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= Volume 38 Number 1 The Good News Paper January 2017 FRIENDS OF FARMINGTON NON-PROFIT TO PURCHASE MASON BUILDING AND SUPPORT TOWN PROJECTS time and was recently renovated following a fire. ‘The Group, of which Selectren Chaie Chatie King is preside, fees the building is just the place to put their plan into action. The Friends ‘of Farmington vison isto provide a place within the ‘community to propel ‘economic development with jb skill and resume writing training. They will also foster small businesses in town by providing affordable incubate space. addition, The building will provide meeting space to suppor those seaking recovery from addition ‘The Friends of Farmington kicked of our fundraising efforts with alter writing campaign. Over the holidays, ‘hey ised a song challenge ends of Farmington Projects andprovide meeting” where folks would poss vies of hea “space for town groups. atte me Se Puddledock _ ress Gi joton New Hampshire holiday song in exchange for a donation. The Recently, the Friends of Farmingtot organized as a ‘organization will continue to work toward rising 501e:3 non-profit which hopes to promote and support the roughly $100,000 needed to fund the building projects for the betterment ofthe own of Farmington, purchase as well as capital improvements. Me (On January 25th, fom 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM, thes Friends of Farmington believes that addressing will hostg fundraiser st Buffalo Wild Wings, challenges in a positive and proactive manner can make 169 Washington St, Rochester, NH. The public Farmington amore vibrant and productive community. ean come, have dinner and support Friends of, Inaddition to providing suppor to ether organizations Farmington atthe same te! ‘hat share ths mindset, we have recently faken.on ® —_yonatons canbe sent to Friends of Farmington, tzique project of our own. O Box 621, Farmington, NH 03835. A closing Friends of Farmington has entered into an agreement 10 date forthe buildings purchase has been set for purchase the historic Mason building located on Main early May of 2017, The organization is open to Stret. The thre story building has been vacant for some jew membership and volumecr, Rec DEPARTMENT SENIOR BINGO SUPPORTED FOOD PANTRIES “The Farmington Parks and Recreation Department ‘cominued their tradition of| holding food deve withthe Senior Bingo Players. The deve started in November and continued through Christmas, The collected products are ‘donated weekly tothe various food pantries in Farmington. Senior Bingo is open atthe Town Hall Gym on ‘Wednesdays, Doors open at 9:00 Games begin at 10/00. Entry fe is $5 and all monies ae returned to the winners. Light refreshments are available. Q Le Puddledock Press Publishing Good Nows in Farmington, NH since 1979, ‘he pled Pres pubinned ant bya a vluntcer Pudaedockrese@gmeilcom,stach ny photos orimages to cles an pots are printed a the reson af theta Semanal nd yey tes, We ess okg or i aww Paleo Our Volunteer Statf stan Freeda eeAanagingEtor Totnn Dake Eaton Aavisor Volunteer Postion Open Online vents Calendar kyle Lene. eviews & Soil Mesia Dr Thomas War. Heath & Welless Devbie Reed Food & Recpes Kei Simmons ite with Animals Meesn White ‘istbation ite Delvery Mie Distlution Ste Bevery The Puddedock Press Farmington, NH FARMINGTON SENIOR ZACH GILMAN NaMED WMUR HOMETOWN HERO Farmington High School Senior, Zach Gilman, has ‘been chosen to be a WMUR Hometown Hero. In classic Zach fashion, he asked afew youngsters to Join him at his interview shoot with WMUR, Zach's ‘ory and intervi was aired onthe WMUR News 9, ‘Thursday December 22. Congratulations Zach on being a hometown hero and theultimate role model tothe kids in our town! Ridgewood Printing Company Hamar, Fein insets ‘COMPLETE RINTING SERVICES ‘Ad Uo Bs id= Boch ‘Secu: tael Fort: New ‘Weg tos Tirsng = Calg» Bes Pier ofthe Paddock Press Tanaury 2017 Page 2 orner NEW COLUMN COMING AS PART OF SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM Local riders have requested a comeback of previousy managed section ofthe paper. In December 1979, Volume I Number l ofthe Puddledock Press, «section called Creative Corner ‘was published sharing the writings of Farmington students withthe community. Kids Comer will be a modem rendition of Creative Corner. The paper will accept iting submissions from any student who ‘sides is Farmington. Due to limited print space, 2 Tocery process wil be used to select a single piece to prin in ne Puddledock Press. The remainder will be published on the website. Each month will bea diferent writing selection, ‘The rules: article submissions must be electronic, editable and e-mailed to Kid's Corner editor Tom [Naro at tom@eoppolapt com. Size ofthe writing is ‘referrer be under 300 words. Longer submissions ‘may be edited in length to highlight sections of the piece soit can fit the paper's available space Topics ‘of any interest wil be reviewed, Here are some AUTO & RV SERVICE 24 608-755-9113 TOWING www TOWING & RECOVERY Lb 603-755-9179 TOWING sw BB 466 WH RT 11 Farmington, NH BBAutoR V@myfaimoint net ‘The Puddledock Press Farmington, NH suggested themes: eros, love victory, tragedy, beauty, bodys, amily ie texions, coming of age thefts, inspiration, soo, ely, ident, power, overcoming and hope. Syl of writing canbe Exponitory, descriptive, persuasive, o native Shot stories, poems, essays, nev, reviews, opinions, nature, and most of anything ees encouraged The students name, age end stool wll be meationed along side hero his iting. Famington has students who atend publi school, private School, do home schooling, and hese who utilize distance earning. Any student fm ery earning through high school levee ae aked o produce individual or group work. To make the election caster for he editors, we ask esters, parents, ‘p0ups leaders to seven selections from ther Studens and send directly othe Kes” Cormer editor Below isan example pice from Mrs. Collins eighth grade reading class written by Robert Suydam that as printed in the very first issus ofthe Puddledock Press in December of 1979, Many people have heard stories about heroes long ‘ago, but do not realize that people stil quali for Being aero today: believe my father could bea hero today because, in my eyes, he qualifies as a her First ofall, he is very brave. Heserved in the ‘Marines and fought in World Wer Il. He isnot scared “of anything Hei alvo very strong and uses his strength wisely Fle is not mean anless he has to be When it comes to fairness and dedication 0 duty, my father isthe ops, All in all, my father has all he qualities ofa hero ‘Kids’ Comer is sponcored by Coppola Physlea! Therapy Farmington. Warm up your home” Cardinal iret] &Glidden ‘Oil Company, Inc. ‘5 Cromley Steet Farrington, NH ‘eating & Air Conditioning Sytem Installation 24 Hour Oil Burner Service for Our Oil Customers 800-0640-3562 or 603-755-3562 Janaury 2017 agi fnounp THE TOWN “Mentoring, ati core, guarantees young people that there is someone who cares about them, assures them they are not aloe in dealing with day-to-day challenges, and makes them feo ike they matter. Research confims that quality mentoring relationships hare powerful positive effects on young people in a variety of persona, academic, and profesional stations. Mentoring has significant positive effects on two ealy warning indicators that RECURRING EVENTS SUNDAYS First and Third Sundays of each month 53:00 -§:00 PM astard Seed Cefe Community Dinner- Fest Congregational Church, Famington MONDAYS 6.00 PM Selectmen Board Meeting - Municipal Building Firs and Third Monday of cach woth (6:00 PM School Board Meeting - High Schoo! 600 PM Selectaan Board Meeting - Municipal Building TUESDAYS First and Third Tuesday ofeach month {600 PM Planirg Board Meeting - Municipal Buidng ‘Second Tuesday ofeach month {600 PM Ecananie Development Commitee Meeting - Municipal Bling WEDNESDAYS 10:00 AM. Senir Bingo - Town Hall 1:00 PM GED Chasse - Goodwin Library ‘First and Third Wednesday of te oath 700-830 PM Grele of Hope Family Group -St Peers Chive, Farming IR IR IDs BARBON BEOTHERS DEVELOPMENT, me. th th Reridential & Commercial Site Work ‘ ark Much Loam Granite «Stane + Paver Wal Bleck [72 Rate Fang, 3695900755907 The Pudlledock Press Farmington, NH ous 2017 Jawuary 1s RerionaL MENTORING Monit student may be falling off-track. Students who meet regularly with thet mews are Tess likely than their peers to skip school Young adults who face an ‘opportunity gap but have a mentor ae more likely to be enrolled in college. Ih addition to better schoo! attendance and a beter chance of going on to higher ‘education, mentored youth maintain better atitudes toward school. www. naionalmentoringmonth org Second Wednesday o 2b oth 6:00 PM Conservation Cemmision- Municipal Building Fourth Wednesday of ech oth 7.00 PM Budget Commitee Meeting - Municipal Building THURSDAYS. 100 PM Farsington Conaunity Band Practice - Fist Congregational Church ‘Second Thursday of ech oath 1.00 PM TsiTownDemocats (Farmington, Milton, New Dutta) = Emma Ramsey Center, Milton of New Durbar Library, New Dasha Ted Thursday of 23 oth 7:00PM Goodwin Library Teasers Meting- Henry ‘Wilson Museum FRIDAYS 9:30-11:00 AM Lego Cub - Goodwin Libary First Friday of each math 7-00 PM Farmington Histrcal Society Meeting - Henry ‘Wilson Museum SATURDAYS ‘Second and Fourth Saturday of ech ont 9:30 AM Blessed Barguits Open -Fist Congregational Chreh PEASLEE FUNERAL HOME & Cremation Service (603) 755-3535, Farmington, Alton, and Wakefield, NH anaury 2017 Page 4 Preddtedock Plaudits Celebrating Community Acts of Kindess by Erica Rogers, Farmington Wolfar Director would lke to share a story of Generosity with you for all the Town to read, Thad a family reach ot to sma and ask about donating tothe Farmington Toy drive for kids in need this year. Chantal Mancuso with help from her motier, Marnie Gavdette, went above and beyond forthe Farmington Commuvity this Christmas, The fanily has been donating ites for those in need. ‘The photo below show of some ofthe danations from them, and they ‘There are other good deeds and gcod deed doers out ‘mere, Levs share our stories, FARMINGTON RESPONDS SEEKS DONATIONS TO CIRCLE OF HOPE Farmington Responds offers local wal in or phone ‘comtat for those secking resources or treatment and ‘maintaining recovery from substance use disorder. They need donations of towel washeloths, playing cards, and mostly candy. Please email ‘rcleofhopet Sayan ‘ or call Lynn at 81746174 wo arrange pickup or drop off of stems. Thank you for your support. ‘The Puddledock Press Farmington, NHL support in finding ont Wo! \N'S CLUB, ws, letured from left are Cindy Bory, assistant principal Valley View Communty Schoot; VVCS principal ‘Rebecca Fredtt; Woman's Club president, Kathy ‘King: Henry Wilson Memorial Schoo! prinetpalIsesica ‘Richardson, and assistant pineal Farmington High ‘School. Kathy Tetra The objective ofthe Farmington Woman's Clb isto promote the social, ethical, and intellectual culture, to further education and to make each member a power for goodness in the community. New members re always welcome! Annual dues are $15.00. First CHURCH CONGREGATIONAL ROCHESTER EVENTS Blueberry Pancake Breakfast: Saturday, Jan. 14 730-10 AM. Indoor Yard Sale: Saturday, J, 21, 730-11 AM, 332-1121, firstuce@myfainpointet, Vision. Action. Communi. lla All Tri Town Farmington wivw FermngionNHbems 09 Mito ww MitonNHOemocrats. org New Durham eles rea a Janaury 2017 Page 5 HIGH ScHOOL STUDENTS PRESENT PuorocRaPHY WorK AT CHRISTA MCcAULIFFE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE by Matt Jozokos “Mrs, Shanon MeCracke's Photograph Class presented their photography work as part of a Student showease atthe 2016 Christa McAuliffe ‘Technology Conference on Thursday, December Ist at the Student Chowase Session, Five Farmington high school students presented their portfolios and engaged the amendecs in how to use & digital x to take photos in a variety of styles, The Christa ‘MeAuliffe Technology Conference isthe largest tech conference in New England, and is held annually the week following Thanksgiving. Over 2000 participants engage inthe conference annually. ‘The Student Showcase isa welcome feature of the conference as conference patipants, manly teachers and other educators, lke to engage with students and se the gooc work that they do, Prior to the their presentation, the students visited the NH Ar Institute. At he Institute, Gary Samson, ‘Student digital photographers, Stephanie Peaslee, Brlanna Stapleton Banna DiPiio, Bowen Mocracken and Wade Brooke take a sll atthe ‘conference, the Chair ofthe Photo department, held a workshop {or the students on developing photograms inthe darkzoom. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students. The students were really excited anda bit nervous ‘about thet = presentation, but A tiey aida wonder job Their work was displayed between 1:30 and 3:00 PM inthe eonferene exhibit hal, and ‘was well roscived by the conference atendees who Visited. ‘Shannon McCracken and ber digital photography students explaln thelr work to conference atendes. LITTLE RED SHED ‘open Wednesday tru Suny 469 NH Reue* eee Faring Ne O38 clare Borne, writeRedshed nt HOME + AUTO + CAMP « BOAT - BUSINESS| ‘CONTRACTOR PACKAGES. Call us for a quote: 755-3511 & The Puddledock Press Farmington, NH ‘anaury 2017 Page 6 FARMINGTON HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER A STATE FINALIST FoR SOLVE FOR ToMORROW CHALLENGE Mrs. Shannon McCracken submitted a proposal to Samsung's Solve for Tomerrow contest in hopes of receiving funding and hardware to support her STEAM classes at Farmington High School. Her proposal to Samsung was elected as one of the five State Finalists that wll represent New Hampshire in the second phase of the eoatest. The second phase involves completing a brief activity plan that will serveas the outline ofthe project. The plan was submitted on December 16th. Shannon received @ smsung Galaxy Tab tablet to use in he class a8 & resull of being chosen as astat finalist, 2 GoopwIN Liprary ANNUAL READING OF POLAR EXPRESS ‘The annual eading ofthe Polar Express, a Children's Room Program of the Gootwin Library was held in the Vesty of the First Congregational Chutch this, year, they needed space to accommodate the children, Food, and ofcourse Santa Claus! A good time was had by all!) Q Cardinal’s FARMHOUSE SAMPLER 203 NH Route 11 Farmington, NH 603-335-2252 PRIMITIVES! yyw, ‘The Pudlledock Press Farmington, NH GirL Scouts Donate To FARMINGTON Food PaNTRY ‘The New Durham Giel Scout Brownie and Junior Troops gathered 181 jars of Peanut Butter and Jelly! Half wil go to the New Dutham End 68 Hours of Hunger program and half wil go to the Farmington ‘a FARMINGTON STUDENTS GET BACKBACKS FULL OF GIFTS spar ofaparetal engagement grant, the Farmington Middle and High Schoo! Students were siven several edcuational gifts that students could use athome. And they were all packaged in very tractive Farmington Tiger backpacks. The students exjooyed al he stuf, but realy loved their rnewbackpacks! 0 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS | |_ ST. PETER COUNCIL. 10662. | RUSS GOFF Grand Koight (CHARITY + UITY + BRATERMITY + PATRIOTS - Page 7 Janaury 2017 Ralleatty ving” ‘New YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS Ringing in the New Year ‘vith time honored felebrations can be alot of| “un, Stating @ new year CA AE —— ee ‘ach year. Statistcbran com published scientific data explaining results fom ther study on New ‘Years Resolution Statistes. Interesting figures of 8% of people who createa new year’s resolution actually scoeed and 49% say they have infequent ‘success, Also, Americans in their twenties are about 49% successful and thse ove ity were I successful, You probably could gues that when ‘more time goes by, peop. ae les likly to remain ‘commited, That is, abou 75% of resolutions survive the first week, 64% after one month, and 46% after six months ‘The "Top 10 Healthiest New Year's Resolutions” I ‘came across from healtheom are 1. Lose weight 2 Stop smoking 3. Save money 4. Maintain relationships 5. Volunteer 6-Go back to schoo! 7. Reduce stress 8. Reduce alcohol consumption 9. Travel 10. Sleep ts been shown tat people who make a new year's resolution are 10 times more likely to make & ‘behavior change than someone who didn't set resolution. So, step #1 isto crete a goal. Step #2 is to come up with plan. ust saying you want to be better at something isnt enough, For instance, you “The Puddledock Press Farmington, NH ‘want to lear anew language lke French. Ifyou don't ead, write or speak anything French then you ‘wont lear it Having pln wil set you up much beter for success versus just winging it. Step #3 isto Stic with i, Making atime line or an estimated goal Achievement date will keep ona deadline “Making resolution that isat an appropriate level tnd s reasonable time Trane to make it all work out inthe end is important o your success. Also, it may help to tell others you usually interact with about your plan asa way to keep accountable and living up ‘it. You may even get a small cheering setion ‘when your fiends of family become interested about ‘yur curent endeavor. ‘Visualize what it wil fel ike and ook like when you suceed at the end of your plan. When you Achieve your goal you wast to feel like you met your ‘expecatons or exceeded tem, You can measure ‘your progress by keeping «journal. Writing it down ‘an boost accountability. Create short term goals that ‘wil act like stepping stones leading the way to reach, the end result Since the odds suggest many will not se their resolution othe end, we need tobe realistic, oo. Some people will ereate anew year's resolution just for the sake oft being ataition. Then for others the novelty will eventually lose its magic and fade away. As we know life can get in the way of our plans so don't be suprised if you hit some Interference. Dont pve upif you reach a point in ‘ime you face an obstacle. Close your eyes and envision who you willbe once you reach your gol. Finda detour around life's oad blocks so you can ‘get back enroute to your mission. Happy New Year everyone! Dr. Thomas Noro, MSPT, OP7is a doctor of physical therapy and partner/manage of Coppola Physical ‘Therapy Farmington locotedot 385 NH Route 1 CopPoLa FARMINGTON Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation ‘Saipan der pr Gemma 395 NH Route 11 * (603)839-1034 Janaury 2017 Page 8 S HouAy Concert Jiny lo; | FRoM Henry DE 6] Wusos Mevonat j AND FARMINGTON Wir Hic ScHoot WIMTEI fn Tuesdey, Deerber 2 AP inte Heny Witsoe THE GOATS COME TO THE eerber ey fom FARMINGTON TRANSFER STATION © en stat ags Schou presented Hoaay Scere Fenington Domtos were colle nd wile wed sport loa Farmington Foe Panis Te coer featured vase facts cling Sige fo Grades and he Grades 8 Dan be FHS once Bain he FS Cnc Choe There will be solr rays built onthe ste af the old dump athe transfer station As Dar of the plano use the land forthe production of sola ners. the sen Sounding the solar panels end tobe Inne fre of tee Inet Grete tenn ne 204i go%th Sewer lee do the jo and thy visited the Transfer Staton sory ater he fist snowfall, They wl ba welcome stat the sation! fh "|? EARMINGTON LOST CAT | |) | Historica. Socrsry $1000 Reward ex ParsanoroxtIIIisroR Yom Cal Helane in Aton at 875.2842 rer eT naer|| Gray Male Cavite wt spot nar oe Hep ws make hstory come ate for our tun. | | C2tGsodgrayendhsnoothermantngs | ‘Thanks tothe Farmington Fre Department for trying | ‘orp me ge this very shy, frightened cat. Loston August 18, 2016 in the vicinity of Peavey Hil) Feed and Golf Course, Route 153, Farmington, ‘The Puddledek Press Farmington, NH Janaury 2017 Page 9 Happy New Year from Savor The Flavor, We ae ‘exited to see what this New Year of"2017" has in Store for us, We hope you will continue to support this acl with your monthly retpes and cooking up Etec gest conbutrs hs ont nd an 0 featuring old memories of «cookbook called "The Art Of Cooking in Farmington’. showcases some old fiends who you may know and thee Gime tested reipes I hope You will enjoy this rp down memory lane. PINEAPPLE DELIGHT PUDDING INGREDIENTS ‘envelope plain gelatin 1 oup boiling water 1 Ys cups crashed pineapple, drained. 1 cup pineapple juice 1 cup sugar ‘pint whipped cream Dinecrions ‘Soak gelatin in pineapple juice for 2 minutes. Add boing wter ad sugar. After this is solved, add Spe, When cold snd set, whip te eeam and ih. ENIOY by Ole Salisbury CrEaMy HERB Dip INREDIENTS: 2 cups of buttermilk 2 cups mayonnaise 1 Tbsp seasoning salt 4 Top erlc Makes 2 Tosp parsley | tsp fresh pepper. Titanic opt ih sk Rei torus ya bend Ue ea dpe Eke Parsty aaa “The Puddledock Press Farmington, NH PEAS IN CREAM INGREDIENTS 3 cups shelled green peas cup light cream 3 Thsp burer Salt and Pepper to taste Directions ‘Cook peas until tener in ight Fiat eter and cream gether and hve cody ‘when peas are cooked: Pour the eream over he pes: ‘Season wih salt and pepper to aste-- ENJOY By ae Whipple ee Ps sal oe i cn eg ePabuanstie tat sas aoe poppe stone Shame non rh Rovner der agg Ge ae, etal ian Comets gr Seren ae BEEF BURGUNDY INGREDIENTS ean golden mushroom soup 1 ean cream of celery soup °% cup Burgundy Wine 2 bs eed stew meat | pkg dry onion soup mix ‘Direcrions Inpan on stove heat ingredients with 1 cup wate. RESHist binge bot Pacem cored assole, Cook a $80 degrees for 3.4 hous. Serve Sher ord pots“ ENIOY Laure BAKED SALMON WITH SOUR C2EAM INGREDIENTS ib canned simon cup of sour cream [step of salt and a pinch of pepper. ‘Direcrions Drain amon and emve skin Lene unon in. Tnrg pices as posible, tna small baking dish place fish ahd covert sour cram, Bake 450 Segres for Fanaury 2017 Page 10 20.30 minutes or unt it begins to brown slightly in Ihc: Garish wth lemon nd sere bot TIENIOY=~ by Debra DeRase POPOVERS INcReDIENTs exes 1 cup sifted four Yeap of milk 2'sp of melted bater ‘tsp salt Dinecrioxs ‘Beat eges well Add rest of ingredients and beat for 3 ‘ines Pour ito greased custard cups Bake for 43 utes a 42s dees ENJOY Bey CLAM CASSEROLE Inereotents eape mined clams 2eupe cracker runbs 14 cup meted buter 2eupe warm mile 2 eggs besten Directions Mig ngedions, Bake in butered casserole dish NSU cepecs or ostunues ENJOY— by Lilian Emerson STUFFED GRAPE LEAVES INGREDIENTS Grape leaves Vb hamburger {ean tomato paste 1 pint white rice (wash frst) 4-5 spearmint leaves or ground spearmint 1 Tbsp olive oil salt and pepper to taste | onion Lege, Directions, Bol gape eaves ope minute in sled war, Drain and cool Separate leaves, spread ut and roll on the inside Putin pan wath water and bot unl rice done: Speake with fesh lemon over the top and Sone “ENJOY -~ by Mildred Servetas 1 wl be featuring od fends and recipes fom his book ‘and also lok forward to geting your recipes. Pease ‘mall me at deboralousereed or call eat 603-735-3012. How many a hee people do you remember? See you next oath and as aways, please sorte Flavor! ‘The Puddledock Press Farmington, NH by Kimberly Simmons VALUABLE LEssoNs OUR COMPANION ANIMALS TEACH US ‘Over the years, have learned many valuable lessons fiom my fared and feathered fends. This month | am shating a couple of those lessons, ‘When [was S years old our police officer neighbor and fiend, Wily, purenased black Labrador Retiever puppy and named him Monday, forthe day ofthe week he brought the pup home Willy would Be taining Monday asa scent work dog fr the police. 1 often wandered to Will house to help’ him tain. 1 think ITearned as much as Monday did! Monday grew quikly and was soan taking me for walks sround the neighborhood. Even on our fistest walks, “Monday would often pause to smell things toad, tn ant hl, the neighbor's hedges and even flowers. ‘quickly leamed that there was so much more to seein ‘my neighbothood than I ever imagined. Monday ‘aught me take notice oF all the wonders around sme, no matter how smal In 1992 Iwas working fora local veterinarian, and @ very ill cat needed tobe euthanized. This pariculae cat had been inthe hospital for a while, suffering from kidney failure and (as can be helped Sometimes) I became attached. As I stood over the ‘beauifiltortie-ca, kissing her head and patting her, ‘needle in hand, tears falling from my eyes, | apologized aver and over. The litle eat lifed her head, looked me in the eyes, put her pave on my lips and meowed softly a if say “hush, Itis OK". She ‘maintained eye contact for several seconds before emoving her paw and lying her head back upon the table staring ino the distance, Her message was, clear, she was done, knew what was coming and was ‘comforting me.I found myself ina state of extreme ‘calm where I was able to do my job and relieve her suffering, My entire world changed in that one small incident. That tori cat taught me that animals can ‘communicate with us, We just have to listen Happy New Year! May you and your furred, feathered and hairy fiends lear many lessons from each other inthe coming Year. Dont forget to hug your pes and try to stay warm! OQ. Kimberly Simmons isthe owner of For PETS, Pavsiive Education, Training & Services, LEC., based in Farmington, Janaury 2017 Page U1 ‘Cameron's Home & Garden January 2017 Cords of loose seasoned hardwood $300 Free delivery within a 10 mile radius. Palletized half cord, $175 Delivery is extra. For those dry hands, try Working Hands Hand Cream. f Works like a charm! $6.99 Roof Rakes are in stock $15.99 Get ready for Winter, SnoBroom with scraper $15.99. ecameron’s Home and Garden = = Monday - Friday: 7 AM-5 PM. ‘Saturday: 8 AM- 4 PM 926 NH Route 11 ‘Sunday: 9AM- 4 PM Farmington, NH 03836 608-759-2189 ‘Janauey 2017 The Puddledock Press Farmington, NH Page 12

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