Victims of Circumstances

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You maybe and living through life unhappily

and living a life that is out of control a life in
which you think that it is Gods will for you to
suffer ,You maybe say Whatever or chero
zvavangoita or you may belive that life has
been unfair to you and yes life is unfair it will
cheat you out of you blessings,rights and joys
and free gifts such as life that God has given
The reason why you are suffering is that you
do not really know who you are and how to
change your circumstances. That is why
Hosea 4:6 says that My people suffer , they
perish because of a lack of knowledge
Knowledge is the tool that you need to be
equipped in order for you to live a life that
you deserve.If you know you rights and your
nature you will be able to change all the
circumstances in your life and restore your
birthright as the offspring of God.
I am here to tell you that the reason why you
have been sick, afraid,broke,sinful,addicted to
something or the reason why you have been
continually hurt by other people is because
you have been a victim of circumstances all

your life. You have probably blamed your

upbringing,your background your
environment or you human counterparts for
you problems instead of forgiving them letting
go and taking personal responsibility. You are
not a victim of circumstances, you have the
dominion over circumstances and do not let
any circumstance reign over you do not let
anyone have power on you but take dominion
and rule your life accordingly to produce the
desired results.
The dominion mandate
**This mandate was given to us twice
through the first adam(Adam) and the second
adam(Jesus Christ)**
First adam-AdamBe frutful and multiply
Second Adam-They that have received the
abundance of grace
Mandate-Is an instruction or and order or
dictates that are given to someone operate in.
In the beginning God created us to rule and to reign
in the book of Genesis He said

Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image,

in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in
the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock
and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures
that move along the ground. Genesis 1:26
The word image stands for replica it stands it means
an exact copy of the original.This means that when
God created us He created us as an exact copy of
Himself because Man is Spirit just as God is Spirit.
The word likeness refers to the nature and way in
which two entities are similar or resemble each
other. In other words God created us with his same
nature so that we could act like Him, and function
like Him.
The Fall of Adam
The story of Adam and Eve is a revelation of how man has become victim of
circumstances and lost his rightful dominion to satan. Satan is basically doubt. It is
the Spirit of doubt that speaks to a man in His heart that what He is pursuing is
evil,is wrong or is nto correct thereby giving birth to sin.

Jesus Christs purpose

I am come so that you might have life and life more abundantly.
The lie=
I have said that ye are Gods and all of you children of the Most Hig God yet you die
like man and fall ike the princes of the world.
Verily ,verily I say unto you
Consciousness is reality

Your consciousness is your reality.As a man thiketh in his heart so is He.If you are
conscious of lack of power,funds or sin you will definitely become what you are
conscious of .
The Book of Job
That which I feared came upon me-That which I though came upon me Fear is
simply thoughts or belief in negative things
Jesus Christ consciousness
I am the way thr truth and the life
Who is the enemy
The enemy- thief comes to kill ,steal and destroy

Characteristics that give us dominion and separate us from the rest

The right to choose
He who wavers should not expect to get anything from God
I have set before you life and death choose life
Death and life are in the power of the tongue

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