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The Japanese


&Feng Shui

Copyright 2010 Lillian Too Mandala. All Rights Reserved.

The Japanese 5S System &

Practical Feng Shui
A Special Report by Lillian Too


The Japanese are known for being well organized
and structured in their work and home life and its no
surprise that they invented a process to help them
achieve great results in these areas.
This process known as the 5S Process or more
simply just 5S is a systematic approach to
complete organization, cleanliness, clutter control,
standardization and discipline and it is now one of
the most widely accepted and adopted techniques
in the manufacturing world of major corporations. But
it also works very well in our practice of feng shui, to
help to control clutter and maintain organization so the chi can move slowly and freely
throughout our homes and work areas. So although these things may seem like common
sense, there is a specific logic and order involved.

Clutter Creates Instant Obstacles

But lets talk a little more about the dangers of clutter build up. First of all, its natural for
our living spaces to get cluttered after all were living in them everyday! Its easy for
newspapers, backpacks, old mail and shoes to accumulate in the entry area and this is
really the worst place of all for clutter to build up. And the most unfortunate thing is we may
not notice until something happens to our health or money luck!

TIP: Heres something you may not know

clutter creates instant obstacles. Since clutter is just
another word for obstacle, the need develop a more
clean and neat mindset becomes very obvious.

The Japanese 5S System

Copyright 2010 Lillian Too Mandala. All Rights Reserved.

Clutter blocks the flow of energy and can cause immediate reversals of fortune at work and
at home. For example, a contract or project you are working on is unexpectedly cancelled
or partners misunderstand your intentions. Keep your entryway (both inside and outside the
front door) and hallways clean, clutter-free, light and airy and the chi free-flowing. And finally,
since one way or another we all tend to hang on to certain things, I always recommend that
you have enough storage space in your home.

The Meaning of Each S

5S is the acronym for five Japanese words, each beginning with the letter S:

SEIRI means sort to put things in order

SEITON means systemize and simplify
SEISO means shining keeping things clean
SEIKETSU means standardization
SHITSUKE means discipline

Applying the 5S to Practical Everyday Feng Shui

(Your 5-Step Solution To Creating a Clutter-Free Life)
Seri is the first S which means to sort and get things in order by throwing and giving
away all unwanted and unnecessary things that take up space and are no longer
useful to you. Things that have piled up and you hope you might use again someday
for example clothing that you have not worn for several months or no longer fits you.

TIP: Start by working in one area only it can be your

desk at work, one room in the house, a file cabinet at
work, your clothing closet but just one area at a time so
you do not get overwhelmed. Keep only the things that
are necessary and that you really will use.

The Japanese 5S System

Copyright 2010 Lillian Too Mandala. All Rights Reserved.

Begin by separating your things into three piles:

1. The first pile is for things that you no longer use tag them with
a marker and put in a separate area then give them away or
throw them away. Dont feel bad about getting rid of these
things someone else may be in great need of what you are
holding on to think about it as helping someone in need.
2. The second grouping is for things that you use all the time.
3. The third pile is for seasonal items that you will eventually need
but you dont need right now.
When you do this, heres what will happen:
You will free up a lot of space more than you ever imagined!
Things will be easier to find because of the way you have
separated them. You will no longer waste time searching for
seasonal items because youve placed them all in one area of
the garage or storage area and have them clearly marked.
Clearing the clutter like this allows the chi to move reducing
obstacles and frustrations.
Your feng shui will be greatly enhanced and you will feel better
almost instantly. Helping others through donations creates great
merit and good karma for you.

Give things away.

Separate seasonal items.


Seiton is the second S and this means to systemize and
keep things in the proper place and order. As the saying
goes,there should be a place for everything and everything
should be in its place! How many times have you looked for
a pair of scissors or a special tool and its nowhere to be
found? And you say to yourself Why doesnt anyone
around here ever put things back where they belong?

A place for everything and

everything in its place.

So the first part of Seiton is to put things in useful order and

straighten the flow path as the Japanese say. This means keeping
all your gardening tools for example together in one location so
that anytime you need a tool for the garden you know right where
to find it and its always there.

The Japanese 5S System

Copyright 2010 Lillian Too Mandala. All Rights Reserved.

TIP: The things that you use on a regular basis should be

easily accessible like in your office if you have
reference books that are used all the time make sure the
bookshelf holding them is in a central location and within
easy reach of everyone.

Heres another suggestion for your gift-wrapping

materials. Keep all these together scissors, various
types of tape, ribbon, wrapping paper, etc. in one
location. When you are finished wrapping a gift be
sure everything goes back where it came from, so
you know it will be right there when you need it the
next time. If you also use scissors in your kitchen for
example then keep a second pair there. The idea is
not to have to go running upstairs or downstairs or
from room to room to find the one pair of scissors in
the house and to have everything close to where it
will be used. Knowing where everything goes makes
it easier for children and other family members to
participate as well.

Keep things together.

The second part of Seiton is to properly label and set aside a specific area for each item,
which increases efficiency when you need to locate something quickly. So everything should
have its own place and be properly marked for easy access.
In feng shui, if things are returned to where they belong in a neat and orderly fashion then
clutter is automatically reduced. This part of the 5-S process also helps to reduce stress,
frustration and save time!


The third S is seiso and refers to cleanliness.
Once you have decided where everything
goes and you have properly labeled the specific
areas, then the next step is to keep things clean
and tidy so that the flow of chi is unobstructed.
Think about your garage, closet or storage
areas what shape are they in right now? You
see, the key here is maintaining cleanliness all
the time...this should not be a chore as a result
of things getting too messy because you
havent kept up.

Is this your garage?

The Japanese 5S System

Copyright 2010 Lillian Too Mandala. All Rights Reserved.

TIP: Some people like to take a picture of the area when

its clean, organized and just the way they like it. This
effective reminder helps to keep things looking good.
It is especially useful for kids as a way to keep their
play areas and rooms tidy.
When storage areas and rooms are clean you can also spot missing things or low levels of
supplies that need to be replaced. If you keep up with this on a regular basis then it takes
very little time and in fact will save you time in the end.

In feng shui we recognize that stagnant energy causes many obstacles and problems. If your
things are well organized but dirt and dust is allowed to build up and accumulate then chi
will begin to get old and stagnate.
Do a weekly cleaning of your home and office and develop your feng shui eyes to be very
aware of clutter especially where people enter the home it may be the back or front
door or an entry through your garage. Get rid of old newspapers, magazines and junk mail
put clothing and shoes where they belong in the closet. Pay particular attention to hallways
as well so that the flow of chi does not get impeded. I have seen many business and people
suffer reversals of fortune caused by nothing more than energy blockages caused by clutter.


The fourth S, seiketsu is about standardization. In your office make sure everyone
participates in this process and at home make it a family affair. Everyone must clearly
understand their roles and duties with regard to the first three Ss and take responsibility
for them. The idea here is that taking small steps one by one can add up to very big
results. We know this to be true in feng shui as well when applying specific formulas in
our home and office.

The Japanese 5S System

Copyright 2010 Lillian Too Mandala. All Rights Reserved.


This seems to be the hardest of the five processes for so many people. In the office
or at home people get enthusiastic at the start and then gradually lose interest, get
lazy and dont maintain or keep up with what they are supposed to do. I see this all
the time with many people in their feng shui practice. They come to my extravaganzas
usually just before Chinese New Year and listen carefully to what lies ahead and
what they must do. They get things cleaned up, organized and feel very good but
despite their good intention they dont keep up with what must be done and then
wonder whats wrong with their feng shui.

TIP: Schedule your clutter control! Put it on your calendar

give your weekly and monthly cleanups a specific date
and time. Call non-profits or organizations that will collect
your donations in advance so youll stick to the schedule.
So this is all about discipline following through and doing what we say we will do.
Try applying the 5S system today for great results sort, systemize, shining (keep it clean),
standardization and self-discipline - the Japanese secret to clutter control! Youll be amazed
at the change of energy flow and improvement in your life in the areas of health, wealth and

The Japanese 5S System

Copyright 2010 Lillian Too Mandala. All Rights Reserved.

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