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Steve Bock, Principal


Mr. Charlie Stillian, Assist.


October 24, 2011

Red Ribbon Week
This week is Red Ribbon Week, which promotes drug awareness in schools
nationwide. Each day has a theme and students dress accordingly. Today is
Slippers Day. Tuesday-Crazy clothes Day, Wednesday-Twin Day, Thursday-Luau Day,
Friday-Spirit Day. All students are encouraged to participate, keeping in mind that
the dress code will still be in effect.
Awards Assembly Postponed
The end of quarter assembly will be held on October 31 st for 9th grade, November 1st
for 8th grade, and November 2nd for 7th grade.
Powder Puf
This week is the Powder Puff game. Football and volleyball players, as well as
cheerleaders will have practice Monday and Wednesday 5:15-6:15 p.m. on the field
behind Patton. The game is going to be played on Thursday at 5:30 p.m. on
Normandy Field. The concession stand will be open that day. Come out and show
your support for this fun and funny event!
Next Monday is Halloween. Students are not permitted to wear costumes or dress
up that day. Also, candy will not be permitted to be passed around.
Fall Dance
The first dance of the year is Friday, October 28 th 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. This dance is
for Patton students only. No guests are permitted to come. Halloween dress will not
be allowed. The dress code will be strictly enforced-all dresses and skirts must pass
the fingertip test. The cost of admission is $3.00.
Close Up Trip
The Close up Trip is now open to eighth graders. In order to sign up, turn in
paperwork and registration fees to Mrs. Steele in the Patton Office.
Early Dismissal Friday
Students are released at 1:00 p.m. this Friday. Lunch will be served that day.

Yearbooks are available for ordering through October 28 th, with only checks being
accepted. The cost is $25.00. Money is collected during 8 th hour Advisory classes.

Calendar of Events
October 28
October 28
Nov 4
Nov 11
Nov 23-25

Early Release. Out at 1:00 p.m. Lunch will be served

School Dance 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Early Release. Out at 1:00 p.m. Lunch will be served
No School. Veterans Day
No School. Thanksgiving Break

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