The Love Story of Sarah Ebal

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27573 August 29 2010

The love Story of Sarah Ebal

Author Name

Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall

2006 by Dixie Press

All rights reserved.


Printed in the United States of America.



A magnificent love story unparalleled in history, is it a book of fiction?

That is the question, for is there any dream that is left to die when imagined
by a sovereign being, after all is it not so we are all made in the image of
God our Mother and Father?
Then what is imagined is it not a story yet to be loved, or is it a memory
lived in a past life carried forward into the next to be lived in the future?

You be the judge.




Although not a biblical work, knowledge of the love mingled with death sets
the stage for those who are prepared to die to experience love.

Needless to say what is the bible, a dream of the future played out over
time where each participant in their own time saw their existence as their
reality? But to their deceased ancestors if they could see their offspring it
would appear they were living out prophecy and today for us is history?

In writing this work we dared to delve into the collective awareness of the
western mind to present a future based on past dreams, skimming the
surface of reality drawing upon facts for some and fiction for others. This
work will not appeal to the non-western mind for as well as presenting
codes based upon the Bible, the Earth and Moon, this work presents the
Mysteries of God revealing Truth to the world in a symphony of Creation yet
to be comprehended.


This love story shares with us the promise of Jesus, rejected or not it is the
fabric from which our lives have been drawn, each of us intertwined in our
collective quantum dance, for it is what we are and must acknowledge love,
hope, faith as we experience them moment to moment seeking heaven
here upon the earth.

Is this then a love story that occurred in 2008? We leave that question

Sarah Ebal a tall elegant woman 29 years of age, born in London, educated
in the working class, her meteroric rise to the top of the media world
winning a Pulitser Prize for her work based loosly on the intreagues of the
Vatican, some say her stunning looks had opened doors.

The flight from london via new york had taken its tole on Sarah. for a brief
few months she was enjoying the fruits of her labour until the chance to
interview a drug lord, the opportunity of a lifetime. at first it was so what,
no news in that, but randy had called in the middle of the night, get your
acre down there its the scoop of the century.

Sarah had spent her working life chasing news all around the world, well i
should not complain, she thought to her-self, what the hey, it was just one
last job and then back to london and the good life relaxing in her pent house
in pall mall.

she had become bored with the chase and besides she was earning a small
fortune from her best selling books,
the ebal woman, her first romance novel number one on the New York best
selling list for two years running. why not sit back, sign a few autographs, tv
interviews, who knows a pulitzer?

It was just one of those things one of those rare once in a life time right
place at the right moment in time occasions, like a bell that now and then
rings. time had come, to put her priorities in order, her longing to become a
mother was paramount, at 29 her use by date was fast approaching, the
dreaded clucky need to have a baby had kicked in. add to that her chaste
life was altogether boring on the romantic front, saving herself for mr. right

is one thing, but being married to a reporters desk is not altogether
physically satisfying.

And so it was, that fateful last minute phone call, had she left for the tango
class five minutes earlier, the run in the stocking she concluded, must have
been preordained, that is if you believe in such things. Perhaps the physic
was right after all, the angel of Jesus card then the Queen of hearts had
excited the medium, Madam Laura the rage of Piccadilly Circus, a strange
old thing but a reputation unequalled Laura the Messenger good for a
giggle, but hey its all in fun, her prediction too far fetched, I told her so,
Indeed I had no desire to go to Rio, she thought.
Oh shit, here I am at 16,000 feet looking at the panoramic view out of the
porthole wind of this magnificent flying ho-tel, the first Europian 380 Air Bus
on its maiden flight around the world seated in opulent luxury, 1A first class.
Caviar, champagne, oysters, lobster, three meticulously attired hostesses,
the decor dripping with superb luxury, all this as the scenery flashed below.
The stars above never before seen so clearly the unique dome viewing
window in the ceiling allowing a panoramic view of the universes designed
to magnify the stars distant light as they danced across the crystal clear
tropical night sky.
To the east the crescent moon, 77% full, she had heard the crew say in
answer to the grey haired Australian gent with the distinguished white
moustache, was he a reporter for the Melbourne Age she thought?
Several thousand feet below and for as far as the eye could see under the
crescent moon, a magnificent lightening show flashed continuously
revealing contours through the clouds. The whispers of gossamer wings
flicked along by the persistent sea breeze seeking refuge over the glistening
jungle, southerly breezes combining at sunset from off the South Atlantic
coast of Antarctica. Light reflected off the cresent moon flased through the
clouds as lightening also sought refuge in mother earth.


The scene was spectacular, the date February 10th 2008, 8:53 PM local Rio
time, the sunset was 6:38 according to Captain Petro Koocucan, his quirps
echoed the voices of the Rio de Janeiro/Galeo - Antnio Carlos Jobim
Interna-tional Airport conning tower, named after the famous Brazilian
musical legend Antnio Carlos Jobim. A slight turbulance the Fasten seat
belt lights flashed on, a voice cracked flight 2424 approaching glide path
into Rio air space has begun, please remain seated. slight turbulence
expected to 8000 feet.
Approaching Rio the huge 380 banked to the right, through the clouds Sarah
gazed in amazment as a flash of lightening struck the righthand side of the
Redeemer Statue.
Later the Old Fox, as she would nick name him, would confirm it was the
first ever lightening strike to hit the stat-ue, perhaps some prophetic
message in that moment February 10th 2008 at 9:42 pm. The Old Fox often
ram-beled in odd numbers as if she should know, but dident nodding in
agreement when ever he lapsed into his perculiarity, there are 942 verses
in the New Testament KJV 1611 with the word Jesus. Just one,
1Chronicles is the genetic line Adam to David and Christ today must be of
the royal line of David. to Sarah more jibberish, the statue varies in height
you know, as it is measured from sea level. average is 2424 feet, really?
Fascinating, yes the name Jesus in the James Strong's concordance
dictionary numbered 2424 in the Greek. Sarah nodded mysterfired not
wanting to appear ignorant of such things.
he has been making war with the world order since he was a child, he was
reborn on january 11th 1944 in Syd-ney Australia and is the most royal man
alive is Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall.
Sarah hastily wrote in her notebook, I was looking east-ward, the
magnificent dusk was arrayed like a portrait, she paused oh if I could only
share this moment with my soul mate. Wispering aloudwhile unconciously
puckering her lips in an imaginary tender kiss?

The tall distinguished Australian gent noticed her mur-mering as she
glanced out the cabin window, puckering at her reflection, as he enquired
with a grin. Sorry, I was thinking out aloud.
With an impish grin he replied 'Shame I started to pucker back.
Conscious of her habit of echoing mouthing her thoughts she continued in
silence: - the crescent moon overhead to the east, reflecting just enough
light to paint a layer of clouds whipped along by the breeze, to beautiful to
imag-ine, for that reason alone it was a memory worth the delay for a few
Interrupting her thoughts
Intercom.. May I have your attention?
Her thoughts interuppted ..before resuming my new life of high society
and championship ball room dancing, closing her laptop.
The Co-pilot barked, We have special guests on board flight 2424 ladies and
gentlemen 2424. joining us for the historic flight around the world, Alastair
maclennan assist-ing the crew, Professor Gus Dekker Navigation and Dr Paul
Goldwater are the leading experts from around the world who graciously
accepted this history making inaugural flight around the world, on behalf of
aviation History Science Magazine and the world media.
In particular I would like to thank the New York Times for coaxing the lovely
Sarah Ebal out of retirement, as you may well know she is also an
accomplished writer on the New York best sellers list for two year I believe,
see Sarah we do our spot of research as well, anyhow welcome aboard to
you and your distinguished colleagues writers and journalists on our maiden
flight into Brazil.
The weather is a bit choppy, but rest assured this magnifi-cent aircraft is the
safest most modern aircraft ever built. It was completely built flown and

tested in several superco-muters in England and France, amazingly before
one part was manufactured
We have satellite weather information, state of the art, that informs us that
Rio is experience a fog, clearing shortly. The crew and I have discided to
hold altitude circling the airport until it clears so you will not miss the
magnificent view. A few words about the plane, the aeronautics and
satellite navigation can land the plane unaided in total darkness, during the
time we hold out flighgt pattern we are taking the oppertinity to carry out
some in flight tests.
The plane dropped suddenly,
Sorry no problem just a bit of air turbulence, so on behalf of myself and the
crew we sincerely hope you enjoy the flight and if there is anything we can
do to make the flight more enjoyable please do not hesitate to ask your gracious cabin crew.
The flight quickly passed through the turbulence maintaining the holding
The lightening continued unabated, a little frightening but as Captain Little
had said there was nothing to worry about.
The Australian Age Newspaper reporter had wrested a small device from
above the video screen, a hand set re-mote, flicked through the screens,
movies, drinks, meals, news, flight statistics and had ordered a snack from
the galley. While waiting he explored the internet ,
weather channel searched Rio weather and instantly it announced the
cloud cover was 1800 feet above sea level fog 10% ceiling clear above 1800

Rather odd he said, why had the Captain not mentioned the airport was
under fog?



The aircraft began a slow bank to the left, port in aeronau-tical terms, in the
distance there was a sudden lightening flash, so bright its was like day light
for miles, a circular carpet of light in all directions. Sarah sat upright, the
Aussi turned, whats up luv, looks like ya saw a bloody ghost?

I dont know, I must be seeing things, I thought I saw a ghost, a man all in
white stranding on top of the clouds with his arms outstretched.

Just a moe he said, I will check with this gismo. Aha here it is lighting
strikes in real time, bloody marvelous, Rio 9:42 PM February 10th 2008, well
ill be blowed look at this a photo.

Some poor bastard standing on a hill, must have killed him stone dead. Ill
see if I can zoom in.

Very odd, did you know that lightening strike is a misno-mer?

a what? Sarah asked.
yer a misnomer,
well it didnt miss this poor bastard. She replied..



yer right, ill see if it can zoom in, bloody marvelous tech-nology, ha. yer
here it is, lightening goes up not down, the bolt comes from the ground and
up through the strike and up to the clouds.

Geezus Sarah replies.

Lets see if I can zoom in a bit more.

bloody hell, get a gander at that?

I wonder if he was prayen at the time, you no how these revelaist born
agan wankers pray with the arms straight out palms up to heaven? If you
ask me he should have pointed his blurter straight up to heaven for all the
good it done this geezer. at least he would have had the last laugh as he
was beamed arse first into the tunnel of light.

Save on creamation costs for the family

Oh please, you mad bastard she quirked.

look luv Im pulling yer leg mate, that the statue of Jesus on top of mount
wats er name, overlooking Rio. let me have a boo and see saw what we
can see and count the esses?



you no Sarah, me mudder used to drive me nuts with that, I was 26 years
old until I finally figgered it out.

Figured out What she asked?

She used to say. I saw a see saw sitting on a ses saw, how many sesses in
count em. Eleven right? No she would say, so off I would go, 12 no, 10 no
9 no.

;Ok tinks me, a lillel kid, make allowances, she has no teeth and, look as that
Sheila serven the caviar, I think she has falce teeth, I gask her to take her
teeth out and say it, just cover your face or you will be coberd with spit, hey
Luv come here a min.

At this point Sarah was under the seat with embarresment, no its ok
thanks she stammers.

Anyhow finally at the age of 26 I remembers, me dear old ma, a

womnderful lady and to this day, I regret calling her a toothless hag, but full
of fogivness and gas, all was for-given, in her will she left me the ultimate

Which was? asks Sarah.



the answer to the riddle I had tears in my eyes when the will was being
read to me brother and his younger sister and me. she is also my sister yer

So profound I had it tattooed on me butt.

To Ronald, my eldest, I leave half of my house at 7 Tre-vone Street Padstow,

Sydney New South Wales.
To my Eldest and only daughter June, I leave the other half of the said

And to my moronic youngest son

Brian Brian, Brian.
She always called me Brian Brian Brian
I leave the answer to the see saw riddle.

And I thought at fukin last, you little beauty, excuse the French.

none said Sarah?


yer, the toothless old hag, the answer was nun.
Fuk I was strait out to Woronara cemetery with a shovel

Sarah unable to resist asked. Why?

To dig the old hag up and strangle her.

I dont get it?

what Sarah the Pulitzer Prize winner? Its obvious, there are no sesses in
And to answer your next question, that is why I became Australias 153rd
most famous jerno.


Yep, voted the most unlikely lad to succeed in 3rd grade, which I might add
was rather embarrisin as I was 15 at the time, while me class mates were 8
years old.

it was all to do with a hole in me stocking, so me mudder would say. she

was a dancer, stopped to chang them and me old daddy walked in with a
gleam in his eye, early from work, and 9 months later, wah, and from that


fatful life changing moment she never worn stocking again.. one good
thing dad would say, saved a fortune on ny-lons.

what me old dad did not no, she was getting them for free of the yank

You are quite mad Mr. Marshall. Said Sarah.

ah yes but like you very famous!

famous? She replied.

yes I was in the sexual Olympics representing Australia

theres no such thing

yes there is he said.

ok il bite, what event?



and did you win? She said.

No I come last.

your quite a wag Mr. Marshall.

and theres no flies on you either luv,

By then he had finished searching the internet for the Je-sus statue.

hey look at this Sarah said, I must have hit the click but-tong when the
lightening struck Jesus.

weell oil beef hooked is that as close in as you can zoom?

just a sec, I just had an idea.


He started concentration, searching the web, a hah here it is, the first solar
eclipse after 1922 December 18th was March 17th 1923 and would you
know there was a solar eclipse directly below Rio 3 days ago, February 7th

Sarah, this could be a may hoor discovery?

Why what do you mean?

There is a priest lurking around the slums down there in Rio, I interviewed
him some time ago for SBS teleivion

wats SBS.

Its a government sponsored ABC type TV station that specializes in cultural

television, you no, ethenic stuff, Greek, Italian news and other wogs wops or
what ever.

and ASIO? yer asio

their the CIA of Australia, like MI6 in Pommy land, all evil as the day is long,
world order shit, secret government stuff, they sit on the media like a nat on
a horses arse, all illegal bullshit, makin fukin sure no secret stuff slips
through to the masses, you no what I mean, the media is all monitiored.


Sarah Yes I know that.

Well anyhow the priest Padre Carlos, he is an astronomer come priest and
studies the stars, that why he came to Rio, sent by the Vatican to check
things out, all hush hush, anyhow he discovered some amazing facts and
sent the info to the Vatican, and they were all over him like dung beetles on
a juicy elephant turd.
that was quite some time ago, all over my head, but one thing he told me,
the churches are all full of shit.

What do you mean, by the way what do they call you?

call me bigus.

very funny, ok bigus get to the point.

well I saw this story was a nudge, SBS will go for it big time and I get the
Pulitzer, but fukin no, they pull the story and I am left pullin bigus, fukin
wankers, hense the name.

Now If I remember rightly, its all to do with solar eclipses.

what is?


Jesus Sarah, Jesus, the big cahoona.

aparently the fist count in his solar numbers was May, no, March 17th
1923, then there was 201 solar eclipses to go until JC takes over of
something like that, denounces all churches and sets up a world


yer great story but never hit the sheets in Oz, canned by ASIO.

lets hazza a look, and see how many solar eclipses oc-curred between 1923
and February 7th 2008.

Bigus googles solar eclipses between now and the last Solar eclipse on

Bingo, legs eleven.

what do you mean legs eleven?

Sarah its as plain as the nose on me mudders face, and thats saying a gob
full, she had a conc like an elephant seal, 11 solar eclipses until, wait for it
November 14th 2012



well thats it then stuff the muppet back in the suitcase, game set and

And do you know what Padre Carlos was saying that date was?

no what?

The date of birth of the Antichrist, as per the Antichrist and a Cup of Tea.

and who Bigus was born on that date?

Lucifer itself, Prince Charles.

oh shit, no wonder they stopped it.

Now hang on Sarah, keep your pants on, .. on second thoughts.i have a
few minutes to spare

you men are all the same.


Right on Sarah, anyhow back to the demons at hand, there are 202 solar
eclipses in the run down to 2012 and dee day, so 202 less 11 is what?


lets have a yea for Sarah, we can run the Padre Carlos code breaker and see
what we get out of it.

code breaker?

yer, we count the days, weeks, months and years be-tween the 191 solar

Bigus opens his laptop, a time span calculator.

Ok we have 31008 days or 4429 weeks 5 days.

now this is what Padre Carlos showed me, go on the in-ternet, search
Strongs Concordance for the King James 1611 bible, see what number 4429

hebrew dictionary


4429. Melek {meh'-lek}; the same as 4428; king; Melek, the name of two
Israelites: -Melech

ow watch closely Sarah.

This is now the same number in the Greek New Testa-ment.

Lexicon Results for pty (Strong's G4429)

Greek for G4429



Pt'- (Key)

Part of Speech

Root Word (Etymology)

A root word (cf G4428)

TDNT Reference


View Entry

Outline of Biblical Usage

1) to spit

Authorized Version (KJV) Translation Count Total: 3

AV spit 3
Thayer's Lexicon (Help)

Word / Phrase / Strong's Search Here

Strong's G4428

Strong's G4430

Concordance for pty (KJV Strong's G4429)


Displayed in KJV Text
Learn More About Our Word Search Tools
Strong's Number G4429 matches the Greek (pty). For the unrelated
Hebrew word for H4429 ( Melek)

Mar 8:23
And 2532 he took 1949 the blind man 5185 by the hand 5495, and led 1806
him 846 out of 1854 the town 2968; and 2532 when he had spit 4429 on
1519 his 846 eyes 3659, and put 2007 his hands 5495 upon him 846, he
asked 1905 him 846 if 1536 0 he saw 991 ought 1536.

see what happened Sarah.

The 4429 is the King, its in 1Chronicles 9:41? The solar eclipse occurred
when, 9:42? And there are 942 verses in 1Chronicles and the name Jesus is
found in 942 vers-es of the KJV 1611.
meanwhile the Greek 4429 makes reference to Hebrew 4429, very
whats it all mean I ears you thibk? Well according to Pa-dre Carlos the
statue would give a sign around the time of the end when a lightening bolt
hits it for the first time in 84.9 years.
whats it all mean Bigus
we work out time from the lightening strike to December 21st 2012
*Sarah why that date?


Well according to the Mayans, the end date of time is De-cember 21st
oh shit.
dont excite the dung bettles Sarah.
what do we have then?1779 days.
Job 19:29 Be ye afraid of the sword: for wrath [bringeth] the punishments of
the sword , that ye may know [there is] a judgment 1779]. The sword is
from the mouth of Christ when he gets back see vos play Sarah?

now it all fits, according to Farther Carlos, the solar sys-tem will cross the
equatorial line of the Milky Way Galaxy on the last day, December 21st 2012
confirmed by the Great Pyramid thats the point Sarah its all about?
the same date.

Intercome barks
This is Captain William Little flight 1860 into Rio, on be-half of our flight
crew Alastair maclennan co pilot, Professor Gus Dekker Navigation and Dr
Paul Goldwater, I am not quite sure what he does, and our lovely hostesses,
we will be landing at Rio International Airport in ten minutes. Locally the fog
has lifted, the outlook for the next 3 days a balmy 35 degrees.


Please enjoy the Hotel accommodation provided for our guests, your
limousines are waiting to take you to your ac-commodation, our stopover is
scheduled for 72 hours before we take off for Australia.

Would the cabin crew please prepare for landing.

Now for those unfamiliar with the history behind the statue of Jesus, which
you will be able to see out to your left in a few minuntes, your monitor will
display some interesting information, thank you for your attention we hope
you have enjoyed your flight.
Christ the Redeemer (Portuguese: O Cristo Redentor), is a statue of Jesus
Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.[1] The statue stands 40 meters (130 feet tall)
weighs 700 tons, and is located at the peak of the 700 m (2,294 ft) Corcovado mountain in the Tijuca Forest National Park overlooking the city. It is the
tallest of its kind in the world. Its coordinates are S2256.776' x W4317.720'
It is made of reinforced concrete and soapstone.[1][2][3]

Corcovado Mountain, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Statue dedicated October 12, 1931; Con-secrated on
October 12, 2006;
New Seven Wonders of the World July 7, 2007

the location latitude is a message 2256 in the Hebrew dic-tionary

concordance is 2256. chebel {kheh'-bel}; or chebel {khay'-bel}; from 2254;
twisted), especially a measuring line; by implication, a dis-tance.



why? we measure from it to find the message, remember they could

have built it anywhere, so they did it for a rea-son. in olden time building
were always built on locations that tell a hidden message to the occult.
2256. especially a measuring line;

now hang onto your hat, longitude 4317 is Michael the archangel, the
angel of Jesus is Michael

hebrew dictionary 4317. Miyka>el {me-kaw-ale'}; from 4310 and (the prefix
derivative from) 3588 and 410; who (is) like God?; Mikael, the name of an
archangel Michael.. in Hebrew 4317 is. prosago ,pros-ag'-o}; from 4314
and 71; to lead towards

who? Jesus.

We have October 12 1931 and October 12 2006

we have the date it became a one of the seven wonders of the world, we
have the lightening strike and on and on she goes.

yes so lets review, firstly it it was listed as one of the 7 wonders of the
modern world, 7-7-2007 for 777. it made of soapstone, highly polished and
a great electrical insulator, they use similar stuff to make high tension
insulators, sus-pending high voltage cables, now look to the right of the
statue, there are radio towers, all grounded to the earth to attract
lightening and is why the gesus statue has never been hit by lightening.



now 777 days is 2.127 years, leads straight into the Kings Chamber of the
great pyramid, 1chronicles 5:13.

now try and keep up, i will be asking questions later.

Now miss Ebal, look at the screen, what do you see?


its height, had to be intensional, 2294 feet plus 130 feets is?

2424 feet?

right on me dear, and any notion why?

I will bring it up on the screen.

Lexicon Results for Isous (Strong's G2424)

Greek for G2424


Isous Pronunciation
--s's (Key)

Part of Speech
Proper masculine noun Root Word (Etymology)
Of Hebrew origin H3091

TDNT Reference
View Entry

Outline of Biblical Usage

Jesus = "Jehovah is salvation"

Jesus, the Son of God, the Saviour of mankind, God incarnate.

Check this out and you have a second Pulitzer.

its all syncronistic Sarah.


The days between the 7-7-2007 and 2-10th 2008 is 218 days or 217 days
elapsed and Hebrew is hebrew diction-ary 218 from 217. >uwr {ore}; from
215; flame; hence (in the plural) the East (as being the region of light): --fire,
light. See also 224 a lightening flash.

in greek 218 [ Greek Dictionary 218. aleipho {al-i'-fo}; from 1 (as particle
of union) and the base of 3045; to oil (with perfume): -anoint. And is from
Greek Dictionary 5547. Christos {khris-tos'}; from 5548; anointed, i.e. the
Messiah, an epithet of Jesus: -Christ.

now if that is not a nuge i dont no what te fuk is.

how what happened the day before the day before yester-day?


solar eclipse... have a boo at the screen.

Solar eclipse on 2/ 7/2008

Sun rise: 6:29
Sun set: 17:18
Time of maximum eclipse: 5:56
Eclipse is annular


Eclipse is visible in the southern hemi-sphere.

Roll back 184 days to 7-7-2007 = hebrew dictionary 184. >avah {aw-vaw'};
mark out: --point out.

October 12th 1931 it was given the nudge to go ahead, 76.32 years later the
solar eclipse, they had to know when the eclipse would occur, hebrew
Dictionary 7632. shabiyb {shaw-beeb'}; from the same as 7616; flame (as
split into tongues): -spark.

now the statue is 130 feet high, this is 39.624 meters and is the word
Father i.e. God in greek 3962. pater {pat-ayr'}; apparently a primary word; a
"father" (literally or figuratively, near or more remote): -father, parent.

but if we round the number to 39.63 me-ters it is patmos found only in

the book of revelation and that is what Armageddon is all about, times up
December 21st 2012.

NOW IT WAS CONSECRETAD ON October 12th 2006, and between then

and the last day 6.193 years to December 21st 2012 and this is what opus
dei is all about
hebrew dictionary 6193. `orem {o'-rem}; from 6191; a stratagem: craftiness. but used only in the derivative sense to be cunning (usually in a
bad sense): -X very, beware, take crafty *counsel+, be prudent, deal subtilly.


but most of all, the great pyrmid 50th layer of masonry is aligned with the
50th solar eclipse as this is the level of the kings chamber. it predicts the
birth of Christ January 11th 1944 and we have 4474 days between October
12th 1931

Sarah yer 4474 days is 12.24 years he-brew dictionary 1224. Botsrah {botsraw'}; the same as 1223; Botsrah,a place in Edom: -Bozrah.

Hebrew Dictionary 4474. mimshal {mim-shawl'}; from 4910; a ruler or

(ab-stractly) rule:-dominion, that ruled.
4910 is mashal mar-sh-all.
So the building of the statue identifies the birth date of the reincarnate
Jesus being Yash-ua of Yehwey God in the flesh. 2424. Iesous Jehoshua),
and how high is it 2424 feet from sea level.

the whole point is the name Bozrah be-cause that is the lord coming back
to the earth in 1944 and not one church rolled out the welcome mat, Sarah.

Sarah but why every one is waiting for Jesus?

one would think the churches would be searching high and low for the
second coming, but no way.

Sarah but why, all the churches are based on Jesus right?



wrong, the churches are all based on bullshit the jews Jesus condemned
were in the pocket of rome, it was simply a matter of altering th gospels to
misdi-rect the gentile masses, this is why the jews today will never admit
the western nations of Europe are the lost tribes of Israel, they were
scattered by Assyria in 722 bc, millions of them, all migtrated to Europe to
put distance beteen Assyria and certain death, so they all fucked off to
Europe, its not that far, a few months walk 25 miles a day. france and spain
was only 1700 miles by boat, so big business transporting people by ship,
they could walk around the coast catching fish along the way, shit easy, 6
months at 15 miles a day. thats what they did.

in fact the towns of Europe are historically linked to Israel, benners, flags,
motos, dedications even the british lan-guage is so close to Hebrew it aint
funny, even wales today has the same words as Hebrew so you would have
to be fuked in the head not to see it for what it is.

so this time its God the father coming back, he was just called the son
Jesus during his 33 years, so we have the Bozrah number.

And this is why all churches are not looking for Jesus se-cond coming, they
think the Jesus the jews against Jesus invented when they set up paul the
murderer assassin to preach the bullshit version to the gentiles, which i
point out, Jesus forbid his apostels to do, preach to the gentiles, he said go
to the lost tribes in Europe.

Isaiah 63:1 to 6 this is God himself when he is questioned by the angels.


1 Who {is} this that cometh from Edom, with dyed gar-ments from
Bozrah? this {that is} glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of
his strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save.
2 Wherefore {art thou} red in thine apparel, and thy gar-ments like him
that treadeth in the winefat?
3 I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people {there was} none
with me: for I will tread them in mine an-ger, and trample them in my fury;
and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my
4 For the day of vengeance {is} in mine heart, and the year of my
redeemed is come.
5 And I looked, and {there was} none to help; and I won-dered that {there
was} none to uphold: therefore mine own arm brought salvation unto me;
and my fury, it upheld me.
6 And I will tread down the people in mine anger, and make them drunk in
my fury, and I will bring down their strength to the earth.

Sarah why is he red?

the female Holy Spirit is worn as a garment of immortality, we are made

immortal by the accepting of the truth of the second coming, if not, sit back
with yer finger in yer ginger, could be in for a spot of bother when the
angels, on auto pilot, start reaping.

so the garmet of the lord is stained red by the crushing of the grapes, i.e.
people who are filled with the bullshit of the churches are poisoned and the


lord suddenly shows up and crushes them like a man wearing white treading
a wine vat.

Sarah well its not hard once you know what Jesus said.

Its the vineyard planetd by God the vintage vine is Israel 12 trees best
grapes, given to the jews to tend, they dis-cide to keep the profit for
themselves, God sends the prophets to chastise the jews, they kill them,
then sends the heir, surly they will recognize Jesus god in the flesh?

they do and kill him, Jesus reports back into heaven and transforms back
to being the Father Yahweh and now its payback time, God has been reborn
to the earth and sees first hand as a man what the khazars have done to
the meek, and their number is up.

Sarah there are many scriptures in the Old Testment de-tailing the
vineyard, the crusifiction, how God slays with a swrod from his mouth, i.e.
truth. this is Isaiah 27

For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of
the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall
no more cover her slain.
In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish
leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he
shall slay the dragon that {is} in the sea.
In that day sing ye unto her, A vineyard of red wine.


I the Lord do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest {any} hurt it, I will
keep it night and day.
Fury {is} not in me: who would set the briers {and} thorns against me in
battle? I would go through them, I would burn them together.
Or let him take hold of my strength, {that} he may make peace with me;
{and} he shall make peace with me.
He shall cause them that come of Jacob to take root: Israel shall blossom
and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit.
Hath he smitten him, as he smote those that smote him? {or} is he slain
according to the slaughter of them that are slain by him?

Now some of the gospels were left somewhat in tact, they had to becase
the old testament is predicting that this will be the case and so makes
reference to them.

MAT 21:41 KJV


33 Hear another parable: There was a certain household-er, which planted

vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and
built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far
34 And when the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the
husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it.


35 And the husbandmen took his servants, and beat one, and killed
another, and stoned another.
36 Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they did unto
them likewise.
37 But last of all he sent unto them his son, saying, They will reverence my
38 But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves,
This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and let us seize on his inheritance.
39 And they caught him, and cast {him} out of the vine-yard, and slew
40 When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto
those husbandmen?
41 They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will
et out {his} vineyard unto other hus-bandmen, which shall render him the
fruits in their seasons.
42 Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scrip-tures, The stone
which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner:
was originally PYRAMID this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our
43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you,
and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

well Sarah we have to buckle up we are about to land.


A long line of limousines were parked on the apron, the plane drew to a
stop, the ground crews moved in the mo-bile stair and everyone

The ride to the hotel was routred to avoid the slums, the hotel 6 star luxury.

catch ya later Sarah.

yer nice chatting bigus, we can have a drink later.


at the hotel Sarah contemplated a sudden urge to cancel her flight and
look into the Padre Carlos saga, it was all too intriguing.

The phone rang and it was the man from Oz, he was down in the bar about
to have a meal, did she want to join him? She said yes.


In the dining area she sat with her new found friend and asked what he
thought about hanging about Rio and see if she could find Padre Carlos.

let me say this Sarah, you aint seen nothing yet, two minutes from here
are the outskirts of the slums, if your looking for Padre Carlos that is where
you have to start. As for me tagging along, I have a wife and kids waiting in
Melbourne, and my adventure days are over, but I will make some calls.

You will have to give this a lot of thought, the last I heard of Padre Carlos
he was out in the jungle.

Sarah and Marshall talked for hours, they laughed and he cracked stupid
jokes. By the end of the evening she had made up her mind. There was
more than a great story here, the excitement of the chase was reawakened
by this funny old yobo from Oz. His attack on the logic of the church, his
admiration for Padre Carlos, the frustration not being able to get around
ASIO, the disgusting state of af-fairs in Rio, but one thing he said convinced

you no luv, if you take this on, you will have to get on ei-ther one side of
the line or the other.

you mean? she asked.



do you believe in Jesus?

well yes, offcourse I do.

He said I dont mean the bullshit Jesus cults are world wide, a major
conspiracy, even the fucking Da Vinci Code is a front for the Opus Dei, its all
to do with ancient Baby-lonian sodomy cults they bleed like leaches the
masses as their money tree.

She replied I am not sure I follow?

in 1988 or around there, Pope John Paul II was in Australia, the kids were
wearing T shirts, The Pope Touched Me DOWN UNDER.

Do you know why Sarah?

the church does not represent Jesus?

Correct, they are the Great Whore, child molesters, their religion is the
ancient Babylonian occult, they simply high jacked the reputation of Jesus
then wrote the New Testa-ment.


does that mean Jesus is bullshit?

well yes and no, the jury is out on that.

Now Padre Carlos is a hunted man, he hides out in the jungle, perhaps he
will cooperate, but whats in it for him. Talk to him and your head will spin,
but this is how they get away with it, dumb down the masses with Fluoride,
thanks to the Nazi.

Fluoride is good for your teeth. She said.

What about me mudder, did not have a tooth in her head, used fluoride
for 35 years.

you said Padre Carlos had inside information?

Sarah, me thinks I speketh too much.


well youre a jurno, what pulls your chain?


Sarah a good story.

Right, why the fuck was Kennedy shot?

Sarah a crack pot in the library, a Castro zealot?

yer an I have an extra crack in me arse to safeguard my wallet. he made

a speech on national TV calling the yanks to help him stamp out secret

the poor fuckwit may as well shot himself in the head.

Sarah why?

Look the world is brining with secret cults, the Freema-sons were behind
the translation of the King James Bible and they were organised by the
Khazar, who were in con-cert or some say, the infiltrated power in the Rome
at the time.

so you see Sarak me luv, women have no idea, the sex cults started ion
Babylon, according to Carlos, and they are today, and especially since 1922,
when the ripples of discontent of the vast majority of priests were disgusted
with what seeped out of the Vatican.


Sarah hence Opus Dei

Yes there is no doubt Jesus is already here as a man, ac-cording to Padre



yep, thats what he told me.

he said Opus Dei date was founded by Monsignor Josemaria Escriva while
in a retreat at a Vincentian mon-astery in Madrid, where he experienced a
vision to October 2, 1928, ... The question is why was he making a retreat.

This was before the statue of Jesus was built in Rio

ok Carlos told me that the church was the Great Whore, and were behind
the establishing of the protestant move-ment.

Sarah what?

sounds far fetched but lets look at why they did it.


Sarah ok.

if you are going to control the masses and being a demonic cult you are
running out of blood sacrifices, for example under Rome there are 6 million
British skill stacked up in the catacombs, so how the fuk can the Vati-can be
holy, representing Jesus, that is if Jesus himself was not a demonic cult

Sarah, well that is indeed a possibility, or Jesus was the victim of the time?

ok lets say that Jesus was the incarnate of Yahweh in the flesh, he is gone
and the world is a cess pool of evil, right

Sarah. Ok get back to the Protestant thing.

to control the masses, and create a reason to kill and slaughter, what
better way than allow a renegade priest to start a new breakaway cult, i.e.
Martin Luthor?

he then gaiuns support from Tinsdale in England who thank to the

Guttenberg press he had run off hundreds of anti Pope literature and nailed
it on the church doors all over Europe.

Sarah, I see and that started the uprising against the church?



yes they were selling dispensations to buy your way into heaven, a do not
go to jail collect 200 from Saint Peter.

ok with me so far Sarah?

yep, but why?

Blood, they have a blood lust, so say once the church re-formed from
Roman carnage against the Angel Landers, the English, who were sacrificed
for 350 years until the blood lust subsided, then came Constantine who set
up the Roman Empire as Christian.

Sarah why did they call them Angel Landers?

blond blue eyes, singing hymns to Jesus as they walked smiling to their
deaths, and why, what did they know?

according to the Sonnini Manuscripts, the islands, Ireland to England

were all Hebrew that had arrived after Assyria put the run of the Israelite
tribes scattering them to Europe and are the ten lost tribes of Israel.

Sarah wow, is that true?


well you look it up on the web, any how take it as fact for the moment,
this what Carlos was on about.

Sarah go on.
ok now Britain received the good news of the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God
direct from Palestine within a few years of the Crucifixion. Some of the
apostles, Joseph of Arithe-mia, Phillip, Mary the mother of Jesus, who was
born in Padstow England, came back to England as it was Judah, where the
royal line of King David was gathered from 722 BC.

even the false self appointed mass murderer Paul visited Britain.
Sarah is that true, I always thought Paul was an apostle?
yer right, how many fukin apostles were there, 12 right
Sarah yer
Paul was the assassin for the enemies of Jesus the Pharisee, he was
shagging Herods sister for fucks sake.
the Church in Glastonbury, never in any degree was it subordinate to
Rome, why Constantines church was 350 years later, had not been
established, so it was Rome who sent Paul as the Jews were so far up the
crack of Rome, you could here Caesar moaning when they lit a candle to see
what part of his arse they were wallowing in.
Sarah beyond doubt.
now it is a fact, Joseph of Arimathea and his companions formed the first
Christian community in Britain revealed by the Sonnini Manuscript.


it is independent of the British because it was translated from the Greek
by C.S. Sonnini from an original manu-script found in the formerly
suppressed archives of Constantinople, released only after the Muslims
took over the city, and presented to him by the Sultan Abdoul Ach-met.
Sarah fukin hell.
right on, now Sonnini was traveling in the Middle East during the reign of
Louis XVI -- who held the French throne from 1774 to 1793. He published his
travels, in French.
No love lost between the French and English, they had been butchering
each outher for centuries, Joan of Ark, the 100 year war, anyhow between
those two dates and after his discovery of the manuscript. The manuscript
itself was translated into English and published sometime late in 1799 and
was available -- at the earliest -- sometime around 1800.
Sarah unbelievable and here I am a Londoner and had no idea?

Sarah Right, so how does Padre Carlos fit into the story.

well he is a linguist and spent a great deal of time in Egypt. he had heard
rumors that there was a cover up, who had built the pyramid.
Sarah which one

the Great pyramid. the math and accuracy astounds the most advanced
thinkers and yet the media bombards the world with the greatest building
ever built on the face of the earth, was built by the Egyptians who did not
have an alphabet or numbers.


Sarah is it that important?

How would the Egyptians write the mathematics of the structure in order
to build it, a spear stuck in a pigs arse means Pi?

Sarah then who built it?

The Shepherd Kings from Palestine, the descendants of Noah, they

invaded Egypt and according to legend, the pharaoh surrendered
intimidated by the power of their in-tellect, no contest. then supplied the
labour instructed by the Shepherd Kings, the Hycsos of something like that
they were known as.

absolutely, this thing is perfect, the dimensions are accu-rate to within

10,000th of an inch and is aligned with true north perfectly when it was
built and even today with the shifting of the continents, is still the most
accurately aligned building on earth, it is simply staggering.

Sarah then who built it aliens

oh for fuks sake Sarah, there is no such thing, if there were they would be
flooding the air with radio waves from millions of stars, fuk the galaxy is
100,000 light years wide and if we did slide out the arse of some primordial
sea slug 3.5 billions years ago, it stands to reason we would have similar


creatures of the same sea slug arse scenario millions of years ahead and
radio is a very simply advance of technology in modern civilizations.

Sarah no peep from space right? OK so Carlos?

so we have the Sonnini manuscript that was found inter-leaved in a copy

of Sonnini's Travels in Turkey and Greece, and purchased at the sale of the
library and ef-fects of the late Right Hon. Sir John Newport, in Ireland, so the
Hebrew were in England since 722 BC.

Right Padre Carlos had discovered inside info, and head-ed for Rio.

Sarah and?

well this is where we have to move way outside the square.

he told me that the dimensions of the pyramid were syn-chronistic, in

other words Creation was a fact, Jesus was God in the flesh, was coming
back and Rio, Monsignor Josemaria Escriva had stumpled on or according
to Padre Carlos, was taken up in a vision and shown where the Je-sus statue
had to be built.

now this was 1928


Sarah hold on, what about the kings?
Ok they were known as the Hycsos, Shepherd-Kings of Ancient Egypt;
Hebrews in Egypt; Shem is Sumer; Israelite Origins of the Hycsos, Danaoi,
Danaus, the Hyksos and the foundation of Mycenean Greece,
even the Skull Shape of Sumerians and Englishmen are the same, The
Hebrew Patriarchs were Local Princes, Is-raelites in Egypt Maintained
Holdings and Estates in Canaan, Habiru, Sagaz, Isaac, according too
Immanuel Velikovsky, David Rohl, and H. Hoeh, but in addition de-scendants
of Seth and angel landers hair Colour, even mentiojed in Ireland by Simcha
Jacobovici and James Cameron, they refere to the Ipuwyer Papyrus, Irish
Tradi-tions and the Hyksos.
Rome would not be happy right?
correct, and is why Padre Carlos had to sail from Egypt in a small sloop he
had built on the Nile., he sure as shit could not gain funds from the Vatican.
What was so important? Sarah asked.
the earth dimensions had something to do with it, appar-ently the secrets
were shown Monsignor in the retreat, and being a visionary was compelled
to secretly sail to Rio and influence the local Catholic businessmen to build
the statue and have its lights switched on by radio signal from Marconi in
Italy, so we see that this was what happened.
that my dear was what the Rio connection was all about, a signal sent by
radio waves from Italy could spell out a code to those in the know in Rio, so
was there moves against him once the Vatican found out? Yep they stopped
the radio signals and today the lights are switched on by the city of Reo.
what have we then? Padre Carlos shows up with the ancient diagrams of
the Great Pyramid stashed in his sloop, hidden in the hull so no government
official could find them, and even if they did so what, just parchment with
Pyramid dimensions.



Sarah well he was not taking any chances.

right, like Monsignori, Padre Carlos had been experienc-ing visions all of
his life and knew what he had to do.
he set up in the slums, a small house where he could study the
parchments, he had to be carefully as they were ancient, yet remarkable
well preserved. he told me they were more important than the dead Sea
Scrolls, and pointed to Mary Magdalene and Jesus as being Jesu-Maria but
more importantly the one Jesus kissed more of-ten on the mouth was not
the implied biblical one Jesus loved disciple John which the church
amplified as it sug-gested Jesus was kissing a little boy on the mouth
supporting their agenda of child molestation.
Sarah wow what a story.
hang on to ya britches missy, you run with this and there is a very real risk
the Vatican will be on you like a yid on a dollar.
Sarah who then was the one Jesus loved?

Ok according to the dimensions of the pyramid, it was all to do with


astrology? I thought that was the way newspapers sell to us women.

well yes they do, but that is all bullshit, true astrology is all about the
coming of the Lord in the clouds of heaven, meaning the stars. Padre


Carlos read the pyramid like a bible in stone and it gave the date of birth of
gesus when Venus the female, overtook Jupiter male on June 17th 2 BC.

Mary Magdalene had to have been born 1162.6 days lat-er.

Sarah what date?

August 23rd 2 AD and her sister Martha 9.42 years later.

Sarah what date for her baby sister?

January 25th 12 AD.

what is so important here is the King James code.

Sarah King James.

Yes, as said the Church in Rome, they controlled the world via what is
called the Hegelian Dialectic, which is a German philosopher that suggested
the perfect dictator-ship is democracy and control either side of the house,
the church had that down pat centuries before, Hegel had simply observed
it, and so the church set up a new blood bath to satisfy their Babylonian god
Mazzaroth, otherwise known as Lucifer the Devil.



Sarah Lucifer?

yes, the god of the Babylonian Great Whore, the false church traditionall
the espoused of Christ. Mazzaraot in astrology rises above the horizon
higher then Judah or Leo the lion, and as Leo or Judah represented Israel
and Jesus was Israel God in the flesh, Mazzaroth rises above God Jesus
being Yahweh in the flesh.

Sarah so its all laid out in the stars, is there any biblical connection?

Yes two, Isaiah and Job.

Do you know what verses?

lets go up to my room and get the laptop hooked up to the web, and
remember Sarah, I am a married man so keep your mits to yourself.

Sarah yer in your dreams



ill open a window and catch the breeze, care for a juice, help yourself its
in the fridge?

now where were we?

Sarah Internet.

sorry Im getting old, grab the bible in the draw.

OK first Job, the oldest book in the bible.

Sarah the oldest

yer the cunning bastards they arranged the bible in order of size not age
and this way they throw you off the scent as the oldest book takes
precedence over the Torah bull-shit fucking 2500 years later.

Ok Job take a gander at this, the words have numbers, called the
Hebrew Concordance which arranged the dic-tionary alphabetically, so the
code is not in what it says but in the order of the word by number.


Job 38:2 sets it up, Who [is] this that darkeneth [2821] counsel [6098] by
words [4405] without knowledge [1847]?
a condemnation chapter of Lucifer as related to the astrol-oger in the
stars, which is all about the Lord Jesus.

Job 38:32 Canst thou bring forth [3318] Mazzaroth [4216] in his season
[6256]? Or canst thou guide [5148] Arcturus [5906] with his sons [1121]?
see the connection?

Sarah no.

Ok lets do Isaiah then come back to Job.

Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen [5307] from heaven [8064], O Lucifer
[1966], son [1121] of the morning [7837] [3213! [how] art thou cut down
[1438 to the ground [776], which didst weaken [2522] the nations [1471]!
Lucifer 1966 is also Mazzaroth 4216
Job 38:33 Knowest [3045] thou the ordinances [2708] of heaven [8064]?
Canst thou set [7760] the dominion [4896] thereof in the earth [776]?
Job 38:34 Canst thou lift up [7311] thy voice [6963] to the clouds [5645],
that abundance [8229] of waters [4325] may cover [3680] thee?
Job 38:35 Canst thou send [7971] lightnings [1300], that they may go [3212],
and say [559] unto thee, Here we [are]?
Job 38:36 Who hath put [7896] wisdom [2451] in the in-ward parts [2910]?
Or who hath given [5414] understanding [998] to the heart [7907]?



ok the code is 4216 Mazzaroth because that is the width of Mars in miles,
the word Mars found only once in the New Testament, Marshill is the word,
get this Rock of Ayres points to Australia Ayres Rock.

Now the clangor dropps from the third floor, let me find it on my laptop
archives of my interview with Padre Carlos.
ah here it is, no worries.
Sarah what.
The pyramid code, is all to do with the crossing of the Milky Way Galaxy,
December 21st 2012, but time started a countdown of lunations of the
moon and solar eclipses, and the antechamber is a kind of genetic door,
only the true inheritor can enter.

Sarah why?

Well beyond it is the Kings Chamber and in it the identity of Christ today.

Sarah how so?

well the antechamber is 116.26 pyramid inches wide, about the same as a
British inch, in case you were won-dering, in fact it was the standard
measure in England until they changed it as the brits did not want the public
connecting the dots to Jesus and the Great Pyramid, so it was changed
during the reign of Elizabeth I, and in her court was Edward de Vear who


influenced her to nominate King James VI king of Scotland as her heir to the
throne, simply because she was so deformed and ugly she could not get
anyone to shag her, however she signed the death warrant, so they say,
because Mary Queen of Scots was the true queen, damned good sort, 5 feet
10, red curly hair, queen of Scotland and France, so she had to go.

Now de vear was non other than William Shakespeare and he got James
the job as king of England, Wales, Ire-land, Scotland added in to the
equation France, the Union of Jaque in French as Mary had named James in
French Jack or Jacque or Jack being James in English. Her first language was
French so the union Jack is the uniting of the 5 nations flag.

Sarah how come we were never taught that in school.

you Poms are to thick, all kids in Ozz in play school know that.

OK so the Freemason, spurred on by the occult above them, the same god
Lucifer as the Catholic Church, had set up a confrontational Hegelian
situation where France and England would be at war, throw in the Spanish
Arma-da to come and the wogs sit back in Rome ticking off the dead blood
sacrifice, sustaining their blood lust by the burning of woman at the stake
for having a black cat or being heavier than a duck, as an amusing hobby to
appease Lucifer their god.

so how fucked in the head can you get?


Sarah what about Shakespeare?

weel here we have the Freemason spurred on by the Catholic to translate

the Greek and Hebrew scriptures into English and when the manuscript was
handed to the King, he said he wanted to read it before he authorised it.
then he and de Vear set about altering the Freemason Catholic Lucifer

Sarah how long did that take?

eighteen months, so they added 1000 alteration pointing out it was a ploy
to seduce the masses, say it is holy, but in the coded Freemason code the
lodge knew it was oc-cult. the catholic church had control by bullshitting
yjr Protestants and could send the Spanish to establish their catholic
colonies, then eventually spread their venom all over South America.

which brings us to Padre Carlos.

He measured from Madrid, to Rome to Rio and back to come up with

11626 miles, is that an aha?

Sarah no.

We add the two lucifer numbers 4216 Mars width in miles to Lucifer 1966
we have 6182.; the Antechamber is 116.26 P wide, we have the lunation


count revealed by the paprus from Egypt, end date January 11th 2013, subtract the height of the Grand Gallery

Susan for fuks sake, tell me what it means?

ok Christ, if he exists at all, has to have been born in 1944 Sydney

Australia, he would marry when he was 1162.6 weeks old, why? The
antechamber is a genetic door, he would have to have married a harlot,
Hoseah prophecy, his offspring would also have to figger in somehow, but
his wife today, his 3rd, must be 1162.6 days younger as we are looking for a
reincarnation of Mary Magdalene.

Susan unbelievable

Ok remember the date June 17th 2 BC? Add 1162.6 days we have Auhust
23rd-24th 2 ADS add 9.42 years and we have January 25th 0012 AD and that
has to be Martha the one he kissed most often on the lips.


therefore the 942 is the number of verses in the KJV 1611 with the word
Jesus and we know that has to be a key as the evil bastards altered the King
James 1611 and changed the verse total.

We end up with Martha not John as the one Jesus loved.



Carlos then plotted the solar eclipses and the 50th in mod-ern astronomy
is counted from Lunation zero December 18th 1922 and each layer of
masonry in the pyramnid aligns with a solar eclipse and the 50th is the kings
cham-ber January 25th 1944 and Martha was January 25th 0012 AD.

The plot thickens as the solar latitudes are either 25 north or 25 south
latitude and we have a solar point where the eclipse occurred and 8888.8
miles away in Sydney the precise location where Christ was born is known
as 888 in Greek gematria is Jesus.

as plain as the wart on me old mudders nose.

so we have the year he married the harlot April 23rd 1966 and 1966 is
Lucifer in Hebrew, ad the Mazzaroth number 4216 and we have the date of
his wives birth date in 1977 November 8th. Which is Julian day number
2443455 and the 455 is the height of the pyramid up to the rejected capstone.

how old was she

good question, 35, born 1942.


so today we have January 11th 1942 his rebirth, Mary Magdalene 1162.6
days later then Marthah the one Jesus loved August 19th 1956.

Sarah so he has two wives.


Now the clincher, the distance from the Jesus statue, to Madrid, to Rome
and back is 11626 miles. And that is why they built it in Rio to checkmate
the Vatican abomination.

Antechamber width 116.26 P, then Isaiah 9:6 = April 6th 1943 add 280
days gestation = January 11th 1944 =- Isai-ah 11:1 and here the code reveals
via every 7th Hebrew letter to total in Hebrew gematria 888 being Jesus in

Then we go back in time to when Lt Cook noted the Messier comet in 1769
August 30th add 88888 days and we have January 11th 2013 and the end of
the pyramid prophecy.



Sarah Martha was the one Jesus loved not John so we have the reason why
there was no opposition to the Dan Brown Da Vinci code as the church is
suggesting Jesus and Mary had a child and they are the ancestors of the
Kings of Europe and proves Jesus did not die on the cross.


now you have to decide, are you getting back on that jet or are you about
to take the risk of your life and search out Farther Carlos? If so the Catholic
Church and the local thugs will be set onto you like wolves after a lost lamb.



get some sleep and let me know in the morning and if you have
completely lost your mind, I will make a few discrete enquires and see if I
can pick up his scent.

Sarah did not sleep that night, it was unusually hot and sticky, it seemed the
southerly breeze had died during the night and she lay on the bed with just
a wet towel over her.

Unable to sleep pondering her discission, she dressed and stood overlooking
the city.

The phone rang.

Sarah, Bigus here, how did you sleep, how about break-fast and you can
fill me in? Lets say 20 minutes, we can breky by the pool, out of the lift take
a right, I will keep an eye out for you.

Sarah, make it 35 minutes, I need to take a shower I am all sweaty.




Good morning, how did you sleep, they have a beautiful assortment of
tropical fruit here, lets take a boo?

Sarah was deep in thought.

hey Sarah, wots a matter you, dont look so sad, itsa not so bad.

sorry, I just remembered, an old lady in Piccadilly Circus, she had read my
angel cards, something unexpected was headed my way.

ah and wot did she predict?

look lets get some breakfast, sit down have a coffee, its mandatory you

Sarah wot?





Leaning forward cupping his hand to her ear, he whis-pered.

well dear lady, I have it on good authority,

A politicians daughter,
She was fined for drinking water,
Seems she had to pay a 50 dollar bill,
Theres an awful lot of coffee in Brazil.

For the first time in quite a while Sarah had a good laugh. They sipped juice
and picked at the fabulous array of fruit and finally a great cup of coffee.

now thats coffee.

now that your all caffeined up, wot did the old dear pre-dict?

Sarah she said to me Sarah Ebal your life is full but emp-ty, the direction
you have embarked upon is superficial, the real adventure of your life is
about to begin, your flight through space time is about to suddenly and in


inexplica-bly be diverted off course, there is no escape, just be ready to
follow your heart.

sound like bullshit to me Sarah?

she new my name, Ebal and was it this flight she was warning me about,
was it a warning? Or was it simply say-ing I would be unable to resist the

Well you are a jurno, its in the blood?

no no its not the story, its something other than that, deeper my life long
search to find my true destiny.

ok I will make the fukin call.

I need a few hours, got to arrange for Pedro my body guard, he is a

bouncer at the Copacabana, built like a brick shithouse, handy to hover
behind if the banditoes start slinging lead around.

ok but I am coming with you.


hold yer horses pretty lady, this is dangerous shit, the slums here are
fraught with dangers, the police are worse than the thugs, at least the thugs
have no choice, its quite common for the police to round up the youngsters
take them into the bush and shoot them, the pretty girls are regularly raped
by the same bastards, the not so pretty ei-ther killed and dumped but more
likely their body parts sold to the donor organ industry in the USA.

I am coming with you.

Sarah there are 18,000 street kids, anything goes, on top of that there
are 680 segregated slums that no kid can cross the imaginary line, so they
head for the wealthy area and the police pick and choose.

at least in Rio you can be certain when you see a cop, he is a thug with a
badge, what he steals he must share with those above him, its all the same
in South America, the priests are child molesters with a few genuine, but
above them the church enjoys its satanic blood bath, according to Farther
Carlos there is a Vatican quote that the black priests must report the grisly
details too.

there is an upcoming visit by the pope to Australia, the bishop organising

it is himself on child molestation charg-es, and Bishop Pell apologised for
handling a prominent case incorrectly, he just moved the bastard to a new
parish where he started in on the kids once again.

What would you do to stamp it out?


I would start in Australia, get the local kids to submit a list of drug dealers.
Then hold a meeting, draw the names out of a hat, send 40 kids to the bars
and clubs, tag the un-suspecting prick with a dot on his back only those in
the know can see, then suddenly in a consorted effort kick the shit out of
him, break his legs and give him a warning, when he is back on deck he will
be watched and he will be back in a plaster cast once more.

how does that solve the problem in Brazil?

easy, once Australia is cleaned up we send a dozen jum-bo jets. The 380
for example, offer the kids a new life in Paradise. they will make better
Aussies than the beer guzzling morons we have at the moment.

what else would you do if you were Jesus?

smash every bottle shop, every poker machine, all casi-nos and arrest
every politician for allowing it to happen.

unless you rule them with a rod of iron just a moe, I will search the

In seconds laptop logged on to the hotel Bluetooth Vigi-lantes stunned

Brazil 12 years ago when they murdered eight street kids in Candelaria,
central Rio. At the time research by Human Rights Watch, ...



When You Are a Rio Street Kid You Can Never Shut Your Eyes
- 9:42 pm
But then recently several under-18s were murdered by thugs on the streets
of So .... My heart stays forever with the street kids in Rio and elsewhere.

still want to find Padre Carlos

Sarah remained silent..

ok, meet me in hour, I will make a call, we can jump a cab, if you dont
see me, I will be hovering behind Pedro, you cant miss him, he is so big he
has his own climate.

45 minutes later Pedro had guided them to a shack, inside was a little nun,
sister Rosea.

She said she had not seen Padre Carlos for a few weeks, but said we could
go see Padre Pedro Fernandez de Qui-ros. He was in a monastery in the
hills some 20 km from Rio and could get a message to him.



Returning to the hotel, time was running out, they had to either get on the
jet or let the airline Sarah had decided the go with her instincts, getting off
in Rio.

They spent the last night chatting in the hotel lounge, Marshall smoked a
fine cigar, Sarah sipped coffee as they sat listening to the music drifting into
the hotel from down the street, buskers common in Rio.

The next morning the old Padre was at the front desk ask-ing for Marshall,
he had good news, one of Carlos children had called in on her way back into
the Jungle and said Carlos was going to pick her up the following day at the

So it was time, Sarah and Marshall arranged with Padre for her to spend a
night or two in the Monastery with Car-los daughter, said farewell to
Marshall, made the phone call to the airport, and checked out of the hotel.
The drive to the monastery was further than Sarah had anticipated and by
the time the little Fiat car arrived it was dark.

Angelina spoke of Carlos with much love, how he had al-ways been there for
her and her siblings, as well as all her cousins. They lived 110 kilometres by
road from the mon-astery, Father Carlos, as they called him or just Poppy,


had built the family a fine house and arranged for an elderly nun who had
been forcibly retired in Reo, her infirmities had taken their toll, but Poppy
would have none of it inviting her back to their little village in the hills,
where the community nursed her back to health. She said she could not
have regained her health if it was not for Father Carlos and his little

Sister Teresa was more like their grand mother than a nun and said if it was
not for the water Father Carlos had given her, she would have died,
believing he was an angel sent to save her life.
That was eight years ago, she had finally found a purpose given a second
chance at life, staying on to help educate the little ones.

Nobody could say for sure when Father Carlos would be back, he had to do
some carpentry work for another village where more of his children were in
need of a new school roof. A friend of Father Carlos called in to ask if he
was about, he had a truck load of second hand building materials Father
Carlos had stripped out of an old building that was being cleared by a
wealthy family planing to build a hacienda, too good to burn.
Angelina anxious to get back to her boy friend, asked Emmanuel if he would
give her a ride back home, she was in love with Jose who lived a few
kilometres down the mountain from home.

The next morning after a very pleasant night sitting around an open fire, the
old Padre very interested in Sarah and her life as a journalist wanted to chat
for hours, Sarah however wanted to chat about his life, far more in-teresting
and in true investigative reporter style tended to shift the conversation to



She wanted to know how they had met? She was able to discover Father
Carlos had arrived in Rio in a boat he had built in Egypt, the adventures at
sea, bad weather almost sinking the boat, anxious to coax as much out of
those who knew him best, ah she sensed another Pulitzer.

A quick thinker, she had the basic composition in her head, Egypt code that
made the De Vinci fiction pale into insignificance. The one Jesus loved, how
Martha was desperately in love with Jesus, how faith had been so strong
she watch with Mary has Jesus and it was her Jesus had told his mother to
take into her own home, a daughter, perhaps she was espoused to Jesus.

She would have had to have been at the cross, Mary, Mary, Mary and
Martha. The men were terrified and in hid-ing for fear of the same fate,
logic confirmed young John would also have been arrested if he was there,
not if it were Martha. It was she then who was at the empty tomb, her
young legs, she was only 21.12 years old, a fit young woman who had
outrun Peter to the empty tomb but feared to go in, all the earmarks of a
young woman in love with Jesus.
Then she runneth, (Mary Magdalene) and cometh to Si-mon Peter, and to
the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, (Martha) and saith unto them, They
have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre, and we know not where
they have laid him. John 20:2

Peter therefore went forth, and that other disciple, (Martha) and came to
the sepulchre. 20:3


So they ran both together: and the other disciple (Martha) did outrun Peter,
and came first to the sepulchre. 2:04

And she (Martha) stooping down, [and looking in], saw the linen clothes
lying; yet went he not in. 20:05

Then cometh Simon Peter following her (Martha), and went into the
sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie, 20:06

And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes,
but wrapped together in a place by itself. 20:07

Then went in also that other disciple (Martha), which came first to the
sepulchre, and she saw, and believed. 20:08

It all made perfect sense, Jesus did not kiss men on the lips, the book of
John was actually written my Mary Mag-dalene who spoke of Martha not
John as the one Jesus loved.

It was the same at the cross, no men present for fear, When Jesus therefore
saw his mother, and the disciple (Martha) standing by, whom he loved, he
saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy daughter!


Then saith he to the disciple (Martha), Behold thy mother! And from that
hour that disciple (Martha) took her unto her own [home]. John 19:26.

Martha was born on January 25th 0012 and the most fa-mous solar eclipse
was January 25th 1944 followed by the same date in 1963. The first 8888.8
miles to his birth and the second 942 miles, and 9.42 years Martha is
younger than Mary Magdalene.
How could the world be so stupid not to have seen it be-fore?

So the night and the following nights alone with the old Padre Pedro was
very important to her story, he explained it in Spanish and Portuguese as
well as Latin and it is a great deal clearer that indeed it was Martha.

Manuel and Angelina had left on the 14th of February 2008, Sarah had no
option but to wait for Father Carlos. She could not burst into the village
unannounced, she bid Farwell to Angelina and Emmanuel asking her if she
saw her Father to let him know she was here, and would like to make
contact, she a friend of Marshall.

Thursday the 22nd, 2008 awakened by the noise of an old VW putting into
the courtyard, Sarah waited to see if the engine switched off, it may have
been a delivery? The engine stopped, her heart began to pound, it might be
him, but what was she so anxious about, perhaps he did not like strangers,


what if he did not want his story told, what if he waswhat if she was
acting like a school girl. What was the worst thing that could happen, he
would say no and she would pack up and fly home? She still had a great
story, thanks to her new found friend Marshall. She could always fly on to
Oz and look him up at the Age Newspaper?

As she began to dress, she noticed her underwear was missing, she had
washed several pairs of panties and three bras and hung them on the patio
wall off her room. Looking over the balcony, she saw an old lady tending the

excuse me, do you speak English?

Just a little senora?

I left some clothing on the balcony, they are missing did yuou pick them

ah minkies.

Sarah minkies

yes they steal hankies, anything they can put over der little eds.


Sarah eds?

Si, lik da sombrero.

Sarah oh you mean on the head like a hat?

Si minky see minky do. Senora next time, yo call Rosa OK, me wash dem
forayou, hung dem in the dry encasa to dry, cause of da minkies.

Sarah thank you senora, I will remember next time.

fucking monkeys are wearing my bra and panties, now what do I wear?

Sarah quickly dressed, a white full length dress, buttoned up the front, loose
fit, not clingy combed her hair, on que there was a knock at the door.

Hello she said.

Good morning Sarah, its Padre Pedro Fernandez de Qui-ros, I hope I did
not disturb you Sarah, I is Padre, I have good news, Father Carlos he isa
arrived, I tol him all about yoos, a compadra of Senoir Marshall, very
pleased to make your acquaintances he say, can you come?


ah yes, I will be right down.

Sarah thinks, o shit I am only half dressed, what will he think, I hope he is 90
years of age.

Sarah thought she might be able to sneak down the rear steps and that way
the men would be not looking up from the dinning table.

She walked along the balcony to the rear of the building, feeling more
confident with each step, turned leading to the parking area to the side,
gingerly down hanging on to the shaky rail, to be greeted by a huge bare
chested man, his deep husky voice said

oh my, hes gorgeous.


Dark brown curly hair, white wisps on either side, pure white moustache
slightly curled on either side of his tanned face, full lips, sky blue eyes, at
least 6 feet 2 inch-es, perfect teeth, hairy chest, pecks you would die for,
huge biceps, tight black leather work pants, and finally who cares, heavy
work boots?

Hello you must be Sarah, let me help grab hold of you, those stairs are a
bit wobbly dropping the spare tyre as he reached his huge hand to wrap
around hers like a glove.

Sarah was literally weak in the knees, perhaps the heat was getting to her,
she felt faint her knees began to buck-le, falling to her side and against his
massive body. Father Carlos managed to support her sweeping her up into
his arms.

Pedro, Pedro come quick, Sarah has fainted.

Long powerful stride, he carried her through the entrance of the monastery
just as Pedro was runnin out to help blocking his passage.

quick some water, Sarah just passed out, where can I lay her down?
this way, this way, on the couch near the fountain in the court yard.

Her faint had snapped three buttons allowing her cleavage to be exsposed,
the lower skirt also lost 4 buttons, her legs were exposed to the hip. As


Carlos swept her into his arms her breasts became exposed, the dress had
been drawn taught around her back and under her arms.

Pedro called Rosa, she fetched cool water from the spring, she stumbled in
her haste splashing Sarah from her waist to her face, rousing Sarah from her
faint, just as Carlos grappled to cover her nakedness, at the same moment
Sa-rah opened her eyes as she regained consciousness, seeing this huge
man kneeling beside her tugging at her dress. She wasstarteled at first then
noticing his em-barresment smilled timidly then realised she was also
soaking wet, remembering she was not wearing her bra or panties.

Carlos and Pedro were visibly flushed looking sheepishly away and Sarah
sitting upright in an attempt to regain her dignity, began fondleing her
buttons trying to cover her bare breasts.
Carlos thank heaven you are alright, let me help you up?

Sarah you have done enough, acting slightly annoyed, masking her smile.

Rosa, do you have a towl for Susan?

Si. and skurries off.

Sarah I am so embarrassed, you must think I am a huzzie?


Carlos But why?

Sarah I fainted.

Carlos it is very hot.

Sarah No I mean the way I am dressed.

Carlos you look very nice to me?

Sarah I dont know how to say, the minkies?

Carlos The minkies?

Sarah yes the minkies.

Rosa shuffles in with the towl, Si, the minkies has stolen Sarahs panties and
bras, I tell her next time I washem, she not to hanga on da balcony, dats
whay she asa no panties and bra, you see her all wet, yo see er naced, very
nice you say.

Carlos I said no such thing.



Rosa wit da eyes.

Sarah not quite understanding, Carlos covers by saying, all women in Brazil
do not ware pantis or bra, its all quite natural.

Rosa Si I neber wers dem eater, ana you Pedro, he look at me sometimes, I
nose wat hees isa tinkin.

Sarah yulika coffee?. Carlos I bring to the lake. Pedro you geta yer

Carlos yes thank you Rosa, Sarah do you feel a little bet-ter, we can sit on
the patio overlooking the lake, the sun is setting soon and we can siit and

Carlos had shown Sarah the way down the path to the lake, then had gone
to fetch Sarah a napkin.
Sarah thought about the disasterous meeting, the old say-ing only onc
chance to make a first impression.


Of all things to happen, In her minds eye she would have preferred to like
like a virgin bride, not some cheap slut, what ever would he think of me?

Carlos could be seen walking back to her through the tropical overgrowth
along the path to the monastery, in his right hand a very large candle, light
dancing of the leaves shining on flowers asleep for the night, hurridly he
was returning to her, what would he be thinking, what should she say, what
will he say, he walked closer the light flickering bouncing light off of his
sweaty chest as he emerged from between the larg palm trees.

His swagger was remanicent of an old John Wayne movie, perhaps all big
men walk this way, she imagined his with a six gun strapped to his hip.

Just as he sat the candle on the table, Rosa came shuf-feling along the path.
Carlos sat plunked his huge frame across from Sarah, pointing to the setting
sun to her left, a gentle breeze off the lake, flickering the candles causing
light to dance across his exsposed moist chest and her damp clinging dress
highlighting the shape of her nipples, which she had no idea was why he
wanted her to look towards the sunset, as his eyes drank in in her glorious

Carlos certainly was a surprise to hear from Marshall via the bush
telegraph, I hurried to the monestary thinking I had to pick up Angalena, the
message was lost by being passed along from person to person, add to this
the lan-guage barrier.



Sarah really?

Yes he left a suitcase at our village and missed me by a few days, leaving a
message to take it with me on our trip.

Sarah. first I should tell you how I came to hear of you, Marshall and I
being journalists were invited to fly around the world in the latest jumbo jet
the 380. I flew from Lon-don and Marshall had flown in from Melbourne
and we met on the plane.

Carlos ah Marshall now a journalist, I see.

Yes he and I got on famously, he has a great sense of humour.

Carlos yes he has, we are great friends, he often pops up unexpectedly.

Sarah it must drive his wife mad gallivanting all around the world?

Carlos yes in imagin so.

Sarah anyhow we were approaching Rio when the flight crew announced a
delay, fog was clearing but still Rio In-ternational was fogged in, very


unusual so that say for that time of year, normally clear skyes. They said
the cloud cover was like soup to 1800 feet, the crew had initiated a holding
pattern circling Rio for a photo opportunity, so they said, however it was a
wonderful site for the hundreds of journalists onboard.

Carlos and you met Marshall?

Sarah yes, he is quite a wag, always with a joke, typical aussie.

Carlos I hope you did not tell him that, he already has a swelled head.

no I let him dream on. but a very informative man just the same, he told
me how you came from the Great Pyra-mid with the secrets of Creation, I
was at first taken back as one might expect, he unveiled these wonders
saying that you were the espert, not to mention you had built a sloop on the
Nile, then sail it to Rio on the trail of the mys-teriuous secrets of the Opus

Carlos Yes, my work was laid out for me the moment I be-came a priest, my
problem was truth, I discovered that the Catholic Church was a front for
many Satanic cults, hiding behind the name Jesus, taking what Jesus had
taught, plagerizing it into the body of Lucifer

Sarah what gave them away?


Carlos, Ah, I had fallen in love with a Muslim girl, she was an expert on
ancient Aramaic, I Hebrew and Greek. she had a copy of ancient muslim
manuscripts that placed the Hebrews and in particular the tribe of Dan and
Judah in the British isles.

Sarah were you a priest at the time?

Carlos, well yes, but love of a woman is God greatest gift.

He reached into his back pocked pulling out his wallet, opening it showing
Sarah a picture of Lilly Maya Chiera Haboulie.

Sarah she is georgeous.

Carlos yes she was.

I struggled with the purpose of life, why would god allow this to happen
then I remembered her Aramaic words as she read the original words of
Jesus, life refines the im-mortal soul then at mortal death of the soul, she

Sarah she reincarnates, you mean Lilly?



Carlos no, no all human souls are female, the babies of Ammah our Mother
in heaven, she the Mother of all liv-ing.

Sarah are you saying that the original words of Jesus said that all live has a
female soul, what then is the Father?

The Father is Jesus, held back to end the creation process by leading the
way by example, take up your cross and follow me, the Father is came as
Jesus, man had to call him something, Emmanuel was another name,
Matthew 1:23 God with us as a baby.

That set the theme that he must return as a baby in the end time and he
and his angel Michael the Archangel would overcome the earth.

Sarah So when Jesus appears to people, is it Jesus or the angel?

Carlos I wonder that myself?

In the book of Revelation, which is accurate by the way, the angel is

Michael and he rebukes John who thinks the angel Michael is Jesus, John
was so sure it was Jesus, he grew up knowing him as a man, totally familiar,
like a brother and mistook the angel for Jesus.


Carlos after the murder of Lilly it was apparent that my priesthood was
based on a doctrine of Lucifer, and I start-ed to doubt what my chosen
profession was all about. I moved to Egypt where we studied the Essene
gospels, written in ancient Aramaic the language that Jesus had spoken.

Sarah and Lilly?

Carlos continued as if he had not heard Sarah.

Carlos where I applied my new found knowledge to deci-phering the Great


Sarah and your love, what became of her?

She was murdered by the opus dei fanatics.

Sarah oh I am so dreadfully sorry, I did not mean to pry.

Carlos, well perhaps she was an angel sent to open my eyes, my experience
has been saints are people one step away from perfection, she taught me
that predicted noth-ing would change because the devil had been cast out
of heaven into Paradise and one by one devour us, until the time of the end
when few would have the spiritual strength to await the rebirth of Jesus but
this time He will be Yahweh in the flesh, bottom line religion is a crock of



Carlos her murder did not deter me, it made me stronger, I had nothing
else to live for, I saw it as a threat, a confirma-tion I was getting to close.
The Opus Dei had started out as a movement dedicated to Jesus but like
the church, it had been devoured by what appeared to be an evil spirit,
which I now believe to be a universal evil like a smell that gets into a
population living to near a sewage treatment plant. after a while the
inhabitants cant smell it.

Susan some can still smell it even though the masses are consumed with
distractions like drugs, TV and alchole?

yes that is it exactly, but according to the original words of Jesus, he was
God in the flesh, he had two espoused wives, the first Mary Magdalene and
the second Martha her younger sister, in fact reading the Greek words in
the book of John were written by Mary albiet altered to make it appear to
be John, the one Jesus loved whome he kissed on the lips more often.

Sarah you mean it is all bullshit?

Carlos, yes a true statement of fact. but the check mate was in play, it
appeared that the great pyramid was a bible in stone, not quoting scripture
but numbers, lunations so-lar eclipses, chamber specifications that was a
giant time clock that pre-dated all modern religions, by that I mean all
religions are bullshit, like selling books in a book store, every bastard thinks
he has the answer.


Sarah I see, like the smell of sewrage lost to the masses that they are the
shit in the pond.

Carlos precisly.

Sarah Carlos let me ask you a direct question?

was Martha Jesus first love?

Carlos yes and no, he loved Mary Magdalene first be-cause she was 9.42
years older than Martha, he was preordained to seek her, love her then and
would seek her when he returned to the earth, its a matter of genetics as
they interact with their offspring by marrying two evil spouses, produce
children and then the check mate would be a slam dunk.

Sarah what do you mean?

Their children had to be produced via the Satan effect, in other words the
angels of Lucifer would manouver the worst possible human beings to be
the only way that the genetic doore could be opened.

the satan effect is all part of the dream, in other words all human
existence is subject to the satan effect in particular there is a genetic path
that these must produce offspring with people they did not want to, but had
to to achive the miracles of birth numbers, locations and these open the


genetic door, the Antechamber that then locates the same numbers within
the Kings chamber and these are in the bible codes.

Corlos are you following it?

Sarah sort of.

The Harlot prophecy, is found in Hosea, he was com-mended by the Lord to

produce children via the village harlot, likewise it is a prophecy the Lord
himself would have to obey in order to open the door, the Antechamber

Carlos follow?
The Lord would not have ordered Hosea to suffer so un-less it was
necessary, the harlot in the end time is the church and he was reborn on an
avenue named Roth-schild and a catholic family? follow?

The solar eclipse that occurred immediately after his re-birth into hell,
January 25th 1944 was 8888.8 miles in one direction to that house and on
the same date January 25th 1963 the distance was 942 miles, both Jesus

Satan did what it was permitted to do, place before them monsters in
human form,


what does these numbers prove?

Sarah Jesus and Mary Magdalene?

Carlos indeed but it also proves there is a satanic angel that has its demonic
spirat as parasitic angels that can on-ly exist within a human host, and
Lucifer must be controlling the royal family in London as that is the throne
of David.

therefore by the Satan reality they had to marry, the birth dates would
open the book of life and in so doing the Great Pyramid, preordained to
have emotional hurdles they both had to overcome.

Sarah I get it, this is why the 5000 year old structure is the most accurately
built building on earth, the Antechamber is 116.26 pyramid inches wide, and
we find that Christ and Mary Magdalene produce numbers via the
marriages and birth dates of their evil spouses that are the Key of David
opening the way into the kings Chamber.

Sarah can I ask another direct question?

Carlos yes indeed.

Sarah can I come with you and record what you discov-er?



Carlos that depends.

On what?

If I am going somewhere

Sarah I know you have something driving you, your lost love has to be
appeased, perhaps never replaced, but ap-peased just the same.

Carlos yes I am uncovered, it would be my pleasure to have you join me it

could be very dangerous, I have faced death many times, my angel saved
me, I can not say the same for you, you could be an angel sent like Lilly?

Carlos for now let us get a good nights sleep and we can have a swim in the
morning and make a plan.

Sarah OK.

Carlos and Sarah walked back through the jungle to the monestary, they bid
goodnight as she climed the stairs to her room, his parting words dont let
the minkies make off with that dress, it fits you so well.


Sarah where will you sleep?

Carlos in the Combi van. good night, he smiled, sweet dreams.

He turned and walked back to the van.

The following morning Sarah woke to the sound of the jungle, a melody of
hundreds of birds and animals singing their love songs. She looked out the
window and saw the most beautiful cat peering past the window its eyes
trans-fixed at something perched on the ledge.

shoo, shoo the cat watching the minky watch a frog, then as the monkey
took flight she noticed the remnant of her panties around its neck, how odd,
50 Euro a pair ending up on the neck of a monkey.


A quick shower thinking she would wear the same dress, it was all she had,
all of her cloths were formal evening wear with nothing that would suit the

She then dresses and walked down the stairs via the front stair case this
time, a more intensional grand entry, she saw Pedro and Carlos sipping
coffee, both grinning like chessear cats no doubt remembering the peek
they got when she fainted.

Carlos Ah good morning Sarah, did you sleep well, share some breakfast
with us?

Sarah why not have that swim first.

Carlos yes good idea, just a short walk.

Tracing their footseteps from last night they made their way through the
jungle, to arrive on the shore of a large lake that was once joined to the sea.

Carlos is it safe to swim?


yes, but at least take your shoes off, you will ruin your dress, have you no

Sarah No, all of my leasure cloths are back in London, I did not think I would
be trapsing around Brazil swimming in the sea, the dress will have to do.

Sarah since you have seen me naked, turn away and I will take my dress off
and go into the water first.

Sarah was taken back by her brazen disrobing for a swim, quite out of
character, she thinks he is after all a man of the cloth, immune to carnal
lust, so she thought, he had said nudity in Brazil is common place, while in
Rome do as the Romans do, what had she done in her life time, a 29 year
old virgin, so what the hec?

But to her surprise Carlos disrobed and waded into the water, not glancing
at her nakedness, so she thought, however his underwater vision was

After the swim, they dressed and walked back to the mon-astery, had a
coffee and pland the adventure.



Carlos we can stop on the way and get you a few pairs of jeans, shirts,
socks, hat and boots.

He then prodced a map of the surrounding jungle, he had made crosses like
a pirates treasure map. Pardre Pedro looked on, and said that these were
forbidden, Carlos shrugged his shoulders, Jesus is with us.

This is what we will be searching for, the buildings are not important,
their location is.

Its only in the last few years that the war machine has buckled under the
pressure to sell the Global Positioning Satellite devises to the general
publick, a manufacturer is stuck with the technology and aften looses the
contract and because they are obsolete, the market demands gps hand held
devices, its just how it is.

Several companies around the world make mapping we can install in a

laptop, we can then pluig the gps into the laptop and we have a trail like the
trail of an ant recorded on the map.

we can now go back to where I searched them out 12 years ago and
record the coordinates.



Sarah but how did the natives know where to buikld them?

Carlos, that is the quantum leap in thought!

Sarah what do you mean?

Carlos they were created.

Sarah Created, they were created?

Carlos yes, let me explain. we now know that in our bone marrow, the
DNA is producing 100 trillion molecules of heomglobing per second. per
second so profound is this fact, it is above the mind of a human being to
compre-hend it, yet it is true.

Sarah yes I understand, it is mind blowing.

Carlos. a baby, be it an animal the size of the little minky,


to a blue whale, starts out with one sperm and one ovum, then from just 23
chromosomes from each parent, they make a complete baby ready to face
the world in a matter of weeks to month for most animals, perhaps two
years for a whale, I dont know, yet there are trillions of cells work-ing away
automatically doing what the DNA via the genes tell it to manufacture, little
factories so complex that scien-tists who witness it are awe struck
Intelligent Design. In the DNA of all life is the Hebrew name of God YHWH.

Carlos continues a spider is far more complex than the monkey or the
whale, yet it can produce offspring in a few days in some cases, look at the
little spider?

A flower is impregnated by a bee, or wasp, seduced by the aroma,drinks the

nectar, pollen clings to its body, then transported into another flower of the
same species, the aroma reprogrammed the bee to seek the female flower
and deposit the male flowers genes.

Sarah now thats love.

Carlos precisely.

Look at this flower, surrounded by white flowers, its a symbiotic

relationship, the bee from white to white or the humming birds which is
attracted to the red.



The bee activity is picked up by other insects and come after the food, find
the white flower, and pollinate them.

Carlos I have a question for you Sarah.

Sarah shoot.

DNA suddenly stops functioning when the soul leaves the body, why? The
DNA has performed flawlessly for 79 years then the body starts to shut
down as the soul is be-ing prepared to leav and go where?

or Joe Average goes jogging, life expectancy 79 years yet is dead at 30,
what happened? a Mack truck spread him out like tomarto sauce, the soul
however leaves, see ya later, up it goes, atheist and Muslime alike, off to
heaven, oh shit back you go son, try again.

Sarah what about the ruins all throughout South America and up into

Carlos well me dear, there are more roads throughout South America than
all the miles of roads built in the Unit-ed States, therefore we look at the
roads, all hand done, laid out through the jungles connecting what would be
best likend too the function of a cell. the cell has a network of roads, little


trucks carry the supplies from one end of the cell to the other, sometimes
the route is so complex it takes 6 weeks.

what is harder to make, a cell that can do all that or a pile of rock with
what appears to be a demonic face overgrown by the jungle?

Lower left a man standing. How the head of this thing was lifted 80 feet
into the air was achievedd, and where is the quarry, how did they cut it out
and carve it, bannana skins?

Which has been manufacturing cells, molecules and countless functions

faster than a jet engine, to the cell function when the soul leaves the body?

If you measure from the Jesus statue in Rio to any of the ancient sites, it
reveals demonic thought. For example to Palenque in the Yukatan, the
distance is 4297 in the He-brew dictionary is the word mutter meaning
perversness, or in nautical miles it is 3731 Greek dictionary hermema an
attack, violence.

How about wahsington 4778 miles Greek suffer persecu-tion Hebrew




Against Jesus. Vatican 5719 miles given to pleasures

Madrid Opus Dei 4392 miles Hebrew, she that was with child. Greek an
outward showing.
Kilometres 8141 Hebreww a year
Found in the most important verse in the bible,

Isaiah 63:4 for the day of vengence is in my heart, and the year 8141 of my
redeemed is come.

Or from the statue to the South Pole the distance is 4034 nautical miles, and
is Greek to illuminate all round, invest with a halo.
To shine light all the way around.

In miles 4646 Hebrew is giving up the ghost.

Sarah that is simply wonderful, Marshall and I saw the lightening strike the
statue of Jesus when we flew in, the cloud ceiling at 1800 feet gave a light
around the statue for miles, I have it in my camera.

Carlos Oh Sarah I could just kiss you.



Carlos From the North Pole 7790 miles and is Hebrew Lieing in wait, i.e. Like
a lion ready to devour a beast.

ok I get the picture, any number has a meaning, say 927 miles? said

Carlos ah yes 927 in Greek is highly valuable, very pre-ious Hebrew is to


Sarah Father, can you simplify what it all means?

Carlos I should point out I gave up the cloth when I real-ised what the truth
was, the church is the cess pool of the Devil, a breeding ground of
homosexuals, pedifiles, blood sacrifises, they control all governments via
varios cults like Freemasonry, Opus Dei today devoured by murderers and
assassins, the Khazar, the Rothschilds Washington, Jerusalem, Rome, the
Vatican, UN, world health Organisation that spread AIDS and all forms of
evil diseases.

Sarah ;what can we do to avoid it all?

Carlos Colloidial elements in pure water, you body is 75% water and brain
90% so what you drink is what you are made of.


Sarah how do we get it?

Carlos, in cities you can filter out the nasties with Reverse Osmosis filters
with silver cartages then take the water and get a silver chain, cut in half
and hand over the side in the water, ad bicarbonate of soda and hook a
battery to the two silver chain and it will start moving silver as a posi-tive
charge into the water, then drink it daily. dont use fluoride tooth paste.
do the same with a gold chain.

Carlos scince is not talking, the answer is to wonderfulk, if for example the
masses were educated in truth, remem-ber Jesus said the true would set
you free, then the answer is in science, Creation is demonstratable.

Sarah how?

well the earth with all its strange monuments from Stone-henge to the
Pyramid, are brimming with amazing facts and in addition the passage of
the solar system is a key. let me get my laptop I have a letter I sent to a
priest, Father Himendaz. back in a moment.

Sarah watched as this amazing man stepped over her sit-ting on the bench
against the table and strode out to the Combi. she could smell his sweat as
his open shirt brushed past her face.


Returning he again stepped over her and turning sat be-side her placing the
laptop on theold hand carved table, which Pedro had told her was carved by
the Aztec Indians centuries ago.

Opening the laptop he said I will turn it on. we have to wait for it to warm
up, its a bit like me.

Sarah though, so am I turned it on.

Eventually the screen flickered to life, a nude woman ap-peared as the

desktop, oh sorry Sarah, that was Marshall who did that when he was here

Carlos Now I have forgotten what we were doing, my blood was being used

Sarah Yes I know the feeling, hard ah to concentrate.

Oh yes the email.

This gent wrote to Marshall he forwarded it to me.

> escomz has sent you a message on youtube:


> question 2013
> hey brian my name is victor and i had just watched some of the things
> about the 212012 and i am not really clear about the whole thing, i mean i
> do belive in reincarnation no matter what the bible says but is it truely
> the end of everything? I mean there wont be any more reincarnations and
> because were all part of god or you said somthing i think i remember from
> your page, and if its true then why is this going to hap-pen?
> just to let you know im only new to your page because i heard of you on
> the kyle & jackio show and plus i don't really have much time to watch all
> of your videos as well and i found the 212012 pretty dis-turbing i mean
> whats going to happen in the year 2013 because im not really clear about
> it?
> reply

my email is


> You can reply to this message by visiting your Inbox:



Carlos Brian replied.

Hi mate,
The solar system is moving northward at 43,200 mph, this is what causes
The planets to orbit, they are all below the equator line of the Sun.

So when we look into space, the Milky Way Galaxy and the stars in it, all
Are spread out on a 100,000 light years wide thin disc, and where the
Solar system is it is in a very thin outer edge.

The facts are that in order to have life on a planet the star (sun) must
Be moving do drag the planets behind it for if it were not the planets
Would be drawn into it and perish.

Astronomers are quite stupid, the say stars have been seen to wobble and
Therefore a star like the sun has been seen to shift every 4 days
Therefore a Jupiter size planet is orbiting.


This is not a solar system what it is, is a binary, which means the orbit
Of the smaller star or huge planet is so fast it could not be a solar
System like ours, the planet Jupiter requires 13 years to orbit and Saturn
30 so its all mass stupidity.

I believe the reason is that students are selected in a list and if they
Ever apply for a job in astronomy they are already known how they think.
The reality is all universities work that way, few are em-ployed that go
Against the standard MC squared bullshit, therefore no intelligent thought
Gets past the gate, if there is that person is sacked.

Only the Solar system is moving northward and the date of the crossing is
December 12th 2012, OK so what this means is it was recorded within the
Great Pyramid 5000 years ago, In the book of Isaiah 19:19 and 19:20 the
Verses speak of an altar to the Lord in the midst of Egypt symbolically
Hell, and the Hebrew words have a value known as gematria that totals the
Same number as is the height of the structure up to the missing capstone.

By then there will be a gathering of people who have reached the immortal
Flesh stage, you may know one, or may be one, most are unaware but have
Escaped certain death in the past by some miracle, in any case the


Original Old Testament was all about reincarnation, tried like silver in
The furnace of hell where God is not, and finally the 144,000 in
Revelation is the key number required to spread the word world wide, that
Then brings the masses to the immortal stage of in most cases will ignore
It and live out their lives and die as usual and as they ex-pect, they will
Reincarnate and have move foreword in time.

The crossing will be the end of mass stupidity, people like Bush or Howard
Will be either converted or start the death process, this is the reaper
Prophecy, the angels are with all people at all time, they watch and when
Death comes they will be taken care of separating the tares from the wheat

So like you I was reborn but in my case, into a world that in the secret
Cults above all religions and governments knew where and when, and so
The years I have manipulated a situation to force their hand, as they know
They must stop me waking the masses to their own divini-ty, which is the
Female soul of the Mother of all living, human beings that form a church
And marry the Father who was Jesus and is today the judge and Christ as
The true king descended from King David.



The reason it is so complex is the universities, govern-ments and churches,

It was quite commonly known in Jerusalem and Palestine and is what the
Testament predicted Jesus, while the New Testament is basically bullshit
Apart for certain verses identified by myself via numbers and leads to
Revelation which is divine.

So today no government will allow me to speak nor the facts on who built
The pyramid, the Shepard Kings descended from Noah, nor will they talk
About the crossing of the Milky Way Galaxy equator and the start of the
1000 years of building Paradise here on the earth starting in Australia.
I hope that answers your thought and questions, Peace and Love is the Key,

Sarah wait a minute, this man is answering as if he is Je-sus?

Carlos Oh yes, did he not tell you? it was he who walked up behind me
while I was in an old dig in the Yukatan, how he found me, I hd no idea, he
frightened the living crap out of me. I had my head down and arse up and
he slaps me on the buttox and intrduses himself, gday mate, Brian Leonard
Golightly Marshall, Jesus reincarnate.


Carlos where did you come from?

just dropped in, no worries what are you up too, had a lot of good
reports about you.

Carlos I was dumbfounded, completely at a loss.

Marshall Yer I thought you could use a hand. need a miracle?

Carlos it was an imposibilty to have found me, I had hiked along for three
hours into the bush, it was stinking hot, I was lathered in sweat, the
humidity was so high you could almost chew it, let alone breath it. he on
the other hand was as if he was strolling in central park, no sign of sweat, in
fact he was wearing a white suit, not a mark on it.

Marshall Ok heres the scar on my forhead, as per Shroud of Turin, wrists,

feet OK?


Marshall its ok you can say fuck.

now when you find an old ruin like this one, the very first thing you must
do is cast out the demons, if you dont they will cause havock, equipment
will fail, animals will bite, insects will be everywhere, humidity will close in,
name your demons, you can cast the bastards out.

Marshall these structures were not built by men, they were part of the
Creation process, I think it happens, An-gels do the heavy lifting.

simply say in a load voice, IN THE NAME OF JESUS I CAST YOU OUT OF

As he said it there was an aweful blood chilling all around, the area gave up
a ghost like mist accompanied by screeming terror as these demons spiraled
up above the area away in all directions round and round until no more
sound could be heard.

Marshall said look about you, what do you see?

The air was clear, a gentle breeze carried yellow butterflies from out of the
jungle, birds singing, sunlight breaking through the tree canopy, a golden
glowing aura surrounded him, his hair almost white.

Carlos I was completely stunned, am I ded I asked him?



Marshall Oh no. Your faith has been rewarded, people like you are not
aware they are agels in the flesh.

Carlos me an angel?


there are ranks of angels, all are immortal, few have made the grade to
human and immortality, recall the scripture, made lower then the angels to
experience death. the an-gels envy your former ability to die.

Carlos taken back by it all I am immortal?

yes this is the final stage of those who have lived and died for Jesus in
past lives, your soul disgards the filthy garments at death and you are
reborn to be refined once again by experience life in the willderness.

wanna see another miracle?

He lifted his hand to about waist hight his palm turned up-ward, humming
birds came into the clearing and began landing on his fingers, first one a
female, then another then another as her babies follwed then in just a few


moments, there were 16 hens and their babies while the males hovered
eyeing each other off.

Carlos may I take a photo?


Sarah do you have the photo?

Carlos let me find in in the computer.

ah there it is.

Carlos near his feet on the temple steps, he stooped down and picked up a
baby which was clinging to the back of its mother, tickeling the mother as
she fell asleep.


Marshall as I said you are an angel of the highest order., did I not say in
Psalms For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast
crowned him with glory and honour. And in Hebrews But we see Jesus,
who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death,
crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste
death for every man.

have no fear Carlos, this was why I died on the cross, for you and the
meek, it was not the Jews who piered my side it was a Roman a centurian
named Corneilius. Jhn 19:34 But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his
side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.

you were a priest of the Great Whore, she dandelled you on her knees
feeding you, suckeling you with here teats of poison, but you rebelled, your
soul would not let you rest until you began to raise from the dead.

Psalms 37:11 But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight
themselves in the abundance of peace. Isaiah 11:4 But with righteousness
shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth:
and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath
of his lips shall he slay the wicked.



Carlos Lord what do I call you, Lord?

Marshall Marshall will do, if you encounter me in towns, Brian will do, you
are my friend are you not?

Carlos There were many questions I wanted to ask but was completely
dumbfounded, he bid me farewell turned and walked into the jungle,
turning he waved then van-ished.

Over the years he has suddenly shown up, pointed me in the right direction
and I would turn and he would be walk-ing away. He told me that the
angels built the Mayan, Aztec, Olmec empires, to ask the natives, the old
men and women, they remembered the angels coming. He said once the
west came to investigate, they were either catho-lic or university educated
men and women, who had been seduced.

He said always trust in your conscience, follow a dream and belive not those
who scorn you. There is no life in space, this is yet another seduction.
This realm is within the heavenly and it within this reality. Its the impossible
where the answers lay hidden, the Ma-yan Calendar, the Olmec before it,
given to the people who were falling into devil worship, as for demons they
are parasites, they consume a soul influencing it to do its bidding, then
when that person has done so, it moves it towards deth, then find another
victim willing to be se-duced. They exist within men for the most part,
women are less prone to the lure of the ego.



Carlos I asked him about sex. he said, it is to be enjoyed to the fullest, go

into a woman righteously for love and bring forth children, if it be so
decreed, man is not com-plete without woman as is God the Father not
complete with God the Mother.

I asked who is God the Mother? And he said mankind, who are the offspring
of Ammah the Mother of all living.

When you find your soul mate, be unto her as sshe would be unto you, be
open and honest with your sexuality, that is healthy, tell her what you feel
what you desire and give her the honesty she deserves and in turn no
matter what she may reply, do it for her, this is sexual love of the bridal

Do the birds do what comes naturally, does an albertross mate for life?
Children must be taught that their body is a temple, sanctifyied by their
heavenly parents who made them in their image, male and female they
made them.

What is more beautiful than a naked woman, admire her in all things as she
is made in the image of God the Mother Ammah.


From time to time he would just suddenly be there, I would asked many
questions but what interested me on a per-sonal level was love for a
woman, I said that I was a priest, celibate, he said what for, have babies
dont you want ba-bies, the demonic breed like flies and the righteous are
told to be celibate?

Sarah was dumbfounded then that crazy Ozzi was him?

Carlos Yes.

What was he doing on the 380 world flight?

Carlos what happened on the flight?

Sarah the lightening strike? he had you take a photo out the window,
think about it, he was pulling information out of the screen, check it out,
there is no internet on jets flying around the world is there? its was a TV
screen with a few on board tricks to order drinks or watch a movie, right?


in your preamble for the flight, did it mention the internet or real time
lightening strikes?

do you realy think he worked for the Age newspaper? or who was the
old lady in Picadilly Circus telling you your future?
think, what did he say in passing he could not have known?

oh shit, the stocking.

Sarah I was being manipulated to find you?

Carlos could not contain himself grinning from ear to ear.

Sarah OK what is the plan?

Carlos well there is no point planing ahead, we simply get in the Combi and
head out and follow where ever the an-gels lead us.

Sarah Ok when shall we head out.

Carlos, lets relax with Pedro tonight, have a nice meal, take a strole and
watch the sunset, get a good nights sleep and up bright and early in the



Retruning to the monastery, Sara and Carlos bid good-night to Petr and
Rosa, Carlos walked Sarah to her room.

Carlos sweet dreams.

Sarah opened the door, lit a candel and saw her ring sit-ting upright as if
defing gravity, it was her mothers wedding ring she cherished, but could not
remember get-ting it out of her luggage.

Sarah showerd and towled off quickley, anqious to see Carlos.

She dressed, brushed her hair, then ran down the hall to the top of the
stairs, stopped, took a breath and sloly de-scended the stairs.


Carlos was standing at the bottom of the stairs, drinking in her form as she
gracefully moved out of his dreams and into reality.

He took her hand and escourted her to the magnificent hand carved table
that was older then the monestary itself.

As they walked across the floor he said, I dreamed of you last night.

Sarah Oh?

I dreamed the strangest thing

Sarah said, so did I.

Carlos, you must tell me, perhaps we dreamed the same dream?

Sarah I felt enlivened like I had never felt before, as if I was engulfed in a
sea of angel wings that carried me to heaven, it was so beautiful,

every emotion, every dream, like waves of love flowing over me, it was
more than a dream.

I could never have imagined it,



for a moment I thought perhaps I had died and the angels had come to
carry me to heaven?

Sarah then I woke to an even more wonderful thought, I had met the Lord.
And was alive for evermore

Carlos His angels had embraced you, how do you feel.

I am tired but refreshed, as if I have woken from a life of nothingness with

no purpose, I feel emersed in eternal love.
I no longer feel any inhibitions.

They sat across from each other Rosa shuffled about back and forth into the
kitchen, what would she think if she knew what Sarah had imagined, or
what she could imagine unfetter by the words of the Lord. What woman
could resist, was it not imagination that inspired her dreams as a child, was
her reality a pouring out of the female spirit so long suppressed by the
church? Had she suddenly been anointed by the Holy Spirit? Was the Holy


Spirit female, had she covered her, awakening in her a new conception, free
and alive, the ultimate uninhibited woman, nothing could compare to this
feeling of love, nothing could now hold her back from experiencing the
ultimate love between man and woman as they our Father and Mother in
heaven intended.

They ate, staring into each others eyes, what was he thinking, could she
dare hazard a guess?

In only a moment they would be leaving the monastery off on the

adventure of a lifetime.

Sarah tell me Carlos your dream?

Carlos turned quite red in the face, looked sheepishly away from her eyes.

Well a mans mind tends to be more specifically driven by the need to.
Ah, be more focused on ah hard to put into words only a man can
compare ah, a man must deal with.. Ah

Pedro he had an erection..

Changing the subject carlos suggested Sarah needed to buy a change of

clothing for roughing it in the jungle. Pedro suggested they can find


adequate supplies back down the road to Rio, several small towns along the

carlos drove the combi to a small village he knew would have the clothing
theyneeded, Rio 50 k towards rio. Sarah purchased what she could find,
blouse, jeans, socks and boots.

Driving out of the village Sarah asked carlos to pull over so she could try on
the shirt in the back of the van. He stopped in a clearing, Sarah clambered
into the back russeled through the bags and began to change. she no-ticed
Carlos adjust the rear vision mirror to see what she was doing, he was a
man after all, a man in the jungle for months at a time. she accommodated
him by making cer-tain he had a good view of her dance.

Sarah was becoming more daring as the excitement of the adventure stirred
unfamiliar bravado in her loins; she was experiencing a rush within her
womb feelings that were totally unfamiliar to her.

She dressed slowly, taking off her top selecting this one then that making
sure her audience could not fail to glimpse her breasts, sitting for a moment
then trying an-other than back and forth knowing she was being de-voured
carlos savouring every moment.


finally she said, ok I am ready, and clamoured back into the front.

Returning to the monastery they had lunch with Padre Pedro. Then Carlos
rolled out a large ancient parchment scroll he had discovered between the
paws of the sphinx, it revealed the Sphinx was not what it appeared to be,
the body was dug out and around the head of the lion, but originally the
head was not a lions head it was a pyramid shape capstone for the pyramid.

The pyramid could be no higher than the Isaiah 19;19 and 19:20 prophecy.

Sarah why?

The combined gematria is all part of the unbelievable, above the human
mind to grasp that this was and is today a spiritual battle falling to or into
this realm the earth, chas-ing the darkness of Lucifer after it has been cast
to the earth, where it is trapped but willing people in high places accept it as
god, the alternative is Jesus and they are very determined to appease the
lusts of the most evil mind that could possible be imagined by man.

The height of the structure must end at the Isaiah gematria number which is
the average height of the land mass, 454.5 feet or 5454 inches in British
measure. So when the was preordained to be reborn to the earth, and in
Hebrew 5454 is Sabtah the area where Nimrod would flourish and was also
where the tower of Babel would be built.



The story then points to the Tower of Babel Genesis 11:9 representing Great
Pyramid, the Christian world of Israel rejecting the second coming of the

The base was made smaller then the instructions of the Lord 36524.24 P
and reduced by 286.1 reached 5454 inches and could go no higher, then
when the capstone weighing 1722 ton which like the tower was never completed unable to reach heaven without the Lord.

The prophecy is that Nineveh condemns this wicked gen-eration, and in so

doing confirms reincarnation, that the modern day world will reject even
God the missing cap-stone and it will be placed 116.26 degrees off true
north and man will have not only rejected God in the flesh Yah-weh himself
but will have altered the capstone to the abominations of Israel the western

The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall
condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold,
a greater than Jonas [is] here. Matthew 12:41

The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation,
and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to
hear the Wisdom of Sol-omon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon [is]


When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry
places, seeking rest, and findeth none.

Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and
when he is come, he findeth [it] empty, swept, and garnished.

Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked
than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last [state] of that
man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked

Sarah is there any chance the masses will repent?

Carlos, they rid themselves of the demon of life, die and reincarnate to be
attacked by the former and it brings more with it so that the unrepentant
soul become totally infested with demons and is what Nineveh has
repentant souls judging the wickedness of this end time generation.

Also Nineveh

carlos we can discuss the trap encoded in the bible as we drive.

Sarah what you were saying about martha, why was the world told Jesus
and mary magdalene were married and had children, even the talipot tomb
has been revealed to be the tomb of Yeshua and mary magdalene?



carlos its a trap, rule of thumb, if their lips are moving they are lying.

Sarah so it was a trap to make it appear Jesus and mary were lovers, hiding
the real wife of Jesus marther?

carlos yes that is so; the da vinci code was a world wide smash and
therefore permitted by the world order that con-trols all media.

She will have babies by christ in the years to come and that will be the
purest genetic royal line possible from am-mah and abbah martha and

carlos and Sarah bid farewell to pedro and rosa, odd they had a strange look
on their faces suggestive of some ulte-rior thought.

The small combi headed west up into the mountains, the moon was now
approaching its brightest being a full moon the following night.

Sarah where are we going first off?

carlos there is a trail i was led too by the spirit several months ago, it
wound its way up through the mountains, oddly the jungle growth appeared
to be stunted near the trail leaving the barest opening to follow. When I
arrived at the clearing, a vast complex had been sitting there for countless


millenniums a series of pyramid exactly like the giza plateau about 100th
scale. I took gps coordinates puzzling over the location, as it had to be

.Sarah what did you find?

.carlos it was quite unbelievable. measuring a direct line to the Jesus

statue in Rio was 242.4 kilometres.

*Sarah what is the significance of the number 242?

*carlos not 242 the precise number is 242.4, the number for Jesus in the
greek concordance of the 1611 king james bible.

2424. Iesous {ee-ay-sooce'}; of Hebrew origin [3091]; Je-sus (i.e.Jehoshua),

the name of our Lord but its latitude and longitude locates it an arc central
to the Jesus statue in rio, grab my briefcase behind you and I will show you
where it is.

*Sarah look it overlooks Rio central and is 5.55 nautical miles distant.


*carlos yes but the word Christ is found in 522 verses and that number is
ammah the cubit or mother measure of the earth therefore we must
measure the earth.

*Sarah ah I see.

*carlos pull the chart numbered 2424 pyramids.

*Sarah ok got it

I will pull up in the clearing so I can show you how the code works.

*carlos now look down the coast 98 kilometres and there is a small island,
we place a point on top of the island, get out the protractor from the
leather case in the back

*Sarah this it?

He nods

ok got it

take a close look




its extremities measure 69.7 kilometres and that number is the New
Testament total for the world lord.

*Sarah oh fuck.

*carlos not right now Im busy.

*Sarah grinned.

Now the height of the island is 1212 feet so we have a point that makes up
half of 2424 Jesus number, we then have two points the island and the
statue of the big ka-hoona right?

*Sarah right.

we measure 242.4 k from the statue and 242.4 k from the island, this is
what it is telling us, how the earth was creat-ed to reveal Jesus.



*Sarah does that mean the bible is holy?

*carlos well look at it this way, Jesus has stretched out the snake and says
fuck what the New Testament says, that is all smoke and mirrors, the secret
is n the dictionaries word total.

*Sarah ah I get it, leaning in close against his arm brush-ing her nipple.

so lets look what is gives us, roll the map out a bit more.

we measure 242.4 k from the island and 242.4 k from the statue.

the first gives us the track entrance and the second we follow around a
small mountain and we have the pyra-mids.

the combined distance is 484.8 km the height of the Great Pyramid with
capstone in place, meaning Jesus has taken over the earth, pulling down
Babel to the ground.

*Sarah and that is the coming in the clouds?


hey words are not needed, the trap was set when Jesus created the
heavens and the earth, and the clouds are the stars or obscurity,

*carlos now the next chart is a close up of the small mount blocking the
direct line from the road where the trail begins.

So we measure the 4 pints and we have 584.8 km

hebrew 5848. `ataph {aw-taf'}; a primitive root; to shroud, i.e. clothe (from
the idea of darkness) to: -cover (over), hide self, be overwhelmed.

greek does not go higher than 5624 words so we look at 584. apodeiknumi
{ap-od-ike'-noo-mee}; from 575 and 1166; to show off, i.e. exhibit;
figuratively, to demonstrate, i.e. accredit: -(ap-) prove, set forth, shew.

its as plain as the wart on sister Rosa nose, and i mean that in the nicest
possible way.

*Sarah owww shes nice. Slapping his arm.



you would not say so if she surprised you at midnight walking back from
the dunny with a candle stuck under it.

*Sarah come on, lets get cracking. the hill hiding the pyramid is 4141
nautical miles from the South Pole

Hebrew 4141. muwcab {moo-sawb'}; from 5437; a turn, i.e. circuit (of a
building): -winding about. between the islands across the sae to the statue
of Jesus is 221.8 km

2281. thalassa {thal'-as-sah}; the sea (genitive case or specially): -sea.

the old kombi chugged along winding its way around tight turns; wildlife
could be heard heralding their presence, warning the forest to watch out,
strange smelly animal heading their way.

*the setting sun stretch the rays in a purple hue across the rode slowly
changing into an myriad of colours, rays of fading light darted from flower
to flower in a desperate chase to avoid the darkness falling upon the forest,
tropical flowers slowly obeyed their angels whisper, enclosing their lovers
seed they had conceived when pollinated by anxious bees hurriedly closing
their petals to sleep in glorious dreams awaiting the new dawn when the
bees would bring to their womb distant lovers seed once again.


Heavenly shades of night were falling, twilight time rushed ever faster
towards darkness, the deepening shadows gathered their slender forming a
purple curtain at the end of day, then in just a few moment it was gone for
together the slept, bathed in twilight time.

only the almighty God could have imagined beauty of this magnitude,
only Jesus.

The road took on a wondrous darkness as the little yellow headlamps darted
to the end of each turn; slowly carlos crept along as they drank in the
darkness hiding the glory of day.

to the east the moon was walking along the milky way as its stretched its
white light across the spawning sea, coral gave up its sperm to intermingle
with the ovum of distant lovers carried along by the familiar ancient warm
ocean fluid.

carlos, the moon is so bright, is it a full moon yet?

no not until tomorrow, but look closely, can you see the constellation leo
the lion, that is the royal line of Jesus, the moon is sitting in the heart of leo
eclipsing the star regulas it will be above the horizon tonight for 678
minutes, found only in Isaiah 41:09 atsiyl {aw-tseel'}; {Thou} whom I have
taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief men
thereof, and said unto thee, Thou {art} my servant; I have chosen thee, and
not cast thee away.


10 Fear thou not; for I {am} with thee: be not dismayed; for I {am} thy God:
I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the
right hand of my right-eousness.

And is why leo, the royal constellation, was the moment of the Star of

*Sarah what date was it?

*carlos june 17th 2 bc when Jupiter at 88,800 miles wide was overtaken by
venus the morning star, within the heart of leo.

*caros we are getting close; we will be upon the trail in a few minutes.

*Sarah how do you know where it is, the jungle is so dense?

*carlos thanks to the Magellan gps it will guide us like a bee to the pollen,
well within a few feet.

*the van slowly crept forward, the lines of the gps were converging together
to form a magic pointer at an imagi-nary waypoint on the side of the road.

*carlos, its about 200 meters ahead, keep an eye peeled Sarah, its off to
the right on a bend.



*Sarah shrieked I see it, I see it.

*at that same precise moment moon light penetrated the trees showing a
glimpse of the trail leading off to the right.

*carlos we had better stop for a moment and check the van, make sure the
tent is secure on top, its a tight narrow trail,.

*the motor chugged to a stop, not a sound could be heard except the slight
sound dancing through the trees like rain falling.

*Sarah what is that sound, is it rain, do you think we should stay here and
make camp for the night?

*carlos it tis a waterfall down the trail a little way, listen for a moment we
can hear it.

*her heart was pounding with excitement; its beating ebbed between beats
allowing her to her the gushing wa-ter.

*carlos come on, lets make our way down to the pool and pitch the tent.



*the engine sputtered into life, carlos slowly pushed the gare shift into first
gear, slowly releasing the clutch, mov-ing the van forward ever so slowly.

*a few moments later the van pushed through the dense canopy bursting
suddenly into a clearing exposing the magnificent scene as water cascaded
down into the pool.

*carlos Sarah you are looking at a miracle, the water emerges from atop
the hill from what appears to be an an-cient volcano, the pool is very warm,
the water is as pure as anywhere on earth, wonderful for the skin. the
natives in the area are reported to have the youngest appearance living very
long disease free lives. women of 70 years look as if they were around
thirty years of age.

*carlos go paddle your feet while I pitch the tent and rus-tle up some

*carlos busied himself unloading the van, set up the table and chairs, then
turned his attention to the tent, wrestled it down from the roof of the van,
cleared the leaves off the blue grass, happy with his selection with a clear
view of the moon and stars, before long it was quite comfortable Sarah will
be pleased.

Looking about for Sarah, his eyes fell upon what appeared momentarily to
be an angel in the moonlight.



*Sarah was standing under the waterfall catching the spray refreshing her.

*captivated by her beauty, he watch in total awe, several precious moments

took his breath away, he could hardly wait to hold her, a look his smile could
no more disguise, his eyes were gazing at so much more than words could
ever say, afraid to move unable to comprehend what won-ders lay before
him, fearing he would be discovered and she would flee into the shadows
and shatter the spell he was being devoured by. *no words could describe
what he had suddenly been smitten by, she was absolutely gor-geous, he
felt his heart was being consumed by a desire that only a celibate man
wrestling with sexual desire tinged with carnal lust but moreover the
deepest love a man can dream or dare to experience.

*carlos was total besotted by her, what could he hope to say, she trusts him
as a man of the cloth. Slowly she turned running her fingers through her hair
then wiped the water from her breasts cupping her hands slowly
downward. *she climbed down to the natural pool where soft moss
cushioned a perfect rest. *settling she reclined to soak up the youthful
beauty surrounding her, the moonlight dancing upon the crevices of her



*carlos are you still there, come join me in the pool the water is heavenly.

*Sarah stood up and walked towards the pool, a slow dance as she weaved
carefully stepping in the moonlight.

*carlos hesitated, come on you have seen me naked be-fore, there is no one
here just us two in the middle of paradise, like adam and eve, come on.

*carlos began to disrobe, his erection was enormous, he had no control

over it, he though well he could carry his towel in front of him and when he
waded into the pool he could toss the pants on the bank.

*as he walked to the waters edge Sarah reached up and gripped at his poor
attempt at covering, he instantly turned away, exposing his manhood an
arms length away from her.



*unable to completely turn away he caught a glimpse of her breast, water

dripping off her nipple.

*Sarah sat on the rock beside the pool, carlos, have I em-barrassed you,
you have given me the greatest compliment a man can give a woman.

She turned and splashed playfully into the water, reaching up to him with
both hands as she sunk beneath the water.

*for carlos it was completely unexpected, he was like ad-am in the garden
of eden his minds eye was being tormented with a kaleidoscope of images,
the beauty of her loveliness, the impishness of her total freedom, his desire
a pandoras box of delights, was this what adam experienced?

*he had to snap out of it, this was not a test of fidelity mar-ried the a
fucking church, this was what a man and woman were meant to experience,
a frolicking love story so intimate that both could only honour God by being
what God is Man and Woman made in their image.

It was his duty to give love all he had to give, honour her and she will be
delighted in his openness, no inhibitions, she like wise would beg him to fill


her desires that only a woman can comprehend and he filled with a surging
manhood would experience what only a man could experience being
completely and utterly devoured by the lips of her femininity.

*Sarah pushed herself gliding towards him, her arms hung on his neck, her
movement pushed him back as she slid on top of his body, her stomach
brushed his erection and he was totally armoured unable to resist her lips as
she pressed her breasts against his muscular chest.

*her eyes like pools of blue water gazed intently into his, carlos, I am a
virgin and I fallen head over heels in love with you, I want, i need you all the
way inside of me.

Caressing her breasts, he moved his lips to her nipples and began caressing
her cupping each with is massive hands forming them into mounds of
feminine tenderness he gently sucked and licked her until her moaning
encouraged him to carry here to the tent.

*he lay her down on the soft bedding he had prepared for her; he had
intended to sleep in the combi never dreaming this night would change his
life forever.

*he rolled her on her stomach while he fluffed the bedding so she could
move her legs unencumbered by the confined space within the tent.


*Sarah rolled about in a state of ecstasy, carlos make love to me, kiss me
massage my breasts, suck me, do all the things I have dreamed of and dared
to imagine, I want you, I love you.

*his powerful body arched as he rolled her kissing her back, her neck, her
shoulders, massaging her from her legs to her buttocks, pulling her gently
apart has he de-voured her. rolling her onto her back he kissed her mouth,
running his tongue across her lips sliding his tongue between her lips then
kissing her neck he nibbled her skin, moving down to caress her nipples with
is lips and tongue, sucking gentle as they became gorged with blood.

*he moved slowly towards her stomach, kissing and bight-ing until her
moaning begged him to spread her legs exposing her femininity as she arch
up to greet his tongue. licking sucking her tenderly until she was totally wed
with her juices to receive him, he positioned his throbbing manhood against
her lips, slowly and gently he pressed until a sudden easing as her virginity
was given to him, sliding deep within her until he reached to massage the
mouth of her womb, her contractions begging him to release his seed in
gushing burst that filled her to overflowing, then as the passion subsided he
remained motionless as his manhood continued to flex as her orgasm
dipped into the pool of love.

There could have been a more perfect moment in creation where a man
and a woman finally were wed in the way our Mother and Farther Ammah
and Abbah had intended, and at that moment man had burst through the
domination of the churches that for centuries had perverted the act of love
into debauchery.


*Sarah and Carlos were inseparable from that moment onward; they
continued to explore the ruins they Holy Spirit had lead them to discover.

*they returned to the monastery, celebrating their love with Pedro and

*Marshall had sent a message to carlos and Sarah, with gps coordinates;
carlos knew it was something very im-portant. *after a few weeks resting at
the monastery they packed their bags and set out on another adventure.

This time they were to make their way north several hun-dred kilometres.



And so it was, Sarah died. Her extraordinary story drew solstice from her
frequent sojourns into the tunnel of light she tried vainly to relate to old
man Padre Carlos Rodrigo, surly he would understands? Ah but no, his
prayers how-ever would reach through to her as she longed to reach
Valhalla, only to be withdrawn from the light, reunited with the dingy room
from which her pure soul was imprisoned within her frail crippled body.

It was in these series of more frequent out of body experi-ences that drew
her onward to her final destination, a state of mind where as an observer of
fate she saw the grand plane dreamed by the Almighty from the beginning.
It was this divine insight into the grand opera of life in which we all partake
the sweet wine thereof that she a small child unable to fully comprehend
nor make sense of, could only imagine here own interpretation that she
partook within the greatest love story the world had ever known. In her
infancy her mind was not cluttered by dogma the world must endure she
was free from toil to follow her dreams seeking the ultimate fullness of life
imagined, far more exciting had she been born free of physical burden, to
face her joys with her own imagination and in so doing convey her innocent
love for Carlos unburdened by public condemnation some would say
pornography and lust, she had no religious inhibitions for she was never
educated in physical love, to her it was all consuming with no preconceived
social inhibitions, consuming her in a world of dreams, her reality and finally
to be with her Lord in Paradise.


carlos we will be at the village within the hour, perhaps marshall will be
there, he has a habit of turning up out of the blue.
Sarah yes it will be good to see the old coot again, he was spot on about
the Jesus statue in rio.

yes there is more to him than meets the eye?

Sarah oh?.

yes I am sure you will look back on how you met in times to come.

The combi climed slowly up a steep incline, rounded the bend he parked the
van overlooking the valley far below.

there it is, my little oasis of sanity in the wilderness, paradise found I call

Sarah there are many things I want to tell you as we embark on our
journey together, its important for you to undertand what poverty in these
jungles are and how easily it can be put right. if you listen intently the
sound of the village raises up out of the valley, lets sit quitetly for a

do you hear anything




Lets stand on the edge of the dropaway, the sound travels across the hills.

they stood motionless, the scent of poinsettia, soft gentle breez-es filled
the air, can you feel it? close your eyes, let them take you to a place
beyond compare. gentel is the breeze that brings paradise beyond
compare. all we need to do is dream, closing our eyes for love is

Sarah yes is feel it. I can you hear the children laughing?

blow gentle breeze fill our hearts, hear our plea, nature all around is
constantly making love, that is all there is, love.

what we are experiencing in this realm is the manifestation of a dream of

the Almighty set in motion before man and woman were born to rule the
earth, for what greater love was there to have planned out the material
relam, creat it out of thought, based entirely of love as nature aoblivios to
God goes about its business of reproducing, and on these silent
pheromones the smells fill the air for us to stand in awe of.

Sarah and those villagers are what its all about?


yes indeed. they cannot comprehend the evils that have de-vored the
cities, big business dominated by yhe Catholic Church. so we being man
and woman made in Gods image, are why the church has eliminated the
female part of God from the masses.

carlos come we have an appointment with destiny.

the old van chugged its way down the winding trail to the vil-lage, ozzed
up out of the jungle mist floated partially obscuring the bright blue sky,
moisture laden updrafts cooled forming clouds at the top of the mountains,
pure white whisps of droplets were being reborn in the cycle of nature, and
so it is with the soul when it departs the mortal flesh.

the laughter of children could be heard above the drone of the combi as
they pulled into the village.

within seconds the sleepy huts gave birth to laughing children followed by
their parents pouring out to greet father carlos.

they swarmed around him jumping up trying to kiss him, little girls tugged
at his fingers to come see what they had been doing in school, the school he
had built for them.

jose a man in his late seventies came rushing up, father carlos, we all
missed you terribly, the children drove us mad asking when you would
return and here you are with an angel sent from heaven.



Sarah blushed unaccustomed to the genuiness of their admira-tion, they

truly ment it, for in their minds the world stopped at the top of the
mountains, nothing existed beyond that point.

;Sarah passed to reflect on what she had witnessed, these people had no
comprehension what was out there, what had caused the older people to
forget? ;had they simply stepped out of one realm into another and as far
as they could remember the past did not exist, father carlos was to them
like the lord walking with adam in the garden of eden, but this time the lord
was carlos who had brought his wife down to the earth to visit paradies as
he had promised them when he rescued them 20 years ago from hell, rio.

;Sarah carlos, am I imagining this or do these peole have no memory of rio,

and have the children no knowledge of the past the older generation
seemed to have forgotten?
;carlos yes this is so, I found these poor souls homeless and hunted like
dogs in rio, one by one I brought them to a safe place which was heaven to
them, clean water with natural elements rich in silver, gold, platinum.
when you rescue a person from the hell the church allows and encourages
in the slums, that per-son truly believes the moment they awake in a safe
village like this one, they have died and gne to heaven, they have a common
experience and over time as the population grew, children were either born
here or broughyt here, they started to do what is now played out as a
resurrection ritual.

one does not have to physically die to resurrect, this is the promise of
Jesus, those who have lived many times before have faced the trials of life
and by choosing righteousness, stepped out of the filthy rags of the former


into the holy ghost of the end of trials, I simply carried it out not content to
seek paradise after death, my part was to create paradise now for the
wretched, Je-sus said, the meek will inherit the earth.

;Sarah how do you fineance it?

quite simple, I walk along the streams and pick up gold nuggets that are
washed out of the crevices, it always happens just after a lightening strike in
the hills followed by a rain squall flushing the streams with enough gold to
sustain the village.

do the villagers know how you do it?

oh no, I have to leave for a week or two to the secret locations to harvest
the nuggets.

how many villages do you have like this one?


I spend a few days in each and overseer the improvements, knowone

wants for anything.
the secret is in the water and the isolation of the spirit from evil, every
thing that the villagers are exsposed to has been carfully scrutinized. you


see Sarah, the mind is connected to God in a marriage of the female soul to
Christ the Father, if the soul is no longer searching for the father spirit, the
flesh is arraed in the femal holy spirit as a virgin is arraed in white for her

the wedding takes place and the flesh become immortal, its a trick of the
mind, if you do not remember death then you wake in the morning after the
wedding alive for ever more. the water is what it is all about living water,
these children you see, their body is 80% water, their brain 90% then what
they drink is what they are, and so can water die?

;Sarah if a baby is exsposed continually to death, sickness, war, poverty the

innocent soul will only experience hell, the suncon-scious will only relate to
hell and death, and if starved of love living in a slum created by the system
the church pretends to be the godhead thereof, then death of the child is
certain, this is the ways of the corporate strawman.

if visionaries rescue these little ones, the words of Jesus ring true, I was in
prison and you visited me not, surly if we do what he told us, the God of
love, then his promise of immortality here on the earth will come to them.

this is what the angel of the lord led me to discover, and one by one I
have established villages that exist in a frequency range of matter where it
bridges between heaven and earth and so one by one Paradise is
established here on the earth.

;Sarah how do you locate these villages, how do you know where?



;carlos hand me the large scroll

He rolls it out showing a map of brazil and the rio Jesus statue.

look along the coast, there are island dotted everyehere, each has a peak,
for example off the coast of another hell hole is sao sebastiao the island is
1227 meters high or in feet 4026 feet. it is 237.7 km or 147.7 miles or
128.3 nautical miles.

we draw an arc 237.7 km from the highest point to Jesus and from Jesus
we draw an arc cross the first and we have the para-dise village location.

grab that leather bound book, strongs concordance open it to page page
67 hebrew section what does it say?



now turn to page 62 in the greek section



4432 poverty, cringing begger.

page 25 divided the 4432 by 3 sdes look at 1477


Page 26 hebrew?

die, give up the ghost

now we do it in miles

the three sides 713. km is Hebrew page 16 purple, what colour does the
pope wear?

or divide by three for each side 237.7 km Hebrew page 38

a dream, revelation, vision

greek page 37



a keeper of the door

and 1 above 2378 sacrifice, slaughter for any purpose, smok and is why
they burned the poor jews in concentration camps, the Vatican were behind
it, Hitler was a catholic.

oh my god they sacrificed the jews in the holacaust by fire.

carlos, what about the height of the island, does that tell us any-thing?
absolutly, everything is a creation, lets see the chart

Its 1227 meters high

greek 1227. diablepo {dee-ab-lep'-o}; from 1223 and 991; to look

through, i.e. recover full vision: -see clearly.

in feet it is 4026.greek to stand all around, i.e. (near) to be a by-stander,

or (aloof) to keep away from: -avoid, shun, stand by (round about).

hebrew 4026. migdal {mig-dawl'}; also (in plural) feminine migdalah

{mig-daw-law'}; from 1431; a tower (from its size or height); by


figuratively, a (pyramidal. pyramid of flowers.

where I have located this new oasis in the jungle is 2940 feet above sea
level and 294 is 294. amphiennumi {am-fee-en'-noo-meeto enrobe: -clothe.

;Sarah in flowers


can we go there?

by all means

arnt you afraid it will be discovered?

no the hand of God prevents it, these are little gardens of edens that are
spreading out all over brazil and eventually will engulf the world.

man was driven out of Eden then eve conceived this is now be-ing
reversed, originally the Lord sent his angel to he drove out the man; and he
placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cheru-bims, and a flaming sword
which turned every way, to keep the


way of the tree of life Jesus. only through Jesus can we gain immortality

all religions other than Jesus is of the devil and death follows so this is
why the roman beast is the Babylonian whore it replced paradise with death
and blood sacrifice to Molech.

near san francisco is the bohemian grove, all world leaders gatherb there
each year to plan wars for the next year, it is 3091 miles from the north

in Hebrew it is Joshua or Jesus 3091. Ya-how-shuwa but in greek it is lot,

he the survivor of Sodom and the fathered chil-dren by his daughters that
became the ammonite and Moabite, and is the diety where the people
gathered to burn their chidren alive, the same altar is erected in the
bohemian grove, for in greek 3091 is lot.

they have hung the face of Jesus on the abomination that makes the
world desolate.

Sarah open that bible to Leviticus 18:21

and thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through {the fire} to
molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I ,am- the Lord.


;Sarah. what about homosexuals, I have many friends in London who are

carlos read verse 22

thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it {is}


what a man and woman do in a sexual relationship, is not seen by God for
you and your husband are in love and married ac-cording to the moment he
enters her, she then has no other lover and is married.


father carlos the white suitcase, shall I bring it?

Sarah white suitcase?


yes Marshall must have left it here for me, there is always details of what
is to come.

the little child staggers out of a hut dragging the suitcase, her smaller
sister minces behind clutching a crumpled letter.

thankyou sweet heart, lets climb in the back of the combi and set up the

they sit at the table and open the letter, it was a coordinate they were to
seek out.


;under a full moon they drove up into the mountains, winding hare pin
bends stopping at every opportunity when ever the sce-ne beneath their
gaze prevented them continuing until its beauty was devoured.

chugging slowly along they meandered through deep under-growth to

emerge at yet another womnder, more beautiful than before.

;carlos spoke after hours osilence, no words were necessary parking the van
climbing out several times, he finally slide his arm around Sarahs waist and



when your close to me, I could touch the stars, at times I can see heaven
in your eyes, please dont say a word, it would only be in vain, so now can
you see how near is love.

;standing under the brilliant white moon, Sarah was transfixed by his sky
plue eyes that were fixed upon hers, he moved closer and slowly their lips
met, love had begun to flower.

;several hours had passed, they were nearing their appointed des-tination
Driving late into the night

























































27573 August 29 2010

The love Story of

Sarah Ebal


Author Name
Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall


2006 by Dixie Press

All rights reserved.


Printed in the United States of America.

A magnificent love story unparalleled in history, a
book of fiction?
That is the question, for is there any dream that is
left to die when imagined by a soverign being,
after all is it not so we are all made in the image of
God our Mother and Father?
Then what is imagined is it not a story yet to be


loved, or is it a memory lived in a past life carried

forward into the next to be lived in the future?

You be the judge.



Although not a biblical work, knowledge of the

love mingled with death sets the stage for
those who are prepared to die to experience



Needless to say what is the bible, a dream of

the future played out over time where each
participant in their own time saw their
existence as their reality? But to their
deceased ancestors if they could see their
offspring it would appear they were living out
prophecy and today for us is history?

In writing this work we dared to delve into the

collective awareness of the western mind to
present a future or past dream, skimming the
surface of reality drawing upon facts for some
and fiction for others. This work will not
appeal to the non western mind for as well as
presenting codes based on the Bible, Earth
and Moon the very forces that have the
potential of revealing truths to the world in a
symphony of Creation yet to be considered.


This love story shares with us the promise of

Jesus, rejected or not it is the fabric from
which our lives have been drawn, each of us
intertwined in our collective quantum dance,
for it is what we are and must acknowledge
love, hope, faith as we experience them
moment to moment seeking heaven here
upon the earth.

Is this then a love story that occurred in 2008?

We leave that question unanswered.








Sarah Ebal a tall elegant woman 29 years of age, born in London,
educated in the working class, her meteroric rise to the top of the
media world winning a Pulitser Prize for her work based loosly on the
intreagues of the Vatican, some say her stunning looks had opened

The flight from london via new york had taken its tole on Sarah. for a
brief few months she was enjoying the fruits of her labour until the
chance to interview a drug lord, the opportunity of a lifetime. at first it
was so what, no news in that, but randy had called in the middle of the
night, get your acre down there its the scoop of the century.

Sarah had spent her working life chasing news all around the world,
well i should not complain, she thought to herself, what the hey, it was
just one last job and then back to london and the good life relaxing in
her pent house in pall mall.

she had become bored with the chase and besides she was earning a
small fortune from her best selling books,

the ebal woman, her first romance novel number one on the New York
best selling list for two years running. why not sit back, sign a few
autographs, tv interviews, who knows a pulitzer?

It was just one of those things one of those rare once in a life time
right place at the right moment in time occasions, like a bell that now
and then rings. time had come, to put her priorities in order, her
longing to become a mother was paramount, at 29 her use by date
was fast approaching, the dreaded clucky need to have a baby had
kicked in. add to that her chaste life was altogether boring on the
romantic front, saving herself for mr. right is one thing, but being
married to a reporters desk is not altogether physically satisfying.

And so it was, that fateful last minute phone call, had she left for the
tango class five minutes earlier, the run in the stocking she concluded,
must have been preordained, that is if you believe in such things.
Perhaps the physic was right after all, the angel of Jesus card then
the Queen of hearts had excited the medium, Madam Laura the rage
of Piccadilly Circus, a strange old thing but a reputation unequalled
Laura the Messenger good for a giggle, but hey its all in fun, her
prediction too far fetched, I told her so, Indeed I had no desire to go to
Rio, she thought.

Oh shit, here I am at 16,000 feet looking at the panoramic view out of

the porthole wind of this magnificent flying hotel, the first Europian 380
Air Bus on its maiden flight around the world seated in opulent luxury,
1A first class. Caviar, champagne, oysters, lobster, three meticulously
attired hostesses, the decor dripping with superb luxury, all this as
the scenery flashed below. The stars above never before seen so
clearly the unique dome viewing window in the ceiling allowing a
panoramic view of the universes designed to magnify the stars distant
light as they danced across the crystal clear tropical night sky.



To the east the crescent moon, 77% full, she had heard the crew say
in answer to the grey haired Australian gent with the distinguished
white moustache, was he a reporter for the Melbourne Age she

Several thousand feet below and for as far as the eye could see under
the crescent moon,
a magnificent lightening show flashed
continuously revealing contours through the clouds. The whispers of
gossamer wings flicked along by the persistent sea breeze seeking
refuge over the glistening jungle, southerly breezes combining at
sunset from off the South Atlantic coast of Antarctica. Light reflected
off the cresent moon flased through the clouds as lightening also
sought refuge in mother earth.

The scene was spectacular, the date February 10 th 2008, 8:53 PM

local Rio time, the sunset was 6:38 according to Captain Petro
Koocucan, his quirps echoed the voices of the Rio de Janeiro/Galeo
- Antnio Carlos Jobim International Airport conning tower, named
after the famous Brazilian musical legend Antnio Carlos Jobim. A
slight turbulance the Fasten seat belt lights flashed on, a voice
cracked flight 2424 approaching glide path into Rio air space has
begun, please remain seated. slight turbulence expected to 8000

Approaching Rio the huge 380 banked to the right, through the clouds
Sarah gazed in amazment as a flash of lightening struck the righthand
side of the Redeemer Statue.



Later the Old Fox, as she would nick name him, would confirm it was
the first ever lightening strike to hit the statue, perhaps some
prophetic message in that moment February 10 th 2008 at 9:42 pm.
The Old Fox often rambeled in odd numbers as if she should know,
but dident nodding in agreement when ever he lapsed into his
perculiarity, there are 942 verses in the New Testament KJV 1611
with the word Jesus. Just one, 1Chronicles is the genetic line Adam
to David and Christ today must be of the royal line of David. to Sarah
more jibberish, the statue varies in height you know, as it is
measured from sea level. average is 2424 feet, really? Fascinating,
yes the name Jesus in the James Strong's concordance dictionary
numbered 2424 in the Greek. Sarah nodded mysterfired not wanting
to appear ignorant of such things.

he has been making war with the world order since he was a child, he
was reborn on january 11th 1944 in Sydney Australia and is the most
royal man alive is Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall.


Sarah hastily wrote in her notebook, I was looking eastward, the
magnificent dusk was arrayed like a portrait, she paused oh if I
could only share this moment with my soul mate. Wispering
aloudwhile unconciously puckering her lips in an imaginary tender


The tall distinguished Australian gent noticed her murmering as she

glanced out the cabin window, puckering at her reflection, as he
enquired with a grin. Sorry, I was thinking out aloud.

With an impish grin he replied 'Shame I started to pucker back.

Conscious of her habit of echoing mouthing her thoughts she

continued in silence: - the crescent moon overhead to the east,
reflecting just enough light to paint a layer of clouds whipped along by
the breeze, to beautiful to imagine, for that reason alone it was a
memory worth the delay for a few weeks
Interupting her thouights
Intercom.. May I have your attention?

Her thoughts interuppted ..before resuming my new life of high

society and championship ball room dancing, closing her laptop.

The Co-pilot barked, We have special guests on board flight 2424

ladies and gentlemen 2424. joining us for the historic flight around the


world, Alastair maclennan assisting the crew, Professor Gus Dekker
Navigation and Dr Paul Goldwater are the leading experts from
around the world who graciously accepted this history making
inaugural flight around the world, on behalf of aviation History Science
Magazine and the world media.

In particular I would like to thank the New York Times for coaxing the
lovely Sarah Ebal out of retirement, as you may well know she is also
an accomplished writer on the New York best sellers list for two year I
believe, see Sarah we do our spot of research as well, anyhow
welcome aboard to you and your distinguished colleagues writers and
journalists on our maiden flight into Brazil.

The weather is a bit choppy, but rest assured this magnificent aircraft
is the safest most modern aircraft ever built. It was completely built
flown and tested in several supercomuters in England and France,
amazingly before one part was manufactured

We have satellite weather information, state of the art, that informs us

that Rio is experience a fog, clearing shortly. The crew and I have
discided to hold altitude circling the airport until it clears so you will not
miss the magnificent view. A few words about the plane, the
aeronautics and satellite navigation can land the plane unaided in
total darkness, during the time we hold out flighgt pattern we are
taking the oppertinity to carry out some in flight tests.

The plane dropped suddenly,

Sorry no problem just a bit of air turbulence, so on behalf of myself

and the crew we sincerely hope you enjoy the flight and if there is


anything we can do to make the flight more enjoyable please do not
hesitate to ask your gracious cabin crew.

The flight quickly passed through the turbulence maintaining the

holding pattern.

The lightening continued unabated, a little frightening but as Captain

Little had said there was nothing to worry about.

The Australian Age Newspaper reporter had wrested a small device

from above the video screen, a hand set remote, flicked through the
screens, movies, drinks, meals, news, flight statistics and had ordered
a snack from the galley. While waiting he explored the internet ,

weather channel searched Rio weather and instantly it announced

the cloud cover was 1800 feet above sea level fog 10% ceiling clear
above 1800 feet.

Rather odd he said, why had the Captain not mentioned the airport
was under fog?

The aircraft began a slow bank to the left, port in aeronautical terms,
in the distance there was a sudden lightening flash, so bright its was
like day light for miles, a circular carpet of light in all directions. Sarah
sat upright, the Aussi turned, whats up luv, looks like ya saw a
bloody ghost?


I dont know, I must be seeing things, I thought I saw a ghost, a man
all in white stranding on top of the clouds with his arms outstretched.

Just a moe he said, I will check with this gismo. Aha here it is
lighting strikes in real time, bloody marvelous, Rio 9:42 PM February
10th 2008, well ill be blowed look at this a photo.

Some poor bastard standing on a hill, must have killed him stone
dead. Ill see if I can zoom in.


Very odd, did you know that lightening strike is a misnomer?
a what? Sarah asked.
yer a misnomer,
well it didnt miss this poor bastard. She replied..

yer right, ill see if it can zoom in, bloody marvelous technology, ha.
yer here it is, lightening goes up not down, the bolt comes from the
ground and up through the strike and up to the clouds.

Geezus Sarah replies.

Lets see if I can zoom in a bit more.



bloody hell, get a gander at that?

I wonder if he was prayen at the time, you no how these revelaist

born agan wankers pray with the arms straight out palms up to
heaven? If you ask me he should have pointed his blurter straight up
to heaven for all the good it done this geezer. at least he would have
had the last laugh as he was beamed arse first into the tunnel of light.

Save on creamation costs for the family

Oh please, you mad bastard she quirked.


look luv Im pulling yer leg mate, that the statue of Jesus on top of
mount wats er name, overlooking Rio. let me have a boo and see
saw what we can see and count the esses?

you no Sarah, me mudder used to drive me nuts with that, I was 26

years old until I finally figgered it out.

Figured out What she asked?

She used to say. I saw a see saw sitting on a ses saw, how many
sesses in that?
count em. Eleven right? No she would say, so off I would go, 12 no,
10 no 9 no.

;Ok tinks me, a lillel kid, make allowances, she has no teeth and, look
as that Sheila serven the caviar, I think she has falce teeth, I gask her
to take her teeth out and say it, just cover your face or you will be
coberd with spit, hey Luv come here a min.

At this point Sarah was under the seat with embarresment, no its ok
thanks she stammers.

Anyhow finally at the age of 26 I remembers, me dear old ma, a

womnderful lady and to this day, I regret calling her a toothless hag,
but full of fogivness and gas, all was forgiven, in her will she left me
the ultimate besetments


Which was? asks Sarah.

the answer to the riddle I had tears in my eyes when the will was
being read to me brother and his younger sister and me. she is also
my sister yer no.

So profound I had it tattooed on me butt.

To Ronald, my eldest, I leave half of my house at 7 Trevone Street

Padstow, Sydney New South Wales.
To my Eldest and only daughter June, I leave the other half of the said

And to my moronic youngest son

Brian Brian, Brian.
She always called me Brian Brian Brian
I leave the answer to the see saw riddle.

And I thought at fukin last, you little beauty, excuse the French.

none said Sarah?



yer, the toothless old hag, the answer was nun.

Fuk I was strait out to Woronara cemetery with a shovel

Sarah unable to resist asked. Why?

To dig the old hag up and strangle her.

I dont get it?

what Sarah the Pulitzer Prize winner? Its obvious, there are no
sesses in that.
And to answer your next question, that is why I became Australias
153rd most famous jerno.


Yep, voted the most unlikely lad to succeed in 3 rd grade, which I

might add was rather embarrisin as I was 15 at the time, while me
class mates were 8 years old.

it was all to do with a hole in me stocking, so me mudder would say.

she was a dancer, stopped to chang them and me old daddy walked
in with a gleam in his eye, early from work, and 9 months later, wah,


and from that fatful life changing moment she never worn stocking
again.. one good thing dad would say, saved a fortune on nylons.

what me old dad did not no, she was getting them for free of the yank

You are quite mad Mr. Marshall. Said Sarah.

ah yes but like you very famous!

famous? She replied.

yes I was in the sexual Olympics representing Australia

theres no such thing

yes there is he said.

ok il bite, what event?


and did you win? She said.



No I come last.

your quite a wag Mr. Marshall.

and theres no flies on you either luv,

By then he had finished searching the internet for the Jesus statue.

hey look at this Sarah said, I must have hit the click buttong when the
lightening struck Jesus.



weell oil beef hooked is that as close in as you can zoom?

just a sec, I just had an idea.

He started concentration, searching the web, a hah here it is, the first
solar eclipse after 1922 December 18th was March 17th 1923 and
would you know there was a solar eclipse directly below Rio 3 days
ago, February 7th 2008.

Sarah, this could be a may hoor discovery?


Why what do you mean?

There is a priest lurking around the slums down there in Rio,

interviewed him some time ago for SBS teleivion

wats SBS.

Its a government sponsored ABC type TV station that specializes in

cultural television, you no, ethenic stuff, Greek, Italian news and other
wogs wops or what ever.

and ASIO? yer asio

their the CIA of Australia, like MI6 in Pommy land, all evil as the day
is long, world order shit, secret government stuff, they sit on the media
like a nat on a horses arse, all illegal bullshit, makin fukin sure no
secret stuff slips through to the masses, you no what I mean, the
media is all monitiored.

Sarah Yes I know that.

Well anyhow the priest Padre Carlos, he is an astronomer come

priest and studies the stars, that why he came to Rio, sent by the
Vatican to check things out, all hush hush, anyhow he discovered
some amazing facts and sent the info to the Vatican, and they were all
over him like dung beetles on a juicy elephant turd.


that was quite some time ago, all over my head, but one thing he told
me, the churches are all full of shit.

What do you mean, by the way what do they call you?

call me bigus.

very funny, ok bigus get to the point.

well I saw this story was a nudge, SBS will go for it big time and I get
the Pulitzer, but fukin no, they pull the story and I am left pullin bigus,
fukin wankers, hense the name.

Now If I remember rightly, its all to do with solar eclipses.

what is?

Jesus Sarah, Jesus, the big cahoona.

aparently the fist count in his solar numbers was May, no, March 17 th
1923, then there was 201 solar eclipses to go until JC takes over of
something like that, denounces all churches and sets up a world



yer great story but never hit the sheets in Oz, canned by ASIO.

lets hazza a look, and see how many solar eclipses occurred
between 1923 and February 7th 2008.

Bigus googles solar eclipses between now and the last Solar eclipse
on 11/14/2012

Bingo, legs eleven.

what do you mean legs eleven?

Sarah its as plain as the nose on me mudders face, and thats saying
a gob full, she had a conc like an elephant seal, 11 solar eclipses
until, wait for it November 14th 2012

well thats it then stuff the muppet back in the suitcase, game set and

And do you know what Padre Carlos was saying that date was?

no what?



The date of birth of the Antichrist, as per the Antichrist and a Cup of

and who Bigus was born on that date?

Lucifer itself, Prince Charles.

oh shit, no wonder they stopped it.

Now hang on Sarah, keep your pants on, .. on second thoughts.i

have a few minutes to spare

you men are all the same.

Right on Sarah, anyhow back to the demons at hand, there are 202
solar eclipses in the run down to 2012 and dee day, so 202 less 11 is


lets have a yea for Sarah, we can run the Padre Carlos code breaker
and see what we get out of it.


code breaker?

yer, we count the days, weeks, months and years between the 191
solar eclipses.

Bigus opens his laptop, a time span calculator.

Ok we have 31008 days or 4429 weeks 5 days.

now this is what Padre Carlos showed me, go on the internet, search
Strongs Concordance for the King James 1611 bible, see what
number 4429 is.

hebrew dictionary
4429. Melek {meh'-lek}; the same as 4428; king; Melek, the name of
two Israelites: -Melech

ow watch closely Sarah.

This is now the same number in the Greek New Testament.

Lexicon Results for pty (Strong's G4429)


Greek for G4429

Part of Speech
TDNT Reference

Pt'- (Key)
Root Word (Etymology)
A root word (cf G4428)
View Entry

Outline of Biblical Usage

1) to spit
Authorized Version (KJV) Translation Count Total: 3
AV spit 3
Thayer's Lexicon (Help)

Word / Phrase / Strong's Search Here




Displayed in KJV Text





Learn More About Our Word Search Tools


Strong's Number G4429 matches the Greek (pty). For the
unrelated Hebrew word for H4429 ( Melek)

And 2532 he
took 1949 the
blind man 5185
by the hand
, and led
him 846 out
of 1854 the
town 2968; and
when he
Mar 8:23
had spit 4429
Mar 8:23 on 1519 his 846
eyes 3659, and
put 2007 his
upon him 846,
he asked 1905
him 846 if 1536 0
he saw 991
ought 1536.

see what happened Sarah.

The 4429 is the King, its in 1Chronicles 9:41? The solar

eclipse occurred when, 9:42? And there are 942 verses in

1Chronicles and the name Jesus is found in 942 verses of the
KJV 1611.
meanwhile the Greek 4429 makes reference to Hebrew 4429,
very unusual.
whats it all mean I ears you thibk? Well according to Padre
Carlos the statue would give a sign around the time of the end
when a lightening bolt hits it for the first time in 84.9 years.
whats it all mean Bigus
we work out time from the lightening strike to December 21 st
*Sarah why that date?
Well according to the Mayans, the end date of time is
December 21st 2012.
oh shit.
dont excite the dung bettles Sarah.
what do we have then?1779 days.
Job 19:29 Be ye afraid of the sword: for wrath [bringeth] the
punishments of the sword , that ye may know [there is] a judgment
1779]. The sword is from the mouth of Christ when he gets back see
vos play Sarah?

now it all fits, according to Farther Carlos, the solar system will cross
the equatorial line of the Milky Way Galaxy on the last day, December


21st 2012 confirmed by the Great Pyramid thats the point Sarah its all
the same date.

Intercome barks
This is Captain William Little flight 1860 into Rio, on behalf of our flight
crew Alastair maclennan co pilot, Professor Gus Dekker Navigation
and Dr Paul Goldwater, I am not quite sure what he does, and our
lovely hostesses, we will be landing at Rio International Airport in ten
minutes. Locally the fog has lifted, the outlook for the next 3 days a
balmy 35 degrees.

Please enjoy the Hotel accommodation provided for our guests, your
limousines are waiting to take you to your accommodation, our
stopover is scheduled for 72 hours before we take off for Australia.

Would the cabin crew please prepare for landing.

Now for those unfamiliar with the history behind the statue of Jesus,
which you will be able to see out to your left in a few minuntes, your
monitor will display some interesting information, thank you for your
attention we hope you have enjoyed your flight.

Christ the Redeemer (Portuguese: O Cristo Redentor), is a

statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.[1] The statue
stands 40 meters (130 feet tall) weighs 700 tons, and is located
at the peak of the 700 m (2,294 ft) Corcovado mountain in the

Tijuca Forest National Park overlooking the city. It is the tallest
of its kind in the world. Its coordinates are S2256.776' x
W4317.720' It is made of reinforced concrete and


Moun hed

12, 2006;

New Seven
Wonders of
July 7, 2007

the location latitude is a message 2256 in the Hebrew dictionary

concordance is 2256. chebel {kheh'-bel}; or chebel {khay'-bel}; from
twisted), especially a measuring line; by implication, a distance.

why? we measure from it to find the message, remember they could

have built it anywhere, so they did it for a reason. in olden time
building were always built on locations that tell a hidden message to
the occult. 2256. especially a measuring line;

now hang onto your hat, longitude 4317 is Michael the archangel, the
angel of Jesus is Michael


hebrew dictionary 4317. Miyka>el {me-kaw-ale'}; from 4310 and (the
prefix derivative from) 3588 and 410; who (is) like God?; Mikael, the
name of an archangel Michael.. in Hebrew 4317 is. prosago {prosag'-o}; from 4314 and 71; to lead towards

who? Jesus.

We have October 12 1931 and October 12 2006

we have the date it became a one of the seven wonders of the world,
we have the lightening strike and on and on she goes.

yes so lets review, firstly it it was listed as one of the 7 wonders of

the modern world, 7-7-2007 for 777. it made of soapstone, highly
polished and a great electrical insulator, they use similar stuff to make
high tension insulators, suspending high voltage cables, now look to
the right of the statue, there are radio towers, all grounded to the earth
to attract lightening and is why the gesus statue has never been hit by

now 777 days is 2.127 years, leads straight into the Kings Chamber
of the great pyramid, 1chronicles 5:13.

now try and keep up, i will be asking questions later.

Now miss Ebal, look at the screen, what do you see?



its height, had to be intensional, 2294 feet plus 130 feets is?

2424 feet?

right on me dear, and any notion why?

I will bring it up on the screen.

Lexicon Results for Isous (Strong's G2424)

Greek for G2424


--s's (Key)

Outline of Biblical Usage

Jesus = "Jehovah is salvation"

Jesus, the Son of God, the Saviour of mankind, God
Check this out and you have a second Pulitzer.
its all syncronistic Sarah.


The days between the 7-7-2007 and 2-10th 2008 is 218 days or
217 days elapsed and Hebrew is hebrew dictionary 218 from
217. >uwr {ore}; from 215; flame; hence (in the plural) the East
(as being the region of light): --fire, light. See also 224 a
lightening flash.
in greek 218 [ Greek Dictionary 218. aleipho {al-i'-fo}; from 1 (as
particle of union) and the base of 3045; to oil (with perfume): anoint. And is from christos
Greek Dictionary 5547. Christos {khris-tos'}; from 5548;
anointed, i.e. the Messiah, an epithet of Jesus: -Christ.
now if that is not a nuge i dont no what te fuk is.
how what happened the day before the day before yesterday?


solar eclipse... have a boo at the screen.

Solar eclipse on
Sun rise:
Sun set:

2/ 7/2008


Time of maximum eclipse:


Eclipse is annular







Roll back 184 days to 7-7-2007 = hebrew

dictionary 184. >avah {aw-vaw'}; mark out:
--point out.

October 12th 1931 it was given the nudge to

go ahead, 76.32 years later the solar
eclipse, they had to know when the eclipse
would occur, hebrew Dictionary
shabiyb {shaw-beeb'}; from the same as
7616; flame (as split into
tongues): spark.

now the statue is 130 feet high, this is

39.624 meters and is the word Father i.e.
apparently a primary word; a "father"
(literally or figuratively, near or more
remote): -father, parent.

but if we round the number to 39.63 meters

it is patmos found only in the book of
revelation and that is what Armageddon is
all about, times up December 21st 2012.


2006, and between then and the last day


6.193 years to December 21st 2012 and this

is what opus dei is all about
hebrew dictionary 6193. `orem {o'-rem};
from 6191; a stratagem: -craftiness. but
used only in the derivative sense to be
cunning (usually in a bad sense): -X very,
beware, take crafty [counsel], be prudent,
deal subtilly.

but most of all, the great pyrmid 50th

layer of masonry is aligned with the 50th
solar eclipse as this is the level of the
kings chamber. it predicts the birth of
Christ January 11th 1944 and we have 4474
days between October 12th 1931

Sarah yer 4474 days is 12.24 years hebrew

dictionary 1224. Botsrah {bots-raw'}; the
same as 1223; Botsrah,a place in Edom: Bozrah.

Hebrew Dictionary 4474. mimshal {mimshawl'}; from 4910; a ruler or (abstractly)

rule:-dominion, that ruled.
4910 is mashal mar-sh-all.



So the building of the statue identifies

the birth date of the reincarnate Jesus
being Yash-ua of Yehwey God in the flesh.
2424. Iesous Jehoshua), and how high is it
2424 feet from sea level.

the whole point is the name Bozrah because

that is the lord coming back to the earth
in 1944 and not one church rolled out the
welcome mat, Sarah.

Sarah but







one would think the churches would be

searching high and low for the second
coming, but no way.

Sarah but why, all the churches are based

on Jesus right?

wrong, the churches are all based on

bullshit the jews Jesus condemned were in
the pocket of rome, it was simply a matter
of altering th gospels to misdirect the


gentile masses, this is why the jews today

will never admit the western nations of
Europe are the lost tribes of Israel, they
were scattered by Assyria in 722 bc,
millions of them, all migtrated to Europe
to put distance beteen Assyria and certain
death, so they all fucked off to Europe,
its not that far, a few months walk 25
miles a day. france and spain was only
1700 miles by boat, so big business
transporting people by ship, they could
walk around the coast catching fish along
the way, shit easy, 6 months at 15 miles a
day. thats what they did.

in fact the towns of Europe are historically linked to Israel, benners,

flags, motos, dedications even the british language is so close to
Hebrew it aint funny, even wales today has the same words as
Hebrew so you would have to be fuked in the head not to see it for
what it is.

so this time its God the father coming back, he was just called the
son Jesus during his 33 years, so we have the Bozrah number.

And this is why all churches are not looking for Jesus second coming,
they think the Jesus the jews against Jesus invented when they set up
paul the murderer assassin to preach the bullshit version to the
gentiles, which i point out, Jesus forbid his apostels to do, preach to
the gentiles, he said go to the lost tribes in Europe.



Isaiah 63:1 to 6 this is God himself when he is questioned by the


1 Who {is} this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from
Bozrah? this {that is} glorious in his apparel, travelling in the
greatness of his strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to
2 Wherefore {art thou} red in thine apparel, and thy garments like
him that treadeth in the winefat?
3 I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people {there was}
none with me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in
my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I
will stain all my raiment.
4 For the day of vengeance {is} in mine heart, and the year of my
redeemed is come.
5 And I looked, and {there was} none to help; and I wondered that
{there was} none to uphold: therefore mine own arm brought salvation
unto me; and my fury, it upheld me.
6 And I will tread down the people in mine anger, and make them
drunk in my fury, and I will bring down their strength to the earth.

Sarah why is he red?

the female Holy Spirit is worn as a garment of immortality, we are

made immortal by the accepting of the truth of the second coming, if
not, sit back with yer finger in yer ginger, could be in for a spot of
bother when the angels, on auto pilot, start reaping.



so the garmet of the lord is stained red by the crushing of the grapes,
i.e. people who are filled with the bullshit of the churches are poisoned
and the lord suddenly shows up and crushes them like a man wearing
white treading a wine vat.

Sarah well its not hard once you know what Jesus said.

Its the vineyard planetd by God the vintage vine is Israel 12 trees best
grapes, given to the jews to tend, they discide to keep the profit for
themselves, God sends the prophets to chastise the jews, they kill
them, then sends the heir, surly they will recognize Jesus god in the

they do and kill him, Jesus reports back into heaven and transforms
back to being the Father Yahweh and now its payback time, God has
been reborn to the earth and sees first hand as a man what the
khazars have done to the meek, and their number is up.
Sarah there are many scriptures in the Old Testment detailing the
vineyard, the crusifiction, how God slays with a swrod from his mouth,
i.e. truth. this is Isaiah 27

For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants
of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood,
and shall no more cover her slain.
In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall
punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked
serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that {is} in the sea.


In that day sing ye unto her, A vineyard of red wine.
I the Lord do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest {any} hurt it, I
will keep it night and day.
Fury {is} not in me: who would set the briers {and} thorns against me
in battle? I would go through them, I would burn them together.
Or let him take hold of my strength, {that} he may make peace with
me; {and} he shall make peace with me.
He shall cause them that come of Jacob to take root: Israel shall
blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit.
Hath he smitten him, as he smote those that smote him? {or} is he
slain according to the slaughter of them that are slain by him?

Now some of the gospels were left somewhat in tact, they had to
becase the old testament is predicting that this will be the case and so
makes reference to them.


33 Hear another parable: There was a certain householder, which

planted a
vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it,
built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far
34 And when the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to


husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it.
35 And the husbandmen took his servants, and beat one, and killed
another, and stoned another.
36 Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they did
unto them likewise.
37 But last of all he sent unto them his son, saying, They will
reverence my son.
38 But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among
themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and let us seize on
his inheritance.
39 And they caught him, and cast {him} out of the vineyard, and slew
40 When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do
unto those husbandmen?
41 They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men,
and will et out {his} vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall
render him the fruits in their seasons.
42 Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The
stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the
corner: was originally PYRAMID this is the Lord's doing, and it is
marvellous in our eyes?
43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from
you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

well Sarah we have to buckle up we are about to land.


A long line of limousines were parked on the apron, the plane drew to
a stop, the ground crews moved in the mobile stair and everyone

The ride to the hotel was routred to avoid the slums, the hotel 6 star

catch ya later Sarah.

yer nice chatting bigus, we can have a drink later.


at the hotel Sarah contemplated a sudden urge to cancel her flight

and look into the Padre Carlos saga, it was all too intriguing.

The phone rang and it was the man from Oz, he was down in the bar
about to have a meal, did she want to join him? She said yes.



In the dining area she sat with her new found friend and asked what
he thought about hanging about Rio and see if she could find Padre

let me say this Sarah, you aint seen nothing yet, two minutes from
here are the outskirts of the slums, if your looking for Padre Carlos
that is where you have to start. As for me tagging along, I have a wife
and kids waiting in Melbourne, and my adventure days are over, but I
will make some calls.

You will have to give this a lot of thought, the last I heard of Padre
Carlos he was out in the jungle.



Sarah and Marshall talked for hours, they laughed and he cracked
stupid jokes. By the end of the evening she had made up her mind.
There was more than a great story here, the excitement of the chase
was reawakened by this funny old yobo from Oz. His attack on the
logic of the church, his admiration for Padre Carlos, the frustration not
being able to get around ASIO, the disgusting state of affairs in Rio,
but one thing he said convinced her.

you no luv, if you take this on, you will have to get on either one side
of the line or the other.

you mean? she asked.

do you believe in Jesus?

well yes, offcourse I do.

He said I dont mean the bullshit Jesus cults are world wide, a major
conspiracy, even the fucking Da Vinci Code is a front for the Opus
Dei, its all to do with ancient Babylonian sodomy cults they bleed like
leaches the masses as their money tree.

She replied I am not sure I follow?


in 1988 or around there, Pope John Paul II was in Australia, the kids
were wearing T shirts, The Pope Touched Me DOWN UNDER.

Do you know why Sarah?

the church does not represent Jesus?

Correct, they are the Great Whore, child molesters, their religion is
the ancient Babylonian occult, they simply high jacked the reputation
of Jesus then wrote the New Testament.

does that mean Jesus is bullshit?

well yes and no, the jury is out on that.

Now Padre Carlos is a hunted man, he hides out in the jungle,

perhaps he will cooperate, but whats in it for him. Talk to him and
your head will spin, but this is how they get away with it, dumb down
the masses with Fluoride, thanks to the Nazi.

Fluoride is good for your teeth. She said.

What about me mudder, did not have a tooth in her head, used
fluoride for 35 years.


you said Padre Carlos had inside information?

Sarah, me thinks I speketh too much.


well youre a jurno, what pulls your chain?

Sarah a good story.

Right, why the fuck was Kennedy shot?

Sarah a crack pot in the library, a Castro zealot?

yer an I have an extra crack in me arse to safeguard my wallet. he

made a speech on national TV calling the yanks to help him stamp
out secret societies.

the poor fuckwit may as well shot himself in the head.

Sarah why?


Look the world is brining with secret cults, the Freemasons were
behind the translation of the King James Bible and they were
organised by the Khazar, who were in concert or some say, the
infiltrated power in the Rome at the time.

so you see Sarak me luv, women have no idea, the sex cults started
ion Babylon, according to Carlos, and they are today, and especially
since 1922, when the ripples of discontent of the vast majority of
priests were disgusted with what seeped out of the Vatican.

Sarah hence Opus Dei

Yes there is no doubt Jesus is already here as a man, according to

Padre Carlos.


yep, thats what he told me.

he said Opus Dei date was founded by Monsignor Josemaria Escriva

while in a retreat at a Vincentian monastery in Madrid, where he
experienced a vision to October 2, 1928, ... The question is why was
he making a retreat.

This was before the statue of Jesus was built in Rio


ok Carlos told me that the church was the Great Whore, and were
behind the establishing of the protestant movement.

Sarah what?

sounds far fetched but lets look at why they did it.

Sarah ok.

if you are going to control the masses and being a demonic cult you
are running out of blood sacrifices, for example under Rome there are
6 million British skill stacked up in the catacombs, so how the fuk can
the Vatican be holy, representing Jesus, that is if Jesus himself was
not a demonic cult pawn?

Sarah, well that is indeed a possibility, or Jesus was the victim of the

ok lets say that Jesus was the incarnate of Yahweh in the flesh, he is
gone and the world is a cess pool of evil, right

Sarah. Ok get back to the Protestant thing.


to control the masses, and create a reason to kill and slaughter, what
better way than allow a renegade priest to start a new breakaway cult,
i.e. Martin Luthor?

he then gaiuns support from Tinsdale in England who thank to the

Guttenberg press he had run off hundreds of anti Pope literature and
nailed it on the church doors all over Europe.

Sarah, I see and that started the uprising against the church?

yes they were selling dispensations to buy your way into heaven, a
do not go to jail collect 200 from Saint Peter.

ok with me so far Sarah?

yep, but why?

Blood, they have a blood lust, so say once the church reformed from
Roman carnage against the Angel Landers, the English, who were
sacrificed for 350 years until the blood lust subsided, then came
Constantine who set up the Roman Empire as Christian.

Sarah why did they call them Angel Landers?


blond blue eyes, singing hymns to Jesus as they walked smiling to
their deaths, and why, what did they know?

according to the Sonnini Manuscripts, the islands, Ireland to England

were all Hebrew that had arrived after Assyria put the run of the
Israelite tribes scattering them to Europe and are the ten lost tribes of

Sarah wow, is that true?

well you look it up on the web, any how take it as fact for the moment,
this what Carlos was on about.

Sarah go on.
ok now Britain received the good news of the Kingdom of YEHOVAH
God direct from Palestine within a few years of the Crucifixion. Some
of the apostles, Joseph of Arithemia, Phillip, Mary the mother of
Jesus, who was born in Padstow England, came back to England as
it was Judah, where the royal line of King David was gathered from
722 BC.

even the false self appointed mass murderer Paul visited Britain.
Sarah is that true, I always thought Paul was an apostle?
yer right, how many fukin apostles were there, 12 right
Sarah yer


Paul was the assassin for the enemies of Jesus the Pharisee, he was
shagging Herods sister for fucks sake.
the Church in Glastonbury, never in any degree was it subordinate to
Rome, why Constantines church was 350 years later, had not been
established, so it was Rome who sent Paul as the Jews were so far
up the crack of Rome, you could here Caesar moaning when they lit a
candle to see what part of his arse they were wallowing in.
Sarah beyond doubt.
now it is a fact, Joseph of Arimathea and his companions formed the
first Christian community in Britain revealed by the Sonnini
it is independent of the British because it was translated from the
Greek by C.S. Sonnini from an original manuscript found in the
formerly suppressed archives of Constantinople, released only after
the Muslims took over the city, and presented to him by the Sultan
Abdoul Achmet.
Sarah fukin hell.
right on, now Sonnini was traveling in the Middle East during the
reign of Louis XVI -- who held the French throne from 1774 to 1793.
He published his travels, in French.
No love lost between the French and English, they had been
butchering each outher for centuries, Joan of Ark, the 100 year war,
anyhow between those two dates and after his discovery of the
manuscript. The manuscript itself was translated into English and
published sometime late in 1799 and was available -- at the earliest -sometime around 1800.
Sarah unbelievable and here I am a Londoner and had no idea?


Sarah Right, so how does Padre Carlos fit into the story.

well he is a linguist and spent a great deal of time in Egypt. he had

heard rumors that there was a cover up, who had built the pyramid.
Sarah which one

the Great pyramid. the math and accuracy astounds the most
advanced thinkers and yet the media bombards the world with the
greatest building ever built on the face of the earth, was built by the
Egyptians who did not have an alphabet or numbers.

Sarah is it that important?

How would the Egyptians write the mathematics of the structure in

order to build it, a spear stuck in a pigs arse means Pi?

Sarah then who built it?

The Shepherd Kings from Palestine, the descendants of Noah, they

invaded Egypt and according to legend, the pharaoh surrendered
intimidated by the power of their intellect, no contest. then supplied
the labour instructed by the Shepherd Kings, the Hycsos of something
like that they were known as.


absolutely, this thing is perfect, the dimensions are accurate to within
10,000th of an inch and is aligned with true north perfectly when it was
built and even today with the shifting of the continents, is still the most
accurately aligned building on earth, it is simply staggering.

Sarah then who built it aliens

oh for fuks sake Sarah, there is no such thing, if there were they
would be flooding the air with radio waves from millions of stars, fuk
the galaxy is 100,000 light years wide and if we did slide out the arse
of some primordial sea slug 3.5 billions years ago, it stands to reason
we would have similar creatures of the same sea slug arse scenario
millions of years ahead and radio is a very simply advance of
technology in modern civilizations.

Sarah no peep from space right? OK so Carlos?

so we have the Sonnini manuscript that was found interleaved in a

copy of Sonnini's Travels in Turkey and Greece, and purchased at
the sale of the library and effects of the late Right Hon. Sir John
Newport, in Ireland, so the Hebrew were in England since 722 BC.

Right Padre Carlos had discovered inside info, and headed for Rio.

Sarah and?

well this is where we have to move way outside the square.



he told me that the dimensions of the pyramid were synchronistic, in

other words Creation was a fact, Jesus was God in the flesh, was
coming back and Rio, Monsignor Josemaria Escriva had stumpled
on or according to Padre Carlos, was taken up in a vision and shown
where the Jesus statue had to be built.

now this was 1928

Sarah hold on, what about the kings?

Ok they were known as the Hycsos, Shepherd-Kings of Ancient

Egypt; Hebrews in Egypt; Shem is Sumer; Israelite Origins of
the Hycsos, Danaoi, Danaus, the Hyksos and the foundation of
Mycenean Greece,
even the Skull Shape of Sumerians and Englishmen are the
same, The Hebrew Patriarchs were Local Princes, Israelites in
Egypt Maintained Holdings and Estates in Canaan, Habiru,
Sagaz, Isaac, according too Immanuel Velikovsky, David Rohl,
and H. Hoeh, but in addition descendants of Seth and angel
landers hair Colour, even mentiojed in Ireland by Simcha
Jacobovici and James Cameron, they refere to the Ipuwyer
Papyrus, Irish Traditions and the Hyksos.
Rome would not be happy right?
correct, and is why Padre Carlos had to sail from Egypt in a
small sloop he had built on the Nile., he sure as shit could not
gain funds from the Vatican.
What was so important? Sarah asked.


the earth dimensions had something to do with it, apparently
the secrets were shown Monsignor in the retreat, and being a
visionary was compelled to secretly sail to Rio and influence the
local Catholic businessmen to build the statue and have its
lights switched on by radio signal from Marconi in Italy, so we
see that this was what happened.
that my dear was what the Rio connection was all about, a
signal sent by radio waves from Italy could spell out a code to
those in the know in Rio, so was there moves against him once
the Vatican found out? Yep they stopped the radio signals and
today the lights are switched on by the city of Reo.
what have we then? Padre Carlos shows up with the ancient
diagrams of the Great Pyramid stashed in his sloop, hidden in
the hull so no government official could find them, and even if
they did so what, just parchment with Pyramid dimensions.

Sarah well he was not taking any chances.

right, like Monsignori, Padre Carlos had been experiencing

visions all of his life and knew what he had to do.
he set up in the slums, a small house where he could study the
parchments, he had to be carefully as they were ancient, yet
remarkable well preserved. he told me they were more
important than the dead Sea Scrolls, and pointed to Mary
Magdalene and Jesus as being Jesu-Maria but more importantly
the one Jesus kissed more often on the mouth was not the
implied biblical one Jesus loved disciple John which the church
amplified as it suggested Jesus was kissing a little boy on the
mouth supporting their agenda of child molestation.
Sarah wow what a story.

hang on to ya britches missy, you run with this and there is a
very real risk the Vatican will be on you like a yid on a dollar.
Sarah who then was the one Jesus loved?

Ok according to the dimensions of the pyramid, it was all to do with


astrology? I thought that was the way newspapers sell to us women.

well yes they do, but that is all bullshit, true astrology is all about the
coming of the Lord in the clouds of heaven, meaning the stars. Padre
Carlos read the pyramid like a bible in stone and it gave the date of
birth of gesus when Venus the female, overtook Jupiter male on June
17th 2 BC.

Mary Magdalene had to have been born 1162.6 days later.

Sarah what date?

August 23rd 2 AD and her sister Martha 9.42 years later.

Sarah what date for her baby sister?

January 25th 12 AD.



what is so important here is the King James code.

Sarah King James.

Yes, as said the Church in Rome, they controlled the world via what
is called the Hegelian Dialectic, which is a German philosopher that
suggested the perfect dictatorship is democracy and control either
side of the house, the church had that down pat centuries before,
Hegel had simply observed it, and so the church set up a new blood
bath to satisfy their Babylonian god Mazzaroth, otherwise known as
Lucifer the Devil.
Sarah Lucifer?
yes, the god of the Babylonian Great Whore, the false church
traditionally thee espoused of Christ. Mazzaroth in astrology rises
above the horizon higher then Judah or Leo the lion, and as Leo or
Judah represented Israel and Jesus was Israel God in the flesh,
Mazzaroth rises above God Jesus being Yahweh in the flesh.

Sarah so its all laid out in the stars, is there any biblical connection?

Yes two, Isaiah and Job.

Do you know what verses?


lets go up to my room and get the laptop hooked up to the web, and
remember Sarah, I am a married man so keep your mitts to yourself.

Sarah yeah in your dreams

ill open a window and catch the breeze, care for a juice, help yourself
its in the fridge?

now where were we?

Sarah Internet.

sorry Im getting old, grab the bible in the draw.

OK first Job, the oldest book in the bible.



Sarah the oldest

yeah the cunning bastards they arranged the bible in order of size not
age and this way they throw you off the scent as the oldest book takes
precedence over the Torah bullshit fucking 2500 years later.

Ok Job take a gander at this, the words have numbers, called the
Hebrew Concordance which arranged the dictionary alphabetically, so
the code is not in what it says but in the order of the word by number.

Job 38:2 sets it up, Who [is] this that darkeneth [2821] counsel [6098]
by words [4405] without knowledge [1847]?
a condemnation chapter of Lucifer as related to the astrologer in the
stars, which is all about the Lord Jesus.

Job 38:32 Canst thou bring forth [3318] Mazzaroth [4216] in his
season [6256]? Or canst thou guide [5148] Arcturus [5906] with his
sons [1121]?
see the connection?

Sarah no.

Ok lets do Isaiah then come back to Job.


Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen [5307] from heaven [8064], O Lucifer
[1966], son [1121] of the morning [7837] [3213! [how] art thou cut
down [1438 to the ground [776], which didst weaken [2522] the
nations [1471]!
Lucifer 1966 is also Mazzaroth 4216
Job 38:33 Knowest [3045] thou the ordinances [2708] of heaven
[8064]? Canst thou set [7760] the dominion [4896] thereof in the earth
Job 38:34 Canst thou lift up [7311] thy voice [6963] to the clouds
[5645], that abundance [8229] of waters [4325] may cover [3680]
Job 38:35 Canst thou send [7971] lightnings [1300], that they may go
[3212], and say [559] unto thee, Here we [are]?
Job 38:36 Who hath put [7896] wisdom [2451] in the inward parts
[2910]? Or who hath given [5414] understanding [998] to the heart

ok the code is 4216 Mazzaroth because that is the width of Mars in

miles, the word Mars found only once in the New Testament, Marshill
is the word, get this Rock of Ayres points to Australia Ayres Rock.

Now the clanger drops from the third floor, let me find it on my laptop
archives of my interview with Padre Carlos.
ah here it is, no worries.
Sarah what.


The pyramid code, is all to do with the crossing of the Milky Way
Galaxy, December 21st 2012, but time started a countdown of
lunations of the moon and solar eclipses, and the antechamber is a
kind of genetic door, only the true inheritor can enter.

Sarah why?

Well beyond it is the Kings Chamber and in it the identity of Christ


Sarah how so?

well the antechamber is 116.26 pyramid inches wide, about the same
as a British inch, in case you were wondering, in fact it was the
standard measure in England until they changed it as the brits did not
want the public connecting the dots to Jesus and the Great Pyramid,
so it was changed during the reign of Elizabeth I, and in her court was
Edward de Vear who influenced her to nominate King James VI king
of Scotland as her heir to the throne, simply because she was so
deformed and ugly she could not get anyone to shag her, however
she signed the death warrant, so they say, because Mary Queen of
Scots was the true queen, damned good sort, 5 feet 10, red curly hair,
queen of Scotland and France, so she had to go.

Now de Vear was non other than William Shakespeare and he got
James the job as king of England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland added in
to the equation France, the Union of Jacque in French as Mary had
named James in French Jack or Jacque or Jack being James in
English. Her first language was French so the union Jack is the
uniting of the 5 nations flag.



Sarah how come we were never taught that in school?

You Poms are too thick; all kids in Ozz in play school know that.

OK so the Freemason, spurred on by the occult above them, the

same god Lucifer as the Catholic Church, had set up a confrontational
Hegelian situation where France and England would be at war, throw
in the Spanish Armada to come and the wogs sit back in Rome ticking
off the dead blood sacrifice, sustaining their blood lust by the burning
of woman at the stake for having a black cat or being heavier than a
duck, as an amusing hobby to appease Lucifer their god.

So how fucked in the head can you get?

Sarah what about Shakespeare?

well here we have the Freemason spurred on by the Catholic to

translate the Greek and Hebrew scriptures into English and when the
manuscript was handed to the King, he said he wanted to read it
before he authorised it. Then he and de Vear set about altering the
Freemason Catholic Lucifer code.

Sarah how long did that take?


eighteen months, so they added 1000 alteration pointing out it was a
ploy to seduce the masses, say it is holy, but in the coded Freemason
code the lodge knew it was occult. The catholic church had control
by bullshitting your Protestants and could send the Spanish to
establish their catholic colonies, and then eventually spread their
venom all over South America.

Which brings us to Padre Carlos?

He measured from Madrid, to Rome to Rio and back to come up with

11626 miles, is that an aha!

Sarah no.

We add the two Lucifer numbers 4216 Mars width in miles to Lucifer
1966 we have 6182. the Antechamber is 116.26 P wide, we have the
lunation count revealed by the papyrus from Egypt, end date January
11th 2013, subtract the height of the Grand Gallery

Sarah for fucks sake, tell me what it means?

Ok Christ, if he exists at all, has to have been born in 1944 Sydney

Australia, he would marry when he was 1162.6 weeks old, why? The
antechamber is a genetic door, he would have to have married a
harlot, Hosea prophecy, his offspring would also have to figure in
somehow, but his wife today, his 3rd, must be 1162.6 days younger as
we are looking for a reincarnation of Mary Magdalene.



Susan unbelievable

Ok remember the date June 17 th 2 BC? Add 1162.6 days we have

August 23rd-24th 2 ADS add 9.42 years and we have January 25th
0012 AD and that has to be Martha the one he kissed most often on
the lips.


Therefore the 942 is the number of verses in the KJV 1611 with the
word Jesus and we know that has to be a key as the evil bastards
altered the King James 1611 and changed the verse total.

We end up with Martha not John as the one Jesus loved.

Carlos then plotted the solar eclipses and the 50 th in modern

astronomy is counted from Lunation zero December 18 th 1922 and
each layer of masonry in the pyramid aligns with a solar eclipse and
the 50th is the kings chamber January 25th 1944 and Martha was
January 25th 0012 AD.

The plot thickens as the solar latitudes are either 25 north or 25 south
latitude and we have a solar point where the eclipse occurred and
8888.8 miles away in Sydney the precise location where Christ was
born is known as 888 in Greek gematria is Jesus.


As plain as the wart on me old mudder's nose.

so we have the year he married the harlot April 23 rd 1966 and 1966 is
Lucifer in Hebrew, ad the Mazzaroth number 4216 and we have the
date of his wives birth date in 1977 November 8 th. Which is Julian day
number 2443455 and the 455 is the height of the pyramid up to the
rejected capstone.

How old was she

Good question, 35, born 1942.

so today we have January 11 th 1942 his rebirth, Mary Magdalene

1162.6 days later then Martha the one Jesus loved August 19th 1956.

Sarah so he has two wives.


Now the clincher, the distance from the Jesus statue, to Madrid, to
Rome and back is 11626 miles. And that is why they built it in Rio to
checkmate the Vatican abomination.



Antechamber width 116.26 P, then Isaiah 9:6 = April 6 th 1943 add

280 days gestation = January 11 th 1944 =- Isaiah 11:1 and here the
code reveals via every 7th Hebrew letter to total in Hebrew gematria
888 being Jesus in Greek.

Then we go back in time to when Lt Cook noted the Messier comet in

1769 August 30th add 88888 days and we have January 11 th 2013 and
the end of the pyramid prophecy.





Sarah Martha was the one Jesus loved not John so we have the
reason why there was no opposition to the Dan Brown Da Vinci code
as the church is suggesting Jesus and Mary had a child and they are
the ancestors of the Kings of Europe and proves Jesus did not die on
the cross.


Now you have to decide, are you getting back on that jet or are you
about to take the risk of your life and search out Farther Carlos? If so
the Catholic Church and the local thugs will be set onto you like
wolves after a lost lamb.

Get some sleep and let me know in the morning and if you have
completely lost your mind, I will make a few discrete enquires and see
if I can pick up his scent.



Sarah did not sleep that night, it was unusually hot and sticky, it
seemed the southerly breeze had died during the night and she lay on
the bed with just a wet towel over her.

Unable to sleep pondering her discission, she dressed and stood

overlooking the city.

The phone rang.

Sarah, Bigus here, how did you sleep, how about breakfast and you
can fill me in? Lets say 20 minutes, we can brekkie by the pool, out of
the lift take a right, and I will keep an eye out for you.

Sarah, make it 35 minutes, I need to take a shower I am all sweaty.




Good morning, how did you sleep, they have a beautiful assortment
of tropical fruit here, lets take a boo?

Sarah was deep in thought.

Hey Sarah, wots a matter you, dont look so sad, itsa not so bad.

Sorry, I just remembered, an old lady in Piccadilly Circus, she had

read my angel cards, something unexpected was headed my way.

Ah and wot did she predict?

Look lets get some breakfast, sit down have a coffee, its mandatory
you no.

Sarah wot?




Leaning forward cupping his hand to her ear, he whispered.

Well dear lady, I have it on good authority,

A politicians daughter,
She was fined for drinking water,
Seems she had to pay a 50 dollar bill,
Theres an awful lot of coffee in Brazil.

For the first time in quite a while Sarah had a good laugh. They
sipped juice and picked at the fabulous array of fruit and finally a great
cup of coffee.

Now thats coffee.

Now that your all caffeined up, wot did the old dear predict?

Sarah she said to me Sarah Ebal your life is full but empty, the
direction you have embarked upon is superficial, the real adventure of


your life is about to begin, your flight through space time is about to
suddenly and in inexplicably be diverted off course, there is no
escape, just be ready to follow your heart.

Sounds like bullshit to me Sarah?

She new my name, Ebal and was it this flight she was warning me
about, was it a warning? Or was it simply saying I would be unable to
resist the challenge?

Well you are a journo, its in the blood?

No no its not the story, its something other than that, deeper my life
long search to find my true destiny.

Ok I will make the fukin call.

I need a few hours, got to arrange for Pedro my body guard, he is a

bouncer at the Copacabana, built like a brick shithouse, handy to
hover behind if the banditoes start slinging lead around.

Ok but I am coming with you.

hold your horses pretty lady, this is dangerous shit, the slums here
are fraught with dangers, the police are worse than the thugs, at least


the thugs have no choice, its quite common for the police to round up
the youngsters take them into the bush and shoot them, the pretty
girls are regularly raped by the same bastards, the not so pretty either
killed and dumped but more likely their body parts sold to the donor
organ industry in the USA.

I am coming with you.

Sarah there is 18,000 street kids, anything goes, and on top of that
there are 680 segregated slums that no kid can cross the imaginary
line, so they head for the wealthy area and the police pick and

at least in Rio you can be certain when you see a cop, he is a thug
with a badge, what he steals he must share with those above him, its
all the same in South America, the priests are child molesters with a
few genuine, but above them the church enjoys its satanic blood bath,
according to Farther Carlos there is a Vatican quote that the black
priests must report the grisly details too.

there is an upcoming visit by the pope to Australia, the bishop

organising it is himself on child molestation charges, and Bishop Pell
apologised for handling a prominent case incorrectly, he just moved
the bastard to a new parish where he started in on the kids once

What would you do to stamp it out?


I would start in Australia; get the local kids to submit a list of drug
dealers. Then hold a meeting, draw the names out of a hat, send 40
kids to the bars and clubs, tag the unsuspecting prick with a dot on his
back only those in the know can see, then suddenly in a consorted
effort kick the shit out of him, break his legs and give him a warning,
when he is back on deck he will be watched and he will be back in a
plaster cast once more.

How does that solve the problem in Brazil?

Easy, once Australia is cleaned up we send a dozen jumbo jets. The

380 for example, offer the kids a new life in Paradise. They will
make better Aussies than the beer guzzling morons we have at the

What else would you do if you were Jesus?

Smash every bottle shop, every poker machine, and all casinos and
arrest every politician for allowing it to happen.

Unless you rule them with a rod of iron just a moe, I will search the

In seconds laptop logged on to the hotel Bluetooth Vigilantes

stunned Brazil 12 years ago when they murdered eight street kids in
Candelaria, central Rio. At the time research by Human Rights




When You Are a Rio Street Kid You Can Never Shut
Your Eyes
- 9:42 pm
But then recently several under-18s were murdered by thugs on the
streets of So.... My heart stays forever with the street kids in Rio and

Still want to find Padre Carlos?

Sarah remained silent...

ok, meet me in hour, I will make a call, we can jump a cab, if you
dont see me, I will be hovering behind Pedro, you cant miss him, he
is so big he has his own climate.

45 minutes later Pedro had guided them to a shack, inside was a little
nun, sister Rosea.



She said she had not seen Padre Carlos for a few weeks, but said we
could go see Padre Pedro Fernandez de Quiros. He was in a
monastery in the hills some 20 km from Rio and could get a message
to him.

Returning to the hotel, time was running out, they had to either get on
the jet or let the airline know. Sarah had decided the go with her
instincts, getting off in Rio.

They spent the last night chatting in the hotel lounge, Marshall
smoked a fine cigar, Sarah sipped coffee as they sat listening to the
music drifting into the hotel from down the street, buskers are
common in Rio.

The next morning the old Padre was at the front desk asking for
Marshall, he had good news; one of Carlos children had called in on
her way back into the Jungle and said Carlos was going to pick her up
the following day at the church.

So it was time, Sarah and Marshall arranged with Padre for her to
spend a night or two in the Monastery with Carlos daughter, said
farewell to Marshall, made the phone call to the airport, and checked
out of the hotel. The drive to the monastery was further than Sarah
had anticipated and by the time the little Fiat car arrived it was dark.



Angelina spoke of Carlos with much love, how he had always been
there for her and her siblings, as well as all her cousins. They lived
110 kilometres by road from the monastery, Father Carlos, as they
called him or just Poppy, had built the family a fine house and
arranged for an elderly nun who had been forcibly retired in Rio, her
infirmities had taken their toll, but Poppy would have none of it inviting
her back to their little village in the hills, where the community nursed
her back to health. She said she could not have regained her health if
it was not for Father Carlos and his little children.

Sister Teresa was more like their grand mother than a nun and said if
it was not for the water Father Carlos had given her, she would have
died, believing he was an angel sent to save her life.
That was eight years ago, she had finally found a purpose given a
second chance at life, staying on to help educate the little ones.

Nobody could say for sure when Father Carlos would be back, he had
to do some carpentry work for another village where more of his
children were in need of a new school roof. A friend of Father Carlos
called in to ask if he was about, he had a truck load of second hand
building materials Father Carlos had stripped out of an old building
that was being cleared by a wealthy family planning to build a
hacienda, too good to burn.


Angelina anxious to get back to her boy friend asked Emmanuel if he
would give her a ride back home, she was in love with Jose who lived
a few kilometres down the mountain from home.

The next morning after a very pleasant night sitting around an open
fire, the old Padre very interested in Sarah and her life as a journalist
wanted to chat for hours; Sarah however wanted to chat about his life,
far more interesting and in true investigative reporter style tended to
shift the conversation to Carlos.

She wanted to know how they had met. She was able to discover
Father Carlos had arrived in Rio in a boat he had built in Egypt, the
adventures at sea, bad weather almost sinking the boat, anxious to
coax as much out of those who knew him best, ah she sensed
another Pulitzer.

A quick thinker, she had the basic composition in her head, Egypt
code that made the De Vinci fiction pale into insignificance. The one
Jesus loved, how Martha was desperately in love with Jesus, how her
faith had been so strong she yearned to be with Jesus but had to wait
as Mary was the older sister, and according to Essene tradition she
was the first wife given a chance to give birth to His child.
She did not have any idea she would be the woman to give birth to
Jesus children, this is why Jesus told his mother to take her into her
own home. Martha was pregnant 82 days with twins at the cross.
She would have had to have been at the cross, Mary, Mary, Mary and
Martha. The men were terrified and in hiding for fear of the same fate,
logic confirmed young John would also have been arrested if he was
there, not if it were Martha. It was she then who was at the empty
tomb, her young legs; she was only 21.12 years old, a fit young


woman who had outrun Peter to the empty tomb but feared to go in,
and all the earmarks of a young woman in love with Jesus.
Then she runneth, (Mary Magdalene) and cometh to Simon Peter,
and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, (Martha) and saith unto
them, They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre, and we
know not where they have laid him. John 20:2

Peter therefore went forth, and that other disciple, (Martha) and came
to the sepulchre. 20:3

So they ran both together: and the other disciple (Martha) did outrun
Peter, and came first to the sepulchre. 20:4

And she (Martha) stooping down, [and looking in], saw the linen
clothes lying; yet went he not in. 20:05

Then cometh Simon Peter following her (Martha), and went into the
sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie, 20:06

And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen
clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself. 20:07

Then went in also that other disciple (Martha), which came first to the
sepulchre, and she saw, and believed. 20:08


It all made perfect sense, Jesus did not kiss men on the lips, the book
of John was actually written my Martha Magdalene who spoke of
herself from a distance Martha, not John as the one Jesus loved.

It was the same at the cross, no men present for fear, When Jesus
therefore saw his mother, and the disciple (Martha) standing by,
whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy

Then saith he to the disciple (Martha), Behold thy mother! And from
that hour that disciple (Martha) took her unto her own [home]. John

Martha was born on January 25th 0012 and the most famous solar
eclipse was January 25th 1944 followed by the same date in 1963.
The first 8888.8 miles to his birth and the second 942 miles, and 9.42
years Martha is younger than Mary Magdalene.
How could the world be so stupid not to have seen it before?

So the night and the following nights alone with the old Padre Pedro
was very important to her story, he explained it in Spanish and
Portuguese as well as Latin and it is a great deal clearer that indeed it
was Martha.



Manuel and Angelina had left on the 14th of February 2008, Sarah had
no option but to wait for Father Carlos. She could not burst into the
village unannounced, she bid Farwell to Angelina and Emmanuel
asking Angelina, if she saw her Father to let him know she was here,
and would like to make contact, she a friend of Marshall.

Thursday the 22nd, 2008 awakened by the noise of an old VW putting

into the courtyard, Sarah waited to see if the engine switched off, it
may have been a delivery? The engine stopped, her heart began to
pound, it might be him, but what was she so anxious about, perhaps
he did not like strangers, what if he did not want his story told, what if
he waswhat if she was acting like a school girl. What was the
worst thing that could happen, he would say no and she would pack
up and fly home? She still had a great story, thanks to her new found
friend Marshall. She could always fly on to Oz and look him up at the
Age Newspaper?

As she began to dress, she noticed her underwear was missing, she
had washed several pairs of panties and three bras and hung them on
the patio wall off her room. Looking over the balcony, she saw an old
lady tending the garden.

excuse me, do you speak English?



Just a little senora?

I left some clothing on the balcony, they are missing did you pick
them up?

Ah minkies.

Sarah minkies

Yes they steal hankies, anything they can put over der little eds.
Sarah eds?

Si, lik da sombrero.

Sarah oh you mean on the head like a hat?

Si minky see minky do. Senora next time, yo call Rosa OK, me wash
dem forayou, hung dem in the dry encasa to dry, cause of da



Sarah thank you senora, I will remember next time.

Fucking monkeys are wearing my bra and panties, now what do I


Sarah quickly dressed, a white full length dress, buttoned up the front,
loose fit, not clingy combed her hair, on que there was a knock at the

Hello she said.

Good morning Sarah, its Padre Pedro Fernandez de Quiros, I hope I

did not disturb you Sarah, I is Padre, I have good news, Father Carlos
he isa arrived, I tol him all about yoos, a compadra of Senoir
Marshall, very pleased to make your acquaintances he say, can you

Ah yes, I will be right down.

Sarah thinks, o shit I am only half dressed, what will he think, I hope
he is 90 years of age.

Sarah thought she might be able to sneak down the rear steps and
that way the men would be not looking up from the dinning table.



She walked along the balcony to the rear of the building, feeling more
confident with each step, turned leading to the parking area to the
side, gingerly down hanging on to the shaky rail, to be greeted by a
huge bare chested man, his deep husky voice said Can I help you

Oh my, hes gorgeous.



Dark brown curly hair, white wisps on either side, pure white
moustache slightly curled on either side of his tanned face, full lips,
sky blue eyes, at least 6 feet 2 inches, perfect teeth, hairy chest,
pecks you would die for, huge biceps, tight black leather work pants,
and finally who cares, heavy work boots?

Hello you must be Sarah, let me help grab hold of you, those stairs
are a bit wobbly dropping the spare tyre as he reached his huge
hand to wrap around hers like a glove.

Sarah was literally weak in the knees; perhaps the heat was getting to
her, she felt faint her knees began to buckle, falling to her side and
against his massive body. Father Carlos managed to support her
sweeping her up into his arms.

Pedro, Pedro come quick, Sarah has fainted.

Long powerful stride, he carried her through the entrance of the

monastery just as Pedro was running out to help, blocking his

Quick some water, Sarah just passed out, where can I lay her down?


This way, this way, on the couch near the fountain in the court yard.

Sarahs faint had snapped three buttons revealing her cleavage; the
lower skirt lost 4 buttons exposing her legs to the hip. As Carlos swept
her into his arms, her dress was drawn taught around her back and
under the arms exposing now completely the fullness of her breasts.

Pedro called Rosa, she fetched cool water from the spring, she
stumbled in her haste splashing Sarah from her waist to her face,
rousing Sarah from her faint, just as Carlos grappled to cover her
nakedness, at the same moment Sarah opened her eyes as she
regained consciousness, seeing this huge man kneeling beside her
tugging at her dress. She was startled at first then noticing his
embarrassment smiled timidly then realised she was also soaking
wet, remembering she was not wearing her bra or panties.

Carlos and Pedro were visibly flushed looking sheepishly away and
Sarah sitting upright in an attempt to regain her dignity began fondling
her buttons trying to cover her bare breasts.
Carlos thank heaven you are alright, let me help you up?

Sarah you have done enough, acting slightly annoyed, masking her
smile of embarrassment.

Rosa, do you have a towel for Sarah?

Si. and scurries off.



Sarah I am so embarrassed, you must think I am a hussies?

Carlos But why?

Sarah I fainted.

Carlos it is very hot.

Sarah No I mean the way I am dressed.

Carlos you look very nice to me?

Sarah I dont know how to say, the minkies?

Carlos The minkies?

Sarah yes the minkies.

Rosa shuffles in with the towel, Si, the minkies has stolen Sarahs
panties and bras, I tell her next time I washem, she not to hanga on
da balcony, dats whay she asa no panties and bra, you see her all
wet, yo see er naked, very nice you say.



Carlos I said no such thing.

Rosa wit da eyes.

Sarah not quite understanding, Carlos covers by saying, all women in

Brazil do not ware panties or bra, its all quite natural.

Rosa Si I neber wers dem eater, ana you Pedro, he look at me

sometimes, I nose wat hees isa tinkin.

Sarah yulika coffee?. Carlos I bring to the lake. Pedro you geta yer

Carlos yes thank you Rosa, Sarah do you feel a little better, we can
sit on the patio overlooking the lake, the sun is setting soon and we
can sit and talk.

Carlos had shown Sarah the way down the path to the lake, and then
had gone to fetch Sarah a napkin.


Sarah thought about the disastrous meeting, the old saying only one
chance to make a first impression.

Of all things to happen, In her minds eye she would have preferred to
like a virgin bride, not some cheap slut, what ever would he think of

Carlos could be seen walking back to her through the tropical

overgrowth along the path to the monastery, in his right hand a very
large candle, light dancing of the leaves shining on flowers asleep for
the night, hurriedly he was returning to her, what would he be thinking,
what should she say, what will he say, he walked closer the light
flickering bouncing light off of his sweaty chest as he emerged from
between the large palm trees.

His swagger was reminiscent of an old John Wayne movie, perhaps

all big men walk this way, she imagined him with a six gun strapped to
his hip.

Just as he sat the candle on the table, Rosa came shuffling along the
path. Carlos sat plunked his huge frame across from Sarah, pointing
to the setting sun to her left, a gentle breeze off the lake, flickering the
candles causing light to dance across his exposed moist chest and


her damp clinging dress highlighting the shape of her nipples, which
she had no idea was why he wanted her to look towards the sunset,
as his eyes drank in her glorious form.

Carlos certainly was a surprise to hear from Marshall via the bush
telegraph, I hurried to the monastery thinking I had to pick up
Angelina, the message was lost by being passed along from person to
person, add to this the language barrier.

Sarah really?

Yes he left a suitcase at our village and missed me by a few days,

leaving a message to take it with me on our trip.

Sarah. First I should tell you how I came to hear of you, Marshall and
I being journalists were invited to fly around the world in the latest
jumbo jet the 380. I flew from London and Marshall had flown in from
Melbourne and we met on the plane.

Carlos ah Marshall now a journalist, I see.

Yes he and I got on famously; he has a great sense of humour.

Carlos yes he has, we are great friends, he often pops up



Sarah it must drive his wife mad gallivanting all around the world?

Carlos yes I imagine so.

Sarah anyhow we were approaching Rio when the flight crew

announced a delay, fog was clearing but still Rio International was
fogged in, very unusual so that say for that time of year, normally
clear skies. They said the cloud cover was like soup to 1800 feet, the
crew had initiated a holding pattern circling Rio for a photo
opportunity, so they said, however it was a wonderful site for the
hundreds of journalists onboard.

Carlos and you met Marshall?

Sarah yes, he is quite a wag, always with a joke, typical aussie.

Carlos I hope you did not tell him that, he already has a swelled

No I let him dream on. but a very informative man just the same, he
told me how you came from the Great Pyramid with the secrets of
Creation, I was at first taken back as one might expect, he unveiled
these wonders saying that you were the expert, not to mention you
had built a sloop on the Nile, then sail it to Rio on the trail of the
mysterious secrets of the Opus Dei.


Carlos Yes, my work was laid out for me the moment I became a
priest, my problem was truth, I discovered that the Catholic Church
was a front for many Satanic cults, hiding behind the name Jesus,
taking what Jesus had taught, plagiarizing it into the body of Lucifer

Sarah what gave them away?

Carlos, Ah, I had fallen in love with a Muslim girl; she was an expert
on ancient Aramaic, I Hebrew and Greek. She had a copy of ancient
Muslim manuscripts that placed the Hebrews and in particular the
tribe of Dan and Judah in the British isles.

Sarah were you a priest at the time?

Carlos, well yes, but love of a woman is Gods greatest gift.

He reached into his back pocked pulling out his wallet, opening it
showing Sarah a picture of Lilly Maya Chiera Haboulie.

Sarah she is gorgeous.



Carlos yes she was.

I struggled with the purpose of life, why would God allow this to
happen then I remembered her Aramaic words as she read the
original words of Jesus, life refines the immortal soul then at mortal
death of the soul, she reincarnates.

Sarah she reincarnates, you mean Lilly?

Carlos no, no all human souls are female, the babies of Ammah our
Mother in heaven, she the Mother of all living.

Sarah are you saying that the original words of Jesus said that all life
has a female soul, what then is the Father?

The Father Yahweh came as Jesus, held back in the heavenly realm
of no time, until his conception on September 11 th 3BC, thereby
ending the creation process. His leading the way by example, take up
your cross and follow me, the Father is come as Jesus, man had to
call him something, Emmanuel was another name, Matthew 1:23 God
with us as a baby. From that time of conception onwards, it was
redemption for mankind who had fallen to gross evil through free will.

That set the theme that he must return as a baby in the end time
when he and his angel Michael the Archangel would overcome the



Sarah So when Jesus appears to people, is it Jesus or the angel?

Carlos I wonder that myself?

In the book of Revelation, which is accurate by the way, the angel is

Michael and he rebukes John who thinks the angel Michael is Jesus,
John was so sure it was Jesus, he grew up knowing him as a man,
totally familiar, like a brother and mistook the angel for Jesus.

Carlos after the murder of Lilly it was apparent that my priesthood

was based on a doctrine of Lucifer, and I started to doubt what my
chosen profession was all about. I moved to Egypt where we studied
the Essene gospels, written in ancient Aramaic the language that
Jesus had spoken.

Sarah and Lilly?

Carlos continued as if he had not heard Sarah.

Carlos where I applied my new found knowledge to deciphering the

Great Pyramid.

Sarah and your love, what became of her?


She was murdered by the opus dei fanatics.

Sarah oh I am so dreadfully sorry, I did not mean to pry.

Carlos, well perhaps she was an angel sent to open my eyes, my

experience has been saints are people one step away from
perfection, she taught me that as predicted nothing would change
because the devil had been cast out of heaven into Paradise and one
by one devour us, until the time of the end when few would have the
spiritual strength to await the rebirth of Jesus but this time He will be
Yahweh in the flesh, bottom line religion is a crock of shit.

Carlos her murder did not deter me, it made me stronger, I had
nothing else to live for, I saw it as a threat, a confirmation I was
getting too close. The Opus Dei had started out as a movement
dedicated to Jesus but like the church, it had been devoured by what
appeared to be an evil spirit, which I now believe to be a universal evil
like a smell that gets into a population living too near to a sewerage
treatment plant. after a while the inhabitants cant smell it.

Sarah some can still smell it even though the masses are consumed
with distractions like drugs, TV and alcohol?

Yes that is it exactly, but according to the original words of Jesus, he

was God in the flesh, he had two espoused wives, the first Mary
Magdalene and the second Martha her younger sister, in fact reading
the Greek words in the book of John were written by Martha albeit
altered to make it appear to be John, the one Jesus loved whom he
kissed on the lips more often.



Sarah you mean it is all bullshit?

Carlos, yes a true statement of fact. but the check mate was in play,
it appeared that the great pyramid was a bible in stone, not quoting
scripture but numbers, lunations solar eclipses, chamber
specifications that was a giant time clock that pre-dated all modern
religions, by that I mean all religions are bullshit, like selling books in a
book store, every bastard thinks he has the answer.

Sarah I see, like the smell of sewerage lost to the masses that they
are the shit in the pond.

Carlos precisely.

Sarah Carlos let me ask you a direct question?

Was Martha Jesus first love?

Carlos yes and no, he loved Mary Magdalene first because she was
9.42 years older than Martha, he was preordained to seek her, love
her then and would seek her when he returned to the earth, its a
matter of genetics as they interact with their offspring by marrying two
evil spouses, produce children and then the check mate would be a
slam dunk.


Sarah what do you mean?

Their children had to be produced via the Satan effect, in other words
the angels of Lucifer would manoeuvre the worst possible human
beings to be the only way that the genetic door could be opened.

The Satan effect is all part of the dream, in other words all human
existence is subject to the Satan effect in particular there is a genetic
path that these two must produce offspring with people they did not
want to, but had to achieve the miracles of birth numbers, locations
and these open the genetic door, the Antechamber that then locates
the same numbers within the Kings chamber and these are in the
bible codes.

Carlos are you following it?

Sarah sort of.

The Harlot prophecy is found in Hosea, he was commended by the

Lord to produce children via the village harlot, and likewise it is a
prophecy the Lord himself would have to obey in order to open the
door, the Antechamber number.

Carlos follow?
The Lord would not have ordered Hosea to suffer so unless it was
necessary, the harlot in the end time is the church and he was reborn
on an avenue named Rothschild and a catholic family? follow?



The solar eclipse that occurred immediately after his rebirth into hell,
January 25th 1944 was 8888.8 miles in one direction to that house and
on the same date January 25th 1963 the distance was 942 miles, both
Jesus numbers.

Satan did what it was permitted to do, place before them monsters in
human form,

What do these numbers prove?

Sarah Jesus and Mary Magdalene?

Carlos indeed but it also proves there is a satanic angel that has its
demonic spirit as parasitic angels that can only exist within a human
host, and Lucifer must be controlling the royal family in London as that
is the throne of David.
Therefore by the Satan reality, Jesus and Mary like him had to marry
people chosen by the Lucifer spirit , produce offspring that
would be related in a genetic key so that when they finally met
on May 11th 1997 after he had recognized her at a dinner
dance named Rembrandts,

Sarah I get it, this is why the 5000 year old structure is the most
accurately built building on earth, the Antechamber is 116.26 pyramid
inches wide, and we find that Christ and Mary Magdalene produce
numbers via the marriages and birth dates of their evil spouses that
are the Key of David opening the way into the kings Chamber.



Sarah can I ask another direct question?

Carlos yes indeed.

Sarah can I come with you and record what you discover?

Carlos that depends.

On what?

If I am going somewhere

Sarah I know you have something driving you, your lost love has to
be appeased, perhaps never replaced, but appeased just the same.

Carlos yes I am uncovered, it would be my pleasure to have you join

me it could be very dangerous, I have faced death many times, my
angel saved me, I can not say the same for you, you could be an
angel sent like Lilly?

Carlos for now let us get a good nights sleep and we can have a
swim in the morning and make a plan.


Sarah OK.

Carlos and Sarah walked back through the jungle to the monastery,
they bid goodnight as she climbed the stairs to her room, his parting
words dont let the minkies make off with that dress, it fits you so

Sarah where will you sleep?

Carlos in the Kombi van. good night, he smiled, sweet dreams.

He turned and walked back to the van.

The following morning Sarah woke to the sound of the jungle, a

melody of hundreds of birds and animals singing their love songs.
She looked out the window and saw the most beautiful cat peering
past the window its eyes transfixed at something perched on the



shoo, shoo the cat watching the minky watch a frog, then as the
monkey took flight she noticed the remnant of her panties around its
neck, how odd, 50 Euro a pair ending up on the neck of a monkey.

A quick shower thinking she would wear the same dress, it was all
she had, all of her cloths were formal evening wear with nothing that
would suit the jungle.


She then dresses and walked down the stairs via the front stair case
this time, a more intentional grand entry, she saw Pedro and Carlos
sipping coffee, both grinning like Cheshire cats no doubt remembering
the peek they got when she fainted.

Carlos Ah good morning Sarah, did you sleep well, share some
breakfast with us?

Sarah why not have that swim first.

Carlos yes good idea, just a short walk.

Tracing their footsteps from last night they made their way through the
jungle, to arrive on the shore of a large lake that was once joined to
the sea.

Carlos is it safe to swim?

Yes, but at least take your shoes off, you will ruin your dress, have
you no costume?



Sarah No, all of my leisure cloths are back in London, I did not think I
would be traipsing around Brazil swimming in the sea, the dress will
have to do.

Sarah, since you have seen me naked, turn away and I will take my
dress off and go into the water first.

Sarah was taken back by her brazen disrobing for a swim, quite out of
character, she thinks he is after all a man of the cloth, immune to
carnal lust, so she thought, he had said nudity in Brazil is common
place, while in Rome do as the Romans do, what had she done in her
life time, a 29 year old virgin, so what the hec?

But to her surprise Carlos disrobed and waded into the water, not
glancing at her nakedness, so she thought, however his underwater
vision was excellent.

After the swim, they dressed and walked back to the monastery, had
a coffee and planned the adventure.


Carlos we can stop on the way and get you a few pairs of jeans,
shirts, socks, hat and boots.

He then produced a map of the surrounding jungle, he had made

crosses like a pirates treasure map. Padre Pedro looked on, and said
that these were forbidden, Carlos shrugged his shoulders, Jesus is
with us.

This is what we will be searching for, the buildings are not important,
their location is.

Its only in the last few years that the war machine has buckled under
the pressure to sell the Global Positioning Satellite devises to the
general public, a manufacturer is stuck with the technology and often
looses the contract because they are obsolete, the market demands
gps hand held devices, its just how it is.

Several companies around the world make mapping we can install in

a laptop, we can then plug the gps into the laptop and we have a trail
like the trail of an ant recorded on the map.


We can now go back to where I searched them out 12 years ago and
record the coordinates.

Sarah but how did the natives know where to build them?

Carlos, that is the quantum leap in thought!

Sarah what do you mean?

Carlos they were created.

Sarah Created, they were created?

Carlos yes, let me explain. we now know that in our bone marrow,
the DNA is producing 100 trillion molecules of haemoglobin per
second. per second so profound is this fact, it is above the mind of a
human being to comprehend it, yet it is true.

Sarah yes I understand, it is mind blowing.

Carlos. a baby, be it an animal the size of the little minky,



to a blue whale, starts out with one sperm and one ovum, then from
just 23 chromosomes from each parent, they make a complete baby
ready to face the world in a matter of weeks to a month for most
animals, perhaps two years for a whale, I dont know, yet there are
trillions of cells working away automatically doing what the DNA via
the genes tell it to manufacture, little factories so complex that
scientists who witness it are awe struck by Intelligent Design. In the
DNA of all life is the Hebrew name of God YHWH.

Carlos continues a spider is far more complex than the monkey or the
whale, yet it can produce offspring in a few days in some cases, look
at the little spider?

A flower is impregnated by a bee, or wasp, seduced by the aroma,

drinks the nectar, pollen clings to its body, then transported into
another flower of the same species, the aroma reprogrammed the bee
to seek the female flower and deposit the male flowers genes.

Sarah now thats love.



Carlos precisely.

Look at this flower, surrounded by white flowers, its a symbiotic

relationship, the bee from white to white or the humming birds which
is attracted to the red.

The bee activity is picked up by other insects and come after the food,
find the white flower, and pollinate them.

Carlos I have a question for you Sarah.

Sarah shoot.

DNA suddenly stops functioning when the soul leaves the body, why?
The DNA has performed flawlessly for 79 years manufacturing
molecules and countless functions faster than a jet engine, then the
body starts to shut down as the soul is being prepared to leave and go
Or Joe Average goes jogging, life expectancy 79 years yet is dead at
30, what happened? A Mack truck spread him out like tomato sauce,


the soul however leaves, see ya later, up it goes, atheist and Muslim
alike, off to heaven, oh shit back you go son, try again.

Sarah what about the ruins all throughout South America and up into

Carlos well me dear, there are more roads throughout South America
than all the miles of roads built in the United States, therefore we look
at the roads, all hand done, laid out through the jungles connecting
what would be best likened to the function of a cell. the cell has a
network of roads, little trucks carry the supplies from one end of the
cell to the other, sometimes the route is so complex it takes 6 weeks.

What is harder to make, a cell that can do all that or a pile of rock with
what appears to be a demonic face overgrown by the jungle?

Lower left a man standing. How was the head of this

thing lifted 80 feet into the air achieved, and where is the quarry, how
did they cut it out and carve it, banana skins?



If you measure from the Jesus statue in Rio to any of the ancient
sites, it reveals demonic thought. For example to Palenque in the
Yukatan, the distance is 4297 in the Hebrew dictionary is the word
mutter meaning perverseness, or in nautical miles it is 3731 Greek
dictionary hermema an attack, violence.

How about Washington 4778 miles Greek suffer persecution Hebrew


Against Jesus. Vatican 5719 miles given to pleasures

Madrid Opus Dei 4392 miles Hebrew, she that was with child. Greek
an outward showing.
Kilometres 8141 Hebrew a year
Found in the most important verse in the bible,



Isaiah 63:4 for the day of vengeance is in my heart, and the year 8141
of my redeemed is come.

Or from the statue to the South Pole the distance is 4034 nautical
miles, and is Greek to illuminate all round, invest with a halo.
To shine light all the way around.

In miles 4646 Hebrew is giving up the ghost.

Sarah that is simply wonderful, Marshall and I saw the lightening

strike the statue of Jesus when we flew in, the cloud ceiling at 1800
feet gave a light around the statue for miles, I have it in my camera.

Carlos Oh Sarah I could just kiss you.

Carlos From the North Pole 7790 miles and is Hebrew Lying in wait,
i.e. Like a lion ready to devour a beast.

Ok I get the picture, any number has a meaning, say 927 miles? said



Carlos ah yes 927 in Greek is highly valuable, very precious Hebrew

is to terrify.

Sarah Father, can you simplify what it all means?

Carlos I should point out I gave up the cloth when I realised what the
truth was, the church is the cess pool of the Devil, a breeding ground
of homosexuals, paedophiles, blood sacrifices, they control all
governments via various cults like Freemasonry, Opus Dei today
devoured by murderers and assassins, the Khazar, the Rothschilds
Washington, Jerusalem, Rome, the Vatican, UN, World Health
Organisation that spread AIDS and all forms of evil diseases.

Sarah What can we do to avoid it all?

Carlos Colloidal elements in pure water, your body is 75% water and
brain 90% so what you drink is what you are made of.

Sarah how do we get it?

Carlos, in cities you can filter out the nasties with Reverse Osmosis
filters with silver cartridges then take the water and get a silver chain,
cut in half and hang over the side in the water, ad bicarbonate of soda
and hook a battery to the two silver chain and it will start moving silver
as a positive charge into the water, then drink it daily. dont use
fluoride tooth paste. do the same with a gold chain.



Carlos science is not talking, the answer is to wonderful, if for

example the masses were educated in truth, remember Jesus said
the truth would set you free, then the answer is in science, Creation is

Sarah how?

Well the earth with all its strange monuments from Stonehenge to the
Pyramid, are brimming with amazing facts and in addition the passage
of the solar system is a key. let me get my laptop I have a letter I
sent to a priest, Father Himendaz. Back in a moment.

Sarah watched as this amazing man stepped over her sitting on the
bench against the table and strode out to the Kombi. she could smell
his sweat as his open shirt brushed past her face.

Returning he again stepped over her and turning sat beside her
placing the laptop on the old hand carved table, which Pedro had told
her was carved by the Aztec Indians centuries ago.

Opening the laptop he said I will turn it on.

Eventually the screen flickered to life,

Oh yes the email.



This gent wrote to Marshall he forwarded it to me.

Carlos Brian replied.

Hi mate,
The solar system is moving northward at 43,200 mph, this is
what causes
The planets to orbit, they are all below the equator line of the
So when we look into space, the Milky Way Galaxy and the
stars in it, all
Are spread out on a 100,000 light years wide thin disc, and
where the
Solar system is it is in a very thin outer edge.
The facts are that in order to have life on a planet the star (sun)
Be moving to drag the planets behind it for if it were not the
Would be drawn into it and perish.
Astronomers are quite stupid, they say stars have been seen to
wobble and
Therefore a star like the sun has been seen to shift every 4 days
Therefore a Jupiter size planet is orbiting.
This is not a solar system what it is, is a binary, which means
the orbit
Of the smaller star or huge planet is so fast it could not be a

System like ours, the planet Jupiter requires 13 years to orbit
and Saturn
30 so its all mass stupidity.
I believe the reason is that students are selected in a list and if
Ever apply for a job in astronomy they are already known how
they think.
The reality is all universities work that way, few are employed
that go
Against the standard MC squared bullshit, therefore no
intelligent thought
Gets past the gate, if there is that person is sacked.
Only the Solar system is moving northward and the date of the
crossing is
December 12th 2012, OK so what this means is it was recorded
within the
Great Pyramid 5000 years ago, In the book of Isaiah 19:19 and
19:20 the
Verses speak of an altar to the Lord in the midst of Egypt
Hell, and the Hebrew words have a value known as gematria
that totals the
Same number as is the height of the structure up to the missing
By then there will be a gathering of people who have reached
the immortal
Flesh stage, you may know one, or may be one, most are
unaware but have
Escaped certain death in the past by some miracle, in any case
Original Old Testament was all about reincarnation, tried like
silver in

The furnace of hell where God is not, and finally the 144,000 in
Revelation is the key number required to spread the word world
wide, that
Then brings the masses to the immortal stage or in most cases
will ignore
It and live out their lives and die as usual and as they expect,
they will
Reincarnate and have moved foreword in time.
The crossing will be the end of mass stupidity, people like Bush
or Howard
Will be either converted or start the death process, this is the
Prophecy, the angels are with all people at all time, they watch
and when
Death comes they will be taken care of separating the tares
from the wheat
So like you I was reborn but in my case, into a world that in the
Cults above all religions and governments knew where and
when, and so over
The years I have manipulated a situation to force their hand, as
they know
They must stop me waking the masses to their own divinity,
which is the
Female soul of the Mother of all living, human beings that form a
And marry the Father who was Jesus and is today the judge
and Christ as
The true king descended from King David.
The reason it is so complex is the universities, governments and

It was quite commonly known in Jerusalem and Palestine and is
what the Old
Testament predicted Jesus, while the New Testament is
basically bullshit
Apart for certain verses identified by myself via numbers and
leads to
Revelation which is divine.
So today no government will allow me to speak nor the facts on
who built
The pyramid, the Shepherd Kings descended from Noah, nor
will they talk
About the crossing of the Milky Way Galaxy equator and the
start of the
1000 years of building Paradise here on the earth starting in
I hope that answers your thought and questions, Peace and
Love is the Key,
Sarah wait a minute; this man is answering as if he is Jesus?

Carlos Oh yes, did he not tell you? it was he who walked up behind
me while I was in an old dig in the Yukatan, how he found me, I had
no idea, he frightened the living crap out of me. I had my head down
and arse up and he slaps me on the buttocks and introduces himself,
gday mate, Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall, Jesus reincarnate.

Carlos where did you come from?


Just dropped in, no worries what are you up too, had a lot of good
reports about you.

Carlos I was dumbfounded, completely at a loss.

Marshall Yeah I thought you could use a hand. need a miracle?

Carlos it was an impossibility to have found me, I had hiked along for
three hours into the bush, it was stinking hot, I was lathered in sweat,
the humidity was so high you could almost chew it, let alone breath it.
he on the other hand was as if he was strolling in central park, no
sign of sweat, in fact he was wearing a white suit, not a mark on it.

Marshall Ok heres the scar on my forehead, as per Shroud of Turin,

wrists, feet OK?



Marshall its ok you can say fuck.

now when you find an old ruin like this one, the very first thing you
must do is cast out the demons, if you dont they will cause havoc,
equipment will fail, animals will bite, insects will be everywhere,
humidity will close in, name your demons, you can cast the bastards

Marshall these structures were not built by men, they were part of the
Creation process, I think, it happens, Angels do the heavy lifting.

Simply say in a load voice, IN THE NAME OF JESUS I CAST YOU


As he said it there was an awful blood chilling all around, the area
gave up a ghost like mist accompanied by screaming terror as these
demons spiralled up above the area away in all directions round and
round until no more sound could be heard.

Marshall said look about you, what do you see?


The air was clear, a gentle breeze carried yellow butterflies from out
of the jungle, birds singing, sunlight breaking through the tree canopy,
a golden glowing aura surrounded him, his hair almost white.

Carlos I was completely stunned, am I dead I asked him?

Marshall, Oh no. Your faith has been rewarded, people like you are
not aware they are angels in the flesh.

Carlos me an angel?


there are ranks of angels, all are immortal, few have made the grade
to human and immortality, recall the scripture, made lower then the
angels to experience death. the angels envy your former ability to

Carlos taken back by it all I am immortal?

yes this is the final stage of those who have lived and died for Jesus
in past lives, your soul discards the filthy garments at death and you
are reborn to be refined once again by experience life in the


wanna see another miracle?

He lifted his hand to about waist hight his palm turned upward,
humming birds came into the clearing and began landing on his
fingers, first one a female, then another then another as her babies
followed then in just a few moments, there were 16 hens and their
babies while the males hovered eyeing each other off.

Carlos may I take a photo?


Sarah do you have the photo?

Carlos let me find in in the computer.

ah there it is.



Carlos near his feet on the temple steps, he stooped down and
picked up a baby which was clinging to the back of its mother, tickling
the mother as she fell asleep.

Marshall as I said you are an angel of the highest order, did I not say
in Psalms For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and
hast crowned him with glory and honour. And in Hebrews But we
see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the
suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the
grace of God should taste death for every man.

Have no fear Carlos, this was why I died on the cross, for you and the
meek, it was not the Jews who pierced my side it was a Roman a
centurion named Cornelius. Jhn 19:34 But one of the soldiers with a
spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and

You were a priest of the Great Whore, she dandled you on her knees
feeding you, suckling you with her teats of poison, but you rebelled,
your soul would not let you rest until you began to raise from the



Psalms 37:11 But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight
themselves in the abundance of peace. Isaiah 11:4 But with
righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the
meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his
mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.

Carlos Lord what do I call you, Lord?

Marshall Marshall will do, if you encounter me in towns, Brian will do,
you are my friend are you not?


Carlos There were many questions I wanted to ask but was
completely dumbfounded, he bid me farewell turned and walked into
the jungle, turning he waved then vanished.

Over the years he has suddenly shown up, pointed me in the right
direction and I would turn and he would be walking away. He told me
that the angels built the Mayan, Aztec, Olmec empires, to ask the
natives, the old men and women, they remembered the angels
coming. He said once the west came to investigate, they were either
catholic or university educated men and women, who had been

He said always trust in your conscience, follow a dream and believe

not those who scorn you. There is no life in space, this is yet another
This realm is within the heavenly and it within this reality. Its the
impossible where the answers lay hidden, the Mayan Calendar, the
Olmec before it, given to the people who were falling into devil
worship, as for demons they are parasites, they consume a soul
influencing it to do its bidding, then when that person has done so, it
moves it towards death, then find another victim willing to be seduced.
They exist within men for the most part; women are less prone to the
lure of the ego.

Carlos I asked him about sex. he said, it is to be enjoyed to the

fullest, go into a woman righteously for love and bring forth children, if
it be so decreed, man is not complete without woman as is God the
Father not complete with God the Mother.


I asked who is God the Mother? And he said mankind, who are the
offspring of Ammah the Mother of all living.

When you find your soul mate, be unto her as she would be unto you,
be open and honest with your sexuality, that is healthy, tell her what
you feel, what you desire and give her the honesty she deserves and
in turn no matter what she may reply, do it for her, this is sexual love
of the bridal chamber.

Do the birds do what comes naturally; does an albatross mate for life?
Children must be taught that their body is a temple, sanctified by their
heavenly parents who made them in their image, male and female
they made them.

What is more beautiful than a naked woman; admire her in all things
as she is made in the image of God the Mother Ammah.

From time to time he would just suddenly be there, I would ask many
questions but what interested me on a personal level was love for a
woman, I said that I was a priest, celibate, he said what for, have
babies dont you want babies, the demonic breed like flies and the
righteous are told to be celibate?



Sarah was dumbfounded then that crazy Aussie was him?

Carlos Yes.

What was he doing on the 380 world flight?

Carlos what happened on the flight?

Sarah the lightening strike? he had you take a photo out the window,
think about it, he was pulling information out of the screen, check it
out, there is no internet on jets flying around the world is there? It


was a TV screen with a few on board tricks to order drinks or watch a
movie, right? In your preamble for the flight, did it mention the
internet or real time lightening strikes?

Do you really think he worked for the Age newspaper? or who was
the old lady in Piccadilly Circus telling you your future?
Think, what did he say in passing he could not have known?

Oh shit, the stocking.

Sarah I was being manipulated to find you?

Carlos could not contain himself grinning from ear to ear.

Sarah OK what is the plan?

Carlos well there is no point planing ahead, we simply get in the

Kombi and head out and follow where ever the angels lead us.

Sarah Ok when shall we head out.

Carlos, lets relax with Pedro tonight, have a nice meal, take a stroll
and watch the sunset, get a good nights sleep and up bright and early
in the morning.



Returning to the monastery, Sara and Carlos bid goodnight to Pedro

and Rosa, Carlos walked Sarah to her room.

Carlos sweet dreams.

Sarah opened the door, lit a candle and saw her ring sitting upright as
if defying gravity, it was her mothers wedding ring she cherished, but
could not remember getting it out of her luggage.



Sarah showered and towelled off quickly, anxious to see Carlos.

She dressed, brushed her hair, then ran down the hall to the top of the
stairs, stopped, took a breath and slowly descended the stairs.
Carlos was standing at the bottom of the stairs, drinking in her form as
she gracefully moved out of his dreams and into reality.

He took her hand and escorted her to the magnificent hand carved
table that was older then the monastery itself.

As they walked across the floor he said, I dreamed of you last night.

Sarah Oh?

I dreamed the strangest thing

Sarah said, so did I.

Carlos, you must tell me, perhaps we dreamed the same dream?


Sarah I felt enlivened like I had never felt before, as if I was engulfed
in a sea of angel wings that carried me to heaven, it was so beautiful,

Every emotion, every dream, like waves of love flowing over me, it
was more than a dream.

I could never have imagined it,

For a moment I thought perhaps I had died and the angels had come
to carry me to heaven?

Sarah then I woke to an even more wonderful thought, I had met the
Lord. And was alive for evermore

Carlos His angels had embraced you, how do you feel.


I am tired but refreshed, as if I have woken from a life of nothingness
with no purpose, I feel emersed in eternal love.
I no longer feel any inhibitions.
They sat across from each other Rosa shuffled about back and forth
into the kitchen, what would she think if she knew what Sarah had
imagined, or what she could imagine unfettered by the words of the
Lord. What woman could resist, was it not imagination that inspired
her dreams as a child, was her reality a pouring out of the female
spirit so long suppressed by the church? Had she suddenly been
anointed by the Holy Spirit? Was the Holy Spirit female, had she
covered her, awakening in her a new conception, free and alive, the
ultimate uninhibited woman, nothing could compare to this feeling of
love, nothing could now hold her back from experiencing the ultimate
love between man and woman as they our Father and Mother in
heaven intended.

They ate, staring into each others eyes, what was he thinking, could
she dare hazard a guess?

In only a moment they would be leaving the monastery off on the

adventure of a lifetime.

Sarah tell me Carlos your dream?

Carlos turned quite red in the face, looked sheepishly away from her


Well a mans mind tends to be more specifically driven by the need
to. Ah, be more focused on ah hard to put into words only a
man can compare ah, a man must deal with.. Ah

Pedro he had an erection..

Changing the subject carlos suggested Sarah needed to buy a

change of clothing for roughing it in the jungle. Pedro suggested they
can find adequate supplies back down the road to Rio, several small
towns along the way.

carlos drove the combi to a small village he knew would have the
clothing theyneeded, Rio 50 k towards rio. Sarah purchased what she
could find, blouse, jeans, socks and boots.

Driving out of the village Sarah asked carlos to pull over so she could
try on the shirt in the back of the van. He stopped in a clearing, Sarah
clambered into the back russeled through the bags and began to
change. she noticed Carlos adjust the rear vision mirror to see what
she was doing, he was a man after all, a man in the jungle for months
at a time. she accommodated him by making certain he had a good
view of her dance.



Sarah was becoming more daring as the excitement of the adventure

stirred unfamiliar bravado in her loins; she was experiencing a rush
within her womb feelings that were totally unfamiliar to her.

She dressed slowly, taking off her top selecting this one then that
making sure her audience could not fail to glimpse her breasts, sitting
for a moment then trying another than back and forth knowing she
was being devoured carlos savouring every moment.

finally she said, ok I am ready, and clamoured back into the front.

Returning to the monastery they had lunch with Padre Pedro. Then
Carlos rolled out a large ancient parchment scroll he had discovered
between the paws of the sphinx, it revealed the Sphinx was not what it
appeared to be, the body was dug out and around the head of the
lion, but originally the head was not a lions head it was a pyramid
shape capstone for the pyramid.

The pyramid could be no higher than the Isaiah 19;19 and 19:20

Sarah why?


The combined gematria is all part of the unbelievable, above the
human mind to grasp that this was and is today a spiritual battle falling
to or into this realm the earth, chasing the darkness of Lucifer after it
has been cast to the earth, where it is trapped but willing people in
high places accept it as god, the alternative is Jesus and they are very
determined to appease the lusts of the most evil mind that could
possible be imagined by man.

The height of the structure must end at the Isaiah gematria number
which is the average height of the land mass, 454.5 feet or 5454
inches in British measure. So when the was preordained to be reborn
to the earth, and in Hebrew 5454 is Sabtah the area where Nimrod
would flourish and was also where the tower of Babel would be built.

The story then points to the Tower of Babel Genesis 11:9

representing Great Pyramid, the Christian world of Israel rejecting the
second coming of the Lord.

The base was made smaller then the instructions of the Lord
36524.24 P and reduced by 286.1 reached 5454 inches and could go
no higher, then when the capstone weighing 1722 ton which like the
tower was never completed unable to reach heaven without the Lord.

The prophecy is that Nineveh condemns this wicked generation, and

in so doing confirms reincarnation, that the modern day world will
reject even God the missing capstone and it will be placed 116.26
degrees off true north and man will have not only rejected God in the
flesh Yahweh himself but will have altered the capstone to the
abominations of Israel the western nations.


The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and
shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas;
and, behold, a greater than Jonas [is] here. Matthew 12:41

The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this
generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost
parts of the earth to hear the Wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a
greater than Solomon [is] here.

When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry
places, seeking rest, and findeth none.

Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out;
and when he is come, he findeth [it] empty, swept, and garnished.

Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more
wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last
[state] of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto
this wicked generation.

Sarah is there any chance the masses will repent?

Carlos, they rid themselves of the demon of life, die and reincarnate
to be attacked by the former and it brings more with it so that the
unrepentant soul become totally infested with demons and is what
Nineveh has repentant souls judging the wickedness of this end time



Also Nineveh

carlos we can discuss the trap encoded in the bible as we drive.

Sarah what you were saying about martha, why was the world told
Jesus and mary magdalene were married and had children, even the
talipot tomb has been revealed to be the tomb of Yeshua and mary

carlos its a trap, rule of thumb, if their lips are moving they are lying.

Sarah so it was a trap to make it appear Jesus and mary were lovers,
hiding the real wife of Jesus marther?

carlos yes that is so; the da vinci code was a world wide smash and
therefore permitted by the world order that controls all media.

She will have babies by christ in the years to come and that will be the
purest genetic royal line possible from ammah and abbah martha and

carlos and Sarah bid farewell to pedro and rosa, odd they had a
strange look on their faces suggestive of some ulterior thought.


The small combi headed west up into the mountains, the moon was
now approaching its brightest being a full moon the following night.

Sarah where are we going first off?

carlos there is a trail i was led too by the spirit several months ago, it
wound its way up through the mountains, oddly the jungle growth
appeared to be stunted near the trail leaving the barest opening to
follow. When I arrived at the clearing, a vast complex had been sitting
there for countless millenniums a series of pyramid exactly like the
giza plateau about 100th scale. I took gps coordinates puzzling over
the location, as it had to be relevant.

.Sarah what did you find?

.carlos it was quite unbelievable. measuring a direct line to the Jesus

statue in Rio was 242.4 kilometres.

*Sarah what is the significance of the number 242?

*carlos not 242 the precise number is 242.4, the number for Jesus in
the greek concordance of the 1611 king james bible.

2424. Iesous {ee-ay-sooce'}; of Hebrew origin [3091]; Jesus

(i.e.Jehoshua), the name of our Lord but its latitude and longitude
locates it an arc central to the Jesus statue in rio, grab my briefcase
behind you and I will show you where it is.



*Sarah look it overlooks Rio central and is 5.55 nautical miles distant.

*carlos yes but the word Christ is found in 522 verses and that
number is ammah the cubit or mother measure of the earth therefore
we must measure the earth.

*Sarah ah I see.

*carlos pull the chart numbered 2424 pyramids.

*Sarah ok got it

I will pull up in the clearing so I can show you how the code works.

*carlos now look down the coast 98 kilometres and there is a small
island, we place a point on top of the island, get out the protractor
from the leather case in the back


*Sarah this it?

He nods

ok got it

take a close look


its extremities measure 69.7 kilometres and that number is the New
Testament total for the world lord.

*Sarah oh fuck.

*carlos not right now Im busy.

*Sarah grinned.



Now the height of the island is 1212 feet so we have a point that
makes up half of 2424 Jesus number, we then have two points the
island and the statue of the big kahoona right?

*Sarah right.

we measure 242.4 k from the statue and 242.4 k from the island, this
is what it is telling us, how the earth was created to reveal Jesus.

*Sarah does that mean the bible is holy?

*carlos well look at it this way, Jesus has stretched out the snake and
says fuck what the New Testament says, that is all smoke and
mirrors, the secret is n the dictionaries word total.

*Sarah ah I get it, leaning in close against his arm brushing her

so lets look what is gives us, roll the map out a bit more.

we measure 242.4 k from the island and 242.4 k from the statue.

the first gives us the track entrance and the second we follow around
a small mountain and we have the pyramids.



the combined distance is 484.8 km the height of the Great Pyramid

with capstone in place, meaning Jesus has taken over the earth,
pulling down Babel to the ground.

*Sarah and that is the coming in the clouds?

hey words are not needed, the trap was set when Jesus created the
heavens and the earth, and the clouds are the stars or obscurity,

*carlos now the next chart is a close up of the small mount blocking
the direct line from the road where the trail begins.

So we measure the 4 pints and we have 584.8 km



hebrew 5848. `ataph {aw-taf'}; a primitive root; to shroud, i.e. clothe

(from the idea of darkness) to: -cover (over), hide self, be

greek does not go higher than 5624 words so we look at 584.

apodeiknumi {ap-od-ike'-noo-mee}; from 575 and 1166; to show off,
i.e. exhibit; figuratively, to demonstrate, i.e. accredit: -(ap-) prove, set
forth, shew.

its as plain as the wart on sister Rosa nose, and i mean that in the
nicest possible way.

*Sarah owww shes nice. Slapping his arm.

you would not say so if she surprised you at midnight walking back
from the dunny with a candle stuck under it.

*Sarah come on, lets get cracking. the hill hiding the pyramid is
4141 nautical miles from the South Pole

Hebrew 4141. muwcab {moo-sawb'}; from 5437; a turn, i.e. circuit (of
a building): -winding about. between the islands across the sae to the
statue of Jesus is 221.8 km


2281. thalassa {thal'-as-sah}; the sea (genitive case or specially): sea.

the old kombi chugged along winding its way around tight turns;
wildlife could be heard heralding their presence, warning the forest to
watch out, strange smelly animal heading their way.

*the setting sun stretch the rays in a purple hue across the rode slowly
changing into an myriad of colours, rays of fading light darted from
flower to flower in a desperate chase to avoid the darkness falling
upon the forest, tropical flowers slowly obeyed their angels whisper,
enclosing their lovers seed they had conceived when pollinated by
anxious bees hurriedly closing their petals to sleep in glorious
dreams awaiting the new dawn when the bees would bring to their
womb distant lovers seed once again.

Heavenly shades of night were falling, twilight time rushed ever faster
towards darkness, the deepening shadows gathered their slender
forming a purple curtain at the end of day, then in just a few moment it
was gone for together the slept, bathed in twilight time.

only the almighty God could have imagined beauty of this magnitude,
only Jesus.

The road took on a wondrous darkness as the little yellow headlamps

darted to the end of each turn; slowly carlos crept along as they drank
in the darkness hiding the glory of day.


to the east the moon was walking along the milky way as its stretched
its white light across the spawning sea, coral gave up its sperm to
intermingle with the ovum of distant lovers carried along by the
familiar ancient warm ocean fluid.

carlos, the moon is so bright, is it a full moon yet?

no not until tomorrow, but look closely, can you see the constellation
leo the lion, that is the royal line of Jesus, the moon is sitting in the
heart of leo eclipsing the star regulas it will be above the horizon
tonight for 678 minutes, found only in Isaiah 41:09 atsiyl {aw-tseel'};
{Thou} whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee
from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou {art} my servant;
I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away.
10 Fear thou not; for I {am} with thee: be not dismayed; for I {am} thy
God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee
with the right hand of my righteousness.

And is why leo, the royal constellation, was the moment of the Star of

*Sarah what date was it?

*carlos june 17th 2 bc when Jupiter at 88,800 miles wide was

overtaken by venus the morning star, within the heart of leo.


*caros we are getting close; we will be upon the trail in a few

*Sarah how do you know where it is, the jungle is so dense?

*carlos thanks to the Magellan gps it will guide us like a bee to the
pollen, well within a few feet.

*the van slowly crept forward, the lines of the gps were converging
together to form a magic pointer at an imaginary waypoint on the side
of the road.

*carlos, its about 200 meters ahead, keep an eye peeled Sarah, its
off to the right on a bend.

*Sarah shrieked I see it, I see it.

*at that same precise moment moon light penetrated the trees
showing a glimpse of the trail leading off to the right.

*carlos we had better stop for a moment and check the van, make
sure the tent is secure on top, its a tight narrow trail,.

*the motor chugged to a stop, not a sound could be heard except the
slight sound dancing through the trees like rain falling.



*Sarah what is that sound, is it rain, do you think we should stay here
and make camp for the night?

*carlos it tis a waterfall down the trail a little way, listen for a moment
we can hear it.

*her heart was pounding with excitement; its beating ebbed between
beats allowing her to her the gushing water.

*carlos come on, lets make our way down to the pool and pitch the

*the engine sputtered into life, carlos slowly pushed the gare shift into
first gear, slowly releasing the clutch, moving the van forward ever so

*a few moments later the van pushed through the dense canopy
bursting suddenly into a clearing exposing the magnificent scene as
water cascaded down into the pool.

*carlos Sarah you are looking at a miracle, the water emerges from
atop the hill from what appears to be an ancient volcano, the pool is
very warm, the water is as pure as anywhere on earth, wonderful for
the skin. the natives in the area are reported to have the youngest


appearance living very long disease free lives. women of 70 years
look as if they were around thirty years of age.

*carlos go paddle your feet while I pitch the tent and rustle up some

*carlos busied himself unloading the van, set up the table and chairs,
then turned his attention to the tent, wrestled it down from the roof of
the van, cleared the leaves off the blue grass, happy with his selection
with a clear view of the moon and stars, before long it was quite
comfortable Sarah will be pleased.

Looking about for Sarah, his eyes fell upon what appeared
momentarily to be an angel in the moonlight.

*Sarah was standing under the waterfall catching the spray refreshing


*captivated by her beauty, he watch in total awe, several precious
moments took his breath away, he could hardly wait to hold her, a
look his smile could no more disguise, his eyes were gazing at so
much more than words could ever say, afraid to move unable to
comprehend what wonders lay before him, fearing he would be
discovered and she would flee into the shadows and shatter the spell
he was being devoured by. *no words could describe what he had
suddenly been smitten by, she was absolutely gorgeous, he felt his
heart was being consumed by a desire that only a celibate man
wrestling with sexual desire tinged with carnal lust but moreover the
deepest love a man can dream or dare to experience.

*carlos was total besotted by her, what could he hope to say, she
trusts him as a man of the cloth. Slowly she turned running her fingers
through her hair then wiped the water from her breasts cupping her
hands slowly downward. *she climbed down to the natural pool where
soft moss cushioned a perfect rest. *settling she reclined to soak up
the youthful beauty surrounding her, the moonlight dancing upon the
crevices of her splendour.



*carlos are you still there, come join me in the pool the water is

*Sarah stood up and walked towards the pool, a slow dance as she
weaved carefully stepping in the moonlight.

*carlos hesitated, come on you have seen me naked before, there is

no one here just us two in the middle of paradise, like adam and eve,
come on.



*carlos began to disrobe, his erection was enormous, he had no

control over it, he though well he could carry his towel in front of him
and when he waded into the pool he could toss the pants on the bank.

*as he walked to the waters edge Sarah reached up and gripped at

his poor attempt at covering, he instantly turned away, exposing his
manhood an arms length away from her.

*unable to completely turn away he caught a glimpse of her breast,

water dripping off her nipple.

*Sarah sat on the rock beside the pool, carlos, have I embarrassed
you, you have given me the greatest compliment a man can give a

She turned and splashed playfully into the water, reaching up to him
with both hands as she sunk beneath the water.



*for carlos it was completely unexpected, he was like adam in the

garden of eden his minds eye was being tormented with a
kaleidoscope of images, the beauty of her loveliness, the impishness
of her total freedom, his desire a pandoras box of delights, was this
what adam experienced?

*he had to snap out of it, this was not a test of fidelity married the a
fucking church, this was what a man and woman were meant to
experience, a frolicking love story so intimate that both could only
honour God by being what God is Man and Woman made in their

It was his duty to give love all he had to give, honour her and she will
be delighted in his openness, no inhibitions, she like wise would beg
him to fill her desires that only a woman can comprehend and he filled
with a surging manhood would experience what only a man could
experience being completely and utterly devoured by the lips of her

*Sarah pushed herself gliding towards him, her arms hung on his
neck, her movement pushed him back as she slid on top of his body,
her stomach brushed his erection and he was totally armoured unable
to resist her lips as she pressed her breasts against his muscular



*her eyes like pools of blue water gazed intently into his, carlos, I am
a virgin and I fallen head over heels in love with you, I want, i need
you all the way inside of me.

Caressing her breasts, he moved his lips to her nipples and began
caressing her cupping each with is massive hands forming them into
mounds of feminine tenderness he gently sucked and licked her until
her moaning encouraged him to carry here to the tent.

*he lay her down on the soft bedding he had prepared for her; he had
intended to sleep in the combi never dreaming this night would
change his life forever.

*he rolled her on her stomach while he fluffed the bedding so she
could move her legs unencumbered by the confined space within the

*Sarah rolled about in a state of ecstasy, carlos make love to me,

kiss me massage my breasts, suck me, do all the things I have
dreamed of and dared to imagine, I want you, I love you.

*his powerful body arched as he rolled her kissing her back, her neck,
her shoulders, massaging her from her legs to her buttocks, pulling
her gently apart has he devoured her. rolling her onto her back he
kissed her mouth, running his tongue across her lips sliding his
tongue between her lips then kissing her neck he nibbled her skin,
moving down to caress her nipples with is lips and tongue, sucking
gentle as they became gorged with blood.



*he moved slowly towards her stomach, kissing and bighting until her
moaning begged him to spread her legs exposing her femininity as
she arch up to greet his tongue. licking sucking her tenderly until she
was totally wed with her juices to receive him, he positioned his
throbbing manhood against her lips, slowly and gently he pressed
until a sudden easing as her virginity was given to him, sliding deep
within her until he reached to massage the mouth of her womb, her
contractions begging him to release his seed in gushing burst that
filled her to overflowing, then as the passion subsided he remained
motionless as his manhood continued to flex as her orgasm dipped
into the pool of love.

There could have been a more perfect moment in creation where a

man and a woman finally were wed in the way our Mother and Farther
Ammah and Abbah had intended, and at that moment man had burst
through the domination of the churches that for centuries had
perverted the act of love into debauchery.

*Sarah and Carlos were inseparable from that moment onward; they
continued to explore the ruins they Holy Spirit had lead them to

*they returned to the monastery, celebrating their love with Pedro and

*Marshall had sent a message to carlos and Sarah, with gps

coordinates; carlos knew it was something very important. *after a few
weeks resting at the monastery they packed their bags and set out on
another adventure.



This time they were to make their way north several hundred



carlos we will be at the village within the hour, perhaps marshall will be
there, he has a habit of turning up out of the blue.
Sarah yes it will be good to see the old coot again, he was spot on about
the Jesus statue in rio.

yes there is more to him than meets the eye?

Sarah oh?.

yes I am sure you will look back on how you met in times to come.

The combi climed slowly up a steep incline, rounded the bend he parked the
van overlooking the valley far below.

there it is, my little oasis of sanity in the wilderness, paradise found I call it.

Sarah there are many things I want to tell you as we embark on our journey
together, its important for you to undertand what poverty in these jungles


are and how easily it can be put right. if you listen intently the sound of the
village raises up out of the valley, lets sit quitetly for a moment.

do you hear anything


Lets stand on the edge of the dropaway, the sound travels across the hills.

they stood motionless, the scent of poinsettia, soft gentle breezes filled the
air, can you feel it? close your eyes, let them take you to a place beyond
compare. gentel is the breeze that brings paradise beyond compare. all
we need to do is dream, closing our eyes for love is everywhere.

Sarah yes is feel it. I can you hear the children laughing?

blow gentle breeze fill our hearts, hear our plea, nature all around is
constantly making love, that is all there is, love.

what we are experiencing in this realm is the manifestation of a dream of

the Almighty set in motion before man and woman were born to rule the
earth, for what greater love was there to have planned out the material
relam, creat it out of thought, based entirely of love as nature aoblivios to
God goes about its business of reproducing, and on these silent
pheromones the smells fill the air for us to stand in awe of.



Sarah and those villagers are what its all about?

yes indeed. they cannot comprehend the evils that have devored the
cities, big business dominated by yhe Catholic Church. so we being man
and woman made in Gods image, are why the church has eliminated the
female part of God from the masses.

carlos come we have an appointment with destiny.

the old van chugged its way down the winding trail to the village, ozzed up
out of the jungle mist floated partially obscuring the bright blue sky,
moisture laden updrafts cooled forming clouds at the top of the mountains,
pure white whisps of droplets were being reborn in the cycle of nature, and
so it is with the soul when it departs the mortal flesh.

the laughter of children could be heard above the drone of the combi as
they pulled into the village.

within seconds the sleepy huts gave birth to laughing children followed by
their parents pouring out to greet father carlos.

they swarmed around him jumping up trying to kiss him, little girls tugged
at his fingers to come see what they had been doing in school, the school he
had built for them.



jose a man in his late seventies came rushing up, father carlos, we all
missed you terribly, the children drove us mad asking when you would
return and here you are with an angel sent from heaven.

Sarah blushed unaccustomed to the genuiness of their admiration, they

truly ment it, for in their minds the world stopped at the top of the
mountains, nothing existed beyond that point.

;Sarah passed to reflect on what she had witnessed, these people had no
comprehension what was out there, what had caused the older people to
forget? ;had they simply stepped out of one realm into another and as far
as they could remember the past did not exist, father carlos was to them
like the lord walking with adam in the garden of eden, but this time the lord
was carlos who had brought his wife down to the earth to visit paradies as
he had promised them when he rescued them 20 years ago from hell, rio.

;Sarah carlos, am I imagining this or do these peole have no memory of rio,

and have the children no knowledge of the past the older generation
seemed to have forgotten?
;carlos yes this is so, I found these poor souls homeless and hunted like
dogs in rio, one by one I brought them to a safe place which was heaven to
them, clean water with natural elements rich in silver, gold, platinum.
when you rescue a person from the hell the church allows and encourages
in the slums, that person truly believes the moment they awake in a safe
village like this one, they have died and gne to heaven, they have a common
experience and over time as the population grew, children were either born
here or broughyt here, they started to do what is now played out as a
resurrection ritual.



one does not have to physically die to resurrect, this is the promise of
Jesus, those who have lived many times before have faced the trials of life
and by choosing righteousness, stepped out of the filthy rags of the former
into the holy ghost of the end of trials, I simply carried it out not content to
seek paradise after death, my part was to create paradise now for the
wretched, Jesus said, the meek will inherit the earth.

;Sarah how do you fineance it?

quite simple, I walk along the streams and pick up gold nuggets that are
washed out of the crevices, it always happens just after a lightening strike in
the hills followed by a rain squall flushing the streams with enough gold to
sustain the village.

do the villagers know how you do it?

oh no, I have to leave for a week or two to the secret locations to harvest
the nuggets.

how many villages do you have like this one?


I spend a few days in each and overseer the improvements, knowone wants


for anything.
the secret is in the water and the isolation of the spirit from evil, every
thing that the villagers are exsposed to has been carfully scrutinized. you
see Sarah, the mind is connected to God in a marriage of the female soul to
Christ the Father, if the soul is no longer searching for the father spirit, the
flesh is arraed in the femal holy spirit as a virgin is arraed in white for her

the wedding takes place and the flesh become immortal, its a trick of the
mind, if you do not remember death then you wake in the morning after the
wedding alive for ever more. the water is what it is all about living water,
these children you see, their body is 80% water, their brain 90% then what
they drink is what they are, and so can water die?

;Sarah if a baby is exsposed continually to death, sickness, war, poverty the

innocent soul will only experience hell, the sunconscious will only relate to
hell and death, and if starved of love living in a slum created by the system
the church pretends to be the godhead thereof, then death of the child is
certain, this is the ways of the corporate strawman.

if visionaries rescue these little ones, the words of Jesus ring true, I was in
prison and you visited me not, surly if we do what he told us, the God of
love, then his promise of immortality here on the earth will come to them.

this is what the angel of the lord led me to discover, and one by one I have
established villages that exist in a frequency range of matter where it
bridges between heaven and earth and so one by one Paradise is
established here on the earth.



;Sarah how do you locate these villages, how do you know where?

;carlos hand me the large scroll

He rolls it out showing a map of brazil and the rio Jesus statue.

look along the coast, there are island dotted everyehere, each has a peak,
for example off the coast of another hell hole is sao sebastiao the island is
1227 meters high or in feet 4026 feet. it is 237.7 km or 147.7 miles or
128.3 nautical miles.

we draw an arc 237.7 km from the highest point to Jesus and from Jesus we
draw an arc cross the first and we have the paradise village location.

grab that leather bound book, strongs concordance open it to page page
67 hebrew section what does it say?





now turn to page 62 in the greek section

4432 poverty, cringing begger.

page 25 divided the 4432 by 3 sdes look at 1477


Page 26 hebrew?

die, give up the ghost

now we do it in miles

the three sides 713. km is Hebrew page 16 purple, what colour does the
pope wear?

or divide by three for each side 237.7 km Hebrew page 38



a dream, revelation, vision

greek page 37

a keeper of the door

and 1 above 2378 sacrifice, slaughter for any purpose, smok and is why
they burned the poor jews in concentration camps, the Vatican were behind
it, Hitler was a catholic.

oh my god they sacrificed the jews in the holacaust by fire.

carlos, what about the height of the island, does that tell us anything?
absolutly, everything is a creation, lets see the chart

Its 1227 meters high

greek 1227. diablepo ,dee-ab-lep'-o}; from 1223 and 991; to look through,
i.e. recover full vision: -see clearly.

in feet it is 4026.greek to stand all around, i.e. (near) to be a bystander, or

(aloof) to keep away from: -avoid, shun, stand by (round about).



hebrew 4026. migdal ,mig-dawl'}; also (in plural) feminine migdalah

{mig-daw-law'}; from 1431; a tower (from its size or height); by
figuratively, a (pyramidal. pyramid of flowers.

where I have located this new oasis in the jungle is 2940 feet above sea
level and 294 is 294. amphiennumi {am-fee-en'-noo-meeto enrobe: -clothe.

;Sarah in flowers


can we go there?

by all means

arnt you afraid it will be discovered?

no the hand of God prevents it, these are little gardens of edens that are
spreading out all over brazil and eventually will engulf the world.


man was driven out of Eden then eve conceived this is now being reversed,
originally the Lord sent his angel to he drove out the man; and he placed at
the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which
turned every way, to keep the
way of the tree of life Jesus. only through Jesus can we gain immortality

all religions other than Jesus is of the devil and death follows so this is why
the roman beast is the Babylonian whore it replced paradise with death and
blood sacrifice to Molech.

near san francisco is the bohemian grove, all world leaders gatherb there
each year to plan wars for the next year, it is 3091 miles from the north

in Hebrew it is Joshua or Jesus 3091. Ya-how-shuwa but in greek it is lot, he

the survivor of Sodom and the fathered children by his daughters that
became the ammonite and Moabite, and is the diety where the people
gathered to burn their chidren alive, the same altar is erected in the
bohemian grove, for in greek 3091 is lot.

they have hung the face of Jesus on the abomination that makes the world

Sarah open that bible to Leviticus 18:21

and thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through ,the fire- to


molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I ,am- the Lord.

;Sarah. what about homosexuals, I have many friends in London who are

carlos read verse 22

thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it ,isabomination.

what a man and woman do in a sexual relationship, is not seen by God for
you and your husband are in love and married according to the moment he
enters her, she then has no other lover and is married.


father carlos the white suitcase, shall I bring it?


Sarah white suitcase?

yes Marshall must have left it here for me, there is always details of what is
to come.

the little child staggers out of a hut dragging the suitcase, her smaller sister
minces behind clutching a crumpled letter.

thankyou sweet heart, lets climb in the back of the combi and set up the

they sit at the table and open the letter, it was a coordinate they were to
seek out.


;under a full moon they drove up into the mountains, winding hare pin
bends stopping at every opportunity when ever the scene beneath their
gaze prevented them continuing until its beauty was devoured.

chugging slowly along they meandered through deep undergrowth to

emerge at yet another womnder, more beautiful than before.

;carlos spoke after hours osilence, no words were necessary parking the van


climbing out several times, he finally slide his arm around Sarahs waist and

when your close to me, I could touch the stars, at times I can see heaven in
your eyes, please dont say a word, it would only be in vain, so now can you
see how near is love.

Standing under the brilliant white moon, Sarah was transfixed by his sky
blue eyes that were locked upon hers, he moved closer and slowly their lips
met, love had begun to flower.
Several hours had passed, they were nearing their appointed destination
driving late into the night.
And so it was, Sarah died. Her extraordinary story drew solace from her
frequent sojourns into the tunnel of light she tried vainly to relate to old
man Padre Carlos Rodrigo, surly he would understand? Ah but no, his
prayers however would reach through to her as she longed to reach
Valhalla, only to be withdrawn from the light, reunited with the dingy room
from which her pure soul was imprisoned within her frail crippled body.
It was in these series of more frequent out of body experiences that drew
her onward to her final destination, a state of mind where as an observer of
fate she saw the grand plan dreamed by the Almighty from the beginning. It
was this divine insight into the grand opera of life in which we all partake
the sweet wine thereof that she a small child unable to fully comprehend
nor make sense of, could only imagine her own interpretation that she
partook within the greatest love story the world had ever known. In her
infancy her mind was not cluttered by dogma the world must endure, she
was free from toil to follow her dreams seeking the ultimate fullness of life
imagined, far more exciting had she been born free of physical burden, to
face her joys with her own imagination and in so doing convey her innocent
love for Carlos unburdened by public condemnation some would say


pornography and lust, she had no religious inhibitions for she was never
educated in physical love, to her it was all consuming with no preconceived
social inhibitions, consuming her in a world of dreams, her reality and finally
to be with her Lord in Paradise.



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