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itü petrol ve doğal gaz semineri

bildiriler kitapçığı – 2010
paper presented at the ITU Petroleum and Natural Gas Conference, 24-25
June, 2010, Istanbul

V. C. Kelessidis in drilling hydraulics and drilling fluid rheology
Mineral Resources Engineering Department, Technical University of Crete, Greece

Abstract 2008; Ozbayoglu and Sorgun 2010) resulting in

improvements of the API recommended practice
A review is presented of recent work from the for drilling fluid rheology and drilling
Drilling Engineering Laboratory on drilling hydraulics estimation (API 2006; Bern et al.,
hydraulics and drilling fluid rheology. We 2007). Accurate determination of pressure
present results of the comparison of modeling losses in the well circuit requires good
flow of Herschel-Bulkley fluids in concentric representation of fluid rheology, based on field
and eccentric annulis with data derived in the or laboratory measurements (Becker et al.,
laboratory as well as from other research, with 2003; Zamora et al., 2005). These become
predictions matching measurements in all cases. particularly important in today’s difficult
Drilling fluid rheology plays significant role in exploration and development environments of
estimation of pressure losses and assessment is very deep wells, of high pressure and
made of various errors inherent to rheological temperatures, and in situations of very deep or
measurements, which can be significant and can ultra-deep waters (Kelessidis, 2007). As our
affect pressure loss estimation, particularly in understanding of the flow processes is still far
the annulus where pressure margins can be very from ideal, research has continued into the
small. aspects of drilling hydraulics (Kelessidis et al.,
2006; Founargiotakis et al., 2008; Scheid et al.,
2009; Kok 2010;) and the development of
Introduction drilling fluid additives (Kok and Alikaya, 2005;
Tehrani et al., 2009) as well as on the
Drilling hydraulics is an essential part of drilling development of rheological models (Al-Zahrani,
package enabling computation of pressure 1997; Nasiri and Ashrafizade, 2010) or the
profiles along the wellbore and particularly in choice of the best model (Kok, 2004; Maglione
the annulus contributing to well safety and well and Kelessidis, 2006). This work aims at
integrity (Bourgoyne et al., 1991; Maglione et critically presenting advances made on these
al., 1999; Bailey and Peden, 2000; Zamora and particular aspects in the past five years pointing
Roy, 2000) with considerable work to-date out resolutions to previous problems and
devoted on this subject (Ramadan and Miska,
V. C. Kelessidis

addressing remaining issues and challenges for the work to-date uses the values taken from the
future work by research and industry. Dodge and Metzner graph (Dodge and Metzner,
1959), which has been established for power
law fluids and has not been extended to either
Drilling hydraulics
flow in annuli nor to yield-pseuodplastic fluids
like the Herschel-Bulkley fluid. Founargiotakis
Industry has studied drilling hydraulics ever
et al. (2008) have used the local-power law
since its inception and at first, Newtonian
approach and used in the Dodge and Metzner
models have been used. Quickly, though,
equation, the value of local flow behavior index,
industry has search for flow solutions covering
n’. Results for concentric annulus flow have
non-Newtonian fluids (Willis et al., 1973;
represented experimental data well, both from
Zamora and Lord, 1974) with comprehensive
their work (Figure 1) as well as from work of
assessment in the gospel of drilling engineering
others (Figure 2), while the eccentricity
(Bourgoyne et al., 1991). Research work
corrections of M. Haciislamoglu and Laglinais
continued on the subject and in particular for
(1990) for laminar flow and of Haciislamoglou
flow in annuli, the most critical part for oil-well
and Cartalos (1994) for turbulent flow
drilling. These efforts aimed to describe the
represented also very well the data for 100%
flow situations like velocity profiles, transition
eccentric annulus (Figure 3).
limits for any type of non-Newtonian fluid and
in particular for yield-stress pseudoplastic
fluids, like the lately revived in popularity, the Drilling fluid rheology
Herschel-Bulkley model.
Drilling fluids are complex fluids and their
Reed and Pilehvari (1993) presented a fairly rheological behavior needs more than one
complex model covering laminar, transitional parameter (viscosity for Newtonian fluids) to
and turbulent flow of Herschel-Bulkley fluids characterize it. Traditionally the two-parameter
flowing in concentric annuli. They proposed Bingham plastic or power law models have been
modifications to the diameters of the conduits to used with moderate success, primarily because
account for the non-Newtonian effect. This of the simplicity of the flow equations of these
approach has been also followed by Merlo et al. models. However with the advent of powerful
(1995), Maglione et al. (2000) and Bailey and computing power, industry and research
Peden (2000) to cover all flow regimes for flow personnel have opted to use more advanced
of Herschel-Bulkley fluids and of generalized models, containing three or even more
non-Newtonian fluids in concentric annuli. parameters, and in particular the Herschel-
However, a consistent and accurate Bulkley model (API 13D, 2006; Kelessidis et
methodology for predicting pressure drop for al., 2006). The choice of the model will of
laminar, transitional and turbulent flow as well course depend on the data available for a given
as the transition points from laminar to turbulent fluid and given situation. Two-speed Fann
flow for the flow of Herschel-Bulkley fluids in viscometers, while they have provided
concentric annuli, without resorting to heavy significant support to industry, giving though
numerical computations, did not exist and a only two-point measurements thus enabling the
recent publication (Founargiotakis et al., 2008) determination of the two parameters, have
covered this gap. become obsolete in recent years and in
particular while drilling critical wells. In these
The issue is that when one attempts to predict situations, normally the 6-speed or even the 12-
frictional losses, one should know when speed Fann type viscometers are used, mostly in
transition from laminar to turbulent takes place, the laboratory but also in the field and at
and the range of the flow rates that this occurs is different temperatures and pressures. Having
not well established even for two parameter access to more than two measurements enables
models both for pipe and annular flow. Most of
Advances in drilling hydraulics and drilling fluid rheology

one to determine more accurate multi-parameter pressure loss estimation, and in Figure 5, the
rheological models. impact of using Newtonian versus true HB-
shear rates for various flow situations in annuli
Errors in rheological measurements are presented.

Oil-filed rheological measurements are prone to End effects

errors, as with any instruments. Researchers Solution of the flow situations in the Fann-type
have studied the issue in previous years, but it viscometer involve normally implicit
has been customary to ignore these errors and assumptions that the cylinders are infinitely
utilize the values taken normally of the six (or long, known as the end-effects problem. This
two)-speeds at face value. The most significant been questioned not only for non-Newtonian
errors in rheological measurements are related [Guguyener et al., 2002] but for Newtonian
a) to the use of Newtonian shear rates, b) to the fluids as well [Barnes et al., 1993].
end effects of the viscometer, c) to wall slip and
d) to yield stress determination. An experimental study has recently been
undertaken (Kelessidis et al., 2010a) to
Newtonian shear rates investigate end-effects occurrence and their
The solution to the flow equation of the drilling magnitude, for Newtonian and non-Newtonian
fluid in the double-cylinder Fann type fluids, with standard oil-field, direct indicating-
viscometer is performed for the oil-field narrow viscometer. Is was shown that such viscometers
gap viscometer, by assuming that the shear rates have already embedded at manufacturing stage
within the gap are Newtonian. If the fluid is an end-effects correction, which was quantified
non-Newtonian, the shear rate on the wall of the for the first time, of magnitude of 6.69% of the
inner fixed cylinder depends on the particular torque developed. This does not allow end-
fluid model and on the rheological parameters to effect determination in a straight forward
be determined (Kelessidis et al. 2006, Guillot manner, as it can be done with other
1990). Most of the time though, in commercial viscometers, and the authors presented a
applications but also in research, no corrections procedure to resolve this. They further
are applied and use is made of the Newtonian determined that there is additional end-effects
shear rate instead of the true shear rate, without contribution from the top section of the bob,
making the proper reference both in user guides shown also experimentally in another related
of rotational viscometers but also in research study and depicted in Figure 6 (Rune et al.,
papers. The fact that the gap between the two 2009). Its magnitude ranges from 5 to 6 % for
cylinders is small for most standard viscometer the high shear rate range, to 12% for the low
types, with the ratio being re / ri = 1.067846 , shear rate range for the non-Newtonian fluid
tends to minimize the error introduced, but the tested. Non-allowance for the additional end-
error is there and the magnitude depends not effects errors could result in over-prediction of
only on the rheological model but also on the pressure losses in the annulus of the order of
actual values of its rheological parameters. 11% which could jeopardize well safety in
Successful quantification of these errors has difficult to drill wells, as depicted in Figure 7.
been done recently for Casson and Robertson-
Stiff fluids (Kelessidis and Maglione, 2006) and Wall slip
in particular for Herschel-Bulkley fluids Many times researchers wonder and try to
(Kelessidis and Maglione, 2008). In Fig. 4, the assess whether slippage of the fluid to be
results are shown for Newtonian and true shear measured slips, i.e. the fluid particle does not
rates for Herschel-Bulkley fluids. The analysis have the same velocity as the solid wall it
shows that the errors can be significant but can adheres. Significant research has gone into the
be quantified. This can have an impact on the subject, for oil-drilling situations (e.g.
Yoshimura and Prud’homme, 1988) and for
V. C. Kelessidis

suspension flows (Walls et al., 2003). The would affect the optimum determination of all
occurrence or not of the wall slip has a three parameters. Work has been reported
significant impact on the determination of the (Kelessidis et al., 2006) with a different and
parameters of the rheological model considered optimal methodology, using a golden section
to describe the fluid behavior leading to sub- search, which determines the three Herschel-
optimal evaluation of operational parameters in Bulkley rheological parameters of drilling fluids
numerous engineering applications. Recent from concentric cylinder viscometric data,
work (Kelessidis et al., 2010b) has allowed avoiding the observed pitfalls particularly in the
determination of wall slip occurrence in cases when negative yield stress values were
concentric cylinder Couette-type narrow-gap predicted (Figure 9). The recommended
viscometer for bentonite dispersions after long approach leads to unique solutions and can be
intensive shearing, and polymer solutions such easily implemented.
as Carbopol solutions. Coincidence of
rheograms has been observed with the two bobs Best rheological model
used both for bentonite and Carbopol Industry personnel are very often asked to
dispersions (Figure 8). It was further concluded choose the best rheological model for a given
that if preparation procedures are followed as set of rheological data. The choice is of extreme
suggested for Carbopol solutions and by API importance for computing pressure losses and
standard for drilling fluids, simulating either the velocity profiles, with the former contributing to
pre-shearing in the rig mud pumps or in the bit oil-well safety (Bourgoyne et al. 1991) and the
nozzles during drilling operations, wall slip does latter contributing to well cleaning from cuttings
not occur, with a good agreement of the (Pilehvari et al. 1999; Kelessidis and Bandelis,
rheograms and of the yield stresses determined 2004). In view of the fact that shear rates are
for both gap sizes of the Couette viscometer and also different for the different models, one has
by the vane rheometer. to wonder what would be the best fit rheological
model of a drilling fluid.
Yield stress determination
Rheological models are normally determined by It is, therefore, essential to be able to choose the
curve-fitting using a non-linear regression best rheological model of these dispersions and
package. Data reduction procedures applicable to determine the consequences on the variables
to various rheological models have been of interest, because the integration of rheologic
proposed by many investigators, addressing also parameters with the hydraulic parameters is of
some of the inherent problems. Fitting is special importance to drilling industry
performed by minimizing the sum of error (Maglione et al. 1999). Rheological data of
squares and judging the goodness of fit through water-bentonite dispersions has thus been
the value of the correlation coefficient from the analyzed using Newtonian and true shear rates,
linearized form of equation. However, non- and the best rheological model was determined,
linear fit to various data in this laboratory with a among the three considered, Casson, Robertson-
numerical package has given occasionally the Stiff and Herschel-Bulkley, using three
best fit (highest correlation coefficient) with statistical indicators. Then, the effect on
negative values for the yield stress, which is pressure loss, velocity profiles and transition
meaningless. Literature review has revealed from laminar to turbulent flow was considered,
similar reports by many investigators, who then using the models developed by Kelessidis et al.
dismissed the Herschel-Bulkley model on these (2006) and Founargiotakis et al. (2007)
grounds, despite the fact that the rheograms discussed above. The results indicated that the
were typical of a Herschel-Bulkley fluid. In Herschel-Bulkley model based on true shear
these situations, the condition τ y > 0 could be rates was the best rheological model, amongst
the three considered. Pressure drop gradient
imposed to get meaningful results but this calculated with rheological parameters derived
Advances in drilling hydraulics and drilling fluid rheology

using the true shear rates was all the time lower Al-Zahrani SM., (1997) ‘A generalized
than the corresponding one computed with rheological model for shear thinning fluids’,
rheological parameters determined using the Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,
Newtonian shear rates by approximately 15%. 17, 211-215.
Analysis for the velocity profiles in pipe and
annuli showed also differences for the two cases API RP13D, (2006), ‘Recommended practice on
with the plug width being larger when using the rheology and hydraulics of oil-well drilling
Newtonian shear rates derived rheological fluids’, Fifth edt., Washington DC, API
parameters (Figure 10).
Bailey, W. J. and J. M. Peden, (2000) ‘A
Generalized and Consistent Pressure Drop and
Flow Regime Transition Model for Drilling
We have reviewed results from recent work
Hydraulics,’ SPE Drill. Completion 15, 44–56.
from our laboratory on drilling hydraulics and
drilling fluid rheology. Extensive data analysis
Barnes HA, Hutton JF, Walters K, (1993) ‘An
has shown that drilling fluids can be modeled
Introduction to rheology’, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
best when the three parameter Herschel-Bulkley
model is used, and it has become our model of
Becker, T.E., Morgan, R.G., Chin, W.C. and
Griffith, J.E., (2003), ‘Improved rheology
model and hydraulic analysis for tomorrow’s
Results have then been presented of model
wellbore fluid applications.’, Paper SPE 84215
predictions and measurements for pressure loss
presented at the SPE Productions and
estimation of Herschel-Bulkley fluid in
Operations Symposium, Oklahoma City, OK
concentric and eccentric annuli. The model uses
the developed equation for the local power law
Bern PA, E.K. Morton, M. Zamora, R. May, D.
parameters for concentric annulus and a
Moran, T. Hemphill, L. Robinson, I. Cooper, S.
correction factor for eccentric annuli. The
Shah, and D.V. Flores, (2007) ‘Modernization
results show that the model predicts very well
of the API Recommended Practice on Rheology
data for concentric and eccentric annulus and
and Hydraulics: Creating Easy Access to
can be considered an improvement of the
Integrated Wellbore Fluids Engineering\, SPE
recently API proposed procedure.
Drill. and Completion, 197-204.
Measurements to determine drilling fluid
Bourgoyne, A. T., M. E. Chenevert, K. K.
rheological model are prone to errors and these
Millheim and F. S. Young, Jr., (1991) “Applied
have been reviewed. End-effects can be
Drilling Engineering,” SPE Textbook Series,
significant and can be determined. The
Richardson TX.
assumption of Newtonian shear rates in the flow
geometry also leads to errors and true shear
Dalamarinis, P., (2009), ‘Computational models
rates should instead be used. Wall slip should
and experimental verification for rheology and
not be a concern, if API pre-shearing practices
pressure drop of drilling fluids in a flow loop
are observed. The best rheological model is
system simulating horizontal drilling’, Diploma
shown to be the Herschel-Bulkley model using
thesis, Technical University of Crete (in greek).
true shear rates and determination of its three
rheological parameters can lead to better
Dodge DW and Metzner AB., (1959),
estimates of total pressure losses in the annulus.
‘Turbulent flow in non-Newtonian systems’,
AIChE J. 5, 189–204.

V. C. Kelessidis

Founargiotakis K., V.C. Kelessidis, R. fluids in Couette geometry’, Appl. Rheol. 18,
Maglione, (2008) ‘Laminar, transitional and 34482-1 – 34482-11.
turbulent flow of Herschel-Bulkley fluids in
concentric annulus,’ J. Can. Chem. Engr., 86, Kelessidis V.C., R. Maglione, C. Tsamantaki
676-683. and Y. Aspirtakis, (2006) ‘Optimal
determination of rheological parameters for
Guillot, D., (1990), ‘Rheology of well cement Herschel-Bulkley drilling fluids and impact on
slurries.’ in ‘Well Cementing,’ E.B. Nelson Edt. pressure drop, velocity profiles and penetration
Schlumberger Educational Services, Houston. rates during drilling’, J. Petrol. Sci. Eng., 53,
Gucuyener H, Kok MV, Batmaz T, (2002), ‘End
effect evaluation in rheological measurement of Kelessidis V. C., R. Maglione, G. Bandelis,
drilling fluid using Couette coaxial cylinder (2010a), ‘On the end-effect correction for
viscometer’, Energy Sources, 24, 441-449. Couette type oil-field direct-indicating
viscometers for Newtonian and non-Newtonian
Haciislamoglu M. and J. Langlinais, (1990) fluids\, J Petrol. Sci. Engr., 71 (1-2), pp. 37-46
‘Non-Newtonian Flow in Eccentric Annuli,
Journal of Energy Resources Technology’, 112, Kelessidis V.C., V. Hatzistamou, R. Maglione,
163-169. (2010b), ‘Wall slip phenomenon assessment of
yield stress pseudoplastic fluids in Couette
Haciislamoglu M. and U. Cartalos (1994) geometry’, paper accepted for publication,
‘Practical Pressure Loss Predictions in Realistic Applied Rheology
Annular Geometries’, paper SPE 28304
presented at the 69th SPE Annual Technical Kok M.V., (2004), ‘Determination of
Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, Rheological Models for Drilling Fluids (A
25-28 Sept. Statistical Approach)’, Energy Sources, Part A:
Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental
Kelessidis V.C., (2007) ‘Sustainable drilling for Effects, 26, 153 – 165
oil and gas: challenging drilling environments
demand new formulations of bentonite based Kok, M.V., (2010) ‘Characterization and
drilling fluids’, 3rd International Conference on development of drilling fluid type for an oil
Sustainable Development Indicators in the field’, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery,
Minerals Industry, June, Milos island, Greece Utilization and Environmental Effects 32, 395-
Kelessidis V.C. and Bandelis GE, (2004), ‘Flow
patterns and minimum dispersion velocity for Kok M.V. and T Alikaya, (2005) ‘Effect of
efficient cuttings transport in horizontal and Polymers on the Rheological Properties of
deviated wells in coiled–tubing drilling’, SPE KCl/Polymer Type Drilling Fluids’, Energy
Drilling and Completion 19, 213-227. Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and
Environmental Effects, 27, 405 - 415
Kelessidis, V.C. and R. Maglione, (2006),
‘Modeling rheological behavior of bentonite Langlinais, J.P., A.T. Bourgoyne and W. R.
suspensions as Casson and Robertson-Stiff Holden, (1983), ‘Frictional pressure losses for
fluids using Newtonian and true shear rates in the flow of drilling mud and mud/gas mixtures,’
Couette viscometry’, Powder Techn., 168, 137- Paper SPE 11993 presented at the 58th Annual
147. Technical Conference and Exhibition, San
Francisco, CA, 5-8 October.
Kelessidis, V.C. and R. Maglione, (2008),
‘Shear rate corrections for Herschel-Bulkley
Advances in drilling hydraulics and drilling fluid rheology

Maglione R, Guarneri A, Ferrari G, (1999), 25456 presented at the Productions Operations

Rheologic and hydraulic parameter integration Symposium, Oklahoma City, OK, 21–23 March
improves drilling operations. Oil Gas J. 97, 44– (1993).
Time, R.W., A.H. Rabenjafimanantsoa, VC.
Maglione, R., G. Robotti and R. Romagnoli, Kelessidis, R Maglione, (2009), ‘On end-effect
(2000), ‘In-situ Rheological Characterization of correction for Couette type viscometers for
Drilling Mud,’ SPE J.,5, 377-386. Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids’, Annual
Transactions Of The Nordic Rheology Society,
Maglione R., V.C. Kelessidis, (2006), 17, 49-57.
‘Choosing the best rheological model for
bentonite suspensions’, 3rd Annual European Scheid CM, DC Rocha, PE Aranha, AFL
Rheology Conference, April 27-29, Hersonisos, Aragao, A Leibshon Martins, (2009),
Crete. ‘Prediction of pressure losses in drilling fluids
in circular and annular pipes and accessories’,
Merlo A., R. Maglione and C. Piatti, (1995), paper SPE 122072 presented at the 2009 SPE
‘An innovative model for drilling fluid Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum
hydraulics,’ Paper SPE 29259 presented at the Engineering conf., Catagena, Colombia, 31
Asian-Pacific Oil & Gas Conf., Kuala-Lubur, May-3 June.
Tehrani A., D. Gerrard, S. Young, and J.
Nasiri, M., and S. N. Ashrafizade, (2010) Fernandez, (2009), ‘Environmentally Friendly
‘Novel Equation for the Prediction of Water Based Fluid for HT/HP Drilling’, paper
Rheological Parameters of Drilling Fluids in an SPE 121783presented at the SPE International
Annulus’, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 49, 3374–3385 Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, 20-22 April,
The Woodlands. Texas.
Ozbayoglu EM., Sorgun M., (2010), ‘Frictional
pressure loss estimation of water based drilling Time RW., A.H. Rabenjafimanantsoa, V.C.
fluids at horizontal and inclined drilling with Kelessidis, R Maglione, (2009), ‘On end-effect
pipe rotation and presence of cuttings’, paper correction for Couette type viscometers for
SPE 127300 presented at the SPE Oil and Gas Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids’, Annual
India conference and Exhibition, Mumbai, Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society,
India, 20-22 Jan. VOL. 17.

Pilehvari A.A., Azar J.J., Shirazi SA, (1999), Walls H. J., S.B Caines, AM. Sanchez, and SA.
‘State of the art cuttings transport in horizontal Khanb, (2003), ‘Yield stress and wall slip
wellbores’, SPE Dril and Compl 14, 196–200. phenomena in colloidal silica gels’, J. Rheol. 47
(2003) 847-868
Ramadan A., Miska S., (2008) ‘Experimental
study and modelling of yield power law fluid Willis H. C., W. R. Tomm, E. E. Forbes, (1973),
flow in annuli with pipe rotation’, paper ‘Annular Flow Dynamics’ , PETSOC paper
IADC/SPE 112604 presented at the 2008 #73-111 presented at the Sixth Conference on
IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, Orlando, 4-6 Drilling and Rock Mechanics of the Society of
March. Petroleum Engineers of AIME, Austin, Tex.,
Jan. 22-23.
Reed, T. D. and A. A. Pilehvari, (1993), ‘A
New Model for Laminar, Transitional and Yoshimura A., Prud’homme R.K., (1988),
Turbulent Flow of Drilling Muds,’ Paper SPE ‘Viscosity measurements in the presence of wall

V. C. Kelessidis

slip in Capillary, Couette and parallel disk paper IADC/SPE 62731 presented at the 2000
geometries’, SPE Reservoir Engineering, May, IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology,
735-742. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11–13 Sept.

Zamora M., D. Lord, (1974), ‘Practical Analysis Zamora M., S. Roy, K. Slatter, (2005),
of Drilling Mud Flow in Pipes and Annuli’, ‘Comparing a Basic Set of Drilling Fluid
paper SPE 4976-MS presented at the 49th Fall Pressure-Loss Relationships to Flow-Loop and
Meeting of the society of Petroleum Engineers Field Data’, paper AADE-05-NTCE-27
of AIME, Houston, TX, Oct. 6-9. presented at the AADE 2005 National Technical
Conference and Exhibition, held at the Wyndam
Zamora M. and S. Roy, (2000), ‘The Top 10 Greenspoint in Houston, Texas, April 5-7.
Reasons to Rethink Hydraulics and Rheology’,

Figure-1: Comparison of pressure loss concentric annulus data (70mm-by-40mm) with predictions
via the Kelessidis method (Founargiotakis et al., 2008) and the API method (Bern et al., 2007).
(From Dalamarinis 2009).





Measured Prediction
0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007
flow rate (m /s)

Figure-2: Comparison of predictions with experimental results of Langlinais et al. (1983)for 0.062-
by-0.0334m annulus (from Founargiotakis et al., 2008).
Advances in drilling hydraulics and drilling fluid rheology

Figure-3: Comparison of pressure loss of 100% eccentric annulus data (70mm-by-40mm) with
predictions via the Kelessidis method and the API method, with predictions corrected by
Haciislamoglou and Cartalos (1994) corrections. (From Dalamarinis 2009).

Figure-4: Rheograms for Newtonian shear rates and Herschel-Bulkley shear rates for a bentonite

Figure-5: comparison of pressure losses for using Newtonian and HB-true shear rates to estimate
rheological parameters for flow of a drilling fluid with τ = 0.41 + 0.08 ⋅ γ& 0.69 in an annulus of
0.216m-by-0.127m. (From Maglione and Kelessidis, 2010)

V. C. Kelessidis

Frame 2410 = 40.2s Frame 3130 = 52.2s

Figure-6: Effect of the top section of the bob on the distribution of injected dye. Fluid is Water-Pac
(50ppm) solution, behaving as power law fluid (From Rune et al., 2009)

Figure-7: Pressure loss for a Herschel-Bulkley fluid flowing in a 8.5-in by 3.5-in annulus with
rheological parameters estimated with the standard procedure and with the additional end-effect
τ std = 16.8 + 0.07 ⋅ γ& 0.77 ; τ corr = 15.1 + 0.04 ⋅ γ& 0.83

Figure-8: Rheograms with B1 and B5 configurations for bentonite 5.0% and 6.42% w/v and data fit
to Herschel-Bulkley rheological model
Advances in drilling hydraulics and drilling fluid rheology

Figure-9: Comparison of rheograms of original data with results from rheological models for a
bentonite-lignite-water suspension (from Kelessidis et al., 2006).

Figure-10: Predicted velocity profiles in annulus (0.2159 x 0.127 m) in laminar flow for HB model
rheological parameters derived by Newtonian and true shear rate for a water-bentonite dispersion.


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