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Name: __________________________

period: _______

Date: __________

The Age of Imperialism- Guided Notes

Fill in the definition for the terms:


Raw Materials

Social Darwinism

White Mans

Fill in the blanks

The Industrial revolution created ___________ for raw materials.

List 3 examples of raw materials

from the map:


There are two reasons industrialist advocated imperialism. They wanted to sell
their ____________ and create ______________ in foreign markets.
__________ ___________ motivated industrialized nations to add colonies to
their empires.

To protect their interests and powers, western nations began building

_____________ and _____________ bases on new territories.
What can you infer from these two quotes and image? (2-3 sentences)

(Kaiser Wilhelm)
"The sun never sets on the British Empire" - The English
"Germany must have its place in the sun"
"The world belongs to the strong"
-Kaiser Wilhelm
The 3 reasons why Europeans felt superior over non-western people as
mentioned in the lecture.

Take up the White Mans

Send forth the best ye breed
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives need;
To wait, in heavy harness, On
fluttered folk and wild
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half-devil and half-child.
-Rudyard Kipling
What are your thoughts on this poem by Rudyard Kipling? What is implied?

What was the white mans moral duty?

Discuss and write down your answer for the

following question:

Why do you think Imperialism became

so successful?

Fill in the blanks

Old great empires of _________ and _________ were weakened. West Africa
experienced a series of _________ do to the effects of the slave trade. Asia had
_____________ which meant little resistance was made to fight against European

Fill in the boxes for what made Imperialism successful for Western nations.


Fill in the blanks and write the definitions



A country or territory governed

internally by a ___________
A country or territory with its own
internal government but under the
control of an _____________

sphere of

What are the differences between direct and indirect rule? Which one do you
think was preferable for conquered countries? 3-4 sentences.

Is a Colony an example of indirect or direct rule? Explain

Is a Protectorate and example of indirect or direct rule? Explain

Closing questions
1. From what you have learned, who do you think benefitted the most out of
imperialism? explain.

2. How do you think imperialism affected foreign countries?

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