Modals Explanations

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Written by: Prof.

Oprean Alexandru

Modal/Special Verbs

MODAL VERB + VB 1ST FORM (short infinitivepresent time context)

+ HAVE +VB 3 RD/-ED (perfect
infinitive- past time context)


CANT = impossibility 0% .It is highly unlikely that + Subject
+ verb
MIGHT= doubt 20%.......................................It is unlikely that+ Subject +verb
MAY= possibility 50% ..It is likely that + Subject+verb
MUST= probability 80%.............................It is highly likely +Subject + verb

CAN + VB 1ST = ability in the past

COULD + VB 1st =ability in the past
CAN + VB 1ST = possibility in the present
COULD +HAVE+ VB 3RD /-ED = possibility in the past
CAN+ VB 1ST = permission (?) more informal
MAY + VB 1ST = permission (?) more formal
MUST + VB 1ST = internal obligation
HAVE TO + VB 1ST = external obligation
MUSTNT +VB 1ST = forbidden action

Written by: Prof. Oprean Alexandru

MUST + HAVE+ VB 3RD /-ED = logical deduction
CANT + HAVE + VB 3RD /-ED = logical deduction
MIGHT + HAVE + VB 3RD /-ED = criticism in the past
SHOULD + VB 1ST = piece of advice, recommendation, suggestion
OUGHT TO + VB 1ST = piece of advice, moral obligation
HAD BETTER + VB 1ST = piece of advice + warning .. (or else)..
SHOULD + HAVE+ VB 3RD /-ED = a very strong reproach
WOULD +VB 1ST = frequentative, habitual action in the past
WOULD +VB 1ST = polite request (?)
WONT +VB 1ST = refusal to perform an action in the present
WOULDNT + VB 1ST = refusal to perform an action in the past
NEED TO + VB 1ST = necessity
NEEDNT + HAVE+ VB 3RD /-ED = an unnecessary, but performed action
DONT/DIDNT NEED TO/HAVE TO + VB 1ST = an unnecessary, and not
performed action
NEED NOT +VB 1ST = the speaker gives the listener the permission not to perform
an action
WOULD RATHER = preference
a) SUBJECT 1 WOULD RATHER (same subject-not mentioned) + VB 1 ST (present
+ HAVE+VB 3 RD /-ED (past
b) SUBJECT 1 WOULD RATHER SUBJECT 2 + VB 2ND /-ED (present context)
+ HAD + VB 3 RD /-ED (past
SHALL + VB 1ST = a promise

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