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CPT Coding
Cassandra Booe

Biofilm is a layer of microorganisms contained in a protective and adhesive matrix. It

forms on surfaces that come in to contact with water. Biofilms protect pathogens from biocides
and create an environment where pathogens can multiply and strive.
Most microorganisms prefer being in the biofilm as opposed to free living where their
chance of survival significantly decreases. Biofilm allows pathogens, such as listeria, E.coli, and
legionella to grow and reproduce to levels that endanger out health. Biofilms start forming on
clean surfaces when bacteria first adhere and can adhere on many different surfaces such as
teeth, stomach linings, and arterial walls.
Adherence happens due to the surface proteins on the bacterium which produces a sticky
matrix material that glues it to the surface. The bacterium then start to multiply causing the
formation of biofilm. There are some bacteria that do not produce as much glue and so instead
they colonize the existing biofilm. Microorganism colonization occurs in every part of the body
where disease centers form, starting with the mouth. Biofilm protects these microorganisms from
antibiotics and disinfects, with the exception of chlorine dioxide.
When dosed at a continuous low level, chlorine dioxide removes biofilm from water
systems and prevents it from forming. The process is quite impressive. Chlorine dioxide oxidizes
the polysaccharide matrix that keeps the biofilm together. When this happens, chlorine dioxide is
reduced to chlorite atoms causing them to be divided up in to pieces of the biofilm. The chlorite
atoms remain this way until the biofilm starts to grow again. Once that happens, an acidic
environment is formed and the chlorite atoms are transformed back in to chlorine dioxide. This
chlorine dioxide removes the remaining biofilm.

CPT Coding
Cassandra Booe

This video was very interesting and informative. It has provided me with more insight as
to how microorganisms are able to grow to dangerous levels and cause diseases in the human
body. Understanding what biofilm is and the role it plays in disease is a great piece of
information for a coder to know and understand.

Milagro Mineral. (2012). 4 biofilms.

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