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Leadership: It can be described as an leaders ability to influence the group to achieve a vision or

set of goals.
Answer 1).
The theories such as Trait theories, Behavioral theories, Contingency theories, Leader-MemberExchange theory more or less contribute and support the secrets of effective leadership presented
in the text.
Trait and behavioral theories talks about personal qualities and characteristics of an individual.
One who finds his goal, what he is doing and what he is going to do feels happiness and
enthusiasm in doing things. Charismatic, enthusiastic and courageous people find passion in
doing their work. They find meaning in their work and influence their partners and followers
such that they also get inspired by the one.
Path-Goal theory supports articulating a compelling course of action in a manner that effective
leaders clarify their followers paths to their work goals and make the journey easier by reducing
roadblocks. Leader participation model relates leadership and participation of others in decision
making which involves participation and giving way to others.
In order to motivate employees and encourage their potentials charismatic leadership comes into
play which makes followers think of attributions and leadership abilities. Situational leadership
theory is based on the followers readiness, their ability and willingness to perform specific task.
Hence depending upon situation an effective leader must be optimistic in order to achieve the
desired target. In the center, Charismatic leadership theory seems to be best illustration of
constituting characters of effective leadership. Vision and articulation, sensitivity to followers
risk, inspired, enthusiastic, energized people can meet any challenge and achieve any goal. As a
leader, one main responsibility is to encourage the employees and maintain the attitude of desire
in the people around.

Answer 2).
As discussed earlier, as a leader one of the main objectives of an effective leader is to provide
encouragement, motivation and desire to achieve like attitude. According to the text, an effective
leader must have all the seven qualities to lead its team or group efficiently. Also, all the
constituents presented are inter-related and hence none of these can be ignored.
Though all of them are necessary but demonstrating enthusiasm constantly should be focused
and can best impact the leadership quality. Enthusiasm should not be only about an innovative
idea or thought only but it also spreads to extent of work behavior, in participation with each
other and motivating employees toward a desired goal through compelling course of action. It
can also be employed in order to gain success and can be a language of motivation.

Answer 3).
In my personal context I may say I was very much influenced by captain of my school cricket
team. The person was full of leadership qualities some of which also constitutes in secrets of
inspiring leaders as described in the text.
Before any match he uses to fill us with enthusiasm to play efficiently to win the match. He
never talked of losing the match instead he always tries to motivate us to play hard in order to
win the match. He use to talk to every individual to keep the bond of team spirit, to make sure
everyones participation will be there and always motivated us with inspiring stories. If someone
is lacking concentration he used to talk to him personally in order to provide him selfconfidence.

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