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Assignment Description

This assignment allows students to gain some experience in close reading, summary work,
collaborative writing, and presenting information/developing structured learning activities all
of which are crucial to the liberal arts college experience.

As pairs or trios, you will sign up for a specific day/set of readings from Ratliffs collection (see
syllabus and schedule). As a group, youll need to begin this process by carefully reading the
assigned texts. Then, as a group, youll need to 1) develop a 4-5 sentence summary for each
chapter assigned and 2) consider specific moments in these chapters that are interesting to you
as a group. Take time (and plan ahead!) to talk about all of this.

On the day of your assigned texts: youll have 15-20 minutes as a group. Youll need to begin by
carefully (and quickly) summarizing the assigned texts for us as a class. You might consider
writing a summary of each as a group in a similar manner as SWA 1. Focus on key
claims/themes, signal phrasing, etc.

Then, youll use the time you have left to get us to think about a key moment, or a connected
set of key moments, from the texts in play. You might have us do some directed
listening/brainstorming. You might use video or web based texts to get us to consider one or
more of Ratliffs questions. You might connect the ideas in these chapters to other readings
from other courses, etc. Youre presenting material, but youre also designing an activity to
help us delve deep into the reading and to set up the class conversation for the day. Be creative.
Its about music, right? So, this should, at some level, be kinda fun?

Whats crucial here is that 1) you cannot possibly cover ALL of the ideas in the 3 chapters
assigned to your group (once youre past the summary section), so make sure you focus on
specific elements for us; 2) youll need to work together, as a group, to develop your
summary/activity (Id urge you to meet in person at least 2-3 times, along with using google
docs or other online tools to help organize ideas); 3) Consider whatever supplementary
materials you use carefully (PPT, Prezi, clips, sound files, etc).

After your presentation day, all group members will be given an anonymous self-assessment so
that individuals can report on shared tasks, etc.

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