- foam from fixed outlets; one involves the dis- . drait. The quantity of foam liquid is calculated pharge of foam from foam chambers into the ~4 on the basis of Table 6-12. ‘seal_area, The second method involves discharge of foam into the seal area, or in case of a panto- graph seal, below the seal ares through a per nent fixed pining network known asa catenary system mounted on the top of the floating root, Portable and monitor mounted foam nozzles are described in Sections IV and V of this manual ‘Asn example, 2 60 ft. {18 m) diameter tank at 0.16 gom/tt.* (6 Ipm/m2} would require an ap- plication rate of 453 gpm (1715 Ipm) of solution FABRIC SEAL ‘One PC-50 monitor mounted nozzle at 150 psi t (1034 kPa) inlet pressure would deliver 500 apm (1895 ipm). On the basis of Table 6-12, the @ Quantity of Jiquid would be.celculated as 2827 4.2 x 0.16 gpm/tt.2 x 3% x 65 minutes (gasoline) = 882 gellpns of foam liquid (263 m? x 6 Ipm/m? x 3% x 65 minutes = 3073 litres) ae pen Top Floating Roof Tafiks, The open ‘floating root tank is similar to the cone root tank except that it has no fixed roof. A pontoon = Figure 6-15. Fabric Seal with Pantograph ‘Table 6-12, Foam Liquid Operating Time Cerca Requirements (Portable Nozzles) Lubricating Oils, dry viscous residuum; ‘dry fue! cile, et, with flash point above 200°F (93°C) w= | ERREAISESTANW'At SoLuTION Pipe sees 9 Gosoline: naphtha, benzol, and similar liquids; * BOESIBLE'TO Sine Lowen Cee oF Tae TOP ANGLE 2. FoaM aw nor REOUIRED vst SYETEMLIS, SRSSRE PSN AUR RAR Corea ‘with flash point below 100°F (38°C) Figure 6-16, Resilient Envelope Type Ses! Nations! Foam 6 ‘The Multiple Chamber Method, This method re- quires @ foam dam to retain the foam over the seal or weather shield. This dam is normally 12 10 24 inches in height. Complete construction details of the foam dam may be found in the Appendix of NFPA Standard No. 11. The circumference of the tank will determine ‘the number of points needed for foam applica: tion, The maximum spacing between chambers should be 40 #2, (12 m) of tenk circumference _ using @ 12 in, (30 cm) high dam, and 80 ft { (24 m) of tank circumference using @ 24 in, {61 cm) high dam The rate of application and supply of foam liquid should be calculated using the area of the annular ring between the circular dam and ‘the tank shell. ie minimurp foam sol tion gate should be 0.16 gpm/ft.2 (6 Ipm/m). The ‘supply of foam liquid should be adequate to ( operate the system for 20 minutes, With this type of application, foam is applied by shell mounted foam chambersas shown in Figure 6-17. Normally MCS-9 chambers are used in combina. tion with MBS-3SA foam makers. The foam maker flows at different pressures are indicated in Figures 6 18 and 619. ‘Supplementary foam hose streams of 50 opm (190 Ipm) minimum should be provided for spill fire protection, The minimum number is specified in Table 6-9. Additional foam liquid supplies should be provided to allow simultaneous opere. tion with the tank system, DIMENSION IS THE HEIGHT OF THE CHAMBER SHELA Nuts Weick ute Coan THe ‘TOP POSITION OF THE FLOATING ROOF. “A” DIMENSION “L" DIMENSION we 2 Oem : ( Figure 6-17. Multiple Chamber Arrangement Flammable Liquid Storage Tank Protectic OniFice blAWeTER—mNeHES Figure 6-18. MBS-38A Foam Maker Curves er tos Figure 6-19, MBS-9SA Foam Maker Curves Nationat Foam 62 ae Ne TERETE Catenary Systems, The Cotenary System consists (of a series of foarn makers at evenly spaced points on the roof near theseal. These foam makers are connected to @ common section of piping which in turn is attached 10 a flexible hose that rides up and down with the stairway ‘The top end of this Nose terminates at the upper platform where it connects to 8 pipe running vertically down the shell end outside the dike At the time of fire, foam solution using either XL or Regular liquids is pumped under pressure through the vertical pine and flexible hose to the foam makers. This system can be designed to discharge foam either uncer the ses! directly ‘onto the flammable liguic or it can be dis charged above the seal i the Catenary System is designed 10 discharge foam above the fabric see! or metal weather shield, foam discharge ourvets should be spaced at BO ft. (24 m) intervals around the tank's circumference if the foam dam is 24 in, (61 cm) high; 40 ft. (12 m) spacing is required if the foam dam is less then 24 in. (61 cm} high. The application rate of foamn solution will be 0.16 gpm/it.2 (6 !pm/m?} of the annular area be- ween the tank shell and the foam dam. The foam liquid should be adequate to operate the system for 20 minutes. See Figure 6-20A, The foam dam should be at least 1-ft. (30 cm) and not more than 2 ft, (60 cm) from the edge of the floating root. I the Catenary System is designed to discharge below the fabric seal or metal weather shield, the following may be used as a design guide: ‘A circular dom ig required with the tube see! design only when the top of the seal is less then 6 in. {15 cm] below the top of the deck. The maximum spacing between applicators is 60 f. (16.3 m) measured sround the tank's ci ference. See Figure 6-208. Accircular dam is not required with tne panto. graph type seal, The maximum spacing be: applicators is 130 ft. (39,6 m] measures around ‘the tank's circumference, See Figure 6-20C In either case, the application rate of foam tion will be 0.5 gpm/it.2 (20 lom/mé} of tne area between the tank shell and the five: roof edge. Foam liquid supply should be quate 10 operate the system for a minimum of 10 minutes. Supplementary foam hose streams of 0 gm (180 ipm) minimum should be provided fo spill fire protection, Theminimum number is specified in Table 6-9. Additional foam liquid supplies should be provided to allow simultaneous opere- tion with the tank system. ‘smivet sows “FLEXIBLE HOSE CONNECTION FIRE SHIELD ose) 10 F1KED SOLUTION PING HEADER ‘Root Ose SUPPORTS! SUPPORTS RooF Lande [ROOF LADOER TRACK OOF ATLOWEST POSITION Figure 6-20, Typical Cetenary System Flammable Liquid Storage Tank Prove: Foam bisonaRGe aeove snicu ING HEADER. Figure 620A. Foam Dischare: Above Fabric Seal or Ms | Weather Shield Fou osscuane TaRQUGHEMELE Tere mas FOR MAKER | Tate SHELL _ pinins sureonT rare E Figure 6-208. Foam Discharge Through Shield Fons oisouanoe fe rscnan ge + lion : : rows suront TANK SHELL Figure 6:20C. Foam Discharge for Pantograph Type Seal National Foam 6 The Portable Nozzle Method, The Portable Nozzle Method consists of installing piping verti- cally from the ground to the platform, termine: ting in a connection to which hose anda portable foam nozzle can be attached at the time of fire. AMBS:3SA or MBS9SA foam maker is also installed at this point so that foam can be dis charged onto the seal area directly below the Platiorm, This protects personnel ascending the platform, The operator then carries the portable foam nozzle down the stairway or around the ‘wind girder and discharges foam into the seal ares wherever it is burning. Figure 6-21 shows a typical arrangement for this method, Capacity curves for the MBS-3SA and MBS-9SA foam makers are contained in Figures 6-18 and 6-19 respectively. Covered Floating Roof Tanks. The covered floating roof tank is @ combination of the cone roof tank and the open floating roof tank, It has a fixed cone roof end @ pan or deck type float inside which rides directly on the product surface. Open vents are provided around the shell between the fixes root and the floating roof. ‘QUICK OPENING VALVE TER, — | > ‘Tyre wessse Poa Maxen tS =| BAFFLE PLATE MOUNTED ONTO ANGLE HIGHER. Jhsoc umeRWaSt POSITION E (OF ROOF STAIRWAY PLATFORM stairway weno ROFR. ‘orancue Laoven prooucr Figure 6-21, Porcable Nozzle Method Flammable Lic ~ Stor 1 Tank Protect Fixed foam outlets are generally no: required When protection is desired for tanks with double for this type of tank; however, some authorities deck or pontoon type floating roof, 2 fixed 8 do raquira fixed protection, tharafare, local regu: foam system may be used to extinguish ses! fires lations should be reviewed. NFPA Stendard in the annular ring No. 11 indicates that Foam systems for tanks with pan type floating roofs should be designed to cover the entire For fixed roof tanks using internal floating covers product surface in case the floating roof is made from materials other than steel, foam pro- Gestroyed or sinks, If the floating pan is pinned tection should be designed to cover the er:ire a ‘at the top of the tak, discharge outlets should ‘surface of the liquid. * be placed so that the tank is protected with the pan in the pinned position. Design of the foam. system is the same as cone roof tanks, except Figure 6-22 shows a typical foam chamber in- that there is no requirement for separetely stallation on a covered floating roof tank. A valved laterals for each discharge device, Sub- special shaliow deflector is available if the stand surface foam injection is not recommended be- ard deflector interferes with the seal whe the cause the foam might be improperly distributed. float is in its highest position. Foxurmace ano DEFLECTOR By ertecron TALL REMamNiNG | PIPING BY OTHERS) € user nav gecocateo Near Serer rane we eugnayac eco Figure 6-22, Covered Floating Roof Tank with Foam Chamber National Foam & Horizontal Tanks. (See Figure 6-23.) An inter- ral explosion in @ horizontal tank will usually rupture the tank and spill the contents on the ground below. For this reason, batteries of hor zontal tanks are usually surrounded by concrete or earthen dikes and fozm protection is appliec to the dike area, Horizontai tanks are usually protected by either fixed foam makers or foam monitors, Fixed Foam Maker Method, The Fixed Foam Maker Method consists of installing piping around the outside well of the dike and connec- Ying to it a series of equally spaced foam makers which will discharge foam into the dike, The sys tem may be fed by a truck or by proportioning equipment installed in a foam house. A typical system is shown in Figure 6:23. The recom mended rate of application fox this type of sys tem is 0.1 gom/ft.¢ (4 lpm/mé) of dike ares. A minimum of 20 minutes foam liquid supply is required for fuel oils, or 30 minutes supply for g2soline, crude or polar solvents To provide proper foam distribution, discharge. outlets are usually located at 9 maximum of 30 ft; (9 m) apart, To determine the capacity of each foam maker, divide the total solution rate for the dike area being protected by the number of foam makers required, Once the capacity is known, selection of aMBS-3SA or MBS-2SA foam maker may be made’ using Figure 6-18 or 6-19, Monitor Method. As an alternate to the Fixed Foam Maker Method, monitors may be mounted outside the dike, properly sized and spaced to discharge foam on the dike area, The minimury recommended application rate is 0.16 gpm ipm/mé) of dike area, A mini mum of 20 minutes foam liquid supply is re- quired for {.¢' ils, of 30 minutes for gasoline or crude. Me MOSE VaLvE FoR PERIODIC ‘TESTING OF SvSTEN Mas ~ 954 Fons maxens Figure 6.23, Horizontal Tank Aves Flammable Liquid Storage Tank Protec PROTECTION OF POLAR SOLVENT STORAGE TANKS Water soluble liquids, certain other flammable liquids and polar solvents which are destructive to foams require the use of “alcohol” type foams. The following paragraphs are intended for informational purposes only. National Foam should be consu!ted for special recommendations since systems for the protection of these hazards require special engineering considerations. National offers an alcohol type foam liquid, Aer-O-Water PSL. It can utilize Type | appli- cation devices. Type I! application devices are described under hydrocerbon storage tank protection, Subsurface protection is not appli- cable to polar solvents, Cone Roof Tanks. Any “alcohol type" foam li quid may be used on cone roof tanks. The rate of application will vary with the agent and the product being protected. Typical application rates will be found in Section II of this manual, Minimum operating time at the minimum dis charge rete must be 30 minutes. Foam liquids requiring Type | application must bevsectrtonorton with WES Foams CREE Dersor me tank must be fitted with a foam — standard No, igure jescribes om Tied In ‘application. the MLS chamber. ‘Aer-O-Weter PSL may be used with MCS Foam Chambers. Details of the MCS Foam Chamber are described in Figure 6-13. Design requirements are discussed under the Foam Chamber Method for protection of Hydrocarbon storage tanks. Portable Foam Tower Method. The portable foam tower must be carried to the scene of the fire and erected against the shell.of the burning tank, While portable towers may be used in lieu of the foam chamber method, the NFPA Stand: ard No. 11 includes some reservations which are essentially as follows Portable towers have their limitations. They Fequire accessibility to tankege, and personnel must place and keep the apparatus in operation In some instances, special truck units are needed 10 transport the equipment to the vicinity of the fire. The adequacy of such a system should be determined by the number and availability of men and equipment, Because of this, portable foam towers may not be prectical for tanks over 200 ft, (61 m) diameter. Portable foam towers are available in four sizes as listed in Table 6-13. The figures listed in Table 6-13 show solution capacities in gallons per minute and litres per ‘minute using the smaliest and largest orifice plate in the foam maker. ‘The standard “HT” tower with a plain goose- neck discharge is Type I! outlet for use with ‘Aer-O-Water PSL, The “HTM” tower is fitted with a Moeller Tube for Type | discharge. ‘The minimum rate of application will very with ‘the agent and the sclvent being protected. Typi- cal rates will be found in Section II of this manu- al, Minimum operating time must be 55 minutes. ‘The next item thet should be considered is the number of towers, Table 6-11 lists the minimum, number of towers to be used. ‘Once the application rate and required number of towers have been determined, the tower size must be determined. Table 6-13 lists the rate and foam maker inlet pressure required for each tower. Open Top Floating Roof Tanks, Any of the methods described previously for Open Top Floating Roof Tanks are suitable for use with polar solvents. Aer-O-Water PSL must be used in all cases, since the application methods are Type I, Minimum operating time at the minimum rate is 20 minutes. Section I! of this manual lists the application rate for various flammable liquids to be protected. Covered Floating Roof Tanks. The MCS chem- ber used in conjunction with Aer-O-Water PSL is the only practical means of providing pro- tectiag for this type of tank ‘The MCS chambers are described uncer the Foam. Chamber Method for hydrocarbon storage tank protection. Foam solution application rates are listed in Section 11 of this manual. Nations! Fem 6 | Aer-0-Water Pet ype ischerge) Type oistharge Sao Sa fo (652-1438) Over 120 (36.6) Horizontal Tanks. An internal explosion in a mey be used as the primary means of protect- horizontal tank will usually rupture the tank and —_ing polar solvent storage tanks under some con- spill the contents on the ground below. For this. _ditions. Only Aer-O-Water PSL is effective when reason, batteries of horizontal tenks are usually applied by nozzles on polar solvents in depth surrounded by concrete or earthen dikes and ~, foam protection is applied to the dike ares i ©) Horizontal tanks are usually protected by either «NEPA Standard No. 11 indicates that foam hose % fixed foam makers or foam monitors utilizing streams are suitable as the primary protection Aer-O-Water PSL. System design is described under horizontal tank protection for hydro- carbon storage tanks. Fixed Foam Maker Method, The Fixed Foarn Maker Method consists of piping installed around the outside circumference of the dike wall. This piping is connected to a series of equally spaced foam makers which will discharge foam into the dike, See Figure 6-25. ‘Aer-O-Water PSL permits Type II application ‘as described under the Fixed Foam Maker Method for protection of hydrocarbon storage tanks. Type | application can be provided upon request, Monitor and Portable Nozzles, Foam nozzles 5.28 National Foam for cone roof tanks not over 30 ft. (9 m) dia- meter nor over 20 ft. (6 m) high. Foam hose ‘streams are acceptable for seal protection on ‘open top floating roof tanks. Standard No, 11 also states that monitor mounted nozzles, either fixed or portable, may be used as primary protection for cone roof tanks not over 60 ft. (19 m) in diameter. In planning the use of foam nozzles for tank pro- tection, careful consideration must be given to the foam stream range, both horizontal and ver: tical, to the adverse effect of wind velocity and direction, to the need for applying the foam without plunging directly into the burning li- Quid and to the possible loss of foam due to strong updrait. Flammable Liquid Storage Tank Protection > nee 27% 20% National Foamy 6:29 Rate of Application. The recommended rate of application will vary with the type of flammable liquid involved and the agent being used. Con: ( sult Section II for recommended rates of appli- cation, Supply of Foam Liquid, The quantity of foam liquid shail be sufficient for 65 minutes operation at the specified application rate NOM nas (wor mewupiag fir SA SLD eae nate sree | : | Figure 6-25, Foam Maker Assembly for Foam Application on Dike Areas Flommeble Liquic ’ =: Tank Protectior NATIONAL FOAM Single Source Center for Flammable Liquid Fire Protection Foam, Devices and Apparatus Some highlights from a century and a half of service: 1821 Jemes Boyd, company founder, received the first US. patent for improvement of fire hose, 1859 Cotton fire hose and expansion ring screw coupling still in use today, Patented, Rubber lined cotton hose introduced 1875 Seamless rubber lined fire hose in use. 1881 Fire extinguishers and horse drawn fire epparatus added to product line 1900 First fire apparatus with front whee! 1910 rive, 4 wheel brakes and mechanical starters. 1928. First with chemical foam powders, dual 1931 _ line foam generators, foam chambers and portable foam towers. Company entered flammable liquid fire protection field 1933 First chemical foam for extinguishing alcohol fires. 1935- First mechanical foam in U.S.A. First 1941 mechanical foam maker—a technological breakthrough. 1948 First complete fixed mechanical foam system, 1950 First foam truck and first mechanical foam system for marine tankers, 1952 1955, 1965 1969 1972 1973 1975 1976 1978 1979, Systems Design, First foarn-w foam tov poler solver sprinkler, hydraulic d Aer-O-Foam "99" for 3% Cold Foe capecity foam nozzle and monitor {PC-60)} First Fluoroprotein foam, Netional Aer-O-Foam XL, which made subsurface injection possibie First oscillating monitor First 3% AF FF (Aer-O-Water Pius). First Universal Foam for Type Il application on polar solvents First PAM (Programmed Automatic Monitoring system} First AFFF listed by Underwriters Laboratories for 6% proportioning on nearly any flammable liquid including Hydrocarbons, Alcohols, Ketones, Esters and Aldehydes. (Aer-O-Water PSL Polar Solvent Liquid) First Underwriters Laboratories listing for subsurface use of fluoroprotein at 3% for use on hydrocarbons. First foam ‘truck for use in —50°F operations First flammable liquid Foam Fire Schoo! With an eye to the inevitable new demands for protecting hazards born of Gevelopments yet to come, National Foam looks to a future of continued professional services in the speciglized fields of flammable liquids and related products Nevional Foam 63 FOAM SYSTEMS- From concept - through design - to completion National Foam is involved in fire protection systems which are designed for specific flamma: ble liquid hazards. Our commitment embraces research, design, engineering, manufacture, operator training, and after sale service National's purpose is to assure the proper selection and application of products for the protection of flammable liquid hazerds found in storage tanks, tank vessels, truck loading racks, aircraft hangars, marine docks, process areas, electric utility plants, municipal fire service and crash fire rescue operations. THE COMPLETE FOAM PRODUCT LINE National® Foam Liquid Concentrates @ Fluoroprotein: XL-3, XL-6 and XL-6 Cold Foam @ AFFF: Aer-O-Water*6%, Aer-O-Water Plus (3%), Aer-O.Water PSL” (Polar Solvent Liquid) and Aer-O-Water 1% @ Protein: 3% Regular, 6% Regular, 2% Cold Foam, 6% Cold Foam and 6% Deep Cold Foam # Alcohol Resistant: Aer-O-Weter PSL and Universal™ ‘e Syndet: High Expansion @ Wetting Agent: Super Drench National Proportioning Equipment ‘© Balanced Pressure Systems ‘# Pressure Proportioning Systems # Portable Systems ‘¢ Proportioning Trucks and Trailers National Foam-Miaking Equipment ¢ Foam Chambers @ High Back Pressure Foam Makers ‘¢ Foam Nozzles and Monitors «Specialized Foam-Making Devices RED ALERT - National Foam Emergency Service In case of emergency, call any time, day or night, Sundays or holidays. The Aer-O-Foam*liquid concentrates, Aer-O-Water, High Expansion liquid concentrates and Foam Equipment you need will be rushed to you...immediately. Phone 215 363-1400 Notice: The information contained herein is, to the best of our know- ledge and belief, accurate. Since the conditions of handling and of use are beyond our control we make no guarantee of results. We assume no Tiability for damages or penalties resulting from following our suggestions or recommendations, for are these to be taken as 2 “= license to operate under or recom- mendations to infringe any patents. ran or ome orgs AES, rnd ro eee ements Sb non. Printed in USA 9817.57

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