SMCB Assignment

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SOC 230-06 Social Movements and Collective Behavior

Fall Semester 2016 Dickinson College

Reflection Assignment Due Thursday 10/11/16
Instructions: The purposes of this reflection are twofold and draw on the readings
and lectures from 10/4 and 10/6:
1. To begin your investigation of a social movement organization (SMO) as a
potential source or site for your activist profile and/or final paper.
2. Draw on the analysis of Morriss Origins of the Civil Rights Movement and
class lecture on the nature of SMOs.
Arguably, the work of all successful and sustainable social movements are carried
out by organizations. How does the structure of an organization impact its work and
mission? Additionally, as you begin your scouting for potential activists, you will
likely start with different local, state, and national organizations that focus on
different social issues that interest you---this assignment will potentially help you to
begin that project as well as the final paper.

Identify a currently operating SMO.

From their promotional materials (websites, videos, social media, contact
personnel) glean enough of their history of establishment to describe their
Discuss features of this structure that make this SMO effective, or at least,
structurally sound (refer to the analysis of the SCLC as a complex org. from
Thursday 10/6).
Some examples may include charismatic leadership, tactical history, type of
leadership, coalition structure if applicable.

*600-800 words, single-spaced, standard margins and fonts. Due electronically via
Moodle and bring a hard copy to class.

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