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Anatomy Exam 2 Question Bank.

The anterior divisions of the anterior primary rami of the sacral plexus comprise the:
a. femoral nerve
b. obturator nerve
c. common peroneal neve
d. tibial nerve
The muscle which extends the knee and hip is:
a. adductor magnus
b. semitendinosus
c. rectus femoris
d. sartorius
e. all of the above
f. none of the above
The reinforcing (secondary) ligament(s) of the knee is (are):
a. medial and lateral collaterals
b. anterior and posterior transverse
c. inguinal
d. iliofemoral
e. a & b
f. c & d
g. all of the above
The anterior cruciate ligament of the knee prevents:
a. anterior slippage of tibia relative to femur
b. posterior slippage of tibia relative to femur
c. lateral slippage of tibia relative to femur
d. hyperextension
e. hyperflexion
f. a & d
g. b & e
During stance phase of gait, after complete extension of the knee at heel strike, the knee
joint is unlocked (derotated) via action of:
a. peroneus tertius
b. popliteus
c. piriformis
d. peroneus brevis
e. none of the above

Group 1 - 1

What is the relationship of biceps femoris to semitendinosus in the proximal third of the
a. biceps femoris lies lateral to semitendinousus
b. biceps femoris lies medial to semitendinosus
c. biceps femoris lies superfical to semitendinosus
d. biceps femoris lies deep to semitendinous
Which of the following is (are) a 2-joint muscle(s):
a. rectus femoris
b. vastus medialis
c. vastus lateralis
d. vastus intermedius
e. adductor longus
f. gracilis
g. a & c
h. a & e
i. a & f
j. b & d
k. none of the above
l. all of the above
Which muscle lies deep to gluteus medius?
a. gluteus maximus
b. gluteus minimus
c. tensor fascia latae
d. vastus lateralis
A patient is unable to extend his knee due to complete paralysis of his extensors. A tumor
has been found causing compression and complete interruption of neural transmission at
the nerve root level. Which nerve root(s) would you expect to be involved?
a. L2
b. L3
c. S2
d. S3
e. a or b or both
f. S5

Group 1 - 2

Diagnostic x-ray procedures have demonstrated a blood clot completely blocking the
internal iliac artery. In which of the following groups of muscles would you expect to
find diminished or absent circulation:
a. ankle dorsiflexors
b. hip abductors
c. knee flexors
d. knee extensors
e. none of the above
f. all of the above
One of the components of the sciatic nerve divides over the fibular neck into which
a. anterior and posterior tibial
b. superficial and deep peroneal
c. medial and lateral plantar
d. none of the above
A patient has injured a synovial joint. Which one is it?
a. hip
b. knee
c. lower ankle
d. symphysis pubis
e. patellofemoral
f. a or b or c or e
An isolated contraction of biceps femoris would cause which of the following motions:
a. knee flexion
b. knee extension
c. external rotation of tibia with knee in 900 of flexion
d. internal rotation of tibia with knee in 900 of flexion
e. a & c
f. b & d
g. none of the above
Which ligament would you expect to be torn in a knee joint that has received a direct
blow from the medial side?
a. medial collateral
b. lateral collateral
c. posterior cruciate
d. medial patellar reticulum

Group 1 - 3

Hydrocortisone acetate, an anti-inflammatory drug, has been injected into the

suprapatellar pouch (bursa). Will this compound coat the articular cartilage of the lateral
femoral condyle?
a. yes
b. no
c. there is insufficient information to answer this question
An arteriogram shows the popliteal artery is not filling with blood. Where is the
a. inferior lateral geniculate arttery
b. femoral artery at adductor hiatus
c. profunda femoral artery in femoral triangle
d. external iliac artery proximal to inguinal ligament
e. a or c or both
f. b or d or both
A gunshot wound has severed a nerve in the distal one-third of the popliteal fossa.
Which nerve has been injured?
a. sciatic
b. tibial
c. common peroneal
d. saphenous
The profunda femoral artery branches from the femoral artery:
a. in the popliteal fossa
b. in the femoral triangle
c. proximal to the inguinal ligament
d. distal to the inguinal ligament
e. a & c
f. b & d
A patient demonstrates partial numbness over the anterior aspect of the thigh with
weakness of iliopsoas also noted. An MRI demonstrates a herniated nucleus pulposus
("slipped disc") which is believed to be completely blocking nerve conduction. Which
nerve root is being compressed?
a. T2
b. L2
c. L5
d. S1

Group 1 - 4

A 35 year old boyscout leader tripped over a tent stake he had just hammered into the
ground and fell, dislocating his left knee joint posteriorly. No posterior tibial nor foot
pulses could be palpated. A vessel had obviously been occluded (pinched off). Which
artery was most likely involved?
a. anterior tibial
b. popliteal
c. profunda femoral
d. medial circumflex femoral
e. internal iliac
e. c or e or both
In what way would an inferior gluteal nerve palsy affect the hip?
a. cause complete loss of hip extension/hyperextension
b. cause partial loss of hip extension/hyperextension
c. cause sensory loss of the posterocentral thigh
d. cause sensory loss of the skin overlying the lower buttock
e. cause complete loss of hip abduction

A contracture is a foreshortening of a muscle/tendon complex (or other soft tissues) due
to prolonged immobilization as for example, after a plaster cast used to treat a fracture,
has been
removed. The result is a limitation of joint movement in one or more planes.
In following questions indicate which movement would be limited or prevented due to
Contracture of quadriceps would prevent:
a. hip flexion
b. hip extension
c. knee extension
d. knee flexion
e. hip internal rotation
f. a & c
g. b & d
Contracture of the "short" rotators of the hip would prevent:
a. hip external rotation
b. hip internal rotation
c. hip extension
d. hip flexion
e. c & d

Group 1 - 5

Contracture of the hip adductors would prevent:

a. adduction
b. abduction
c. internal rotation
d. external rotation
Contracture of iliopsoas would prevent:
a. hip flexion
b. ankle inversion
c. hip adduction
d. knee flexion
e. a & b
f. none of the above
Contracture of gluteus medius would prevent:
a. toe flexion
b. toe extension
c. knee extension
d. hip abduction
e. none of the above
Contracture of vastus lateralis would prevent:
a. knee extension
b. knee flexion
c. medial patellar glide
d. lateral patellar glide
e. b & c
f. none of the above

Group 1 - 6

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