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Claire Palermo-Re

Comparative politics
The government should be federal. Dictator Brownlock held all the power and that led to
many people being oppressed. The national government as well as state governments should
have power. If only the national government has power the Takas will not receive that much
representation. There is only 2.2 million Takas in all of Qarth and they live very spread out. In
their homeland, only 0.4 million Takas are present. They are outnumbered by 0.4 million Dorfas
and 0.6 million Algos. More Takas live in the Dorfa, Algo and Randies homeland than in their
own homeland.
There should be parliamentary sovereignty. The legislative branch will be bicameral. The
two houses will check one another to make sure they are passing just laws. The senate having at
least one representative from each ethnicity will help make sure all the ethnic groups are
represented and have the opportunity to make their opinions be heard. Dictator Brownlock had
all the power and that needs to be avoided. By having two houses instead of one, this will
separate the power even more. This will stop one house or one small group of person from
having all the power.
The judicial branch will consist of a main court, the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court
will have five judges, one of each ethnicity. The fifth judge will be elected by the people but
cannot be the same ethnicity as the prime minister. The judges will be elected by each separate
ethnicity. The fifth judge is elected by popular vote by all the people. Each judge will have a one
year term, but can be elected to an unlimited amount of terms. Each homeland will then have a
smaller court to handle smaller matters there. The judges for this court will be elected by direct

election. Each ethnicity will be represented in the courts and each homeland will have their own
The constitution should be rigid. Laws should not be easily changed or easily broken. The
laws need to be strict. A large majority of the population was oppressed under the last ruler. The
laws need to be written to ensure that one person can never take over. The laws need to be just
from the beginning. If laws are rigid and very strict from the beginning it will help benefit one
person from taking over again. It will help ensure that all the ethnicities have a say in the
The electoral system should be based on ethnicity rather than based on location. The
Takas are spread out throughout Qarth. If the representation is based on location then the Takas
will not be evenly represented. The legislative branch should be bicameral. It will be split into
the senate and the house of reps. The senate will be elected by open list PR. Each ethnicity will
have one senator. The fifth senator will be elected by a 2/3 majority vote by the house of reps.
The house of reps will have 100 delegates. They will be elected by closed list PR.
There should be a parliamentary system. The Prime Minister will be elected based on the
house of reps. Whichever ethnicity has the most representation in the house of reps gets to elect
the prime minister. The prime minister will serve a two year serve. They can only serve two
consecutive terms. This is to make sure one person is not in charge for too long.

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