DNA Monthly Vol 4 No 3 March08

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your FREE online resource for cutting-edge news about who you truly are

March 2008 (Vol. 4, No. 3)

Notable & Quotable: "Because we are not powerless biochemical machines, popping a
pill every time we are mentally or physically out of tune is not the answer. Drugs and surgery
are powerful tools, when they are not overused, but the notion of simple drug fixes is
fundamentally flawed. Every time a drug is introduced into the body to correct function A, it
inevitably throws off functions B, C or D. It is not gene-directed hormones and
neurotransmitters that control our bodies and our minds; our beliefs control our bodies, our
minds and thus our lives ... Oh ye of little belief!"

Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and
Miracles (Mountain of Love/Elite Books, 2005)


1. "Interview with Sol Luckman on 'Making-It-All-Click!,'" by Bryan Flournoy

2. "The Evolutionary Relationship between Galactic Center & DNA," by Sai Grafio

3. "Spiritual Secrets," by Divyaa Kummar

Also, Also ... DNA-related Definition of the Month & Did You Know?

1. Interview with Sol Luckman on "Making-It-All-Click!"

Bryan Flournoy

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[Note: The following transcription has been edited for length and clarity.]

BRYAN FLOURNOY: Hello everyone! Thank you once again for tuning in. This is Bryan
Flournoy on "Making-It-All-Click!" Today I'm very happy to be interviewing a healer in
alternative energy medicine by the name of Sol Luckman. How are you, Sol?

SOL LUCKMAN: I'm good. How are you, Bryan?

BRYAN: Pretty good. Everyone, I met Sol in the Zaadz community online. Before we get
started with this very intriguing interview regarding his modality, I'd like to read a little
introduction about him from his Zaadz profile page: "'Human law is not the same as Sacred
Law,' write Jamie Sams and David Carson in Medicine Cards. 'More so than any other
medicine, Crow sees that the physical world and even the spiritual world, as humanity
interprets them, are an illusion. There are billions of worlds. There are an infinitude of
creatures. Great Spirit is within all.'" One of the first things I wanted to ask Sol was, Why the
choice of the crow as an animal in your totem?

SOL: Well, Crow is my principle totem animal. When I was ill with a chronic autoimmune
illness over a decade ago, I left graduate school and the hardcore world of left-brain
academics and went on kind of a vision quest. I came West to seek healing, met Crow in my
journey, and have been accompanied by that energy ever since.

BRYAN: Now, you came out West intentionally for a vision quest healing? Does that mean
you were spiritual or metaphysically-minded before developing Regenetics?

SOL: I came out to study with an energy healer who had healed himself of chronic fatigue
syndrome, which was what I imagined I had. His approach involved a lot of qigong. I'd
experienced some positive benefits working with him when I first met him, but I was going on
faith. I didn't necessarily think of it as a vision quest as I embarked on it, but it certainly was

BRYAN: How long did it take for you to transition or transmute your reality such that you're
the healthy, vital person you are today?

SOL: That was in 1998 when I spent about a year out West being very committed to qigong,
which got me back on my feet. After that I taught literature for a couple of years. At the end
of the second year of teaching, my health broke down again. Though qigong had gotten me

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back on my feet, I still hadn't been able to get at the root cause of what was going on. So I
spent a couple of years understanding the root cause doing various other energetic
modalities such as NAET and BioSET, two allergy elimination techniques, and I actually
learned a version of BioSET and offered that for about a year while still trying to heal myself.
It was the end of that process that Potentiation, the first DNA activation of the Regenetics
Method, came through. That was the turning point for me. I was feeling very much better
after about six months, but I continued to detox and strengthen over another couple of

BRYAN: Did you make any dietary changes? Did you use any detoxification methods such
as supplements?

SOL: I'd done this type of thing during my nearly decade-long illness a lot. My food allergies
were so severe I couldn't eat anything but meat and unseasoned vegetables. Potentiation
encouraged a tremendous amount of detoxification. I wouldn't have dared try to push it with
supplements or other energetic modalities. In fact, my partner Leigh and I spend a lot of our
time encouraging clients going through the Method to consider stopping doing things, as
opposed to doing things.

BRYAN: Are you speaking of Potentiation of DNA as a specific stamp or program, and was
that defined at the time you discovered it, or was it a process of discovery as you
experienced your own self-healing?

SOL: Great question. It's one I've been thinking about a lot as I've been putting together a
second book on the Method. I'm wanting to tell the story of this journey of discovery through
the Regenetics Method and our own healing. In answer to your question ... Potentiation was
very much a process. I thought I was probably dying and feel that I would have died, had I
not discovered this work--or rather, had it not come through me. I was given spiritual
guidance, for lack of better words, to go to South America with Leigh. I remember saying
goodbye to my parents and family not knowing if I would see them again. It was during that
trip that we received the linguistic codes for Potentiation and began implementing them, first
on ourselves and then, about six months later, with other people.

BRYAN: Amazing! So when did DNA become part of your focus?

SOL: That became a very important part of what we were doing while I was still offering
allergy elimination. At that time these techniques involved using little homeopathic vials
holding a vibratory signature, an energy signature. For example, an allergen. You could
hand someone a vial and muscle test the person to see if they had a strong or weak
response. That would indicate whether they were having an allergic response to that
substance; the allergy clearing itself involved doing light massage mostly on the back to
stimulate an aspect of the acupressure meridian system to reset the nervous system's
response to the allergen. There are various kinds of allergy elimination techniques: NAET,
BioSET, JMT, and many other derivatives--some of which have evolved (if I can use that
word) to use computer software to do the work as opposed to doing it manually. Leigh and I
bought lots of vials for DNA, nucleotides, RNA, RNA-binding enzymes and everything in the
world as we were learning more about DNA in general and the "ener-genetics" of DNA in
particular. Then we began doing a lot of muscle testing with ourselves and our clients to
understand how DNA was being impacted by various substances, such as vaccines and
genetically modified foods, and in turn what DNA was doing to contribute to disease states
on an energetic level.

BRYAN: What did you conclude regarding DNA's practical involvement in day-to-day
physiology? What was your impression in light of what happens when people have allergic
reactions? What did you derive DNA's interaction to be from an energetic standpoint?

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SOL: It's a bit of a complicated situation because we discovered that not everyone is
energetically the same. So with that as a caveat, I'll say that it became very clear that a lot of
autoimmune illnesses--under that category I include chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, multiple
chemical sensitivity, all the way up to AIDS--involve damaged DNA. With kinesiological
testing, it was obvious that a major contributing factor in damaging DNA--actually
reprogramming DNA from a repair enzyme into a disrepair enzyme--is vaccines. I'd go so far
as to say that vaccines are the principle cause of most autoimmune conditions. If you're
looking for etiology, there's an entire other way we could look at this. We could talk about
the emotional body and people's willingness to get sick or even their need to get sick, in
order to transcend or to move to another level personally. Certainly for me, I was in a field I
didn’t particularly like (academics). I'm a person with much more artistic leanings and felt
that part of me being squelched--and for me, illness became a way out, a way of reinventing
my life. Not that it was easy and I certainly empathize greatly when people are going through
that experience, but I know from hundreds of stories that have been shared with me that
there are many people who see illness as an opportunity.

BRYAN: Do you feel that you do some shaman work along with some physical medicine?

SOL: I can't see any distinction between the two. If we accept that everything is based on
energy templates, then doing energy work is doing physical work.

BRYAN: So do you consider yourself a healing facilitator, a practitioner, or more someone

who instructs so others can self-heal?

SOL: I like the question. Leigh and I call ourselves Facilitators--not healers, practitioners, or
doctors. For those who want it and perhaps feel they need it, we help jumpstart a self-
healing potential that operates at the genomic level. We emphasize that the actualization of
healing in a given individual is ultimately the individual's responsibility--and mostly, it's their
responsibility at an attitudinal level. We find that nothing supports the healing process like
people being in joy and creativity, spending time with people they love, laughing, etc., and
that nothing shuts it down like judgment, skepticism, and fear. Actually, this is very much
supported by some recent DNA research. There's a scientist named Glen Rein who looked
at the way emotions either "decompress" or "compress" the DNA molecule. When we're in
expanded states of consciousness emotionality, our DNA expands kind of like an accordion
and RNA can access DNA healing codes because it can get in the crooks, crevices, and
crannies. When we're in fear, when we we're judgment, self-judgment included (that's a big
one), when we're in shame, then we contract our own DNA and limit our ability to self-heal.

BRYAN: Right! That's one of the interesting ideas I picked up when I was researching you--
that you talk about the authentic expression of DNA. How would you define DNA's authentic

SOL: That's not exactly a phrase I've used, though I think I may know what you're getting at.
Even mainstream science admits that DNA is incredibly malleable. You have transposons
that can hop to different chromosomal locations. Bruce Lipton's research very clearly shows
that DNA is malleable to belief, that it's malleable to consciousness. Yet there's this idea that
DNA is this monolithic thing because it's apparently really old. That's relativistic. I feel that
DNA is essentially a piece of hardware or software, depending on how you want to look at it,
and that it's designed to evolve. The true expression of DNA is to evolve.

BRYAN: Yes, its true expression is to evolve. When you have people coming to you either
for instruction or to initiate self-healing, what kinds of initiations do you help facilitate? What
tools do you use to get someone centered and be ready to expand their awareness?

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SOL: The basic tools we use are radio and light waves. What is being called "wave-
genetics" or "electrogenetics" is an emerging form of genetic science that is repeatedly
showing that DNA can be evolved, transmuted, stimulated or activated by radio and light
waves--specifically, radio and light waves keyed to human language frequencies. For
example, the Gariaev group in Russia and another scientist who worked with Gariaev
named Vladimir Poponin, as well as a Chinese scientist, have been using this technology.
As you can imagine, this is pretty suppressed stuff. These people have been able to show
that you can take a human sentence--such as "Be healed, chromosome!"--and translate it
into radio and light waves that DNA can understand. Then when this translated sentence is
"beamed" at a damaged chromosome, it will immediately heal.

BRYAN: How do you centralize or localize this application such that it's a message that can
be received? The majority of our cells have their own copy of cellular DNA and cells are
dying and being born and DNA is being damaged and repaired continuously. How do you
actually apply energies such that general cells all get the same message and start

SOL: Humans work holographically. The latest research on the brain, extending that into the
electromagnetics of DNA and the nervous system, shows that everything is happening
simultaneously. Energetically, we effectiveluy have a parallel-processing operating system.
So what you're asking about isn't a problem. The real issue is what sounds do you make
(radio waves), what thoughts do you think (light waves) to tell the system it's okay to begin
releasing the toxicity and trauma that you are storing and that is killing you, in order to invite
the body to tap into its own healing ability? The answers to these questions, from a
Regenetics perspective, came to us on a highly intuitive level. We were actually "given" the
idea of sound codes that could work genetically. An early realization we had that came out
of some of our kinesiology was that the five vowels correspond to the five nucleotides of
DNA and RNA. So when you use the vowels, you're stimulating the nucleotides directly.
There's a lot of cosmology behind this that we could talk about--the basic idea being that in
the beginning was the Word and the universe was spoken or sung into existence. Based on
our research, it was sung into existence by inserting consonants which break up the flow of
vowels. For us, linguistically speaking, that is the beginning of duality, separation, or the Fall.
By using all vowels again to speak to the DNA, which has the memory of all of its past,
including its "pre-history," you're encouraging DNA to go back to its original template, its pre-
Fall template of health, vitality, and divinity.

BRYAN: Do you feel that you're encouraging a positive change of molecular DNA by way of
its composition, or its behavior and the way that it interacts?

SOL: Our observation, or our conjecture, is that you're first changing the energy templates
behind DNA. David Wilcock's research pretty much concludes that DNA is created by a form
of energy he calls torsion energy. Torsion energy spins like DNA and was first identified by a
scientist named Eli Cartan back in 1913. The Russians in the 1990s alone authored about
5,000 papers on the subject of torsion energy. It appears that torsion energy is the closest
energy that is in any sense measurable that could be also called consciousness. This
energy spins DNA into being. It underwrites, underlies, undergirds the DNA template. Really,
we're getting into the energy body here, the lightbody. You begin working at the energetic
level to change the alchemical templates behind the biochemistry. We believe that this
begins to create physiological, biochemical changes. We've had clients report some very
strange things. This is anecdotal, not a scientific evaluation. But we've had a number of
clients report changes in overall posture, handedness, and even eyesight. As in from left to
right eye, right to left hand. Our initial thought was that, well, you know how DNA is this
twisted ribbon ...

BRYAN: Yeah.

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SOL: ... with a backup copy. The "front" part is the operational copy and is what gets
damaged by vaccines, by genetically modified foods, and that kind of thing. The backup
copy we surmise isn't damaged. It's possible that the first thing that happens after the
alchemical moment is that DNA changes around the ribbon and starts operating off the
backup copy, so that it can begin undoing the toxicity and trauma that it allowed into the
body when it became a disrepair molecule.

BRYAN: Very interesting! Let me ask you, what have you come to understand happens to
DNA when a vaccine is introduced and the result is that the DNA is damaged?

SOL: I'm going to simplify this because it's a very complex question you're asking. When you
look at the situation purely energetically, there are certain "ring-pass-nots" in some people,
who don't get damaged by vaccines because they have a different energy structure. Other
people get damaged because the energy structure doesn't have these ring-pass-nots. For
those people who get damaged, what happens is that the reverse transcriptase enzyme, the
reverse-writing enzyme found in the RNA parts of the monkey viruses, cow leukemias and
everything in the world found in almost all of today's vaccines, are "written up" into the
genetic code. So the genetic code, if you think of it as a bar code, is literally changed by the
insertion of new bars or proteins into the code. It begins carrying out different functions just
like a changed bar code would.

BRYAN: Exactly! Actually, that's kind of how genetic mutation occurs. We call it
biotechnology, when we reprogram microorganisms like E. coli to create synthetic human
insulin ...

SOL: We know it happens in the microorganism world. Biotechnology happens there all the
time, but many people are in denial, especially mainstream medical science, that genetic
mutation can happen in humans as a result of vaccines. But why? There's a biologist named
Elisabet Sahtouris we published a couple of times in our free ezine DNA Monthly. She wrote
a book called Living Systems in Evolution and has done a lot of research basically
comparing human evolution to the evolution of bacterial colonies.

BRYAN: Oh, really!

SOL: Yeah, it's fascinating. Some of her observations are just so keen. One of her points is
that mutational insertions into the genome happen constantly at the microorganismic level--
and may possibly be happening in humans in well. She's really making a point that such
insertions could play a role in greater human evolution, but she isn't tying them into vaccines
per se. Back to this whole idea that illness can be a crisis but also an opportunity ... If
someone inserts a bunch of junk into your DNA and you have to transcend it, you're going to
come out on the other end at a much higher level of mastery in consciousness.

BRYAN: You're right. Exactly. It's interesting to take a step back into her concept, comparing
human and bacterial evolution. Bacteria are single-cell organisms, but they come together
as a colony. When you view them as a group and their genetic activity as a colony, then it
makes their DNA expression more sophisticated--much like ours--complex organisms made
up of different single cells that are highly differentiated ... On the other hand, that's how
bacteria become resistant to antibiotics.

SOL: Absolutely. She's pointing out how bacteria literally, in these colonies that are
essentially cities, create homes, subdivisions, roads, waste removal, etc. There's a specific
defense or immune response that bacteria have that they turn off when they come into the
colony. So they actually appear to be a little more advanced than we are in some ways
because they can coexist peacefully.

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BRYAN: That's what I was going to say: they can create harmony quite successfully with
their level of consciousness. And you're right, who's to say who is more evolved consciously
or organically? What do most people ask of you for healing or to get their Regenetics
process started? What can they expect from you to initiate it--instruction, interaction, or

SOL: Nexus New Times is a publication out of Australia you're probably familiar with. They
did a really nice review of our book Conscious Healing about a year ago. They called it "a
paradigm-reworking book" and this one of the areas where it's definitely a paradigm-
reworking book. We love when people come to us and have already read the book or at
least our website. That's very helpful because it introduces the new paradigm. One of the
main aspects of the new paradigm is that we're completely stepping away from the
diagnostic model. Diagnosis, etymologically, means "to read through" in order to gain a
higher knowledge or gnosis, but diagnosis has become in this culture a kind of death
sentence in many instances. When we perform a Potentiation session for someone, we're
essentially always doing the same thing--that is, activating the self-repair mechanism and
initiating a bioenergetic recalibration. Diagnosis doesn't play a role in what we do. In fact,
basing our position on a lot of studies that have shown that if you don't have attachment as
a healer, you're a better healer, we often don't even want to know what's going on with our
clients. This keeps us from having that very human tendency to say, "This person has a
really serious problem. I hope we can help them!" That's attachment and right there you lose
healing power based on a number of double-blind studies.

BRYAN: Lovely. But how do you begin teaching? First of all, can you tell me a little bit about
some of the courses, because one of the things I wanted to know is what you consider your
main interaction with people? How do you get your information out and how does this
information impact people? How one-on-one are you?

SOL: At this point, we have a dozen or so Facilitators in three or four countries. In addition to
distance healing, they also perform the work for people who choose to experience it in
person. We spend a lot of time interacting with our clients and in training. We're really
fortunate to have been doing this for several years now and to have a fairly well-established
international clientele. A lot of times we're contacted via email to set up a session. We have
scheduling materials designed to help orient people.

BRYAN: What are these materials like?

SOL: First of all, we agree on a time that works for both parties for the 30-minute session.
We get an RSVP on that before moving forward. We talk a little bit about intention, setting
intention, and working with intention. There really aren't any "don'ts" as long as you're
conscious that this is what you want to do. Then for the session, people sometimes go into a
meditation state, some people take a walk, etc. There are many different approaches. We
perform sessions at a distance. We don't use the telephone, which is another piece of
information we give people. The work is essentially ceremonial. Clients are instructed to
interface with their own intentions in their own quiet space that feels good. A lot of times, the
work is very tangible for people. We've gotten lots of very funny stories of people's
experiences during the session of sweating, buzzing, you name it. Often the work will even
start before the session begins. It's very nonlocal that way. Then we follow up by checking in
with the client the following day. We're also available to answer questions and give feedback
as people go through this process. Potentiation is a nine-month process once it initiates.

BRYAN: Is that in any way related to the term of pregnancy?

SOL: Yes, it is. We didn't set out in a conscious way for it to last that long, but it did. The

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third DNA activation in the Regenetics Method, Elucidation, also lasts a "gestation cycle" of
just over nine months. We think of both of these activations as gestation cycles for new
levels of consciousness.

BRYAN: Interesting.

SOL: It really is. The reason Leigh and I called our first book Conscious Healing was
because we felt that what occurs to heal the body in this process is an increase in
consciousness. Disease always stems from either toxicity or trauma, or both. One of the
reasons we're not stuck on the diagnostic model is because when people go through this
work, the energy that is initiated cycles through their electromagnetic fields and chakras.
Each of these energetic centers is related to an organ, a set of emotions, a set of toxins, a
set of pathogens, a set of disease conditions. So every time the energy passes through that
frequency band, it works on healing all those issues. You don't have to direct the energy
specifically because the intelligence of the body is doing it just fine. Let's say chronic fatigue
is in someone's seventh field with that person's feelings of helplessness and apathy as well
vaccine issues. All of these elements will tend to come up and out at the same time.

BRYAN: You're making mention of experiences, memories, exposure to toxins, all forms of
energy that create harmony amongs themselves and then, synergistically, challenge a
person's health and vitality.

SOL: Yes. Illness is typically a complex of things, elements building on other elements,
where the sum is greater than the parts.

BRYAN: Right. That's what I'm picking up. What you're saying is that energy gets
"unspiraled," so to speak, as your process progresses. Did you say that there is a facilitator
and a receiver?

SOL: Yes, the Facilitator does the actual intoning, the chanting using the dual sound and
thought sequences that we were given and that we teach.

BRYAN: Now, is anyone doing any documentation in the event some objective information
comes through regarding a particular patient in their healing?

SOL: We have a couple of naturopaths, a licensed physical therapist, a psychotherapist and

a massage therapist facilitating the work. Obviously, they're making some notes as to what's
going on. There isn't currently an empirical study on Regenetics.

BRYAN: When you're working in this capacity with a client and some information surfaces,
do you sometimes jot that down and share that with the patient to get some meaningful,
objective feedback? Or do you tuck that away and just keep working with the energy?

SOL: We just work with the energy. If people come to us with questions, we might pull some
of our insights out to share, but again, that's not the focus. Sharing too much borders on
overstepping the proper boundaries. Too much sharing isn't necessarily "reading through"
and can border on "reading into," which is the problem with a lot of present-day "diagnosis"
and "readings." There's a wonderful, kind of funny book on the ascension process called
What Is Lightbody? One of the beautiful lines in it is to the effect that, "Everyone here is a
master and we are all just fine." We believe that people are extremely powerful. A lot of our
time is spent like a coach on the sideline just saying, "You can do it!" You can do this. You
know the answers. If you need different food, different supplementation, if you need any of
that, then you know what it is. Listen to your cravings. What are your impulses? What are
your dreams telling you? What is your body telling you? We're conditioned in this culture to
give away our power to somebody else who's supposed to be an expert on our body …

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BRYAN: And our preferences.

SOL: And our preferences.

BRYAN: What I find fascinating is that you have a very specific appreciation for hard science
and expound on interrelating themes such as energy, thermodynamics, quantum physics,
down to molecular biology. Why do you take the time to continue to ask those kinds of
questions when you're working on a holographic level?

SOL: Because a lot of people aren't yet. In order to reach people, we found it very helpful to
satisfy that left-brain part that might disregard or discount inner knowing. By bringing in
some hard science and new genetics, we've found that we can help people consider the
possibility that maybe there isn’t any such thing as hard science, that we're very powerful
creators indeed. That's really why The Secret has taken off. I have lots of observations that I
could make about some of the shortcomings in that movie, but its basic message is valid:
reality isn't fixed in the way we've been taught.

BRYAN: Oh, really? How have we been taught?

SOL: We've been taught that there is an immutable "real," that everyone shares the same
"reality," that DNA is a fixed program, that it can't evolve, that it has been this way for a long
time and will always be this way. Then you have Gregg Braden in his most recent book, The
Divine Matrix, drawing on lot of the same research we used when we were putting together
the Regenetics Method, saying that based on the evidence, the "hard" scientific evidence,
there's a previously unrecognized or unqualified form of energy that exists between living
tissues, that cells and DNA communicate using this energy, that human emotion impacts it,
and that somehow distance doesn't come into play at all with respect to this powerful genetic
consciousness. There's this matrix surrounding us that is really torsion energy, taking the
discussion back to Wilcock, that is directly modified by DNA just as it modifies DNA ... "As
above, so below." The Hermetic Principle.

BRYAN: I agree with you one hundred percent. We've got this chemical concept called
allosterism, which means that certain enzymes created by our DNA to interact with certain
molecules have a certain structural activity relationship, which means they're meant to
interact with some chemical that's made by our body. The DNA makes the chemical and
also the membrane with which the enzyme to interact. So there's this opportunity for DNA to
be in harmony with itself, if you can imagine DNA making a neurotransmitter and the same
DNA being responsible for creating the membrane or the receptor with which the molecular
neurotransmitter is to interact ...

SOL: A closed or self-referential circuit.

BRYAN: Right. I'm beginning to understand something about the Divine Matrix. As you were
speaking I was picking up some information about the fact that human beings aren't the only
organisms on earth with cellular DNA. I started to see plants, trees, animals and all kinds of
microorganisms with their owned autonomous DNA energy contributing to this mass
electromagnetic pattern. Could you expound a little on what you think about the healing of
the planet and DNA? Do you feel that Regenetics applies even to other organisms, other

SOL: This is such a complex subject in some ways. An environmentalist friend of mine once
remarked how hubristic it is for us to think that we could save the planet. We're her children,
she's our mother. But at the same time, I feel that we can be of great benefit to the planet--
so there is a reciprocal relationship. Earth can contribute to our healing, and we can

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contribute to her healing simultaneously, as we mutually contribute to the evolution, the Shift
we're all experiencing. If you were to ask some of our Facilitators, you'd probably hear that
they feel that Regenetics is absolutely in service to the planet, and that's the reason some of
them offer it. We keep our focus on people, but there's another level or octave where we're
working with even larger objectives. We think of ourselves as operating within an eight-
dimensional system.

BRYAN: Pardon my "newbieism," but why do you think that's important, eight levels?

SOL: That's a great question, too. Normal people walking around who haven't done a certain
level of activation on themselves or received an activation have nine electromagnetic fields--
nine frequency bands, in other words--corresponding to nine chakras.

BRYAN: I knew you were going to say that.

SOL: Traditionally, you hear about seven chakras, but there have been a number of
intuitives in recent years, such as Caroline Myss, who have picked up on an eighth and even
a ninth chakra. Our understanding is that the eighth energy field governs maternal DNA and
the ninth governs paternal DNA--so these are the subtlest of the chakras, but also the most
powerful. The reason people have a ninth field to begin with is that they have an extra field,
the second or sex chakra, that we call the Fragmentary Body. The Fragmentary Body is the
duality principle imprinted by the initial speech act of creation that seeded the separation
principle into human bioener-genetics. The first DNA activation in the Regenetics Method,
Potentiation, recalibrates the body from nine chakras and fields to eight chakras and fields.
In this process the Fragmentary Body--which is the very principle that keeps people
separated, that ruins relationships, that drains our vitality--is "sealed." Once this "leak" is
sealed, there's an abundance of torsion energy or kundalini, prana, chi or whatever you wish
to call it, available to help heal the system. Keeping in mind the intimate relationship
between the microcosmic and macrocosmic, it stands to reason, in our model, that if there
are eight fields (which we think of as dimensions) in a healthy human system, there are
probably eight universal dimensions leading to a ninth, which we envision as the
transdimension of Source. Much of David Wilcock's work is also based on an eight-
dimensional model.

BRYAN: You know, it's very interesting to understand how even our energy expression has
a compensatory mechanism. When something gets out of whack, you're saying another
concentrated energy expression gets created as ... a side effect or symptom that a facilitator
can help correct.

SOL: The Fragmentary Body comes about as a surplus and is, effectively, a vacuum. It
occupies a non-space and, in effect, separates our dense molecular physicality from the
higher octaves of our spirituality. Many ancient techniques, including alchemy and
meditation, have historically served to help "bridge" the Fragmentary Body, thus connecting,
at least partially, spirit and matter. The problem with most of these ancient techniques that
have come down to us, at least the ones I'm familiar with, is that they don't do anything to
heal the Fragmentary Body itself. They mediate between the physical self and spiritual self,
but they fail to establish the means by which we can be fully both physical and spiritual
beings all the time.

BRYAN: Let's say we're looking at a human being with some health or emotional issues and
we define these as an aspect of separation between the individual and the Divine Matrix. But
by not really addressing what severs our connection, you're saying that it remains an
intelligent energy of its own, the Fragmentary Body, that needs to be dealt with.

SOL: Well, "dealt with" in the sense of being integrated. The Fragmentary Body is the

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surplus, that part of us that we've pushed away from ourselves. It is both our greatest liability
and greatest opportunity. You've probably heard of people having kundalini blowouts?

BRYAN: Yeah.

SOL: Running so much energy through their circuits they hurt themselves? Kundalini sits in
the first chakra area, the root, coiled like a serpent ready to uncoil. Different techniques have
had the ability historically to make that energy, like lightning, leap across the Fragmentary
Body into the higher energy centers. These techniques have to employ such force to leap
the Fragmentary Body that they can be dangerous, because you can blow out your frontal
lobes basically, really fry your circuits. I'm familiar with another healer who used to be flown
all over the world on a regular basis to help nurse people back to sanity and health who had
fried themselves with kundalini.

BRYAN: Is kundalini what you would consider our primordial, most basic energy?

SOL: We call it Universal Creative Consciousness. It's just torsion energy. The human
version of it in its most powerful form sits anatomically down around the first chakra. We've
experienced and observed that when you seal the Fragmentary Body, you create a more
stable road for this energy to travel up and down, and you don't have to have an explosion
of kundalini to benefit from a gradual enhancement of this energy.

BRYAN: Got you. Before I pressed record, you told me a little about some of your classes.
You mentioned a curriculum that's about to start in April. Can you tell us a little about that?

SOL: We're having a Regenetics Seminar in April and will be teaching all four levels of the
work, the first three activations in addition to a series of supplemental activations called
Songs of Distinction. We'll also be offering another Regenetics Seminar in the fall.

BRYAN: Can you tell us a little bit about Articulation?

SOL: After the energy has cycled through the electromagnetic fields and chakras during
Potentiation, what you then have is a sealed Fragmentary Body awaiting further activation.
Formerly, to be exact, this center was the Fragmentary Body, and now it's something
different. But it hasn't even begun to reach its creative and energetic potential. Basically,
Articulation is designed to "potentiate" the Fragmentary Body. We call it a "bioenergy
enhancement" because it increases overall bioenergy, including systemic intelligence,
creative expression, and healthy sexuality.

BRYAN: You also mentioned earlier that you have some new books coming out. Could you
tell us a little about those?

SOL: The Spanish language edition of Conscious Healing will be released this spring. The
Turkish edition came out last year and has sold very well. Then I have three seriocomic
novels out (the first two of which I'm currently giving away) representing the first half of the
Beginner's Luke Series. Beginner's Luke is about the role of consciousness and imagination
in reality creation. These books are already written and I'm bringing them out sequentially.

BRYAN: You've already written all six?

SOL: Yes.

BRYAN: And they're fiction?

SOL: Yes, they're very irreverent in a lot of ways. Some of my favorite fiction writers are

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Jack Kerouac, Henry Miller, and Tom Robbins. My novels employ the platform of a character
named Luke who invents his reality. In a fictitious way, they teach or model for people what
they're already doing, consciously or otherwise.

BRYAN: What better way to introduce transcendental consciousness, and our creativity in
tapping into it, than a novel?

SOL: I agree.

BRYAN: I just read C. G. Walters' Sacred Vow, which is also a novel that has a perspective
of alternate, parallel, simultaneous, instantaneous realities. It's sort of an instruction manual
for how to access this level of awareness. Do you believe in magic?

SOL: I absolutely believe we live in a magical world. Is "magic" required to live a magical
existence? Certainly not.

BRYAN: What about your paintings? Are you going to open up a really cool gallery one day
and sell your work? I've really been appreciating it.

SOL: Thanks. I don't know if I'm going to show it. I'm thinking about launching a website at
some point and doing what's called giclees, which are very high-quality prints that people
could order. It would be an online gallery and people could order prints of the paintings they

BRYAN: Lovely. Well, our time is about up. I can't believe how quickly the time has passed.
I'm looking forward to reconnecting with you, Sol, and I really appreciate your coming on this

SOL: It's my pleasure.

BRYAN: If you had a little time to tell the audience in a nutshell what Regenetics is about,
how would you lure them in?

SOL: I wouldn't try to "lure" anybody. Either people resonate with this work, or they don't.
We've learned from doing this for a while that we only want to work with people who really
want to work with us.

BRYAN: There you go, there it is right there. We want to work with people who want to work
with us. Well, you did it. Thank you

SOL: Thank you, Bryan.

[Disclaimer: The Phoenix Center for Regenetics offers cutting-edge educational services and materials
designed to activate unity consciousness and actualize human potential. Our Mission is to foster holistic
wellbeing and conscious personal mastery. Our unique approach honors the full body-mind-spirit continuum
while focusing on healing as an ultimately self-directed process of becoming "whole." The Developers and all
trained Facilitators of the Regenetics Method (which subsumes Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning,
Articulation Bioenergy Enhancement, Elucidation Triune Activation, and Songs of Distinction) offer DNA
activation as educators and ordained ministers, not medical doctors, and do not purport to diagnose or treat
illness of any kind. Regenetics Method information and sessions are offered, and accepted, as constitutionally
protected exercises of freedom of speech and religion. The Developers and Facilitators of the Regenetics
Method make no claims, promises or guarantees relative to specific health challenges. You are solely
responsible for your own medical treatment and care.]

Copyright (c) 2008 by Sol Luckman & Bryan Flournoy. All Rights Reserved.

[Sol Luckman is author of the internationally acclaimed Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics

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Method, editor of DNA Monthly, and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for Regenetics. His articles on the
Regenetics Method of DNA activation have appeared in Atlantis Rising, Well Being Journal, Renaissance,
Odyssey, Sedona Journal of Emergence and Kindred Spirit, and also have been featured in the alternative
medicine anthologies Message of Spirit: A Manual for Your Mind and Heal Yourself with Breath, Light, Sound
and Water. Nexus New Times called Conscious Healing, which also received a five-star endorsement from the
Midwest Book Review and was recently translated into its third language, a "paradigm-reworking book" that
introduces a "revolutionary healing science that's expanding the boundaries of being." For more information
visit http://www.phoenixregenetics.org. Bryan Flournoy, pharmacist, medical intuitive and metatelepath,
promotes the in-person and Internet radio workshop "Making-It-All-Click!" MIAC! is a collective intuitive
experience through we we perceive and interpret all kinds of energy impressions as practical, higher-purpose
information for daily guidance and Akashic creation. Contact Bryan by telephone at (419)260-2195 or via his
website, http://www.making-it-all-click.com.]

DNA-related Definition of the Month

Transposition Burst: phrase coined by biochemist Colm Kelleher to describe a massive

molecular rearrangement of transposons or "jumping DNA" involving perhaps thousands of
genes that occurs during genuine enlightenment or lightbody creation.

The Adventure of an imaginary lifetime continues ... Request your FREE copy at

2. The Evolutionary Relationship between Galactic Center & DNA

Sai Grafio

Rather than old cultures getting up to speed with modern science, perhaps science should
look at the extant gnosis of previous ages. The esoteric traditions of Buddhism, Christianity,
Taoism and Shamanism all maintain that higher levels of reality exist. Even in Platonism it is
clear that ideas exist in non-physical form before descending.

Sri Aurobindo's "Supramental" concept makes clear this consciousness-based reality

structure. His prediction of a supramental descent is already upon us with the advent of the
Indigo children. Theosophy as well as Edgar Cayce also predicted the coming of the fifth
"Root Race." This entire concept presupposes a divine blueprint at work in the universe.

The Hunab Ku or galactic core in Mayan tradition is the God of Movement and Measure. In

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Vedic lore there are vast cycles of time measured in Ages, from darkness (Kali) to light or
truth (Satya). Life as we know it evolves along these cycles, and though apparently separate
from the whole, each involution has a connection with a higher evolution, all the way to the
source. Galactic encoding is recognized in Fibonacci sequences from the Hunab Ku all the
way down to DNA.

In the doctrine of Hylozooism, everything exists within the body of a Greater Being--for
example, the earth within the solar system, the solar system within a constellation, a
constellation within a galaxy, etc. Likewise, DNA exists within cells, cells within tissues,
tissues within organs, etc. This concept also applies to holons, or whole parts, that exist
within other whole parts like atoms within molecules. It seems that all holons inherit some of
their Greater Being's characteristics. It is also apparent that each holon is also responsible
for its own autopoiesis or self-maintenance while existing in consort with the greater whole.
It remains to be discovered that Greater Being of which the Hunab Ku itself is a part of.

According to the Maya we are connected to Kin (sun) by an etheric umbilicus. This umbilicus
is the gateway of the blueprint coding from Hunab Ku to Kin (our sun) to us. When the
etheric body withdraws at death, the ATP molecules or mitochondria no longer receive life
energy from the sun. To assume a lightbody one can go through ordinary death and
resurrection in which the physical body dies and is resurrected in a "lightbody," as
apparently occured with Sri Yukteswar on the sands of Puri as recorded in Autobiography of
a Yogi. The ascension process occurs when one steps directly into a lightbody and the
mitochondria phase out at the moment of being absorbed into the lightbody.

According to the Wiki definition, an autopoietic machine is a machine organized (unified) as

a network of processes of production (transformation and destruction) of components which:
1) through their interactions and transformations continuously regenerate and realize the
network of processes (relations) that produced them; and 2) constitute it (the machine) as a
concrete unity in space in which they (the components) exist by specifying the topological
domain of its realization as such a network.

Although it looks as if an autopoietic system is closed, such as in the case of a cell, it is

actually intimately connected to spiritual forces (etheric prana) superior to it in dimension as
well as vibration. The ancients as well as yogic philosophy are correct when they assume
that we are ordered and encoded by a higher blueprint of reality. Poiesis is a Greek word
meaning production; therefore, it follows that "autopoiesis" means self-production. The
problem is that living systems need to procure their existence from outside themselves and
cannot rely on themselves alone. Galactic Center solves this issue, even if this life-
sustaining connection to our Greater Being is not to be found by way of today's overly
materialistic physical sciences.

Each evolving holon incorporates all the properties and information of its subsubsystems as
well as its own designs. These new properties include epiphenomena and form the basis for
epigenesis. Every time a new level of self-creation (autopoiesis) evolves, a new dimension
of complexity occurs--atoms become molecules, molecules become bacteria, bacteria
become nucleated cells, and nucleated cells become man. None of this can take place
without encoding DNA and the fire or energy that drives life foreword.
Copyright (c) 2008 by Sai Grafio. All Rights Reserved.

[Sai Grafio is a writer with a B.A. in English and M.A. in Teaching. After teaching in public schools, he travelled
extensively. As a student of life and the mysteries, having a conscious birth and awakened psychic faculties
since youth, he has sought truth in this lifetime. He is author of three books: Mysteries: Ancient & Modern,
published in New Delhi by Sterling publishers, Sonnets for Sonnets' Sake, and A Collection of Verse and
Villanelles. You can read more of his articles at http://www.astro-mantic-

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Did You Know ... that in the provocative cosmology of Sheradon Bryce, author of Joyriding
the Universe: Snapshots of the Journey, originally there was but a single human hormone,
the "life hormone"? Writes Bryce, "That was all you were ever supposed to have. It was your
attitudes, beliefs, differentiations and separations that took that one beautiful life hormone
and created your male and femal hormones and all the others that run your body now. All
your hormones are derivations of the life hormone. Your bodies are capable of moving back
to creating that one hormone, but as long as you hold your images and sexual stereotypes,
your body will never allow you hormonally to bridge the gap to give life to you. If it doesn't
give life to you, it will give life to your separations and attitudes which are your [diseases]."

Read Back Issues of this FREE ezine online at


3. Spiritual Secrets

Divyaa Kummar
"I will tell you a Spiritual Secret: be the cause and the effect will follow; but let me tell you an even deeper
spiritual secret: be the effect and the cause will follow!" --Osho

The first secret simply outlines that we, not some outside "other," fate or god, are the cause.
We can call this cause our thinking, feeling or focus which reflect as outer effects. We can
view it as our energy field which attracts similar effects. Or we can call it karma--what we
have chosen to explore and experience and thus encounter as outer effects.

Now let's explore the deeper secret, "Be the effect and the cause will follow!" Initially, linear
minds tend to resist this. But if we look for this truth at the level of the macrocosm, we can
see it everywhere. God is already All That Is, and only "becomes" to experience Self. We
choose to be born and explore certain aspects of this Self and are thus birthed into the
precise time and space coordinates that provide all that we require as causes. All healing is
actually inner resolution that already has taken place, with the outer "cure" or "treatment"
coming along after the fact as the means!

Observe how goals always come first, as the past of a projected future, retroactively bringing
about the required steps to their own achievement. We set a goal to excel in our exams (the
effect) and thus we study beforehand (the cause.) And when our goal or intent is strong,
when we are being the effect, the cause happens more easily. Certainly, we can understand
the power of positive thinking and visualization in this light. In such instances we are being
the effect in feeling, thinking, speaking and emoting from the perspective of the the end
result having already happened.

Truly being the effect, however, goes beyond wishful thinking and requires belief. I'm
reminded of the anecdote of a man dismayed by losses receiving quite miraculously a check
for a million dollars from a stranger he befriends in a pub. The man immediately begins to
act on all his dreams, never using that check, knowing (believing) the money is there when
and if required. Soon he has made more than a million and revisits the pub to return the
cheque, but discovers that the "rich" stranger is in actuality a poor inmate of an asylum well
known in the pub for this prank! This story wonderfully illustrates the way in which belief is
truly being the effect.

Mind or consciousness expansion is really about expanding our beliefs. Only as our beliefs
expand do we recognize that we are indeed loving, abundant and joyful creators, and thus

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allow our causes to unfold. This is the secret behind so-called spiritual qualities, which all
ultimately involve being an expanded effet. Gratitude is easily recognizable as thankfulness,
and thus reasons to be thankful already must be! The simple act of appreciation creates
more to be appreciative of! True forgiveness is the understanding that there is nothing and
no one to blame--and thus nothing and no one to forgive!

Symbols--whether mantras, archetypes, or other representations--are a beautiful embodying

of the effect from which causes arise. In meditation, for example, we tap experientially into
the joy, love, bliss and centeredness of the Godself. Here again, we are being the effect in
the purest of ways, and this is how the Godself spontaneously comes about.

Be the effect of all that you wish for, and allow what you wish for to come about. In this
process do not forget to act, for truly being the effect is most powerfully present in action!
Action is, in fact, a subconscious response of belief. Think, feel, emote and act from the
seemingly future end of the continuum and your path will be made much easier.

Copyright (c) 2008 by Divyaa Kummar. All Rights Reserved.

[Divyaa Kummar is a spiritual facilitator from Bombay, India, reaching out to many through her weekly
discourses, workshops, personal sessions, and writings. She also conducts regular meditation sessions (in
theta or higher states of awareness) blending ancient dhyana techniques with a more current, modern
approach. She describes these sessions as using words to go beyond words towards "experiencing" all that
we "know" intellectually. This has been called raising kundalini or expanding the energy fields and chakra
system. She also uses (and teaches) the Tarot as a symbolic language to communicate with inner aspects of
Self in which divination is not viewed in terms of predictions but optimally in terms of self-knowledge. For more
information visit http://www.divyaakummar.com.]

"Breaking the Black Cube" by Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.

Please consider joining our online community at http://birdtribes.ning.com. The primary goal of Bird

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Tribes is to assist, through conscious community building and sharing of knowledge and resources, in
the great Shift that is currently occurring in and through humanity. Happy flying!

Coming in our April issue ... "A Profoundly Healing Path for Body-Mind-Spirit" &
so much more!

***Unless otherwise indicated, all materials appearing in DNA Monthly are copyrighted (c) by Sol
Luckman and may be reprinted without permission provided there are no content changes and the
author's byline is included with the following: Sol Luckman is author of Conscious Healing: Book One
on the Regenetics Method, editor of DNA Monthly, and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for
Regenetics, offering cutting-edge educational services and materials designed to activate unity
consciousness and actualize human potential. For information visit

Subscriptions. Visit http://www.phoenixregenetics.org/page13.html and fill out the easy online subscription
form. You will receive links to our current and future issues free via email.

Back Issues. Visit http://potentiation.net/DNAmonthly/index.html to read a wealth of articles from past issues.

Submissions. If you would like to submit an original article, excerpt, book review or letter to the editors, please
copy and paste it into an email and send to DNAmonthly@fastmail.fm. Be sure to write "submission" in the
Subject heading. We offer no financial remuneration for articles we choose to publish, but authors can include
a bio and full contact information, including their website. While authors retain all copyrights to their work, DNA
Monthly reserves the options 1) to edit any submission for clarity, length, grammar, and spelling; 2) to excerpt
portions of articles; 3) to archive articles electronically; and 4) to reprint popular articles in future ezines. Please
limit submissions to 2,500 words or less.

Mission. DNA Monthly seeks to empower readers with vital information relative to their divine genetic
endowment: DNA. This information may range from generalized articles on DNA to news releases on
breakthrough genetic research to educational materials devoted to specific DNA activation methods and

Disclaimer. The editors of DNA Monthly publish free material relative to DNA at their sole discretion as a bio-
spiritual educational resource. The inclusion of articles and other materials in DNA Monthly does not in any
way necessarily denote or imply endorsement of such materials by the editors. The editors assume no
responsibility, legal, medical or otherwise, for the information published as a free information service in their

[DNA Monthly is sponsored by the Phoenix Center for Regenetics, facilitating conscious personal
mastery as a bio-spiritual healing path through integrated DNA activation. For information on our
cutting-edge services, click here.]

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