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Adopting the Tourism Development Plan

Supplemental reading

Supplemental reading 3 Adopting the Tourism Development Plan

This supplemental reading of the Tourism Guidebook:

Walks you through the steps on mobilizing support and commitment towards
plan institutionalization; and
Provides tools, templates and tips to facilitate adoption and institutionalization
of the tourism plan.

Why is there a need to adopt the plan?

Formally adopting the Tourism Development Plan (TDP) through a resolution provides the necessary
impetus for implementation. Once the TDP has been approved by the Local Chief Executive(LCE), he/she
can endorse it to the Sanggunian for adoption. There are two ways of gaining support and commitment
of the Sanggunian towards this end, depending on the situation in the LGU, to wit:

The Sanggunnian Chairperson for tourism development, with assistance from the Local Planning
and Development Coordinator, presents the draft plan to the Sanggunian. It is important to include
a representative from the Sanggunian early on in the process to build his/her commitment to
champion tourism in the local legislative council; or
The LCE presents the draft plan to the Sanggunian. The LCE, as the Chairperson of the Local
Development Council (LDC), the mandated planning body, is in a position to rally support of the
members of the legislative body to approve the plan. It is essential to involve non-government
organization members of the LDC in all stages of the tourism development planning to show that
the development of the plan was a result of a collaborative effort of various stakeholders, and as
such, enjoys broad-based support.

How can we institutionalize the plan?

The active participation of the Sanggunian in the formulation of the TDP is envisioned to facilitate its
approval. The Sanggunian can issue a resolution to adopt the plan to jumpstart tourism development
in their respective jurisdictions. A sample resolution is provided in Example 1. The presentation to the
Sanggunian should include proposed legislative measures that are needed for tourism development,
which can be integrated in their respective legislative agenda. This may include updating of the Zoning
Ordinance to protect identified tourism sites and infrastructure requirements of the plan.

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Supplemental reading 3 Adopting the Tourism Development Plan

Example 1: Resolution Adopting the Tourism Development Plan

Resolution No. ___, Series of ___
WHEREAS, the Local Government Code has identified the development and promotion of tourism as a
mandate of the local government
WHEREAS, the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) recognizes that tourism can serve
as the primary engine of growth for the local economy;
WHEREAS, ____________ Province/City/Municipality possesses enormous tourism potential which, if
it is tapped and developed, could generate revenues for local businesses, create jobs, and improve
the well-being of the community;
WHEREAS, the adoption of a tourism development plan, a blueprint of progress and development for
the ____________ province/city/municipality, paves the way for the realization of the stakeholders
aspiration to become an established tourist destination;
NOW THEREFORE, this body in session assembled;
RESOLVED, to adopt as it hereby adopts the Tourism Plan of the Province/City/Municipality of
I hereby certify to the correctness of the foregoing resolution which was duly adopted by the Sanggunian
Panlalawigan/Panglungsod/Bayan during its Regular Session on _____________.
Secretary to the SP/SB
Presiding Officer
SB Member

SB Member

SB Member

SB Member

SB Member

SB Member



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