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Trumps reply

A scrutining handling of Trumps speech demonstrate some of

the features of his argument. He used pronouns quite variably,
ranging from the collective we to the individual I. He also
reiterates the use of the simple sentence structure. Additionally,
he resorts to metaphoric conceptions to actualize his ideas.
Furthermore, he stressed the economic problems and aspirations
without foregrounding the division Hillary Clinton in her reply
between the wealthy and the working classes. Finally, he weaves
his ideological underpinnings by using the argumentative
techniques of repetition, adherence and naturalization of his
ideological visions and the accusation of the democratic
a- The use of pronouns:
Trump uses diexsis aptly in his response. From the very
beginning, he uses them to establish a group with the audience.
He said, Our jobs, our country, our product, and our trade deals.
Here, he implicitly appeals to the audiences inferences about the
democratic administration. Accordingly, he shifted to we to
represent what he is going to do with the help of the participants,
we cant allow it to happen anymore; we have to stop our jobs
from being stolen from us; and, we have to stop our companies
from leaving. Finally, he used the first person pronoun I to
pledge to stand up to these problems brought about by the
democratic administration, Ill be reducing taxes tremendously,
I look very, very much, forward to doing it.
Talking about his opponent, Trump chooses the pronoun we.
This pronoun stresses his familiarity with her and her vision. He
also addresses her by her first name. This apt use of pronoun
reflects his insight about the nature of the participants he is
targeting in the discourse practice.
Regarding the sentence structure that he uses repeatedly,
Trump opts to choose the simple sentence structure. One clearly
notices that he prefers this structure since it is more eccentric,

focused and resonant. Hardly, one can find examples of complex

or compound sentences in his speech. This reveals the mindset of
the salesperson to transfer his intended message to the
audiences, Companies will come. They will build. They will
Another remarkable aspect of his style is the use of parallel
structure repeatedly. This parallel structure is strengthened by
ending the sentence by more strong, informative content words.
For example, in the last paragraph, he says, Companies will
come. They will build. They will expand. Here, the use of the
same word order and ending all the three sentences with more
informative lexical item represents another unique aspect of
trumps style.
To naturalize his ideological underpinnings, Trump chooses three
main elements. The first has to with the use of the metaphor. The
second is related to depending upon a very organized
argumentation. The third is highlighting the difference between
his party, the republic, and the other party, democratic, and his
Regarding the first element, Trump employs the conceptual
metaphor only in his answer to the question. Unlike his opponent
who uses three types of metaphor, Trump instances a number of
the conceptual metaphor. For example, he uses this type of
metaphor to highlight the tough situation that the country is
suffering under the democratic administration. In the first line, he
states, Our jobs are fleeing the country. He also highlights the
countrys problem via conventionalizing it as a piggy bank.
Additionally, he includes the metaphor to introduce his future
policy, we have to stop our jobs from being stolen. He also uses
some qualifier to assert the fruitfulness of his policies Ill be
reducing taxes tremendously.
The second element is related to the use of argumentatively
organized discourse. A closer look at the text will reveal that
Trump uses the multiple argument pattern. He employs the
cooperative and subordinative argumentations, the former refers

to using different argument to support his claims and the latter is

related to embedded arguments. This type of argument can be
shown in the following diagram:

He uses the coordinated types of argumentation to stress the

countrys problem. He wisely attempts to direct the participants in
the discourse practice to their countrys suffering. Additionally, he
uses the subordinative arguments to introduce the proposed
solution he has for their problems.
Another persuasive tool employed by Trump is the ability to
address the participants doubts about his claim. For example, in
the third paragraph, he claims our jobs [are] being stolen from
and our companies [are] leaving the United States. To address
the doubtful audience, he presents an evidence to his speech in
the following line, all you have to do (to address the raised
doubts) is to take a look at Carrier air conditioning in
Indianapolis. They leftfired 1400 people. They are going to
Mexico. Then, after addressing his audiences doubts, he
generalize and normalize his strategy via presenting it through
common sense, so many hundreds and hundreds of companies
are doing this.

The third element that Trump employs efficiently is the use

of the dichotomy us vs. them. At the very beginning, he
highlights the countrys troubles which are jobs are fleeing
theyre going to Mexico, are threats that need to be
addressed since theres nobody in our government to fight
them. Here, he represents the democratic government as
weak and unable to defend the country against its enemies.
Therefore, he urges the participants that we have a very
good fight. And we have a winning fight. He attributes the
negative traits to the them, his opponents party which
letting the countrys enemies to use the country as a piggy
bank to their benefits. This is an implicit attack of his
opponent and an unexpressed warning to the participant of
voting for her opponent.
To sum up, Trump wittingly uses his resources and presents
himself as a very focused and persuasive in his argument. He
also uses promises to present himself as a savior to the
struggling country and to the discourses participants. He
ends with, New companies will startwe have to negotiate
our trade deals, and we have to stop these countries from
stealing our companies and our jobs. His promises are used
to tantalize the participants who are struggling under the
democratic policies.

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