DNA Monthly Vol 4 No 2 February 08

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your FREE online resource for cutting-edge news about who you truly are

February 2008 (Vol. 4, No. 2)

Food for Thought: "There is an energy going on within this planet that we call planetary
life-force. It's the very energy you call Gaia ... In general, what happens on this planet
regarding consciousness literally changes the cellular structure of your body ... You're about
to have something very, very interesting take place. The potential is for the life-force of this
planet ... to shift in such as way that it will change the diseases that humanity is used to
dealing with ... You're about to see shift and change ... and you wonder why you're so tired?
The life-force of your planet is going to change and ... put a lid on some of the diseases that
have been uncontrollable. The reason is because you have chosen to change the planet,
and with it, you're going to change 'planetary health consciousness.' Get used to it. There's
a consciousness [here] that allows for certain kinds of disease to even exist. Remember that
your biology is part of the dirt of the earth."

Kryon, Lifting the Veil: The New Energy Apocalypse (The Kryon Writings, Inc., 2007)


1. "Creator, Creation & the State of the World," by D. K. as channeled by Catherine Bean
Weser & Skip Wolff

2. "Introducing Our Second & Third Brains: We Do Think with Our Heart & Instinct," by
Gabriella Kortsch

3. "Our DNA: The Source & Goal We Call God," by Divyaa Kummar

Also, Also ... DNA-related Definition of the Month & Did You Know?

1. Creator, Creation & the State of the World

D. K. as channeled by Catherine Bean Weser & Skip Wolff

[Editor's Note: Catherine Bean Weser is a conscious channel for the Tibetan known historically as Dwahl
Khul. She has worked with this energy as a teacher since 1982 when in meditation, a presence announced
itself as a profound teacher in the One Life. Whether DK exists or not is of little significance; the guidance
Catherine receives when in meditative states has been found to be illuminating and valuable to her many
clients all over the world. The following is an interaction between Catherine (CBW), Skip Wolff (ESW), and the
Dwahl Khul teacher energy (DK).]

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CBW: We ask simply to move into a deeper place--a place of comfort, safety, and security. It
is where we ask for information and energy to come from the highest realms of light. We ask
that everything in this session be of service to all who will come across it, calling in the
teacher, Dwahl Khul, and taking just take a moment of silence as we bring that energy into
the session and begin.

DK: Good day, Dear Ones. We are here to serve and aid you. We look energetically into the
topic of the evolution of humanity and how consciousness as the source of evolution
contributes to a feeling of hope, wellbeing and deeper knowing that life--the One Life--is
unfolding into ever greater magnificence.

One has to understand consciousness itself as a paradox. Whenever consciousness

expands--whenever there is more that consciousness must contain or hold--the usual sense
of duality present in one's experience has to be paradoxically incorporated into Oneness. If
you are going to have an expansion in your consciousness, you must be able to contain
within your consciousness oftentimes contradictory information--things that seem illogical--
things that do not fit in the usual dualistic structure and rational way of understanding. This is
true especially if you are trying to understand the course of your life or the nature of your
existence through the intelligence of your mental body.

At the foundation of consciousness exists the paradox of life being simultaneously the
Creator and the Creation. Every human is constantly creating his or her life at the same time
as experiencing him or herself as the creation of life (the result of seemingly external forces).
To understand human evolution and to see consciousness as the source of evolution, one
must see oneself as participating in evolution both as Creator and Creation of evolutionary
forces. It is important to recognize that a lot of imbalances in society--from the individual
level up--come from difficulty in containing the seemingly contradictory information of being
simultaneously Creator and Creation.

From our perspective people tend to get hung up on being the Creator--often a very self-
centered attitude full of desire that is ultimately unsustainable, unfulfillable. People get stuck
on being the Creator and, in so doing, blame themselves for everything they create instead
of rejoicing in their Creation. In parallel fashion people can get hung up on being the
Creation--being a victim to the "big bad world out there" and to everything that seems to
have more power and ability than they have. Such imbalances occur primarily as a result of
feeling the contracting energy of fear.

Fear underlies any sense of crisis accompanying a process of human evolution that is
natural--full, complete, yet underway. Fear is the energy that enables an individual to leap to
a higher level of consciousness when used properly and appropriately; but it is also the
energy that can promote imbalance. At this point in human evolution, what has been
understood as desire has been infused with fear--the fear of getting enough--the fear of not
getting enough--the fear of not being fulfilled--an addictive, desperate sense of want which is
never really identified, but exists underneath the surface causing an individual to struggle
and experience tremendous anger and difficulty with self and life.

It is this element of desire, present in both human individuals and systems (including
governments, corporations, and all sorts of associations), that ultimately fuels that which
facilitates the end of the existing system. If you look at any system--whether the living
system of the human individual, the living system of a group of individuals, or Earth itself as
a living system--at the end of its old structure, in the course of structural breakdown and the
birth of a new system, there is an element of fear which plays out as desire infused with
anger. It is this energy that ultimately breaks things apart--takes people in different
directions--creates a certain kind of chaos and ultimately brings about a crisis that must be
addressed. The crisis must be viewed as the old structure coming apart in order for it to be

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recreated--put together in a new way--and experienced as the opportunity for a new

Creation. Here we see the Creation-Creator paradox in action.

Now, from our perspective change can occur seemingly from the outside due to
environmental conditions, or change can occur from the inside due to internal dynamics.
This two-way street once again illustrates the creational paradox that must be integrated into
an understanding of the way consciousness expands so that we can see consciousness
expansion as the nature of evolution. Evolution unfolds as a result of consciousness
expansion, which requires the paradox of seemingly contradictory information that is
ultimately integrated. Change occurs simultaneously on the inside and the outside. People
change because something occurs inside of them which insists on change. They also
change because something seems to occur outside of them that forces them to change.

Real change as part of consciousness expansion, and therefore evolution, happens when
"inside" and "outside" forces collaborate in what might seem irrational and chaotic ways that
ultimately reveal themselves as a profoundly structured, orchestrated and magnificent
process. All metacellular organisms go through this process of experiencing themselves as
both Creator and Creation.

Hope is recognizing that all comes from One--that all is One Life--and that the nature of
human existence is to evolve through Consciousness Expansion into an understanding that
brings deep and lasting recognition of our essential Oneness. We are talking about the
realization that as things become infinitely more expanded, they also become infinitely more
unified. It is in the paradoxical appreciation for expansion and contraction that one rides this
wave of evolution in a way which--through gratitude and appreciation--finally recalls that
there is really nothing other than hope.

We are talking about a deep recognition and realization that wherever humans are going--
wherever the species is moving--evolution is accomplished through individual intention as
well as the intention of all life, the intention of the One Life. We are talking about recongizing
that all is well even as we feel that some things could improve. We are talking about
accepting that fear exists, that fear infuses desire and thereby fuels action. That desire has
become addictive and greed-based is a harbinger of a compelling breakthrough which will
allow an even deeper and more profound creativity to emerge--the kind of creativity where
the individual has a sense of being absolutely autonomous and in charge of creating and
recreating, while at the same time recognizing him or herself as part of the One Life creating
and recreating itself.

When we look at this evolutionary leap that is underway in the human species, we would say
it is significant. It is profound. It is the movement from belief in oneself as separate, alone
and identified more profoundly by individual differences, to a much broader re-identification
of self as part of a whole. This movement has to do with a certain kind of interaction which
creates congruence among people. It has to do with all people becoming themselves, doing
what they love to do, living their lives fully in gratitude, peace and love--and starting to see
the resonance gained when one person is living this way and the person next door is also.
This situation creates a local structural congruence which then impacts all larger structures.
Ultimately, the larger structures become so full of congruence they become sustainable.

Sustainability cannot occur without a certain degree of congruence--without recognition that

all which exists within its structure is at once unique and universal. Such systemic
congruence enables all systems present to reinforce and support each other. This is a
biological model whereby each individual cell retains its particular nature while becoming
part of a larger system willingly, peacefully, and lovingly. There are many ways in which the
whole process of one's life can be recognized as a balancing act between the sense of
being unique, individual and separate, and the sense of being part of something larger and

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more complex.

Being comfortable in this paradox means coming to a place of understanding where you can
be comfortable with who you are. Many people believe that the outside is greater or that the
inside is more profound. The truth is, however, that life is a constantly shifting experience
whereby one moves from "outside" to "inside," and vice versa, in order to expand the
boundaries that were initially created for comfort but have become too restrictive. As one
becomes oneself, one starts to recognize that boundaries are amorphous. There is no real
definition of self or feeling of who one is that will ever fit perfectly all the time. The ongoing
search for points of reference through which to define oneself is, of course, the nature of
consciousness exanding--and the source of evolution itself.

It is up to humans, in their expanding consciousness, to appreciate what is now while

anticipating what is next with an open-minded and -hearted delight in the change that is
underway. Whatever appears as crisis--as difficulty, restriction, constriction, fear, anger,
greed, etc.--as anything that is not in service to greater peace and love on the planet, is to
be understood as part of the natural evolution toward a global state of cooperation and
peace. The understanding that in times of crisis there is greater struggle must be
accompanied by the realization that directly underneath the surface is the development of a
new cooperation. An experience of what is next is constantly held within what is now--and
within this paradox evolution moves forward. It is this movement that constitutes the "isness"
of evolution.

We are simply here to encourage everyone to recognize that within every struggle--whether
personal, governmental, economic, or otherwise--exists that seed of "thrival," which is
connectedness and wholeness within a holographic universal perspective that is real, true,
and alive. It can be useful to let go of the kinds of projections into the future that occur when
one is afraid--when one is in the midst of one's current struggle--and instead find that seed
of consciousness that is the point from which expansion occurs that holds potential for
thrival. Simply knowing it exists--remembering to touch it from time to time--can move
consciousness forward and thus contribute to evolution.

While this has been a very esoteric discussion, we can also be very practical and clear. We
would like to do that especially through questions which we will answer.

ESW: What came to mind was a musical analogy within which maybe we can talk about all
the paradoxes and the whole Creator-Creation dynamic and the different levels of the holon.
If we look at each of us as the player of an instrument--each of us is a member of an
orchestra and we play one instrument--there is something about being both Creator and
Creation of the music where we start out with Johnny One Note, and then move into
congruence with another, then with another, and another, until we are approaching the
Music of the Spheres. See if the analogy works in terms of us as individuals and all the
seeming dissonance we are creating at the moment, and then look at all the different levels
of holons from individual to small cells or groups to countries or governments to the whole of
humanity. Does it make sense to talk this way?

DK: It is true, looking at an orchestra as an analogy, that each individual note--each

individual player--each individual instrument--as well as the groups of instruments--the
groups of notes--ultimately creates a kind of harmony containing within it moments and
experiences of dissonance. There is not a singularity but a complexity that is far more
interesting and therefore creative. More material for creativity exists in complexity and chaos
than in singularity, yet singularity can hold the potential for all creativity--all Creation. Each
individual is a conglomerate of systems of other "individuals"--cells, particles, atoms, etc. It
is as if each individual is a universe unto him or herself while at the same time being part of
the multiverse of All That Is. It is in the realm of consciousness that one can "know" this

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multiverse, which cannot necessarily be described or expressed rationally. Does that make

ESW: Yes. In my own case, metaphorically speaking, I think I am often a flute player who is
trying to play a bassoon or the drums. I am often not playing my own instrument. I am not
doing what I love to do and that is not creating the kind of congruence and the whole
creative experience I want. When you were first talking about congruence, what came to
mind was an artists' community in which all of that creative energy comes together and
creates a synergy so everyone is energized by it and creates at higher and higher levels. I
was thinking that that also has to be part of this whole analogy or metaphor throughout
every level of every system.

DK: We would agree. We would also comment on the understanding that if you are not
doing what you want to be doing--if you think you are playing a bassoon when you really are
a flute player--all you have to change is your perception. It is not even that you have to get a
flute tomorrow. It is that through a certain kind of appreciation of the bassoon--appreciation
of yourself and your contribution and the glory of who you are as whatever kind of bassoon
player you are--you can have the experience of sheer delight in life. Do you understand?

ESW: Yes. There is a part of all of us that really longs to belong--to be part of something
greater than ourselves--to know that we are truly contributing--that we are making a
difference. Often we have a lot of pictures or ideals of how that should be done or what it
looks like that don't fit for who each of us is as an individual, so we do anything except be
who we are really designed to be in an attempt to be part of something greater than us. One
of the things I see emerging on the underbelly or in an undercurrent of all the seeming chaos
is a huge movement toward giving and contributing. It is in giving that people are
experiencing meaning, contribution, and a sense of making a difference. I think Clinton's
book, Giving, is a reflection of that. When we look at all the natural disasters and people's
responses, whether it was individuals going to New Orleans or contributing to tsunami
victims, people are recognizing the deeper satisfaction in giving than in getting and
spending. It seems that each of us needs to rediscover who we are in terms of being a giver-
-a contributor--how each of us can best be of service in a way that is natural but that we
often discount because it is natural and seems too easy in this culture of "no pain, no gain."

DK: What we would say to that is that people often want to make a contribution and have--
as you state--these ideas and pictures of what their contribution should look like, yet the
contribution that is simple, natural and motivated by a pure sense of being part of the One
Life is usually the best contribution. Natural disasters and difficulties occurring all over the
planet are actually giving people permission to be simple and easy with their contribution
rather than clinging to erroneous pictures and idealized versions of what they should be
doing and how they should be contributing. This is a great gift. It is a wonderful recognition
of the opportunity which comes out of crisis. Do you follow?

ESW: Yes. I think the piece of it which may not get followed up on as well as it could be is
that when we have that experience of pure giving and the joy it brings, we come back out
into a world of shoulds. In the biological model what is no longer needed melts away. It
transforms. It becomes something else just as the caterpillar melts into becoming a butterfly.
I think we need some ability to know how, but also the intention to let go of anything that is
keeping us from living in that pure place of giving which does bring such joy. It is
acculturation to shoulds which needs to be released. It does not serve anymore.

DK: We agree that the culture of shoulds is really a culture in which the individual has given
up his or her own inner authority--given up their sense of themselves as a unique and whole
person whose basic motivation is to love and be loved in favor of some kind of external
authoritative recipe for success. Those recipes simply don't work any longer. They served a

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purpose, but they are no longer necessary or even appropriate for this particular stage of
human evolution and consciousness.

ESW: It seems that the shoulds are aligned with the energy of force--not the natural
expression of self, but forcing oneself to be something one isn't. One of the examples that
[biologist Elisabet] Sahtouris gives in the biological model is of genetically modified food.
The whole response of the genome to it is rejection. The basic conclusion that I took from
that is that force does not work.

DK: Exactly. There is a natural, easy and peaceful way to realize that one simply is as one is
and does not have to become something else.

ESW: We were talking before about the motivation to love and be loved. I think one's idea of
one's own lovability is what underlies and drives this need to be different. Many people did
not feel loved as children and are constantly trying to remake themselves into somebody
lovable without realizing that the natural expression of who they are is the most lovable one.
I think this is a huge issue for many people and I'd like for you to talk about how can we trust
that we are lovable when we are being our most natural selves.

DK: It comes back to desire and fear. When desire is pure, it is simply fuel for Creation. If
you desire to be lovable and it is a pure desire, you have the fuel--the energy--to act in
lovable ways. It is natural and easy. If you are afraid that you are not lovable--if you are
angry because your parents never loved you--if you infuse a natural and pure desire to be
lovable with difficult energies, you move out of the natural experiential state of acting from
pure desire into a focus and attention on results--on what you get--on all sorts of things
outside of natural experience--in other words, outside of the evolutionary construct which is
easy. Such behavior will usually result in rejection because there is no longer a relaxation
into the experience, but more of a fear-based struggle to get something. It is important for
people to understand this because we see many people who are sure that their intention to
achieve something spiritual is necessary and important, yet it is loaded with too much fear
and anger to ever get anywhere. Do you follow?

ESW: Partly. What came up for me when you started talking was the issue of whether we
trust that we are basically good or believe that we are evil or sinners. It changes everything--
that belief. Right now we have a rampant belief in many parts of the world that we are not

DK: And we have a tremendous belief that we are good and everyone else is bad

ESW: Yes. Absolutely.

DK: A spiritual ambition or desire to achieve or be something other than what is can take
one out of natural expression. Then one's experience becomes filled with rejection. What is
needed is the realization that lovability is. It just is. Love is life. Life is love. Love is the core
of consciousness. It is never something that is going to be attained, bound, held, or
contained. It is always something that is simply in existence. If one can get to a place of
recognizing the mystery of things like love, consciousness and evolution--if one can
embrace the mysteriousness of it all--one will have greater comfort than by trying to make
life a series of tangible, results-oriented steps. Does that make sense?

ESW: Yes. At the beginning you spoke of the paradoxes of containing duality and how love
is the energy that allows us to do that. How do we move to a place of love in a very real and
practical way when we are faced with people who would like to do us in?

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DK: You must love such individuals from a compassionate recognition of their humanity--
from a realization that they are someone's sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters--from a
realization that in the whole of the Earth's living system--in the One Life--such individuals are
expressing something that contributes to the whole. While you may judge the contribution to
be negative or difficult, it is still a particular contribution that is present in the One Life of
everything that exists. In the One Life--in all of existence--there are individuals whose
actions are harmful, whose pain is great. While you don't have to condone their actions or
attempt to alleviate their pain (there are no requirements for you to interact with them in any
particular manner), the opportunity exists for you to simply recognize that there is a human
presence there and as part of the One Life, there is some kind of resonance between you.
Do you understand?

ESW: Yes. If we talk about the Law of Attraction, then we have a choice as to what we focus
on. Am I correct that if we pull attention away from what we would describe as negative or
harmful things, they will of their own accord eventually fall away? And if we at the same time
invest our attention and energy in the Creation of the new, then we are going to begin to
attract more and more resonance to the Creation of the new to the point where that
becomes the dominant force in our world?

DK: Yes. Your opportunity as a human being is to have dominion over your thoughts,
intentions, and perceptions. There is a greater you who can shift--who can move--who can
always seek what seems to be the most loving and supportive understanding of any
situation. It is in gaining a certain kind of dominion over your thoughts that one creates
happiness. And yes--in the midst of sheer ecstatic joyfulness, everything other than that falls

ESW: Which brings us back to playing our own part in the orchestra and participating in
whatever music is being played or creating new music.

DK: Absolutely. Correct. Other questions?

ESW: Not at the moment.

DK: Then we will simply suggest that for this upcoming year of 2008, holding the intention of
seeing the new, which is being created by you even as you are being created by it, is really
the opportunity which is going to bring the greatest joy to all. The year 2008 is an important
turning point in human evolution. It is a year when all who have dominion over their
thoughts, perceptions, actions, emotions, etc., will be part of the Creation of the new. Being
part of the Creation of the new is full of tremendous love, peace, and absolute delight. We
suggest that you explore the new as a focus in your life this year and watch how things
unfold. Experiment by loving it all. We now bring our time together to a close. From the
head, the hand and the heart, so be it. And so it is.

Copyright (c) 2008 by Catherine Bean Weser & Skip Wolff. All Rights Reserved.

[Catherine Bean Weser is a conscious integrated channel who has conducted workships in the United States
and Europe, assisting individuals with understanding themselves and the energetics of their life situations.
Catherine's work has been featured on major European television networks and in publications throughout the
Western world. Since 1982 she has worked in nonphysical partnership with Dwahl Khul in channeling the
S.E.L.F. (Super Essential Light Field). Catherine is also a decoder of the Tzolkin, specializing in the application
of birth information mapped into the Mayan Calendar and revealed as practical wisdom and guidance. For
more information visit http://www.knowonelife.com. To inquire about private sessions in person or by
telephone, contact Catherine at catherineweser@yahoo.com. Skip Wolff is a retired writer and
transformational counselor with a compelling need to understand consciousness evolution and its relationship
to individual and collective experience. She initiated a series of explorations with Catherine and Dwahl Khul in
1999 for that purpose. She may be reached through Catherine.]

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DNA-related Definition of the Month

Healing: ultimately self-directed process leading to enlightenment that involves

transcending duality by returning to unity consciousness, reuniting with Source as an
individuated being, and becoming "whole." Healing is to be distinguished from curing, which
is the alleviation of a symptom or ailment in oneself or another without necessarily producing

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2. Introducing Our Second & Third Brains: We Do Think with Our Heart & Instinct

Gabriella Kortsch

Neuroscientists have finally done it! They have demonstrated that we have a brain in our
heart and another in our intestines. What we have in each of these, in actual fact, is an
extensive mass of neurons that behave in a fashion similar to the neurons contained in the
brain, and that appear to function at mega-speeds, often much greater than those of our
cerebral neurons.

Our Second Brain

The second brain consists of about 100 billion nerve cells in the digestive tract --a greater
number than in the spinal cord. Professor W. Prinz of the Max Planck Institute for
Psychological Research in Munich indicated to Geo Magazine that it is possible that
unconscious decisions are made by the stomach network, and are later claimed by the main
brain as conscious decisions of its own.

This second brain was brought to light by neuro-biologist Michael Gershon of New York's
Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, author of The Second Brain. When asked if the
brain in our heads influences our second brain, he replied that it does, and that we get
butterflies in the stomach when the brain sends a message of anxiety to the gut. This, in
turn, sends messages back to the brain that it is not happy. However--and this is perhaps
the most riveting part--the brain in the gut can also work in isolation.

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The Third Brain

With his revolutionary research the University of Montreal's pioneer neurocardiologist J.

Andrew Armour first introduced the concept of a functional heart brain in the 1990s. This
brain in the heart-like the brain in the digestive tract--may also act independently of the brain
in the head. The size of this brain, according to California's Institute of HeartMath is as great
as a number of the principle areas of the brain in the head. Studies discussed in Brain and
Values have shown that the consistency of the rhythm found in the heart brain is capable of
changing--sometimes in spectacular fashion--how effectively the thinking brain functions. In
theory, this means that what occurs on a feeling level has the capacity to deeply influence
what occurs on a thinking level.

In The HeartMath Solution, co-authored by Doc Childre and H. Martin, an in-depth look is
taken at the heart and its association with the mind and body. This contributes to the newly
emerging view of the heart as a complex, self-organized system that maintains a continuous
two-way dialogue with the brain and the rest of the body. Research available at the
HeartMath website and published in major medical journals demonstrates that the heart has
a significant influence on the function of our brains and all our bodily systems.

Imagine the implications! Those who live by "instinct," who "listen" to their gut, who make
decisions based on what their heart tells them rather than their logical brain, now know that
although that may not necessarily always be the right way to go, the evidence clearly shows
that in order to make decisions based on all of their knowledge, they should apply not only
that which their logical brain tells them, but also what their feeling brain (heart) and
instinctive brain (gut) have given them to understand.

Cutting-edge Research

Keeping up with cutting-edge research is fascinating because you are able to discover what
is happening in the intriguing world of avant-garde thought and progress long before any of it
hits the mainstream. Thus you can begin to apply new information long before everyone else
is talking about it. The only reason that is important is because being at the forefront can
make an enormous difference in the quality of your life--sometimes just because it changes
the way you think about things.

As an example, a relatively recent (2006) article by Alex Celma in the weekend supplement
of the Spanish daily El Pais referred to the value of tenderness, not just in the sense of
tenderness in relationships, but how tenderness can be implicit in thinking actions and make
a difference in decisions. A few weeks later, an article in the German weekly Der Spiegel
referred to the fact that more and more researchers, psychologists, neuroscientists and even
philosophers are paying record amounts of attention to the study of intuition, some of whom
have gone so far as to state that human intuition is much sharper and stronger than reason.

Albert Einstein stated that "the intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a
faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the
gift." Clearly, he recognized the priceless value of intuition over reason, while simultaneously
expressing that reason evidently plays an important role. Concurring with Aristotle who said
that "intuition is the source of scientific knowledge," Einstein also stated, "I believe in
intuition and inspiration; at times I feel certain I am right while not knowing the reason."

Antonio Damasio, the Iowa University-based neuroscientist and author of the highly
acclaimed Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Feeling Brain, has demonstrated,
based on extensive experience and studies with neurological patients, that every decision
an individual makes needs an emotional impulse, because human beings cannot act based

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purely on reason. In his earlier book Descartes's Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human
Brain, Damasio insisted that the renowned philosopher’s axiom "I think, therefore I am" is a
mistake, and that it should read: I feel, therefore I am--which became the motivational
slogan of Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence.

Paying Attention to All Our Brains

Robert K. Cooper, author of The Other 90%: How to Unlock Your Vast Untapped Potential
for Leadership and Life, writes that many people have learned not to pay attention to the
butterflies in the stomach (gut) and what the heart is feeling because it is so much easier to
let the head lead the way, thus trampling over possibly better choices that might put all of
the different sources of intelligence to use.

As a society we have very much undermined and sabotaged the knowing we receive from
our feelings and intuition. Even when we are wont to give such knowing value, due to
consistent and damaging connotations connected to feelings and intuition, we often hesitate
to give them any consideration when they arise in us. Research such as that described in
this article is very encouraging, because it may persuade many who might not otherwise do
so to pay greater attention to such knowing, and to begin to use it in their daily lives.

Copyright (c) 2008 by Gabriella Kortsch. All Rights Reserved.

[Gabriella Kortsch, Ph.D., is a psychotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist, relationship coach, author,

professional speaker and radio show host who has appeared in numerous television programs. She can help
you move towards greater personal and relationship success with her integral approach to life and offers
workshops in the field of self-development and choosing responsibility for the self. Visit
http://www.advancedpersonaltherapy.com for more information, to listen to her weekly radio show in English,
and to sign up for her newsletter in English or Spanish.]

Did You Know ... that in the words of Joseph Chilton Pearce in The Biology of
Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, that while all "living forms produce an
electrical field because in some sense everything has an electromagnetic element or basis,"
the heart's "electrical output is exceptional"? "That congregation with us, billions of little
generators working in unison, produces two and a half watts of electrical energy with each
heartbeat at an amplitude forty to sixty times greater than that of brain waves--enough to
light a small electric bulb. This energy forms an electromagnetic field that radiates out some
twelve to fifteen feet beyond our body itself."

Read Back Issues of this FREE ezine online at


3. Our DNA: The Source & Goal We Call God

Divyaa Kummar

We often think in terms of gods creating us; but in truth it is we who create our gods! As
humans, we sense our purest qualities and highest ideals encoded in our very DNA, but
unable to accept them as "self," we view them outside us initially.

Seers of earlier days viewed these highest potentials, qualities and essences that we truly
are, and in order to describe them to the masses, gave them form and name. Life force
became Shiva; abundance became Lakshmi; wisdom became Saraswati, etc. To further

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elaborate on these qualities or essences, whose innumerable facets are highly nuanced--for
example, life force can be thought of as simultaneously power, will, desire, and even
awareness--stories and mythologies were woven around them.

This is an example of anthropomorphism, whereby we personalize or humanize an abstract

quality to understand it better, even giving it a human name, form, and history! It seems
human nature to bring the abstract to life to understand it better. The intangible aspects that
make up our universe and explain what creation is were too subtle to be grapsed initially
otherwise. Through such stories humankind could more easily understand and identify the
purer nuances of Self--and thus seek to be them.

These stories also tended to project our source, our God, outside ourselves as our pure
vision for ourselves, our goal. The fact is, however, that the qualities described in our
mythologies are immanent in our DNA, the record keeper that keeps the whole of our being
intact while we play the game of separation and ignorance.

The word "pure" is used without judgment in terms of being better than, for instance,
"dense." The only difference between pure and dense is their vibratory frequency. Thus,
while pure does refer to our "finer" vibrations, in the larger picture it is these finer aspects of
Self which choose the denser experiences to add, ultimately, to their finesse! In other words,
finer aspects of Self explore the denser realms to add to the perfection of Self. In this
process perfection doesn't remain a static state of being. Yet while we explore the more
tangible realms, we retain our purest aspects outside us as gods to merge with! And within
us, our DNA propels us forward as seekers.

If our thoughts and feelings are the power through which we create life, it follows that a
critical mass of humans conjuring their gods in any given instance will actually create these
forms on inner levels. In such cases we feel the "presence" of these gods and consider them
"real," thereby strengthening our belief in "them" and adding to the vitality that we first
created, ourselves, on the inner planes. In so doing, we literally draw succor from these
tangible (if not physical) forms that hold (or are shaped by) our own highest potentials!

If we can now make our gods more human(e)--not merely view them in the lofty, out of reach
way appropriate to early humankind--our gods will indeed exist as you and I do ... and the
new avatars that the world has been waiting for will finally be. Now is the time, and you are
such an avatar!

Let's take this a step further and view our mythological gods even more clearly as the pure
potentials and qualities of ourselves inherent in our DNA. I contend that our historical gods,
such as Buddha, Jesus, Mahavir and Mohammed (to name a few), were human beings just
like us who succeeded in actualizing these pure genetic potentials within themselves.

Similarly, we are yet unknown gods unraveling the potential in our DNA--what science
sometimes describes as extending the frontiers of our brain. As for the God-self from which
we metaphorically "descend" ... it isn't outside as we usually imagine. There is no outside,
only the cosmic play of the Whole that we ourselves are. We are here in this time and space
to grasp this truth at a deeper level than merely the intellectual--to play the game of
becoming God ... within!

Our historical gods (like all of us) are each a unique exploration of the Whole; a finely honed
focus of the Whole--actualizing an inimitable, distinctive aspect of the Whole. Thus each god
displays a different facet, with no one "teaching" exactly the same things. Sometimes
humanity gets confused as to what is the truth. That's the whole point of creation, in which
each individuation explores and actualizes a unique aspect of the Whole for the Whole.

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We imbue the Whole with a unique slant. We desire a distinctive experience of and for the
Whole. We must not become perplexed by what the different gods are saying, but take from
each god what helps us create our own vision and realization in and of the Whole. For if we
all "go back" with the same picture of our travels here, what a waste of eternity! Yet bear in
mind that actualizing any one aspect of our divinity to its fullest potential automatically leads
to actualize all our other divine qualities--for each facet is only a doorway. Once we "enter"
the Whole through it, we actualize all that is within.

If we keep in mind that our external gods, in the largest sense, are "earlier" aspects of Self,
we do not feel so distanced from our highest potentials. Indeed, the gods are never
stagnant, finished ... but change and expand every moment through us--their "selves."
Perfection is a dynamic state of being ... not an end in itself. We contribute to our god selves
even as they to us ... What a beautiful cycle!
Copyright (c) 2008 by Divyaa Kummar. All Rights Reserved.

[Divyaa Kummar is a spiritual facilitator from Bombay, India, reaching out to many through her weekly
discourses, workshops, personal sessions, and writings. She also conducts regular meditation sessions (in
theta or higher states of awareness) blending ancient dhyana techniques with a more current, modern
approach. She describes these sessions as using words to go beyond words towards "experiencing" all that
we "know" intellectually. This has been called raising kundalini or expanding the energy fields and chakra
system. She also uses (and teaches) the Tarot as a symbolic language to communicate with inner aspects of
Self in which divination is not viewed in terms of predictions but optimally in terms of self-knowledge. For more
information visit http://www.divyaakummar.com.]

NEW Enjoy the podcast of Sol Luckman's in-depth interview with pharmacist and
medical intuitive Bryan Flournoy on "Making-It-All-Click!" For an excellent overview
of the Regenetics Method, read the transcript of Sol's featured interview with Dr.
Stuart Titus on the Internet radio show “Health & Science: The Next Generation.”

Coming in our March issue ... The Transcript of Bryan Flournoy's Interview with
Sol Luckman on "Making-It-All-Click!" & so much more!

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***Unless otherwise indicated, all materials appearing in DNA Monthly are copyrighted (c) by Sol
Luckman and may be reprinted without permission provided there are no content changes and the
author's byline is included with the following: Sol Luckman is author of Conscious Healing: Book One
on the Regenetics Method, editor of DNA Monthly, and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for
Regenetics, offering cutting-edge educational services and materials designed to activate unity
consciousness and actualize human potential. For information visit

Subscriptions. Visit http://www.phoenixregenetics.org/page13.html and fill out the easy online subscription
form. You will receive links to our current and future issues free via email.

Back Issues. Visit http://potentiation.net/DNAmonthly/index.html to read a wealth of articles from past issues.

Submissions. If you would like to submit an original article, excerpt, book review or letter to the editors, please
copy and paste it into an email and send to DNAmonthly@fastmail.fm. Be sure to write "submission" in the
Subject heading. We offer no financial remuneration for articles we choose to publish, but authors can include
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Monthly reserves the options 1) to edit any submission for clarity, length, grammar, and spelling; 2) to excerpt
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Mission. DNA Monthly seeks to empower readers with vital information relative to their divine genetic
endowment: DNA. This information may range from generalized articles on DNA to news releases on
breakthrough genetic research to educational materials devoted to specific DNA activation methods and

Disclaimer. The editors of DNA Monthly publish free material relative to DNA at their sole discretion as a bio-
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[DNA Monthly is sponsored by the Phoenix Center for Regenetics, facilitating conscious personal
mastery as a bio-spiritual healing path through integrated DNA activation. For information on our
cutting-edge services, click here.]

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