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ORDER NO, MDse0s08002 Service Manual : Receiver AV Control Stereo Receiver "=== SA-AX530 Colo (K) -» Black Type rea aeaei aie] te | ome © | _ Eope (€) | creatBrtain |) (EG) | Gormany and Kaly Laboratories Licensing Corporation. >RO LOGIC" are trade marks of * | Manutactured under lleense from Do "Dolby" , the double-D symbol and lM Specifica Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation, MMAMPLIFIER SECTION Powor output Dt KH (7.0.17) 2x60W (8c) Frequency response 20 Hi-20 KHE continuous power output PHONO. FIAA standard cures th) = 08.8 both channels driven 2x40W (60) 0, TAPE, DVD, VOR, TV ToW2—40 on, + 808 Total harmonic dlatrtion tated power 220 Hz ~20 Witz 08% (60) amy sa7ee. ha power at 1 KHz oor (sn) 6D, TAPE, DVD, VCR, TV 00 mv /22 Power output al the Dolby Pro Logie operation Sm atrateg power (60) IVT KH (7.0.75) PHONO 70.08 (HF, A: 8048) Front 2x eow a) 0, TAPE, DVD, VOR, TV 780 (HF, A: 6508) Comer OW (8a) Tone controls Surround 2x6ow (60) ass 02, 4010-1009, Power bandwidth both channels drven-dB 10H - Ox (1) TREBLE 202 00103, Damping factor 20,60} Output volago TAPE AEC (OUT), VOR OUT “200 mv Load impedance Channel balance (250 H2- 6. Re) 13 Front 4169 Chonnel separation 6 Center Set —Hasdphones output love and impedance 400 mv 2000 Surround Sea SubWooler equency response 7100 He, 23 8 ‘2 WARNING. ‘This sorvioe information is designed for experioncod repalr technicians only and is not designed for use by the general public. It does not contain warninge oF cautions to advise non-technical individvals of potential dangers in attempting to sarvice a product. Products, powered by electricity should be serviced or rapalrad only by exoerlenced professional technicians. Any allemot to service of repair fhe product or products dealt wih in ths service Information by anyone ‘result in serious Injury oF doath. © 1960 Matsushita Electrons (8) Plo Technics fie tes et a IIFM TUNER SECTION Frequency range o75— 1080 Mie Sensty S90 dB 15uW/ 75a Sra aa tans 760 5N 2048 12/750 IE Unable snaltivty (MF 5) tsnv/ 750 IMF 6 JB stare qulating sensitivity 22 qv) 760 Total harmonie letortion MONO 02% STEREO 0596 SN Mono 60.08 73 8, HF) STEREO 52.68 (67 38, Frequency response 20H2 16 kHz “HB, 208 ‘Allerate channel selectity 2400 kite e508 Capture ra 1508 Image rejection a oot 4008 IF rojection at 96 MH 7088 Spurious response rection at eM pee AM suppression 5008 Stereo sopartion ‘ke 4008 Carre leak 9 ute 2045 (95 8, HE) okie “Eo (538, HE} Channel balance (250 Hz 634) 2158 Limiting point t2w Contents PAGE + Accessories es “Before Repar & Adamant) Protectlon Cxcaty 2 + Cauton For AC Mains Leads 3 Frat Pal CONE : a4 + Basic Operations “5 + Dabo Pr Loge ono + Making & Recording aes om + Using the Remote Conon oa + Operations Checks, 12-15 Bandwicth 1F ampitior 180K FM demodulator 1000 itz Antenna terminalis) 752 (unbalanced) IMAM TUNER SECTION Frequency range 522-1611 hz (9 Kz stops) 1590-1620 KH (10 kz stops) Sensitivty ZOU, 890 Vin Selectivity (at 999 KH2) 5508 IF rection (at 999 kz) 5008 MVIDEO SECTION ‘Output voltage at 1V input (unbelenced) 1201 Yop Maximum input voltage 18¥pp Inpuvfoutpat impedance 750 MGENERAL Power consumption £280 W (n standby modo: 2 W) Power supply ‘AC 230 -240 V, 80 Hz Dimensions (W x Hx) 480 x 198 x 320.6 mm Weight askg Notas : 1. Speofleatons are subject to change without notice. Weigh and dimensions are aporoems 2. Tota hamons sori s messes by te cipal spctum analyzer, PAGE ‘Terminal Functions of 0's - snes 1B ‘Typo Huetraton of C's Transitors and Diodes 7 “Wiring Connection Diagram. san 1 Bk DIBGTEM enn : 19-23, + Schematic Diagram ea. 2 98 + Prints Grout Boara 39-48 + Cabinet Parts Locations. + Repalcemont Pars Uist. + Rosisiors & Capactore.. + Packing Matonals & AO8s60898 sm W Accessories + Packaging. For Uniod fee eas, Povey Cod Aatteopantnnst_| Plnoranenea | Ree onl vanes | aunt! @ Before Repair and Adjustment Disconnect AC power, discharge Power Supply Capacitors G703, C704, C705 and 0706 through a 1092 , SW resistar to ground. DO NOT SHORT-CIRCUIT DIRECTLY (with a screwdriver blade, for instance), as this may destroy solid state devices. Ater repairs are completed, restore power gradually using a variac, to avoid overcurrent Current consumption at AC 230 - 240 V, S0Hz in NO SIGNAL made should be 240 ~ 330 mA. @ Protection Circuitry Tho protection circuitry may have operated it ether of the following conditions are noticed “No sounds heard when the power is turned on + Sound stops during a performance. Tho function ofthis ereuity is to pravent circuitry damage if, for example, the postive and negatve speaker connection wires aro "shored", oritspeakor sysiams wth an impedancalese than the indicated rated impedance of the amplifier are used If this occurs, follow the procedure outines below: 1. Tum off the power. 2. Determine the cause of the problem and correc 8. Tum on the power once again afer one minute. Note: When the protection circuitry functions, the unit wil not operate, unless the power i fist tumed off and then on again, Caution for AC Mains Lead (For “EB” area code model only.) For your ealety,ploase read tho folowing tex carefully “This appliance ie supated with a mouldec three pin mains phig for your safaty and convenience. ‘AS-ampere fuse sted In this pg. Should tho fuse need to be replaced pleaso ensure that the Teplacement fuse has rating of S-ampere and that tis approved by ASTA or BSI to 881262 Chek or the ASTA mark @ othe BSI mark GY onthe body ofthe fe the plug contains a removable fuse cover you must ensure that {tis refted when th fuse is replace. I you lose tne tuse cover, the pkig must not be used unt @ replacement cover is obtained. ‘veplacement fuse cover can be purchased from your local sealer. CAUTION! IF THE FITTED MOULDED PLUG 18 UNSUITABLE FOR THE SOCKET OUTLET IN YOUR HOME THEN THE FUSE SHOULD BE REMOVED AND THE PLUG CUT OFF AND DISPOSED OFF SAFELY. THERE IS A DANGER OF SEVERE ELECTRICAL SHOCK IF THE CUT OFF PLUG IS INSERTED INTO ANY 13-AMPERE SOCKET. Ita now plug isto be fted, please observe the witing code as shown below. Irn any soubt pl ‘consult a qualified electcian. IMPORTANT “The wires in this maine leas are colourod in aooordance withthe {oliowing oode: ‘Blue: Neutral Brown: Live As these colours may nt corrospond with he colouree markings Identiying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows: ‘The ito wh is coloured Blve must be connected to te erminal whichis matked withthe lelterN or coloured Black or Be. “The wire which ie coloured Brown must be connected to the terminal which ls marked with tho lettor Lor coloured Brown 0° Res WARNING: DO NOT CONNECT EITHER WIRE TO ‘THE EARTH TERMINAL WHICH IS MARKED WITH ‘THE LETTER E, BY THE EARTH SYMBOL _ OR COLOURED GREEN OR GREEN/YELLOW. ‘THIS PLUG IS NOT WATERPROOF—KEEP DRY. SA-AX530_ Before use lomove the connector cover How to replace the fuse “The location ofthe fuse ilar aocordng to the type of AC mains plug figures Aang). Contirmtha AC mains plugftedandtolow {he Insttuctons below. Iustrations may dif trom actual AC mains pli. 41. Open the fuse cover with a screwdriver. Figure A 2, Replace the fuse and close or attach the fuse cover. Figure A Fuse (Gamer) Figure 8 Fuse (Sampore} SA-AX530 Front Panel Controls We. ~ Name @ Power “ (" switeh (POWER, 6) Press o swich the unit rom on to standby mode o vce versa, In standby mede, the unt stil consuming 2 sll emoumt of power. ~ @Sound mode selector/indicators @SFC mode selector (MODE) @Input indicators ©DVD bch input select buttorvindicator (DVD 6CH INPUT) @ Input selector (INPUT SELECTOR) ®Volume control (VOLUME) © Speakor button (SPEAKERS) @Help/reset button (-HELP -RESET) ,_ &@ Headphones jack (PHONES) “Display ~ @Tape monitor button (TAPE MONITOR) ~ Bass controt (BASS) _ @ Troble contro! (TREBLE) 9 Balance control (BALANCE) 4 Delay time adjust button (DELAY TIME) @ Center mode select button (CENTER MODE) —________ ® Tuning buttons (TUNING V,A) Radio station presetting button (PRESET) @Band select button (BAND) @FM mode select button (FM MODE) @Memory button (MEMORY) { Remote contr Power button (» button (d/o) o- Bcursarselect buttons est? {enu button (MENU) er 2) GSFC mod 7) DES ©) 8 Test button (1 Seer ie ‘@ Delay time/ievel adjust buttons (-, +) ‘ @Direct tuning/dise enter button (DIRECT TUNING/DISC ENTER) ®210 button (210) @Numeric buttons @biscideck 1/2 select button (DISC/DECK 1/2) @TVivideo select button (TVIVIDEO) SVolume buttons (-VOL+) Basic Operations ps VOLUME, |_SA-AX530 Bofor operation, ot VOLUME tothe "MN" postion. Prose [POWER]. Press [SPEAKERS] and check the “SPEAKERS! indication lights up. Ite button is pressed once more, the indlator will switch ‘tf and no sound wil be nears rom the speakers ‘Turn [INPUT SELECTOR} to select and start the desired source. (Rater the appropriate operating instuction fr details) ‘The indicator which coresponds tothe selected input source wi aarinate ‘The selected source wil be chown on the display ‘TAPE (MONITOR): To lston to cassette tapes VCR To watch vicoo rapes W/088: To watch TV or DSS, DVD: To watch OVD (: To listen to compact deos ‘TUNER: To listen to radio broadcasts PHONO: To listen to pono diss Mf a Dolby Pro Logic or SFC mode has been selected ‘ter displaying the selected source, the clsplay will then ‘change to show tha Dolby Pro Loaie er SFC moda, IW the source chosen was TUNER then the display wil ‘enange again 10 show the frequency To watch a vidoo (or DVD) oF the TY, set the TV to either the ‘TV made 0: VIDEO mode, For your reference Wyau ara using a VCR and you select TAPE, CD, TUNER, ‘or PHONO, the picture wil eamain on the sereen: Adjust the volume. When you ish isting Br suo redur Ino volne Inv and svtch tho power to the ‘any conan by resing (POWER About the HELP function Wyo make & mistake In operation or sound output stops due to ‘some operation which was performed, tho HELP function displays ‘information whieh can be usotul or indicating the mathod by which ‘his cordltion can be remedod ERROR or sroling charactors (for instance, “SPEAKER OFF NOW") appear on the dsplay during operation, carry out the {allowing operation. Press [-HELP/-RESET]. ‘Tha mothod for remedying tis sivation wil be disolayed For your reference It the above button 1s prossed for 2 seconds. or more unt "RESET" appears onthe display, the operation settings forthe unit wil be iltaized to the setings made atthe timo of shipment. However, any broadcasting stations which have boen praset into ‘memary wil not ba erased at this time. SA-AX530_ Dolby Pro Logic emoc | 6 tl \ | SURROUINT OQ) SURROUND mode -o-res STEREO meds Lc ti When twady to acust speaker cuput fevel, sua \whete you would normaly bo lstng, + First hrm ON to speakers wean SPEAKERS onthe rosiver + Il ron speaker volume Is unbalanced, edust ho balance with [BALANCE yours ‘The fallowing steps aro for sting tho apt ave ol tho Hon | | speakers and tho comeriuround sponters tothe sama HI Tern the sound mode selector o select URROUND" 1, Select “a STEREO" it surround speakers have ot baen connecte, 2 Remomber you cannot adust the ouput vel of he surcund speakers you selected '9 STEREO" mode. By Press (CENTER MODE} to solect the correct center mode. When the button is prossad. the curent contr mode ie ‘epiyod. Pressing again anges the conor mace NORMAL hen the conte speaker is smater than tho front specks. WiDEBAND Wien the centor speaker is the same size as o lager than ‘he ton! speaker. MILE sun RoUND moce oniy ‘nen no corter speaker eannocted. rs In the PHENTOM moce, the sound which would hava been Sent to the const speaker wit be dived equally between ot heft and ght fore spoakers EJ Press (Te87] to output atest signal. ‘Te penn oun Mee ae aj wee teteruming Crontapetar (a {Comer paar i: From opaator (Right) ‘5: Suound speakars “The subwoofers muted wating Inthe PHANTOM mode, the contr speaker fs OFF, $0 there is mo center test signal and" nol splayed, El Preos von (-) or (to set the volume ove! normaly used for enjoying the source, Press [LEVEL] to select the center or ‘surround speakers. Press [-] of [+] to adjust the output ievel. Adjust tie cutputtvel of each speaker ftom thw isting potion und ey ar a dente ~ crease the ovat ive. 2 Ineease tre output ‘Qutput tol can ba varied wihin a range of 12d ta +12 <8 win ant speaker output aval serving as te zo point Dunng stops § and 6 above the test signal sequence Is Inferupled end the signa! wil only came hom tne seiotes speaker ‘The seavenco wil Press TEST] To tum off the Dolby Pro Logie systems Proos (STEREO), suroune ‘Speaker |_SA-AxS30 Adjusting the delay time Aust to sound fom the suroundspskas nil ho proper oft produce. THI Turn the sound mode selector to select *SURROUND™. Press [DELAY TIME] to set the time. When the button is pressed, the currant dolay me ie Siplayed Each time the button ts prossed, the delay time wil inereese bby Sims within a range of 18 ms to 30 ms ‘The etandad geting ie 20 ms. 1D: Diatance rom tront epsckore i: Distance from surround speakers 11D: is equal foo oes than Ds Set o 15 ms +11 D:is age han Bs Stat at 15 ms an incase by § ms for every 1.5 m of ditfarence betwoen Di and Ds, Eines) Wh urn pput SELECTOR} to select and start the desired source. ‘Turn the sound mode selector to select “SURROUND” or “3 STEREO”. When employing SURROUND, use sofware recorded fa Dolby Suround, For your reterence ‘You ean sat the Doloy Pro Logic mode fr each source Each source wll retain tne slocted mode To turn off the Dolby Pro Logic systems ‘Tum the saund mode selector (8) to select "STEREO™ -somede punoure serous onions on taAsT sm Bg =m ER ae RSS pear ‘SA-AX530 (948) joiN02 pjely punos |_ SA-AX530 -ponesiousebsy oj ar ipe tseva nt io ‘O0COCD) bases fond ,cousoun, poncoke 1400 lt ‘suonauny 49410 ‘@pow INdNI HOS GAG SA-AX530 Making A Recording ann 3 a tap Botore recording, prepare the tape deck for recording ‘Seo the tape dect’s operating instructions for dots. ‘Turn [INPUT SELECTOR] to select the source to be recorded. ‘Any source can be Selectad except TAPE. Begin recording on the tape deck. Follow yourlapa des operating nections. Begin the source to be recorded. Follow your equipments cporating instructions, To check the sound recorded while a recording is being Lmede Jo cee Its possible to check the sound being recorded If your tape dock “Ti y ia 3head systom, | Press [TAPE MONITOR] on this unit and set the monitor button on the tape deck to “TAPE”. Press [TAPE MONITOR] onoe again to turn of ‘TAPE MONITOR Ros ing ono Before recorsng, propare VCR for racorcing ‘See the VCR's operating Instuctions for cota Hl turn tweut SELECTOR] to soloct the source to be recorded. ‘ny sore ean be seleted excnt VCR and TAPE Flecorting from the tape dock s nt possi. BZ Begin recording on the VCR. Flow your VOR's operating Insitutions. Begin the source to be recorded. Fallow your equipment’ oparating insiuctions. = ‘When you select DVD 6CH INPUT mode, only sound trom the front et anc tight speakers is recorded To record all 6 channels ‘Set ine playback modo on your DVD player or decoder to 2 ‘wpUT SELECTOR crane) (stereo) mode, For dolais, see the Inswucion manual that came with the connectod equipment, ee SA-AX530 Using the Remote Control Basic operations Point the remote control toward the rocolver TWIRR ——_g_Onca the unit has bean set to ON, it can bo ES, mp > trac ON and OFF smely by prossng To turn the unit 'o ON/OFF = ‘or uring the TV, VOR oF DVD player ON oF OFF, abaya press TUNERIGAND before pressing |] whan turing the Tacaver ON andor | To select an input x w "Se souree and awiten tre | C8) 8 CH PR OS | remote control transmitter to each | ERM operation mode ¥ “ G06 PHONO can not be seleciod with this remote ont c To tum off the Dolby | sengo © Pro Logie and SFC 25) | | moa oan ne ED EB] || 10 turn on the Dolby | symp EOE = Gey] | | Pro_togie ana sotect | CE? steReo con not be selected wth this DQ] | | me sunROUND mode toms cont = Changes a8 folowe each tne the buon ‘eprersea : To tun on the sro} 2 fol | function end select the HALL ~ CLUB —~ LIVE —THEATER desired mode | Te i ‘SIM SURR (SIMULATED) —! oes | » Ee is e [or] {nen he SURROUND or 3 STEREO rode OW pease tp he sgn Wien the SURROUND, 8 STEREO or SFC modo is ON a =D Select canter () or suround Se OO -& | To adjust the output me @ nas ouput love level of the center | « ymon the SURROUND mode is ON and th corer mde is on speaker andlor | "PHANTOM, you cannot select he corer channel, surround speakers | - Won SFC is used, tho conier modo ean be changod only THEATER i 0. + When the 3: STEREO mode is ON, you cannot select the suund channel. When the SURROUND or SFC mace is ON To adjust tho delay | ocuay ees time Ga mb Grea f | ‘Tho message “MUTING ON NOW" runs repestecly | To mute the sound from right to let aooss the display as long as the | hover muting function sn, ress once more to otura 1 the orignal volume, Te aust te vouume | SE" | SA-AX530_| Operation Checks "ATTENTION SERVICER" Some chassis components may have sharp edges. Be careful when disassembling and servicing. 1. This section describes procedures for checking the operation of the major printed circuit boards and replacing the main components, 2. For reassembly after operation checks or replacement, reverse the respective procedures. ‘Special reassembly procedures are described only when required. '3, Select items from the following index when checks or replacement are required. * Contents *+ Checking Procedure For Each Major P.C.B. age ‘+ Main Component Replacement Procedures. 12-14 14-15 Checking Procedure For Each Major P.C.B. (2) => 0 {SNE2129-3} (Black) imp © resi | (lace Power P.C.B. (Component Side) ‘Transformer P.C.B. Operation P.C.8. (Solder Side) a (Solder Side) Panel P.C.B. ———_ 2 hp SS ac invout P.c.8. (Golder Side) (Golder Side) ~~ AC-3 PCB. (Golder Side) Main P.C.B. ~ Tuner P.C.B. (Component Side) (Solder Sido) ~ 2 Pamova the 1 cadine, Romove all Krobe and Nuts from Front Panel 0x3 ‘lomove the Front Panel in the direction of arrow. Operation P.C.B. Panel P.C.B. (Component Side) Pull ut the Headphone dackPCB, Flemove the top cabinet, Remove the front panel jeas6 the AC InOUt PCB. ‘alee ane the lan motor Connector, then pull out the rear panel inthe crecton of arrow. es fiID Oe [XTBS3#8/FZ!] (Black) DxTB3+8FFZ] (Black) (om 0 (TB94200FZ (ac Cinehe Main P.¢.B. in the rection of aro Power P.C.B, (Golder Side) IIMain Component Replacement Procedures 1. Replacement of the Power IC and Regulator Transistor Flomove the tp cabinet. EMD Foi tho joins. (6 joints) umm of Power a Pepto Tenor ae SA-AX530__ Remave al sons (forthe Tne, AC-9 and Protagie Roa he Pear Pane ard pl ou oso PCB son boMan PCB. Power Ic (6801) [RENSOTME6A-P] | e owor IG (Get) T iaeNaoH Q=m o [XTW3+18T] Fogulator wanclotor (9701, 0708) [psp2s7apaay, 28B1548POAU} “The PROTO Offset Serewativer ; No. S4+¥, is recommended for use in the application above. “Align the ibs of botiom ‘over into the lugs, ‘~ ue —— 7 im © [xTBs+84) (Black) Serew (XTBS184) (Preparo Ws sorow to fix the bottom cover) een 1. After roplacing he power IC or regulator transistor, apply a suficent {quantity of compound grease (FKXOO02ISZZ01 15) etwoon tho host Sink andthe power IC or reguito: transistor (Radlaion of power IC) 2, Tighten enaugh the serewe ( @Jafor replacing the power IC and regulator rensstox. Oren, tho heat radiation works ite. 8, When instaling o removing the power IC or transistor holder, be sure to use an offeat screwdriver. ‘+ Along staightscreweriver cannot bo used for removing or mounting ‘he screws aloo Is lng grip inerferes wit he neighbouring PC. {Seo Fg.1) + A shor straight scrowkiver may be used for removal, but cannot be sed for mounting bacause tha imitod space in the unit wil nt alow suffeent tightening toraue,(See Fig2) age ‘Achon straight corowctver Fig.2 + Insufcionttghtening wl cause poor hestcissipation from the power Cana regulator transistor and the worst case, may lezd to nie ‘ermal breakdown, __sa-axsao_| Terminal Functions Of ICs * 1C901 (M38B57M6120F) System Microprocessor me wane [v0 — we mn vo rneton 1-2 | KEY2-KEYt 1 | Key Input 1 ~ 2 | 30 SPB 0 | Speaker B contro! output 3. | tHeFaiowpt | 1 | Thema¥Overload not 1 at | SPA | O| Speaker contol oupit «| we | 1 | torres ee | APMUTE_| | ara eto ort | rienuonne | 1 | Thomstover ea inmut 2 20-o| seor-seat | 0 | FL eegron signal ouput © | FALST 1 | Stoo signa detect omit oo] o€c1-c€610 | 0| FL ag sleal ouost 7 | ware 120 | 0 | wo waner 0 @ | ITN | + | Dede etigs @ | | 1| ConotorAosio eT awreoegna — | | eo | VOL.DOWN | 0 Your coneloupu Dom) © | REMOTE | 1 | Remote conta tenia 6 | votur | 0 | Volune conrl aus (UP) to | Reser | —| Peet detect eon 2 | REC_MUTE | 0 | REC Muto contot tr | | | | Contato ROS 16 (C4 ac 2 | iFoATA | 1 Sovaldota sont ve | sos.or | 1 [cmmmanasic (namo | | ce | unwrien | 0. Power wer ano ace we | exo | =| GND mint : 5 | TNR.CE | O| Tunercontl (CE) cip enable ona 4 | xm | =| crystal oscar teint (4 M2) 6 | seumok | 0 | SeletorTuner (GX) eck tna 15 | xour | - | crystal oscar tein (4 Mite) o | seve ot | 0) SaecoTuner (07 at stat ve | v0ocesn | ~ | Ponrsipy wnat Ev ce | SEL st | 0) Seer eta iomin 17 | LED_IC_CK | © | LED driver IC (Ck) clock signal 69 | MMD_CTRL | O TWD contol ernie! "| ww | veose-0r | 0 | LED avere @n san som 70 | SURR.oK | © | Sineand cont (09 ks 19 [srorry exco1| 1 | SFC mode encoder np 71 | sunmor | 0] Sunound conto (07) data sina! 20. |SFOIPTY_ENCD2| 1 | SFC mode encoder input 2 72 | SURR_CE | ©] Surround control (CE) chip enable signal 21 | se1eNCD! | 1 | Seletorercocar or nput 1 73 | aves | —| GND tor AD ooworter 2 [rei | + [ees oem orn 74 | veer | —| relowne vine ors comer 29 | seL_enov2 | 1 | Setar orcoderorinput2 73 80 | 1 | 80 signa detect input : 24 | eaT_vore | 1) Tv.vCR® conta nou 76 | SuR.eNeD! | | | Encoder ot suround mado selector input 25 | Aetay | — | Roky conta aut 77 | WeLP 160 | 0| HePLED eartol our 28 | 498. | 0| ABS contol ouput ‘ 72 | Sun ENeD2 | || Encoder of suround modo solace nput2 a7 en swat | o]ec swoon oimas 7 | ween [o| wineaccrcoma nna | 28 | veo -22v) | — | Power sup for FLanver 2 | vi0e0.8 | 0| video suecercortol cup ES sic sP | Surround'Genter speaker control output 18 SA-AX530 Type Illustration of ICs, Transistors and Diodes crise eee es ese (ce Be ese So an | oe wee | en men ieee coma a en Ean a aserenm ae sone pace Se ea se coer some ease aa gegem | ieemey | aewam | comes | sees : il “ a wa 2Z toma een ae" | 47m HER tame wo | meern et it MTJZ3ROATA ‘MTZJ7RSCTA s eee Ll weneenl geseers i | Ei ee @ Wiring Connection Diagram ‘SA-AX530 Pro Locic Pc.8 : Hy acs pce. es ‘SA-AX530 @ Block Diagram SA-AX530 je a EGF Seuzeron SGNAL sevector Seale ao aha rar SUtHOuNo econ SA-AX530_ ea SA-AX530 cor) rae MOrOF 7] sis oJ Eke lee Bw iE ie Bile snes) ehh ef i SA-AX530 SA-AX530 i Schematic Diagram Page Page MAIN CIRCUTT....... AC IN/OUT CIRCUIT . 4 EJ PANELCIRCUIT Tl OPERATION CIRCUIT... 25 TUNER CIRCUIT..... I HEADPHONE JACK CIRCUIT 38 POWER CIRCUIT I PRoLoaic ciRcurr... 26-27 ‘TRANSFORMER CIRCUIT ; 34 AC-3 CIRCUIT 25 (All schematic diagrams may be mocified at any time with the development of new technology) Note Power switch +9976: DvD Ech wich “Tape Monto stn {8200 | Speakers sole owtch Fal mee sien {8985 Conter mode select etch Band solctsteh 8096 | Delay Le such Tuning daoroaao sts + Tunning nerease smch +'VR601 + Volume conte Memory ston SvR602 Balan contol Tuning mode preset such SvRE!T 5: Bass coral Hip) eset etch SVAB!2 Treble contol Seaton sith {vAato1 Input slater nod EON own ‘vse: Doby Prolog selct knob Delay mode ovton $vAG03 | Mode SFC ono knob + Signa te — the 22% + Main Signal Lino wens -BLne >: FW Signaltine = FWAM Signal Line 02> + FMOSC SignalLine > ‘AM Signal Line a> ooord Signal Line Im | AMOSC Signal Line + Tha vottage value and wavotorms are the reference vatage ofthis unit measured by DC electronic volimeter (high impedance) and csciloscope on the basis of chassis. ‘According, there may arisa some ero in voltage values and waveforms depencing upon ihe ‘measuring unt tomalimpadance ofthe tostor or the Ch aM Nomack ; Playback <> CFM + Importance safety notice: ‘Components identified by “ mar have special characteristics important for safety. Furthermore, speclal parts which have purposes ‘of freretardant (ocitore), high-qualty eound (capacitors), low-noie (resistor), ec. are Used. When replacing any of components, be eure o use only manufacturer's spectied parts shown inthe pat is cautlon 1 IC, LSI and VLSI are sensitive to static elt. ‘Secondary trouble e2n be prevented by taking care during ropa ‘Cover the parts boxes made of plastics with aluminium fi + Ground th soldering on, + Donat touch the pins of I, LSI or VLSI wih fingers recy + Puta conclusive mat onthe work table. ace |_SA-Ax530_ exewmoguanuts ACH3 CIRCUIT ( P.6:800rd on poge 45.) —— 4p une: 8 tne Age, BBBbzaasta Aw rost] Se Bs ps fee | Ba 7 i oS aS Bowe, OPERATION CIRCUIT BAY ge ecatioN eeu ao ‘SA-AX530 ‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAN-2 ma Ue ile 15: Moi Sgro) Une PRO-LOGIC CIRCUIT «eben m pe 3) ‘ala — 2 [ESACANSSO SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-3 bmn am: Wain Stn ine DY Rear Sl Une oye ‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM fey PUNER CIRCUIT (Re.Boerd on page 44) +8 Line tan ae Se vgn AM | A408 Signe! Une SD 1 Fw Signet Line aD «FM OSC Sigal Une SD FM/au Signal |__SA-AXx530 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAN-5 48 Une sip £196 08e Signal tne B= FA/AM, Signo! Line “3 Line =} Av stare TED | Signal nea 7 080 Bie Rlpauapest e 106 SA-AX530 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-6 Pq vain cincurr CP.c.B0ord on poge 40 ) xp + Mein Signo! Line = FU/AM Signo Line coh ge 2, a2! i SA-AX530 ‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-7 +8 Une = 1-8 Ure xp: Main Signa Line Aa e501 A3A8Gruaan—P BHYocm Bees eee ost ae aha ‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAN-8 48 Line Line sb: Mein Signo! Line Bagoatrm genta eicat lars7f | 0735, § [a Bipeian:| Bie 0736 ye | 0735 aE ose | gen Aox BBbzis7PoTa wm Agbiorosta 7 are pe gh endl 1 £5i57arans = 4 0706 Per il Be iRissrn SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-3 exp! Main Signal Line 49 Line SA-AX530 Agsaran 708 on Fa ae cre A 2, Ley Berzsossin Bie ‘SA-AX530 ‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-10 48 Une 8 Line ted: Moin Signo tina Brea POWER CIRCUIT 753 wo iE (P.c.Board on page 46) ovr Scr 218 aie Ore] zal BBoocra lag — owe aa BEbonasa oh om | mepen asa |_| 5S a Blagussr AC IN/OUT CIRCUIT (Peioard on page 4) fof, _SA-AX530 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-11 pele ece eee ee eis BD raver circuit (r.c.teerd on poge 42 ) Z. fill aa = PePSeT PP ees vesoe EEan20n PSP eee Te 10803, Sdogon et ‘SA-AX530 ‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-12 tlm 8 tine 3 — ‘SA-AX530 ‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-13 ae SA-AX530 ‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-14 Sealine te eee ~B Une 122 Moin Signal Une 1 L +t Sr ] \ 1 | 14 . a ! ! rd rn | en H | eee Jee ! ! Pa oe T T HEADPHONE JACK CIRCUIT P.C-Boord on page 42) |_Saraxs0 ‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAN-7 EBPrinted Circuit Board (Wis pritedsicuttoare sagem may te mead at any te wh th dovsepement of nan tchnoogy) G _SAAXS30_| __SA-AX530__ [rau [ra i eee] (ees e| 2 |B eel || & Sale (eo Be |S ge |S ba |G 1d | 8 lowe | t3 |cet | or eS es Be |e | 2 ee |e ee | & Be |e lee |e Be |e [aes ba | 2 ge | 3 Be | ge |S fe 8 [ge] 8 Be |B lam | & eee SA-AX530 El PANEL P.C.B. (REP2743B-S) Near SELECTOR aed ‘SA-AX530 H I J K L M N a} [AC IN~) 230-240V.. EB 230V... EEG SORE TUNER P.C.B. (REP2254C-T) SA-AX530_| | ‘SA-AX530_ AC-3 P.C.B. (REP2744C-P) ... E/EG (REP2744D-P) ... EB ‘SA-AX530 TRANSFORMER P.C.B. (REP2742B-M) POWER P.C.B. (REP2744C-P) ... E/EG (REP2744D-P) ... EB rae @ Cabinet Parts Location a | _SA-AX530 @ Replacement Parts List Notes: * important safety notce Components onttied by 4 mark havo special characttstes important fr sally. Fortonmore, pect! par whieh have purposes a iro-etarcant (tors), hig-quasy sound (capac), Iwoise (resistors) ee, ae use. |Whon raplbcing any of compenenta, 8 aure to use only manufactures specie pars sown He pats Hs. + The parenthooed In tho Remarte gota spsiy I ateas. (Refer to he cover page for are) Pert without these indeation ean be used for al areas. * in Homans cour Indicates pars int are supped by MESA. isc Me] Pate, | Parner kOserten| Maan) ato] Pa No, | Prtiane De an Nae &Osecrpn | amas cavern cass] [a |rowen —| Secon aiasion fe lao | vers [PLLEDCOVER “TRANSISTOR | i marae [rorcamer [we [reuinon —|ecwnuron Temesron 2 [rararen [remover [see armas soewseon uso 2 [rome | meaenes [pe |[w |r [un "wMSsTOR 3 [rewire [vounemos || oauiiog | powwow Zeuston + [ren [eo iu lle [muon [acon Tween 5 [cosy [reese dm) zi Taster |e [roms [aorewonsss iq icaneoencime |_| ne [see _|rsiion ce : jax: | soir | massron 2 [sain [acrectonen [mom [ame ean [omer | rvsron [emer [wernt |x cee crow [esr Jan fos |r [ mcon [i [reve [mew [aes mares —rewmmmeszen |x ||| sera [wniion 1 [rotcnen [ura [ne ee bok [oun rerocomt wr || me [sonassn | ranssron 1e__[oveaun | seLEcTORNS 15 [Rovawew | Pao Loo NG vesaecron |i __|[ame [ascrassra | mnssron 1G TONE CONTR. ‘mn | ascrassra_| TSSTOR ® |naoma [usirowse [an cea cis | rors | TRISTOR frie [rtucrcuce [nm liso eae [icacnonomen _[m_—|[ am |aviranssr | Tsron ‘|e [eonucnraste —_|na|[ier |urewne [ie Towoomnoc (a _ [amr [azneow | rmSBTOR [reco racoven 1m [esr jurwne —ronecewrno im ar | crassa TAASTOR a [acum [acoesvron | |e [urcees —ierowcooenoe [pa or erissA_|THMGETOR [Rewer [roeR2 [orem laswonwne [ene | || | ance [rion 2 _|povemx [encronos (ar |fiw rouse fe tm [er [enssuora [asin | [aan focrew (tn |e [upc [svowconmor [m1 [om | zowarow [irweston | a [esos | (M1 eserjunsrwec [cmonocoureR |i ars [sumer | warssron | AS [mines _[Tamssronnouer wll [umn | .t08 erm [cress | ession | iz [rwoina | Tuvenrosoraorer | on [ice [avamn [ee Evoen || ars |ascressta | rasron uw a | aan) rermesssy [cnet |uvama —[.0% om roma | Tonsron ani frowscca [rimeow [pt |iezlusea [i.swnocomen [ai | ons |asocerm | Tewssror mh sm faene [extern —[m|irealroeiae —fic.seacron (mare |rvorcwsr mason | seme | screncomnen | |i room im [orm [zimern | Tawesron | se |iaure | seen ners ors || ae | rte Tawasron | spree soneweno ——|oa| [or [seonnosi [roster |e A a [prosarre | sonew we a ‘ss | zoetocta | TaANSITOR ws js _[arenare | senew ~ Ee (7 | zvsosasta | TranasTon ™M [sei crew ow ascomnmn |mmesron | |[are [crs | romssron |r ar ssa [foes [acoaren [Tonesron [mr _|[ ara [eevee [moron ‘3 [atwovst | sone My |[otoe [zsczrsrer [ rasssron fw |[arre [ronsiasr | rauseron | SACAXS30_ sare & Danese Homans ars] arto. | Pansies ossonen|Rorate| tno] Panna | RatRane & Ueepin| faerie Aetna] Par ‘ais | avvoraiesr | TaanssToR ™ aoouet | DIODE iM a] ‘VARIABLE RESISTORS are | sermon [ress |) |[o [ owenue [aie mal | a arm [asses | ranearon [on || |e |e a | |e verano [an omer [norssism_|ocne i | se evcwaenes |v xce con | an Thaosrar pranacn [awe | as] ewcnas| ya ronecoea [ot TT eonereh [oo | rocco. | M ca Tones ris |we a a Bunce oT ow Trost sswsen |rcor aA Ries cornea. N oz Toston ‘se — lowe. YRBUNCE OME [ose oo) seen mal | [ower [rvroanaver | TraNsTOR IGN mas _SMITCHES. ce owes mall ae cm soma | ran | rman coe [ma | oe [ocr onromn [on som | Maren essary |onoe A [sme [een |ocmme [9 me] sor [TTR [rossi [Done || see [sno —|ennuooe | ee ines |e [ne [56° [ozxan—|axowo : omnes vents [ace im ome Co joe ea oH oor | waa mamaci” onoe a | ss ie | NTA vosssasta [ODE Yon [fee os |e wowsrom [ocoe [av | om ‘base | MTZUBFEBTA MesTOOKTA Ca “ 9370 sa | ROIS uso fone M_ilo os ors | oe seam | one om Det | Ten ne rae | oe mor il onsen se ET one —[oooe = nseenena [ot et | msn | oe ess [once [we encores [om] oor mis faces sora |= m_| snes Mi os | missiasme | Doe wrx | 100 wa ae [oss fone | oe issn |oooe mw oa a xe Joao [none | oe [msi | ace sem” |twoe ‘ove “ cat | isi | noe sxc |aoe Mowe] ser | eeomecron_| nn peoe | wraveRasta | oHODE suraesvora reoowncron | oat [mesa | oe never reoomectn | ‘ow vorssiasm | DDE scsverot reoamscren |B cra | ses | a soca P6aHECTON | eer | oe __ seer “| ecowecron [nw crt | nex —| 0 soxevern a rs | ent | oe arse ‘Purnscaneson| a ans | wrarar | one et weeescowecen [8 nr | aro |e ees wwewscowecon [1 nts | ura seco coe (m4 ova] ansonen | wemsconecron [Mi "| wrt | mst | 002 vec —|ocne A | oe anssein | nensooweon | ~ Pm [tens | vrs mots aan |acaoncoecron |i ‘one wal __Jeswer naaoer | recowecren |i DIODE ns Cues, Ranavtar | PCOMNECTOR: mo 008 TEN owed ravinanr | mcoveecron | SA-AX530 [mre] rane |rormnesowapen renal fate] rate, |rwtmmetizeven| rena cm] ratte |rettensonctm| ne cow [amenrs reowecron yar mur rewresewoe (wy | cs meas aCe oy ore[ arora [rooeecoe {pq for [ara — x erase [a corner —|rroawecron fon ‘cere mee xe [aromen —axinen Oo cae rue rosaecron fon ‘xo [aren axanen i ceas|pmomer—|recamecn Jou [ran jrremaomn [oennccmnaron nen mt cao numer frecoeecros lnm lor meen. [enone senna [og cra nrnesercowecron | __|er csr |cenmececucon a cen eo [a ee tsstsssssCidsss osm [aroma |rcowesren [on cee aresoi |ipeowecren |g re ares 4 exe wagon | pcowecron [ne con arama [epoowesen ml _ |e |rsorare | WA | a [seme fermmeaane iw cone asco weoaacron || [rsenca | MA [ser [Sem —fewrmenau Inq crm aaoner—|recowecron |__| roe [anno WGPRATAEY AA \criow|rTiomwo7 | TPCONMECTOR co e WiRES ‘oa |arana” |reooeecror —|M sous — ssi ee ™ COILS & TRANSFORMERS | aot Rxzesacwnr | CERAMIC OSCALATOR |My we | REEOHOO. WE o ‘oe [aterm rezone mo [wruTooe [wt ct [aaaman loc |r pe [asoneon lorvm7awa [mvs [tween [re Mt i [aerromve [ooeax [on pu [asus fret csomnz [olor mz [ere ™ cos [amar orwscoe [an a [raiser M oe [aameara [peace | carr : oo [ame antes ™ cor [aesisan occ | o = tenure |nn.c0. a 32” [aannry Jpavoe | es ce [ranrame occ [Mm ee [ROWAN | HOKE COL M | A [pewensran rue wa i |rammawe evo oon [Mra |e ma om [nanracne foorecce [on rae na st [earmramme [ovoxecou (a a co “FUSE HOLDERS: se for [scrone [oweco | A cos_[posminey Joweoon ay” [rewire worsen Joweccon Jay |e [rer [re ner [a te [acre [moon [an |rome oer [revo wor coroner woou [on |e [ror [rence [ma toni rosminey Jeoeoor ay few |pec revoir a rox [ren [roeromien ng | Fomor —_[reinen [pe rs |rmveoen |eoraveomen low 4 es ir ue a or [macaw (res ice | fe |ruemart —|aver | sor fan —lacerrcaen on 2a Jawroy leurnsaric pve lorem acncarem au 1 |sevmares [ae iu A xs [arin crear lon eee |_SA-AXS30 @ Resistors & Capacitors ‘os <> inpotant safiy notes: CGompononts Wortiied by /s matk have spect chaactorsics important fr eat. Furhormore, special parts which nave purposes of ire retardant (Tasso), ngfrqualty sound (ospactor), ow-n0ks@ (resistor) are Use. ‘han placing any of components, be ute Yo use ony manulacurea speci pais chown in parts ist. + Tha parenthesizad inthe Romarks columns speciy the area. (Retar otha cover page fer area.) Paris without these Indeation can be used fr all areas. + [Mi] in Remarks column indestes pats that are supped by MESA. 1 Capacitor vats are in mictolorad iF) inless speeted othenvse, P=Pico rads (oF) F=Farads(F) 1 Reiser vans are in chs, ures specified others, k= O00{OHI), 1M ,00K(OHIM). fmte] rom | manera] rm retin | waren] aie] rte | ek ae nessToRs rive | enoseneiT fr | enoszrrar fe [esoservonr [too ve py | mvs |enosorurar ‘rice [encserycar [ix vw ou) || ato | enosarveor ses [enoseryrrt [evo vai om |i | eroseteer OREO | ne warp |ASS | ERDRETEET |e Wa ercazruioet [oak wow pn |[iver [enmserier [20 sw pa) rcartaat [1x caw py | [pase [enosenenr [2m v6 pb [enceeriuet [x ew pw ||naso | enosorverr [ee teW Du eroarrat [ix vero || [enoaeror [60 taw 0) vee [enosenwanr Roser wosriogT [mK ane | [er | EROSZTIGT | Taw ier ewseuO ROSETATTT ree |enoscsvnt | ek 14H 0 fie |entaztucer [oe ew om [ars [emnsetvcer [ik wa wn ||Facn jenoseraceT [oe wow pm [Re [ensues [x AW Pm rive [ERO | ror ww ma_||ae | EseruerT [anova |[ rad [eraser |x www On || [eROSera fac tH pr sve [ERORETuoat” [rok vam mA | at femOSeTumeT fax wa pw |/ nico [eRoseTo | ww m4 ||fes |eRosersest [aac wm pp rn [eROSeTinar sek vat wo | ocr [enosesor [re ua wy |[aain [enoseToeT [Taw Om enous [so v0W BP ive [espeoranrT [soo uew (a) | rome [enoscrovoot [ve vew i [ree [enoserawer | me WW A | fenoscuner [x 140 A | ive [eroezromer («ve my |( aos [eROSaTur«oT [76 ve [ree [eRDServiecr [1K 14 OH ferosauneer [x veW on | ruv7 [EROSaToat” [4K _vew wg | est JemeeaesT [roc vow wy [nee [eRoeerier [mW OH rose [w xm 0M) rs [enosermeer [sex saw am | race [emneeTnoaT | took vw Im) | nate [enoseruvoer [1K 1H OM ferosctiweT [1K 140 ite [enosorvaat [rox vw am [ines [enoseaiet [oor vew im |[rere eROseroner [1K HM Oa [eRoseurost [10K taW ao [eRoserarat [ak aw bg [sue [evoserooeT [reo va pa ||ner? [enoserowsr [ere ve eROSETON [1K YAW frat [enosernoer [oak vow og |[rus [enosetiesr [rec va a |[neie [enoseranar [ere ww om rrosmiser [sk va Mi ae [enosmraret [ark wt oq || as [enoseraesr |e vw oa ||nete | enmserror [toa wm 0 roses [SK va Wo ve [ermeerin — [ann aw on [Ror [enoseaoer [coc ww ot || nz enosertor [too wm om emoszrcort [2a vet po ras [enosoraver lark caw am ||pove [enosernoer | 1ooc caw pa |/meer [enDsetioer | tom wow Oy mpazraeT [eax waw pe Ge ROSETTA MT Imer [enoservoer [4a vw tq ||meco enoseravoer [rox www ot [nes [enoseranoer [im w4M Wo femosarower | ik wow (ge [enmeersoot a2 aw oa |/msr [enosoraoer [ran ww a || | enusertoer |e 0 enoseroe |x se we [awe ser re re EROSETNRT 2/8) 3/3)2/2/8/2|2|& z a Ir [eroat ove a | fem |v wn og [nes [ora [iow ot | ae few [o_o for [omer [ov [memo |r vr on | en [ert [cw [nr fener on fos [oar [ve wr |[ [ester — |r ww |e [oer [vn |] four | om fw [eowtoa [over |r osu rosea o4 an eros [ “of |e To eect st [ecto | ven aon [ort [roe wt [nae | raat —[ vor ww [re — |v a [mre ee [werner [ua wr |[non [ero —Yore_ve or | [rarer — [revo at | omizen—|vw wo [earocer|2 io || lero Ales ew | [roe [eer an rr [ara [z fra Jermaine vw | i [eer |v ie [eee en vv warm (raecnen —[roe une || error [ane veo | [osvar |e On vy [seiner vw row [ewer fue ot || [ersiueer 2 uv os | 0 [oer | von ve omit [ase fons |ssrexar [oC ew no [eowtoet [aac we [fr |euor [or | [riaz [enngorincer [ax suaw sy || Root |EROGeTovoAT | tOOK ww iM) || AAS | enOsoruoer | 2anK ww ul ||ABI2 |ERCSZTUeTIT [470 TMF MM [eee lant caw |r [ose a vor wr | as [eosin [oo vw wy [re [osruer [ook ve pt |eszan aa va fra [ese we [nse [noetont [wo vero pew [eerie [em a is [oar env we [ewseret [vc uw nee [oan —|uor_vwr wr |e [eertaoe [oak ia erosmret [sax aw eraser [waa HEEB BEE EBEUEE 2 @ a SA-AX530, Imire] rate | vss erat puto] runt. | ie nas furs vice trewtslfuite] rorm | awe rete fe | ssoroner” foo ve om [eeST [aan mew [oR ann | a ean [aoe wav | res? [eroerrreer [te vw i ||Aez— [craaeriroat | tex ew om |pReo [enOGetuest [am ww fa |[ArIa [eROSETIRCT [59 AW ML ree [wees fio ven mmm [ecsrer [ie von fan fas [ww war [ene 50 va raw [room [sac wer [eon [ewertrer [ver lime amrarza [zo ww wma surat [we M1 et [ert [aac ven [rem [eesriner” [van a] [east [ww |r eset 64 va rst [eerste new |r [eesti [ewan man forza [wn es ww Als rau ree | roost |v) ak wo fos enaerce Alia “wp [me [poster oe eu ot rca | enoecuwer [sak v4W MM || 0 ‘2a vw px |lrie |ERavainone A,froo tw pay ||mras |eRDGerimoiT | ae0 tew (M) rt [sre [aa vo [rn [sa wom [sare few omer [orb 1 ps | osm eax ve [re xa wv ew envsnod [to | tr noe pes [esos [ea vo |r “free reagan [ewer uw roy ere ven rer [eros [us sre Cr CT se [ena |e wow w | [a | fs eoommer [asc wa |p ssa | ps |eroarw ere er | ne few [easter asta meter |r rst eros fern | rs ews [eran [ne va ee [ensraar

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