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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 08, 2017

What is true precious wealth that we must safe-keep in safe-vaults? Bhagawan lovingly
reminds us today.

Many banks in this world have safe deposit vaults where

customers can keep their valuables, jewels, legal documents, etc.
to protect them from thieves; they can then be free from worry
and sleep in peace. The Bank dealing with spiritual accounts too
has a safe deposit vault. Consign to that vault, to the care of the
Lord, your jewels of intelligence, cleverness, ability to serve, and
the gem that you value the most, namely your ego. Then you will
be happy. In the Gita, Lord Krishna invites, Surrender to Me
alone (Maam Ekam Sharanam Vraja). If you do so, He assures
you, You need not grieve at all (Ma Shuchah). The normal
banks deal with dhanam (money) which can be earned by
anyone; even black marketeers and dacoits, crooks and pirates
can amass this wealth. But that dhanam which is acceptable in
the Spiritual Bank comes only to those who struggle to be virtuous
and detached, humble and holy.
- Divine Discourse, Jul 14, 1966.

Offer your virtues as flowers. Virtues spread beauty and fragrance everywhere. Baba

08 jnvrI, 2017
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: auh ikhVI s`cI kImqI dOlq hY ijs nUM swnUM, Awpxy Kzwny vwlI pytI ivc r`Kxw cwhIdw hY? Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,Xwd duAwauNdy hn[

au`qr: ies sMswr ivc bhuq swry ies qrHW dy bYNk hn ijnHW ivc lwkr huMdy hn ijs ivc gwhk, Awpxw kImqI
swmwn,zyvr, kwnUnI kwgz Awid r`Kdy hn qW jo auh corI nw ho skx[ ies qrHW auh, byiPkr ho ky SWqI nwl sONdy
hn[ausy qrHW, A`iDAwqimk Kzwny dI r`iKAw leI vI iek bYNk hY ijhdy ivc vI lwkr huMdw hY[ies lwkr(qihKwnw)
ivc qusIN,Awpxw hMkwr, bu`DImqw,cwlwkI,syvw Bwvnw Aqy auh zyvr ijs nUM qusIN bhuq mu`lvwn smJdy ho,Bgvwn dI
dyK-ryK ivc r`K skdw hY[iPr qusIN,bhuq KuS hovo gy[gIqw ivc Bgvwn ikRSn kihMdy hn ik qusIN mYnUM,Awpxy-Awp nUM
smrpx kr dau[aunHW ny mnu`K nUM XkIn duAwieAw ik jy qusIN ies qrHW krdy ho qW quhwnUM icMqw krn dI koeI loV nhIN
hY[sMswrI bYNk ,aus kmwey hoey Dn nwl sMbMD r`Kdy hn ijhVw Dn, mnu`K iemwndwrI nwl kmwauNdw hY, kwlI kmweI
nwl kmwauNdw hY,fwkw mwr ky ,hoCy qrIikAW nwl kmwauNdw hY jW smuMdRI fwkUAW rwhIN kmwauNdw hY[pr ijhVw Dn
Bgvwn dy bYNk ivc jmW ho skdw hY auh ies qrHW dy mnu`K dw hY ijhVw guxvwx hox dI koiSS krdw hY,moh-mwieAw qoN
pry hY, hlImI vwlw hY Aqy piv`qr hY[( 14 julweI,1966 dy idvX pRvcn)[
Bgvwn nUM,Awpxy gux,Pu`lW dy rUp ivc Aripq kro[mnu`K dy gux hI, hr sQwn qy KUbsUrqI Aqy mihk PYlwauNdy

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