Una Estafa Financiera Implica La Creación de Una Compañía Falsa en Internet Con El Fin de Convencer A Las Víctimas

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Arson: incencio

Bribery: soborno,
Smoking in public places:
Pickpocketing: carterista
Burglary: robar casas
Drug trafficking:
Dumping rubbish: tirar escombros
Pollution: polucin
Drink dribing:
Shoplifting: robar en tiendas


When you want to use an online account you will have to enter your
pass word.
Stealing somebodys personal information in order to access their
bank account is called identity theft.
Computer geek is somebody who is obsessed with computers.
An unscrupulous cyber criminal behaves as dishonestly as is
necessary in order to get what he wants.
Braking into computer networks is known as hacking.
You will have to freeze your bank account if you want to stop anybody
accessing it.
A financial scam is an illegal way of making money.
If you have had a life of crime, you are probably a hardened criminal.
Cybercrime is the fastest growing crime in the 2 st century and
covers a huge range of illegal activities including hacking into
computer networks and stealing information.

Es un trabajo que no requiere habilidades tcnicas sofisticadas y

apela tanto al criminal endurecido y el friqui de la computadora sin

A financial scam involves setting up a bogus company on the Internet

in order to convince victims.

Una estafa financiera implica la creacin de una compaa falsa en Internet

con el fin de convencer a las vctimas.

It may sell attractive products at bargain prices.

Se puede vender productos a precios de ganga atractivos.

Considering how common this type of crime is.

Considerando como de comn es este tipo de crimen.

If they only realised what they were doing they would surely not get

Another form of cybercrime is identity theft.

Criminals can surf the web or other databases for personal
information such as dates or birth, insurance numbers and addresses.

Los delincuentes pueden navegar por la web o bases de datos de

informacin personal como datos tales como fechas de nacimiento ,
nmeros de seguro y direcciones .

These details are then uses to apply for credit cards and the
cybercriminal can go on a global spending spree.

Estos datos son luego utiliza para solicitar tarjetas de crdito y el

ciberdelincuente puede ir en una juerga de gasto global.

Create a difficult to guess password for online accounts

If you are suspicious about a website, do not attempt to use it and
always be cautious about opening emails from unknown sources.

Crear una contrasea difcil de adivinar para las cuentas en lnea

Si tiene sospechas acerca de un sitio web, no intente utilizarlo y
siempre tener cuidado de no opinar correos electrnicos de fuentes

She would be rich now, if she had married him

He couldnt have been sent to prison if he were innocent
If he hadnt committed fraud, he would still live in his New York
They would be her by now if they had caught the flight
If she hadnt robbed the bank she wouldnt be in prison now
I wouldnt hesitate if I had to choose

Rob: lugares (un banco, un super)

Steal: cosas (dinero, ropa)
Burgle: un piso, una casa (saltar un piso una casa)
Las night an armed gang robs the post office. They stole 10,000
My wallet was stolen on the train yesterday

My flat has been burgled and everything has gone.

The robber stole

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