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A Seminar - I Report on


Mr. Dorik Jivan D.
Roll No: 6673
Exam Seat No:
Prof. S B Patil

Department of Mechanical
Engineering Sinhgad College of
Pune 411 041

Sinhgad Technical Education Societys

Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune


This is to certify that Mr. Dorik Jivan D. (Exam Seat No-6673) has
successfully completed the Seminar work entitled MACPHERSON
fulfilment of M. E. Mechanical Automotive Engineering of Savitribai
Phule Pune University. And this work has been carried out in my


Prof. S B Patil

V.N Kapatkar


Professor &
Department of

It is my great pleasure to acknowledge sense of gratitude to all, who have made it
possible for us to complete this seminar with success. It gives me great pleasure to
express my deep gratitude to my seminar guide Prof. S B Patil for his support and help
from time to time during seminar work.
It is my pleasure to acknowledge sense of gratitude to Prof. V N Kapatkar our Head
of Department and Principal Dr. S. D. Lokhande for their great support and
encouragement in seminar work.
Finally yet importantly I would like to thank all Staff Members and all our colleagues
for their valuable suggestions and support.

Jivan Dorik


Page no.

List of figure
List of tables
1 Introduction
1.1 Nanotechnology is a tool-driven field.
1.2 Nanotechnology is Engineering, Not Science.

1.3 How small is a nano meter

2. Literature review
2.1 Problem statement
2.2 Objectives
3. Design consideration
3.1 Nanotechnology Size Concern and MEMS: Micro Information


3.2 Nanofabrication
3.3 The traditional approaches Top Down- approaches
3.4 The nano technology approaches Bottom Up approaches
3.5 Nano fabrication techniques
3.5.1 Conventional lithography
3.5.2 Scanning probe lithography
3.5.3 Contact methods
3.5.4 Hybrid methods
3.6 Accomplishment of nano technology

3.6.1 Advance Engineering

3.6.2 The assembler
3.6.3 Self replication: Making things inexpensively
4. Indian scenario
5. Advantages of nanotechnology
6. Nano problems & limitation
7. Conclusion
8. References


page no.

Fig 3.4- Top up Bottom up material particles

Fig 3.5.1- Electron beam lithography
Fig- 3.5.2 Dip pen nano lithography
Fig 3.5.4- Nan sphere lithography


Page no.

Table no 3.1 Nanotechnology size concern table

Nanotechnology is an innovative and highly active field of research and
development that presents many opportunities for future graduates.
Engineering students should be made more aware of the field of
nanotechnology and its potential impact on their academics, careers, and
lives. This research team is a part of the NSF-funded Network for
Computational Nanotechnology (NCN) and is conducting this research on
NCNs initiatives to introduce more students to nanotechnology. Through
this study we hope to better understand what first-year engineering (FYE)
students learned about nanotechnology through their involvement in a
nanotechnology-based design project. Twenty-eight teams executive
summaries were qualitatively analyzed to understand what students
discussed in their final descriptions of their design solutions. It was found
that teams had difficulty understanding the nanoscale and differentiating it
from the micro and atomic scales. It was also found that teams that
included specific products and/or applications of nanotechnology in their
project solution showed a greater understanding of nanotechnology. Based
on these finding, it is recommended that the nanoscale be explained
through comparisons to other scales and nanotechnology-based design
projects should encourage students to learn about specific products and/or
applications of nanotechnology. 2

Molecular nanotechnology or Nanotechnology is the name given to a
specific sort of manufacturing technology to build things from the atom
up, and to rearrange matter
with atomic precision. In other words, we can say that nanotechnology is a
three dimensional structural control of material and devices at molecular
level. The nano scale structures can be prepared, characterized,
manipulated, and even visualized with tools.
1.1 Nanotechnology is a tool-driven field.
The terms, such as molecular engineering or molecular manufacturing are
also often applied when describing this emerging technology. This
technology does not yet exist. But, scientists have recently gained the
ability to observe and manipulate atoms directly. However, this is only one
small aspect of a growing array of techniques in nano scale science and
technology. The ability to make commercial products may yet be a few
decades away.
1.2 Nanotechnology is Engineering, Not Science.
The central thesis of nanotechnology is that almost any chemically stable
structure that is not specifically disallowed by the laws of physics can in
fact be built. Theoretical and computational models indicate that
molecular manufacturing systems are possible that they do not violate
existing physical law. These models also give us a feel for what a
molecular manufacturing system might look like. Melting pot of science
combining applications of physics, chemistry, biology, electronics and
computers. Today, scientists are devising numerous tools and techniques
that will be
needed to transform nanotechnology from computer models into reality.
Nanotechnology is often called the science of the small.

The mission of the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN) is to

raise awareness of the issues presented by advanced nanotechnology: the
benefits and dangers, and the possibilities for responsible use. We explore
the ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) of nanotechnology, and
its potentially disruptive consequence, exponential general-purpose
molecular manufacturing. The purpose of CRN is to educate those who
will influence the use of nanotechnology, or be affected by it. An
important aspect of this educational process is to create theoretical,
pictorial and textual representations of what may become possible
through nano scale science and engineering (NSE), especially though
molecular manufacturing. CRN studies, clarifies, and researches the issues
involvedpolitical, economic, military, humanitarian, and technological
and presents the results for both technical and popular audiences,
working to supply the information as effectively as possible. Our intention
is to provide well-grounded and complete information, clear explanation,
and workable proposals that support our vision of a world in which
nanotechnology is widely used for productive and beneficial purposes, and
where malicious uses are limited by effective administration of the
technology. This effort confronts numerous problems. Highly technical
concepts must be explained to a non-technical audience, often in a textonly format. Our chosen topic of molecular manufacturing suffers from
premature hype, premature debunking, and linguistic confusion resulting
from the various meanings of the word nano technology. We struggle to
maintain not only accuracy and simplicity, but also credibility and clarity.
Meanwhile, we deal with uncertainty in scientific theory as well as in
predictions of future actions and choices.

1.3 How small is a nano meter? (and other small sizes)

Any advanced research carries inherent risks but nanotechnology bears a
special burden. The field's bid for respectability is colored by the
association of the word with a cabal of futurist who foresee nano as a
pathway to a techno-utopia: unparalleled prosperity, pollution-free
industry, even something resembling eternal life. In 1986-five years after
IBM researchers Gird Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer invented the scanning
tunneling microscope, which garnered them the Nobel Prize-the book
Engines of Creation, by K. Eric Drexler, created a sensation for its
depiction of godlike control over matter. The book describes selfreplicating nano machines that could produce virtually any material good,
while reversing global warming, curing disease and dramatically
extending life spans. Scientists with tenured faculty positions and NSF
grants ridiculed these visions, noting that their fundamental improbability
made them an absurd projection of what the future holds. But the
visionary scent that has surrounded nanotechnology ever since may
provide some unforeseen benefits. To many nonscientists, Drexler's
projections for nanotechnology straddled the border between science and
fiction in a compelling way. Talk of cell-repair machines that would
eliminate aging as we know it and of home food-growing machines that
could produce victuals without killing anything helped to create a
fascination with the small that genuine scientists, consciously or not,
would later use to draw attention to their work on more mundane but
eminently more real projects. Certainly labeling a research proposal
"nanotechnology" has a more alluring ring than calling it "applied

mesoscale materials science." Less directly, Drexler's work may actually

draw people into science. His imaginings have inspired a rich vein of
science-fiction literature . As a subgenre of science fiction-rather than a
literal prediction of the future-books about Drexler an nanotechnology
may serve the same function as Star Trek does in stimulating a teenager's
interest in space, a passion that sometimes leads to a career in aeronautics
or astrophysics. The danger comes when intelligent people take Drexler's
predictions at face value. Drexler an nanotechnology drew renewed
publicity last year when a morose Bill Joy, the chief scientist of Sun
Microsystems, worried in the magazine Wired about the implications of
nano robots that could multiply uncontrollably. A spreading mass of selfreplicating robots-what Drexler has labeled "gray goo"-could pose enough
of a threat to society, he mused, that we should consider stopping
development of nanotechnology. But that suggestion diverts attention from
the real nano goo: chemical and biological weapons.

2.1 Problem Statement

In the present work the aim is to calculate the nano partial size and shape
how it should efficient of the any component as well as system. The
structure shape and optimization techniques will be used to optimize the
component we used in the system while making the object or any thinks
present in the surrounding. This type of nano technology and nano
fabrication. This nano partials are measured the nano plate component and
devidetion by using no of S.I units to as small as comparing.

2.2 Objectives
Main objectives of this nano technology and nano fabrication techniques
is that to gauge how to used use nano particles while making any thins in
the system. By using small units of measurement to predict the size of the
particles to making the component.
3.1 Nanotechnology Size Concern and MEMS: Micro Information
Micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) combines computers with tiny
mechanical devices such as sensors, valves, gears, and actuators
embedded in semiconductor chips. These elements are embedded in the
mainframe of the system for carrying out the bigger task. As the elements
are capable of carrying out varying tasks, they are usually referred to as
smart matter. Nanotechnology is often confused with related fields such
as Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and molecular electronics.
Table below, illustrates the most basic differences among these various
efforts, which do have some overlap. In the case of MEMS, it helps to
remember that while the two technologies differ by a factor of about 1000
in linear dimension, this translates to a factor of a billion in volumevery
different indeed. Also, as MEMS researchers point out, MEMS is not a
goal but a working technology, rapidly growing into a major industry.
Table: How micro- and nanotechnologies compare It may be pointed out
that making an organic compound using traditional synthetic chemistry is
not an example of nanotechnology. By contrast, the use of self-assembly

techniques to make small molecular components coalesce or unite into a







legitimately be considered nanotechnology.

Table no 3.1 Nanotechnology size concern table

3.2 Nanofabrication
Nanofabrication is the design and manufacture of device with
dimension measured in nano meter. Nanofabrication has developed
from a direct requirement to increase the density of transistors to a
single piece of silicon. For example, nanofabrication is being
developed to construct devices such as resonant tunneling diodes and
transistors and single electron transistors and carbon nano tube
transistors. Nanotechnology in its broadest terms refers to devices with
dimensions in the range of 1 to 100 nm. One nano meter is 10^9meter , or millionth of millimeter .

3.3 The traditional approaches Top Down- approaches

Today, electronic devices, sensors, motors, and many other items are
fabricated using a "top down" approach. Today's computer chips are made
using photolithography, a process that uses light and chemicals touchlines
into silicon wafers. The process requires vacuum chambers, powerful
lasers and hazardous chemicals, which is why state-of-the-art chip
factories tend to be billion-dollar facilities. As device features have
become finer, the number of devices that can be crammed onto a chip has
been doubling every 18 to 24 months. But chipmakers will be hardpressed to extend this miniaturization trend for another decade. As device
features shrink into the low-nanometer range, the chips will not be able to
perform as reliably. Moreover, the cost of constructing new fabrication
lines for each new generation of chips will become prohibitive.
3.4 The nano technology approaches Bottom Up approaches
Nanotechnology promises an inexpensive "bottom up" alternative in
which electronic or other devices will be assembled from simpler
components such as molecules and other nano-structures. This approach is
similar to the one nature uses to construct complex biological
architectures. Nano-products will be smarter than the traditional devices as
devices operate at the most fundamental level (here atoms and molecules,
instead of bits and bytes). uitous. Just as today's computers are showing up
in more and more products, nano-computers and nano-defined materials
will be able to improve just about any object we use, including our own

Fig 3.4- Top Up Bottom Up material particles

3.5 Nano fabrication techniques
Conventional lithography
Scanning probe lithography
Contact method
Hybrid method

3.5.1 Conventional lithography

Fig 3.5.1- Electron beam lithography.

3.5.2 Scanning probe lithography

Fig- 3.5.2 Dip pen nano lithography

3.5.3 Contact methods

3.5.4 Hybrid methods

Fig 3.5.4- Nan sphere lithography

3.6 Accomplishment of nano technology

3.6.1 Advance Engineering
The basic properties of atoms and molecules are already well understood, though
routine research will be part of the development process. The existence of
molecular machines in nature shows that machines at that scale are physically
possible. No new fundamental science is needed; nanotechnology will be an
engineering advance. This makes it foreseeable, unlike future scientific
3.6.2 The assembler
An assembler will be a device having a submicroscopic robotic arm under
computer control. It will work by applying reactive molecular tools to a work
piece, building objects molecule by molecule. Assemblers will pop atoms into
place with complete precision, enabling them to build virtually anything possible
under natural law. With proper programming, materials, and so forth, assemblers
will be able to build copies of themselves, that is, to replicate [Fig 1. Nano botsthe tiny molecule assembling machines]
3.6.3 Self replication : Making things inexpensively
The requirement for low cost creates an interest I self-replicating manufacturing
systems. These systems are able both to make two copies of itself, and those two
make two copies each and so on. We can have trillions of nano bots in no time,
each one operating independently to carry out a trillionth of the job. This System
will be reasonably inexpensive, effective and time saving process. Positional
control combined with appropriate molecular tools should let us build a ruly
staggering range of molecular structures -- but a few molecular devices built at reat

expense would hardly seem to qualify as a revolution in manufacturing. How can

we keep the costs down? If we could make a general purpose
programmable manufacturing device which was able to make copies of itself then
the manufacturing costs for both the devices and anything they made could be kept
quite low -- likely no more than the costs for growing potatoes.


Indian nano Summit is a global forum for academic, corporate, government, &
private labs, entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, investors, IP, joint ventures,
service providers, start-up ventures, & strategic alliances. The initiative will
support long-term nano scale research and development leading to potential
breakthroughs in areas such as materials and manufacturing, nano electronics,
medicine and healthcare, environment, energy, chemicals, biotechnology,
agriculture, information technology, and national security. The effect of
nanotechnology on the health, wealth, and lives of people could be at least as
significant as the combined influences of microelectronics, medical imaging,
computer-aided engineering, and man-made polymers developed in this century.
India Nano Nanotechnology Initiative establishes Grand Challenges -- potential
breakthroughs that if one day realized could provide major, broad-based economic
benefits to India, as well as improve the quality of life for its citizens dramatically.
Examples of these breakthroughs include: Containing the entire contents of the
Library of the parliament in a device the size of a sugar cube; Making materials
and products from the bottom-up, that is, by building them up from atoms and
molecules. The mission vision and objectives are:
1. To provide the government and the private sector means to outline a
nanotechnology initiative for India.
2. To provide a unique and beneficial platform for initiating and exploring
relationships between entrepreneurs, start-ups and investors for nanotechnology
3. To support long-term nano scale research and development.
4. To help foster startups /initiatives in nanotechnology
5. Help stimulate development of an interdisciplinary international community of
nanostructure researchers in India
6. To provide an opportunity to learn from the practical experience from Nano
technology specialists.

7. Provide the worldwide science and engineering community with a broadly

inclusive and critical view of this field in India
8. Provide the worldwide science and engineering community with a broadly
inclusive and critical view of this field in India Provide the worldwide science and
engineering community with a broadly inclusive and critical view of this field in
9. Identify promising areas for future research and commercial development in
10. Help stimulate development of an interdisciplinary international community of
nanostructure researchers in India


Stability for low cost high volume production

Reduce size, mass and power consumption
High functionality
Improve reliability and devoutness


Of course, all great advances come with associated problems. Before we get all
these advantages from nanotechnology, we have to think about how we might
solve these Nanotechnology will not solve our problems! How can you get
millions of molecules to arrange themselves into exact arrangements? How do you
test the billion molecule electronic circuit? Nano scale computing is amorphous
The price of programmability
Nanotechnology has nothing to do with nuclear technology. There is no
transmuting of nuclei as the alchemists tried to do, and as is done by nuclear
technologists. Nanotechnology only does what chemists do: rearrange molecules.
Nonetheless, it is a technology where the principle of exponentiation can be
brought to bear: nuclear explosions come from an exponential proliferation of
neutrons in a critical mass of fissile material. Here, we are talking not about an
exponential growth of destroying things and releasing energy, but we are talking
about a potential exponential growth of constructing complex artifacts.


The work in nanotechnology is being carried out not just on the materials of the
future, but also the tools that will allow us to use these ingredients to create
products. Experimental work has already resulted in the production of scanning
tunneling microscope, molecular tweezers, and logic devices. Theoretical work
in the construction of nano-computers is progressing as well. Taking all of this
into account, it is clear that the technology is feasible. Nanotechnology is
expected to have a profound impact on our economy and society in the 21st
century, from the development of better, faster, stronger, smaller, and cheaper
systems. Nanotechnology provides a far more powerful capability. We
presented several important nanofabrication techniques currently under intense
investigation. Although e-beam and other high-resolution lithography
techniques can be used to fabricate nm-size structures, their serial nature and/or
cost preclude their widespread application. This has forced investigators to
explore alternative and potentially superior techniques such as strain
engineering, self-assembly, and nano imprint lithography. Among these selfassembly is the most promising method due to its low cost and the ability to
produce nanostructures at different length scales.


[1] SERVICE R F. Is nanotechnology dangerous? Science, 2000, 290(5496): 15261527.

[2] ROCO M C, BRAINBRIDGE W. Societal Implications of Nano science and
Nanotechnology. Boston: Lower Academic Publishers, 2001.
[3] BRANDI G, NOBILI E, DI GIROLAMO S, et al. Nanotechnology-Related
Environment, Health, and Safety Research. Environ Health Perfect, 2009, 117(10):
[4] TANG H, WANG D, GE X. Environmental nano-pollutants (ENP) and aquatic
micro-interfacial processes. Water Science and Technology, 2004, 50(12):103-109.
[5] BISWAS P, WU C Y. 2005 Critical Review: Nano particles and the
environment. J Air Waste Manage, 2005, 55(6): 708-746.
[6] WIGGINTON N S, HAUS K L, HOCHELLA M F. Aquatic environmental
nano particles. J Environ Monitor, 2007, 9(12): 1306-1316.
[7] BAUMANN T. Nano particles in Groundwater - Occurrence and Applications.
Nano particles in the Water Cycle, 2010, 23-34.
[8] REINSCH B C, FORSBERG B, PENN R L, et al. Chemical Transformations
during Aging of Zero valet Iron Nano particles in the Presence of Common Gro
unwanted Dissolved Constituents. Environ Sic Techno, 2010, 44(9): 3455-3461.
[9] ABDALLA E A, GAGNON G. Characterization of drinking water for naturally
occurring and synthetic nano particles. Abstr Pap Am Chem. S, 2010, 240.

List of figures
List of tables
1.1 What is suspension
1.2 Classification of suspension
1.3 Independent suspension system
1.11 MacPherson Strut
1.12 Double Wishbone
1.13 Multi link
1.4 Parts of Macpherson strut type suspension system
1.41 Strut shock absorber
1.42 Spring
1.43 Control arm

Material properties
2.1 Material Selection of Wishbone


2.2 Comparison of Materials




Working principle
3.1 The Ideal Analysis Process flowchart
Design consideration
4.1 Force in suspension member
4.2 Kinematic Analysis Results


Fig. No


Page No


Model of MacPherson


Independent Suspension Types


MacPherson Strut type suspension system


Strut shock absorber


Control arm


1.1 What is suspension system?
Suspension is the term given to the system of springs, shock absorbers and
linkages that connects a vehicle to its wheels
Some common types of independent suspensions are: Swing axle, Sliding pair,
McPherson strut, Upper and lower A-arm (double wishbone), Multi-link suspension,
Semi-trailing arm suspension, Swinging arm, Leaf springs. The McPherson strut is a
type of car suspension system which uses the axis of a telescopic damper as the upper
steering pivot. It is widely used in modern vehicles and named after Early S.
MacPherson, who developed the design. MacPherson struts consist of a wishbone or a
substantial compression link stabilized by a secondary link which provides a bottom
mounting point for the hub or axle of the wheel. This lower arm system provides both
lateral and longitudinal location of the wheel.

Fig. 1.1:Model of MacPherson

To be really successful, the MacPherson strut required the introduction of uni body (or
monocogue) construction, because it needs a substantial vertical space and a strong top
mount, which uni bodies can provide, while benefiting them by distributing stresses.
The strut will usually carry both the coil spring on which the body is suspended and
the shock absorber, which is usually in the form of a cartridge mounted within the
strut. The strut also usually has a steering arm built into the lower inner portion. The
whole assembly is very simple and can be preassembled into a unit; also by
eliminating the upper control arm, it allows for more width in the engine compartment,
which is useful for smaller cars, particularly with transverse -mounted engines such as
most front wheel drive vehicles have. It can be further simplified, if needed, by
substituting an anti-roll bar (torsion bar) for the radius arm. For those reasons, it has
become almost ubiquitous with low cost manufacturers. Furthermore, it offers an easy
method to set suspension geometry.
The McPherson suspension is widely used in small and medium size vehicles due to its
light weight, compact size and low cost. Fig 1.1 shows a McPherson suspension
system which consists of a suspension arm or control arm plus a spring-damper
assembly (strut) firmly attached to the wheel assembly. Large and systematic changes
in kinematic parameters, such as camber angle and track width are a major problem in
modelling and controlling this type of suspension. The quarter-car linear model is
commonly used to analyse the suspension dynamic behaviour. However, this model

does not consider the suspension system structure, which affects significantly the
system dynamic behaviour.
Classification of Suspension system

1.2 Classification of Suspension system

Basically there are Two types of suspension system

Independent suspension system and


Dependent suspension system

1.3 Independent Suspension Types

Motion of wheel pairs is independent, so that a disturbance at one wheel is not
directly transmitted to its partner better ride and handling.

Fig-Independent Suspension Types

Basic classification of the design
1) MacPherson Strut
2) Double Wishbone
3) Multi link

MacPherson Strut type suspension system

Suspension is the definition given to the system of springs, shock absorbers and
linkages that joints a vehicle to its wheels and allows relative motion between the two.
Suspension systems allow dual purpose contributing to the vehicle's road
holding/handling and braking for good active safety and driving pleasure, and keeping
vehicle occupants comfortable and reasonably well isolated from road noise, bumps,
and vibrations, etc. If a road surface were perfectly flat and had no irregularities in it,
then suspensions would not be required. But roads are far from flat, even freshly paved
motorways/highways have subtle imperfections that can interact with the wheels. It's
these imperfections that apply forces to the wheels and suspension components and
causes handling imbalances in compromised set ups.

Fig: MacPherson Strut type suspension system

The MacPherson strut is a type of car Suspension system commonly used in many
modern motor vehicles. This includes both front and rear suspensions, but usually
located at the front of the car. The McPherson strut normally also has a steering arm
built into the lower inner portion. This assembly is extremely simple and can be pre
manufactured into a unit at the assembly line. By removing the upper control arm, it
allows for more width in the engine bay, aiding in any maintenance work or engine

design requirements. McPherson suspension system provides more space in the engine
compartments. MacPherson suspension system is use as the front suspension in the car
and suspension system generally used for better cornering and also for the comfortable
passenger ride. MacPherson suspension system contains upper mounting point, shock
absorber, spring, spring leg and lower control arm. It contains only one lower arm so it
also known as single wishbone system.

1.4 Parts of Macpherson strut type suspension system

Strut shock absorber
Control arm
Strut shock absorber
In a vehicle shock absoeber reduced the effect of traveling over rough
ground, leading to improve a ride quality and vehicle handling. Shock absorber
used valving of oil and gases to absorb excess energy from the spring.

Fig: Strut shock absorber

Spring is device which is absorb energy from the load vehicle. It connect
the vehicle to its wheel and allows the relative motion between the to
suspension system serve a dual purpose, contouring to a vehicle handling and
breaking for good active safety and driving pressure, and keeping vehicle
occupant. The spring of material is Mild steel.

Control arm
It is a part of suspension system. It consist of lower wishbone arm which is
hinged to the frame cross member. The Lower and upper control arm is also
called as wishbone.

Fig: Control arm

The arm which is consist of a member of suspension system which is attached to
lower part of strut shock absorber assembly.
2) Material properties

2.1 Material Selection of Wishbone

Material consideration for the wishbone becomes the most primary need for design and
fabrication. The strength of the material should be well enough to withstand all the
loads acting on it in dynamic conditions. The material selection also depends on
number of factors such as carbon content, material properties, availability and the most
Important parameter is the cost. By using Pughs concept of optimization, we have
chosen AISI 1040 for the wishbones. The main criteria were to have better material
strength and lower weight along with optimum cost of the material.

2.2 Comparison of Materials

The properties of the above mentioned materials which were considered for wishbones
are as follows,

3) Working principle of Macpherson suspension system?

Macpherson suspension system typically utilized either a steering knuckle or hub
carrier that has to mounting points that attached it to the body of vehicle. The lower
mounting point attached to a track control arm of lower control arm and it has this
connection that both the longitudinal and lateral orientation of the wheel assembly.
In turn, the upper mounting point of the knuckle or hub is attaching some way to
and assembly that contains a coil spring and shock absorber. It is this combination of
housing, spring, and damper that is referred to as a strut or, more properly, as a
Macpherson strut. It typically extends upward in to the unibody shell and bolts to a
location that is referred to as strut lower.
The other main defining in Macpherson strut suspension is the way that is the
axis of strut itself also serves as the upper steering pivot. The lower pivot is the
mounting point between the knuckle and control arm. This upper pivot point attached
to tie rod end that, in turn, is attached to the steering gear.

3.1 The Ideal Analysis Process flowchart

4) Design consideration
Forces in suspension members
Vertical loading
Lateral loading
Longitudinal loading-braking, drag forces on the vehicle and
shock loading due to the wheels striking bumps and pot-holes.

(a) Requirements for equilibrium of a two force member (b) Requirements for
equilibrium of a three-force member

Vertical loading
Assume FW is the wheel load and FS the force exerted by the spring on the suspension
AB and CD are respectively two-force and three force members
FB and FC can be determined from concurrent forces
Similar analysis possible for other types also

Double wish bone

The objectives are

Determine camber angle , and suspension ratio R (as defined in the previous
For suspension movement described by q varying from 80 to 100
Given that in the static laden position q = 90

Kinematic Analysis Sample calculation

Kinematic Analysis Results


Low manufacturing cost

Reduced overall weight of vehicle


Increases car acceleration


Design simplicity.


Critical vertical assembly


Reduced vehicle ability


It is widely used in front suspension of modern vehicle


It also used in top telescope damper

In this paper, McPherson suspension system has been modeled after studying
dynamic equations to study vibration characteristics of sprung mass of the
automobile system with the inclusion of various design parameters such as
stiffness, damping, masses, moment of inertia, etc. The commercial simulation
software Simulink is used to implement dynamic equations to attain the
acceleration and the displacement of the chassis of the automobile during the
period in which the vehicle passes through various road conditions. Due to the
complexity involved in the mathematical expressions and executing them into
the Simulink software, the model has been simplified with a two-dimensional
approach. The Ansys software is used to implement a simplified two
dimensional practical model of McPherson suspension. The results obtained
from Ansys model are compared with the mathematical model implemented on
Simulink. It is observed that the displacement and acceleration of the chassis of
the automobile obtained in Ansys are nearer to the values of mathematical
model. With these developed models, the influence of suspension system
parameters can be studied on the performance of passenger comfort.

[1] Jorge Hurel, Anthony Mandow Dynamic modeling of Mc Pherson Suspension
IEEE Transaction on non linear dynamics, 2012, pp 414-1422.
[2] A.AbuKkhudair, R.muresan and S.Yang, Fuzzy control of semi active automotive
suspensions, in international conference on mechatronics and automation, 2009, pp
[3] M.S Fallah, R.Bhat and W.F.Xie,New model and simulation of MacPherson
suspension system for ride control applications, Vehicle system Dynamics, vol. 47, p
195, 2009
[4] D Hrovat,survey of advanced suspension developments and related optimal
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