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1. Tono : . . .
Santi : Yes , Please . Its too heavy for me.
a. What can I do for you ?
b. How are you ?
c. Can I help you ?

d. Could you help me , please ?

e. Will you help me , please ?

f. Jawaban : C
g. Pembahasan : Tono menawarkan bantuan pada Santi dengan mengucapkan
Can I Help You ? , jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah C
2. Student : Excus me , sir . Could you help me explain this math problem ?
h. Teacher : Yes , do you want me to explain it again ?
i. Student : Thank you , sir . I really appreciate that.
j. Teaches utterance expresses . . . .
a. Advice
b. Help
c. Symphaty

d. Inability
e. Agreement

f. Jawaban : B
g. Pembahasan : Guru menawarkan untuk menjelaskan ulang soal matematika yang
ditanyakan dengan mengatakan Do You Want Me.ndengan demikian
jawabannya adalah B
1. Santi : You look depressed , fani . Is there something I can do for you ?
i. Fani : Im very bad at math . I always get the lowest score in my class
j. Santi : We can study together at my house with my brother . He is excellent in
math .
k. Fani : Thats very nice for you .
l. The underline sentences shows . . . .
a. Ability
b. Sympathy
c. Regret

d. Help
e. Angry

2. Gina

: Hello Mr. Alexander ! Welcome to my house . Please sit . Do you

want me to get you anything ?
i. Mr. Alexander :A cold drink we be all right .
j. Ginas utterance expresses . . . .
a. Disability
b. Refusal

c. Help
d. Confusing

e. Advise
3. Andrea : Lisa , do you see my notebook ? I put it on the table five minute ago . but
now I cant find it
5. Lisa
: I dont see it either . let me help you look for it .
6. Andrea : Thanks
7. Lisa is . . . .
A. Angry to Andrea
B. Showing her sympathy
C. Giving a secont thought

D. Offering help
E. Carring nothing


Offering an Invitation
Id like to ask you to visit my new house
Id like to visit you to my birthday party next week
Would you like to go to the cinema with me on Saturday night ?
How about going to the concert with me tonight ?
Accepting an Invitation
Thank you , Id love you
Yes , thenk you . Id happy to come .
Thank you so much for inviting me .
Refusing an Invitation
Im so sorry , Im afraid I cant
Im sorry , Ill be very busy at the time . What about the week after that ?

1. Dono
: Dini , what are you going to do this day ?
G. Dini : Nothing .
H. Dono : How about going to the concert to night ?
I. Dini : Sure .
J. Dini is . . . . an invitation
a. Offering
b. Refusing
c. Accepting

d. Holding
e. Assuring

f. Jawaban : C
g. Pembahasan : Dini menjawab undangan Dono dengan mengatakan sure : yang
h. berarti persetujuan.
2. Bertha
: Gaby , where you spend you holyday ?
i. Gaby : I dont know , any idea ?

j. Bertha :Why dont you going to Bali !

k. Gaby : It sounds great !
l. Bertha is . . . .
a. Refusing advice
b. Showing disagreement
c. Offering an invitation

d. Giving help
e. Making a request.

f. Jawaban : C
g. Pembahasan : Bertha menawarkan gaby untuk ikut pergi bertamasya dengan
mengatakan Why dont join us going to Bali .
i. Nama : 1. Wiguno Adi Negoro
2. Wahyu Ramadhan
k. Kelas : XI TIPTL 1

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