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Tense Review: Question BankAnswer Key

Part 1: Choose the correct verb form.

1. I love my neighbor because every Sunday she bakes/ is baking me cookies.
bakes- every Sunday indicates a habit

2. Sorry, Joe, but that pretty girl doesnt look / isnt looking at you.
Isnt looking- activity in progress at the moment of speaking

3. A: Whats the update on the game?
B: Well, Real Madrid beats / is beating Barcelona by two goals, but its not
over yet!
is beating- activity in progress at the moment of speaking

4. You had better not go so fast! The cars in front of you slow/ are slowing
are slowing - activity in progress at the moment of speaking

5. The students in this program ordinarily do/ are doing homework five nights
a week.
do- ordinarily indicates a habit or routine

6. I think the fire is dwindling and needs/ is needing some more fuel.
needs- need is a verb of state and cannot be used in the present progressive

7. On Saturdays the kids play/ are playing outside.
play- On Saturday indicates a habit or routine

8. It is so peaceful right now because the kids play/ are playing outside.
are playing- activity in progress at the moment of speaking

9. Would you mind helping me with this problem? I dont understand/ am not
understanding it.
dont understand- understand is a verb of state and cannot be used in the present

10. We think / are thinking our boss is a good leader.
think-think is a stative verb here and cannot be used in the present progressive

Part 2: Choose the right auxiliary verb.
Ron and Jane are husband and wife. Its Friday night, and they decide to make the
most of it by watching a movie. Read their conversation and complete it with the
correct auxiliary verbs.

Choose do, does, am, is, or are for each blank.

Ron: Im bored. (1) _______________ you want to watch a movie? DO- This is a question
in the simple present, and the subject is you.

Jane: Sure! I (2) _______________ not doing anything. (3) _______________ it my turn to
choose a movie or yours?
2- AM- This is a statement in the present progressive. The subject is I.
3. IS- This is a question in the simple present. Remember that questions in the
simple present in which the Be verb is the main verb, do not require the do/does

Ron: Mine! I have the perfect one in mind! Youre going to love it! (4) _______________
you like romantic comedies?
DO- This is a question in the simple present, and the subject is you.

Jane: You know I do! Which one are we going to watch?

Ron: Its a surprise! Now, before I start the movie, I have a very important question
for you. (5) _______________ we have any popcorn?
DO- This is a question in the simple present, and the subject is we.

Jane: (6) _______________ you kidding? We always have popcorn! Look in the kitchen
cupboard next to the refrigerator.
ARE- This is a question in the present progressive, and the subject is you.

Ron: Ok Hmmm I (7) ____________________ not see it. (8)__________________________ you
sure its in this cupboard?
7- DO- This is a negative statement in the simple present, and the subject is I.
8- ARE- The be verb, are, is used because there is no other main verb.

Jane: It should be. (9) _______________ you looking on the right shelf?
ARE- This is a question in the present progressive, and the subject is you.

Ron: Oh! I found it! It was behind your collection of chocolate. (10) _______________
you really eat that much chocolate?
DO- This is a question in the simple present, and the subject is you.

Jane: I dont think that is any of your business! Now, hurry up and make that
popcorn so we can start the movie!

Ron: Okay! Take it easy! You know, maybe we dont need to watch a movie! Our
real life is already a romantic comedy!

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