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Table of Contents
Getting Started ................................................................... 2
Installation Tips .................................................................. 3
Software Overview ............................................................. 4
Software Improvements ..................................................... 5
Levels of Help .................................................................... 6-7
Startup Form ...................................................................... 8
General Information Form .................................................. 9
Wall Loads Form ................................................................ 10
Air Infiltration Form ............................................................ 11
Product Load Form ............................................................ 12
Miscellaneous Loads Form ................................................ 13
Equipment Selection Form ................................................ 14
Reports .............................................................................. 15
Databases .......................................................................... 16
Updates ............................................................................. 16

Getting Started
Minimum System Requirements:

To install the software (floppy disks or CD):

IBM compatible PC

insert media into drive

486 processor or greater

launch Windows Explorer

8 Mb of RAM

select appropriate disk drive containing

3 1/2 floppy drive or CD-ROM

installation media

40 Mb available hard drive space

double click on the Install Probox icon

SVGA monitor

follow the on-screen instructions

MS Windows 95

Note: fill out the business reply card and mail back today!

Heatcraft Refrigeration Products LLC, 2175 West Park Place Blvd., Stone Mountain, GA 30087
(770) 465-5600 FAX: (770) 465-5990 2000-2002 Heatcraft Refrigeration Products LLC. All rights reserved.

Installation Tips
Installation Time: When installing the software for the first time, .DLL files will be
loaded onto your computer for execution of Visual Fox Pro database programs. Update
installations will be faster since the .DLL files will not have to be loaded onto your
computer a second time. If installing 3 1/2 floppy disks, one or more of the installation
disks many not be requested by the installation program.
Keeping Previous Users Files: Special provisions have been made for the retention of
desired users modified files during upgrade installations. A routine under Admin menu
named Restore User Data must be used for this purpose. The drive folder named
Heatcraft is renamed oldheatcraft and the user is prompted to indicate which user
modified files from the previous version of the software is to be retained for the new

Note: The files should be reindexed and

packed after the restore process. Select
Reindex/Pack Tables from File menu.
Then select All files and Pack them to
complete this vital procedure.

Software Overview
This software was developed as the next level to our Cold Solutions software for
estimating cooling load requirements for commercial refrigeration applications and
making automatic equipment selections as well as pricing for equipment selections. It
does not include a Product Review or electronic catalog section. Nor does this version
include the selection programs for air cooled condenser or fluid coolers as did the
previous version 2.0 of our Cold Solutions software.
Development of this new software incorporated many recommendations from users and
other professional sources. Some of the new features include:
Selectable units of measurements
Metric or English (inch/lbs) units selection
R-value or K-value selection for insulation purposes
Ability for users to modify databases (see p.16)
R Factor
Insulation Type, Name, Properties modification
Product Type, Name, Properties modification
K Factor
Location of cities and ambients, etc.
Customers/clients and users/dealers.
Automatic equipment selection, balancing and pricing of our units only
(for estimating purposes only - published price sheets are final authority)
Easier to evaluate alternative equipment selections (what if scenarios)
Use of Air Velocity method for Air Infiltration load calculations
More flexibility in depicting various loads
lighting: number of fixtures x watts/fixture
multiple motors with different operating times
multiple doors or infiltrating air sources
Better reporting formats flexibility
load only, load and equipment, equipment only or with savings
Improved accessibility for multiple brands
Better navigational tools (more intuitive)
use of enter key, tab key or mouse button to go from input to input
Easier updating to keep data current
We also kept some of the popular features from our previous programs to allow quick
selections for users wanting a fast, reliable answer and to allow flexibility and detail for
users wanting more control over inputs to match job conditions for their load estimates.
Cold Solutions Release 3.2 is 100% Y2K compliant for operation into the new millennium.

Software Improvements
There have been several enhancements
to this software since the previous
Release 3.1 was distributed in early
1999. Listed below are the notable

Copy icon added to the Toolbar

Allows users to copy current job record into the Job Table database
Saves inputting for information common between two calculations
Adds customer data from General Information screen into database
Data input on first screen is added to database information
Limited to customer name, city and state
More job locations added to database
Mostly international locations
More storage product types and categories added to database
More types added to almost every category
Corrected 50 Hertz equipment balancing factors
More accurate factors used between 60 Hertz and 50 Hertz ratings
Electric defrost evaporator ratings adjusted for higher SST
Increases the evaporators performance with higher SST than rating point
More accurate system balancing output
Ability to add manually add options to equipment options lists (see p. 15)
Right click in blank Description field, then left click
Input description and list price of optional
item in appropriate fields
Selection option by clicking option box
Option is automatically discarded from list for
next equipment selection
Allows use of multiplier for NET pricing
Right click on List Each column header of
Equipment Selection screen
Click on top M button to input condensing unit list-to-net multiplier
Click on bottom M button to input evaporator unit list-to-net multiplier
Double click on NET Each column header to go back to List prices
Report printouts enhancements
2 page output format (load calculation and equipment selection separate)
Page headers reduced to prevent problems with some printers
There were many other improvement made to the operation of the program:
Tabbing order of inputs on the screens were changed for better flow.
Improved Archiving and Retrieval procedures.

Levels of Help

There are four levels of help used by this

software. One of these levels is accessed
through the Help menu (see above).
The screen above is brought
up for System Help.

From the System Help screen, you get the above form if you select Using the
Onform Toolbar. This describes some of the new toolbar buttons used in this software.
More details of data on each button can be brought up by clicking on individual buttons.
Since the program operates on a database principle, many of the buttons relate to
navigating and manipulating database items.

Levels of Help
Another level of help is activated by
clicking the button with the big green
question mark on each screen.
Informational tips for each screen are
displayed on purpose and any special
features for that screen.
The tip balloon is another level of help
used in this program. An example of this
is shown on the previous page for the
toolbar button for New. These appear for each input
field and some buttons as the mouse moves over
For the final level of help, press the F1 key while in
any input field to display help specific to that field.
Onform Toolbar Buttons:
List - use to view/select records from table. Click on headings to sort list by that
Order - use to select order hierarchy of sort order in table.
Go First - click on to go to first record in table according to order.
Go Previous - click on to go to previous record in table according to order.
Go Next - click on to go to next record in table according to order.
Go Last - click on to go to last record in table according to order.
Copy - click on to copy current record in table as a new record.
New - click on to create a new blank record in table.
Delete - click on to delete current record from the table.
Save - click on to go to save current record in table and keep it open for changes.
Cancel - click on to cancel changes made to current record in table.
Close - click on to close current table/database being viewed.
See page 16 for more information on database management.

Startup Form

The Startup Form (see above) lets the user set the brand name and operating hertz of
the equipment to be used by the program. All brand names are included in the software.
This is the only way for the user to set the brand name for equipment selection.
This form can be shown each time the program is run by checking the box marked to
Allow changes on restart. Check this box to show at next startup.
Press the Load button or
Alt + L to start the program.
Users can access this form from
the Help menu on the menu bar.
(see example on the right)

Note: To change a brand name after the program has been

started, you must have the Show box checked and restart the program. Then you can
select the correct equipment to be loaded into the programs database.

General Job Information

This form is used to input general job information and to set administrative items.
Quick load calculations are initiated from this screen by inputting outdoor ambient,
room temperature and room dimensions. The program uses standard defaults to
complete the calculation. The defaults can be changed by the user on the load source
forms. The total hourly load calculation results appear at the bottom of each page.
The Update Before date at the bottom of the screen refers to the last day on which
equipment pricing loaded into this program is valid. For the program to continue to price
equipment selections after that date, program data must be updated.
Tabs at the top of the screen indicate other load source forms/screens that can be
selected to review or change values to accurately indicate actual job data. Until all
essential information is input on this screen, some of the tabs will not be selectable.

Note: Navigation from one input field to another can be done using the enter
key, the tab key or the mouse button.

Wall Loads Form

After ambient temp, room
temp, dimensions and runtime
have been input in the
General screen, other screens
for load sources can be
selected. The screen here
covers wall transmission load
factors. Program defaults are
indicated and can be
overwritten by the user.
Actual load for wall
transmission is shown at the
bottom of the screen along
with the total room load.

Note: Insulation factors can be given as R values or K values by checking the

appropriate box. There is a database for the insulation factors used which can be
modified by the user.
Data for ambient temperature, room temperature or dimensions cannot be changed from
this screen. Changes to those inputs must be made from the previous screen.
To make all of the walls have the same insulation as the ceiling, just click the right
mouse button while the prompt is in the input box for ceiling temperature. All of the walls
can be made to have the same insulation as the first long wall by clicking the right
mouse button while prompt is in the input box for first long wall temperature.
Surface area for each insulation type and temperature are shown and can be modified
for special room considerations.
Read help statements for inputs carefully.

Air Infiltration Loads

Air Infiltration is calculated
using the air velocity method.
More inputs for up to four
doors sizes or infiltrating air
sources are available by
clicking the right mouse
button from the Number of
doors input box. By
default, the outdoor ambient
air is used as the infiltrating
air conditions for the doors
but can be changed by the
user. Room and ambient RH
or WB can only be changed
on this screen.

Note for Wet Bulb and R.H. Inputs between 0 and 1 are taken as percent for RH;
other inputs are taken as Wet Bulb temperatures.
Inputs for auxiliary infiltration sources through glass doors and dock doors are also on
this screen. These auxiliary sources are in addition to the sources for the doors shown
on this page.
Auxiliary load for glass doors is for the anti-condensate heaters and the additional
transmission load for glass instead of insulation. Infiltration through doors openings
needs to be indicated in one of the door columns on this screen.
The infiltrating air for dock doors will be calculated based on the ambient conditions
shown on this page. This auxiliary load is for infiltration through the open 9 foot high
dock door with dock pads in place (average of 2 gap). Only indicated the number of
active doors during peak load conditions. If this is the sole source of infiltration into the
room, other sources should be deleted (enter 0 for number of doors in columns.)

Product Loads
Storage products are selected
on this screen. First, select an
appropriate category. This will
reduce the number of product
types to select from in the next
input window. Product heat
transfer characteristics from the
product database will be
reflected in the appropriate
input fields. These fields may
be modified on the screen or
changed in the database for
more permanent changes.
The packaging field is not used in the calculations. It is only to prompt the user or justify
load factors input for the application. Packaging has a tremendous impact on the
products pulldown time. Please read the F1 help for pulldown time inputs carefully.
It is very important that accurate information be input for each requested field. Actual
time for loading of product and pulldown of product is paramount. These values have a
huge influence on the load calculations. Therefore, these values must be actual and not
guessed or assumed.
Special attention must be taken to include maximum
storage inventory for products with a respiration load.

Click on the SL button on icon bar any time for the

summary of load by heat load category.


Miscellaneous Loads

Additional input boxes appear by double clicking input labels. Read screen informational tips. These additional input boxes for alternative input values are shown on the
above screen.
Motors: The alternative fields have selection for In or Out designation. This refers to
the location of the motors in relationship to the room. Motors that are located outside
the room, but whose work is done inside the room (like conveyor motors) will still impose
5/6th of their heat into the room load.
Lights: If the user does not know the watts per floor area, alternative input fields allow
for watts per fixture and number of fixtures calculations.
People, Forklift, & Other: These values should be prorated based on number of
minutes per hour these heat sources are used in the room during peak load conditions.

Equipment Selection
Automatic equipment
selection with pricing is
done by program. Users
can overwrite, change
quantities, voltages,
equipment types, etc. A
new system balance will
be calculated each time
the equipment parameters are changed.
Clicking the down-arrows
next to the condensing
unit and evaporator
windows will allow user
to view other units
capacities within a
certain range of the target. Along with the capacities of the other units, the
pricing is also displayed. The user can then make a more informed selection of units.
Note: Clicking on the + button will increase the range limits and Reset button will reset
back to original range limits.
In the lower right hand portion of the form, the LIST prices are displayed for the
equipment selected. Options for condensing units and evaporators are selected using
buttons. The pricing is for estimating purposes only. Current price lists remain the
official authority. Note: the user must select the proper defrost kits, Beacon kits (when
available), etc.
Guidelines and built in helps are very useful. They give tips on proper TDs and other
equipment selection guidelines. Click Energy Savings button for calculation for floating
head saving.
This screen can be accessed to allow users to make equipment selections not related to
the load calculations. To link the equipment selection to the load calculation, click the
Box button in the lower right corner of the screen.

A new feature allows users to input equipment

options. By right mouse clicking in an open
option description line, the user can input a new
option and indicate a LIST price adder.
This option is only available for the current
equipment selection and vanishes for any
further unit selections. The user is solely
responsible for any additional options added in
this manner.

Reports (Printouts)
Click Reports on menu bar or the printer icon to get
selection box to the right.
The user can select the type of report desired:
Client for printout of customer table data base
Combined for two page printout with load and
equipment on separate pages
Equipment Selection for equipment selection,
balance and pricing data
Load Calculations for printout of just the room load
inputs and results
Refrigerated Room Analysis for load calculations
and equipment selection
User can also preview the report on the screen before sending to the printer.

Databases are used by the program to store data that can be user selected for various
load inputs. The databases can be modified or amended by users. This is a unique
feature added to this version of Cold Solutions.
Users can select databases to modify
from the Data menu on the menu bar.
The data can then be changed, added
to or deleted by the user.
Note: some of the databases have
units of measurement that may change
according to program mode selected.
To Set as Default your information
on the first General Information
screen, the default data must be
selected from Dealer database.
You must first input your desired
data into that database to select it
and set as default for new jobs.

Program data will be updated at least annually to reflect most current equipment offering
and pricing. Updates will be set based on the software registration information supplied
by the user. The media can be 3 1/2 floppy diskette (default method), CD-ROM, e-mail
file attachment, or web site downloadable file. New registrations are required.


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