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Attitude--A Barrier to Effective Management

In chapter four the author concludes: "To play the Attitude-Guessing Game as a manager, is selfdestructive behavior." What do you think he means by that statement?

Playing the Attitude-Guessing Game as a manager is a self-destructive

Let me focus on the attitude side of the equation, we as manager believe we
can depict when an employee has an attitude and one of the first reason is
their performance. Saying because of your poor attitude you are turning in
that kind of work. But, we have a standard to hold them too, so why should
we guess.
Take me to my next part Guessing, we as managers do have ESP, or any
other way to read some one mind, so why do we try to achieve this step
knowing we have not the power to do so.
So the only conclusion left is that we as managers dont have a clue about a
person attitude we only guess at what they are and then we become deceive
into believing our own thought are correct. We still need to learn the face to
face intervention process.

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