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Sunday, January 8, 2017

My Educational Philosophy
By: Emmalee Buehler
Nelson Mandela once said, Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use
to change the world. My philosophy on teaching is simple. My educational philosophy is that
every child deserves an education that prepares them for the future and gives them the necessary
tools to be successful in all that they choose to do. Education is the platform for all dreams and
aspirations. As an educator it is my job to make sure that at the end of the year each student will
be able to see that.
There is a sole purpose to education, that purpose is to show a child that they can change
the world and they can do anything they want to just by working for it. As an educator, it is my
job to show students this purpose. I am an educator who has the responsibility to show students
their potential for greatness. As an educator I am there for all students to talk to, to look up to,
and to lean on. I am not just a teacher. I am a caregiver, a listening ear, a role model, and a
mentor. I will set high expectations for each student and I will help each child until they surpass
the expectation. I will instill good morals into each student. I will reward each child for their
accomplishment no matter how big or small it truly was. I will go without sleep, food, or free
time until I get the results I want from each student. This is not just my job; this is my life.
I will cater to every childs need. I will take in the childrens suggestions on how they
want to be taught and I will teach them accordingly. I will teach and reteach a lesson until I see
every childs light bulb turn on. I will stay past my hours to help any student succeed with what
they have a hard time with. I am responsible to show these children their potential. I will never
stop until I see each child who walks into my classroom walk out knowing that they are
important and they are amazing. I will look past each childs history and home life. I will never
see a bad student; I will only see struggling students. These children are the future. These
children are going to turn into presidents, doctors, and teachers on day. These children are
brilliant and good. These children are human beings, not robots, they will be treated as such.
Each child learns differently; it is my job to make sure each child has the power to learn
as much as the children sitting next to them. Each child deserves to be known by name, not by
grade. I will strive to get to know every child personally. Each child deserves to be given the
attention they need in order to thrive. I will take time out of my lunch period, out of my
vacations, out of my night to get to figure out what they can contribute. Each child deserves to
know what love is. I will make sure my classroom is encouraging, loving, and kind. I want each
student walking out of my class each night feeling accomplished. I want each child learning
something about themselves they didnt know before. I want each student at the end of the year
walking out a better person than what they walked in as. These are my top priorities as an
educator. I have the power to make their education experience in my classroom positive.
A child deserves to know what is going on in the world, they will soon be responsible for
this country. Therefore, it is my responsibility to answer any question they might ask about
current or past events. Every child should be given the opportunity to be informed about what is
going on around them. That is part of my job, to make the aware of social surroundings and what

Sunday, January 8, 2017

is happening throughout the world and country. Not only will I tell them about it, they will get to
experience it. It is not just one persons job to raise a child. Everyone they might interact with
will take a part in shaping a childs future. It is important to keep everyone knowledgeable about
what is being taught to the future leaders of America. The community, parents, other teachers,
and administrators will always be welcomed into my class to give a helping hand for my
children. It is important for the community to interact with the students through service work,
lectures, and field trips. It is important for parents to help with homework, learn what the
students are learning, and be involved with the child. I will do this by holding parent meetings
where they can learn how to tutor their children, and see what the child is doing in my class. I
will have volunteer days where parents can come in and help teach the children. I will do this by
involving the parents in all that I do. It is important for colleagues and administrators to know
what I am teaching, how I am teaching, and how my students are progressing. I will do this by
sharing my lesson plans, inviting them into my classroom, and by asking for help when needed.
Students deserves these people to help them.
When a student walks into my classroom they become one of my children. A child
deserves love, respect, kindness, and a great education. I plan on giving them these things. A
child deserves to understand their greatness and potential. They deserve to understand that
anything is possible as long as they put the work in. I want each child to walk out of my
classroom each day feeling accomplished and smart. I will teach a child the way they want to be
taught to help achieving my goal. I will a child for who they want to be not what they are. I will
help them become who they want to be by showing them the path towards their goal. I will
involve the whole community, their parents, all of my colleagues and the administrators in my
teaching. I will not stop until I get the results I want to see through a childs education, life, and
community. This is my philosophy.

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