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I always wonder what God has in store for me when He leads me to the book of Job.

fleshly mind races to visions of death, devastation, and destruction. Call it a limited
understanding of the Almighty or selfishness; or more likely a combination of the two.
Human nature desires allmaterial, spiritual and relational blessings.
Relationships are the most precious. Often times I think about the people God has already
taken home and those of us still here. I can only imagine a conversation between my
children and my grandfather. No doubt Paw Paw would laugh his belly laugh until
breathless if he heard my youngest telling her grandiose stories. He would have swelled
with pride listening to the youngest generation of Matlock men share their hunting tales
around the campfire.
But just when the sadness threatens to overwhelm me, I remember that I now have the
the privilege of experiencing those things. I cant be angry long, the blessing of my
family heritage is too great; the blessings of my present family are too boundless.
Like Job, I am not suggesting to understand the ways of God. It is His prerogative to give
and take away. It doesnt seem fair that the new baby wont get to know her grandfather;
or the precious family loses their father. However, I do know beyond doubt that Gods
will is perfect. I dont have to understand. I dont have to like it. I only have to trust it.
The question becomes, what am I doing with the blessings God has bestowed upon me?
Am I leaving a family legacy that will be missed or more importantly please Him? I want
to live in a way that focuses on growing the relationships I have, not centering on the
relationships that could have been.

He said, Naked I came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the
Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away;
Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Job 1:21

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