Concept Map

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Agraviador, John Siegfred L.

AC 516 MW 12:00-3:00
November 23, 2015
Concept Map

Republic Act 9298

Article I
Title: Accountancy Act of 2004

Declaration of Policy

Article II
Professional Regulatory
Board of Accountancy

Powers and Functions

Six Members

- Adapt to the rules and

regulations necessary
for carrying out the act
- Supervise registration,
licensure & practice
- Administer oaths in
connection with this act
- Monitor the quality of audits
of financial statements
- Issue, suspend, revoke or
reinstate the registration
- Adopt official seal
- Prescribe and/or adopt a
Code of Ethics for
- Investigate violations of this
- Punish for contempt of the
- Prepare, adopt or amend
syllabi for examinations
and prepare questions
for the licensure exams

Term: 3 years
- Standardization of
accountancy education
- Examination for registration
of CPA
- Supervision, control and
regulation of practice

Scope of Practice
Public accountancy
Commerce and Industry

Article III


Natural born
2) Registered CPA w/ 10
years of experience
3) Of good moral character
4) Not have any pecuniary
interest in any school,
college, university or

Receive compensation &

allowances based on the
General Appropriations Act
Board is under supervision
of the Commission
Submit an annual detailed
report to the President
through the Commission at
year end

Qualifications for the

licensure exam

Cannot practice without

BOAs certificate and
identification card

Filipino citizen
Good moral character
BS Accountancy degree
from any school accredited
by the government
Not convicted of any crime
involving moral turpitude

Scope of the exam:

- Theory of Accounts
- Business Law & Tax
- Management Advisory
- Auditing Theory
- Auditing Problems
- Practical Accounting 1 & 2
General average of 75% with
no grade less than 65%

May remove or suspend


Article IV

Accreditation certificate
will be awarded if he
has 3 years of
meaningful experience

Renewable every 3

Working papers,
schedules & memoranda
shall be confidential.

All licensed
accountants shall use a
seal prescribed by the

Foreign accountants
may practice in the
Philippines abiding
the laws and
international treaties

Article V
Anyone who violates the
act shall be charged with
a fine not less than
50,000 or by
imprisonment for not
less than 2 years or

Nothing in the act shall

prevent the practice of
any other legally
recognized profession

If any clause in the act

is declared invalid or
unconstitutional, then it
shall not affect the
other any other part of
the Act.

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