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Psychological Techniques w/Descriptions

Abbreviation Ploy Peter Turner

Bob Principle Peter Turner
Confirmation Principle Peter Turner
Getting to Know You Peter Turner
Increment Force & Not Ed Marlo's Snap Change Technique, The Peter Turner
Two Way Verbal Out Peter Turner (Vol 9 Zodiac Mentalism)
Wash Principle Peter Turner

Psuedo Riffle Stack Zarrow Peter Turner
Invisible Timing Force Peter Turner
Incremental Force Peter Turner,
One More For Luck Technique Peter Turner
Piggy Backing Principle Peter Turner
Not Ed Marlo's Snap Change Peter Turner
Breakless Classic Force Peter Turner
Cups Principle Michael Murray
Springboard Principle Michael Murray
Spotlight Principle Myke Phillips
John Archers Tossed Out Deck Technique for ambiguity John Archer
Buy-In Technique The Jerx
Peruggia (Sneak Thief Improvement) - The Jerx
Circle Force - Ross Tayler
Repeat It Ploy Derren Brown (Pure Effect)

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