GM Diet

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What is GM DIET?

GM diet is a weight loss management plan developed by the General Motors Corporation to help
keep their employees stay in shape. This diet system involves the consumption of specific foods per
day, in contrast to weekly schedules like that of Atkins and South Beach diets. What started as an inhouse program for individuals within the General Motors Corporation today has become a
worldwide phenomenon. The GM diet plan has grown to be a popular diet plan over time has caught
on and today has become very popular with people looking for a diet plan that works.
The GM diet and its unique diet plan help your to reduce close to 10-17 lbs in 7 days. Reducing
weight is the primary goal, additionally with reduced weight comes the added benefit of feeling
good, looking good all translating to a great experience. Not only does it improve the mental state
and attitude of the person following the diet course, it also help you to cleanse and detoxify your
body. Infact quite a few people follow the diet once every 6 months to cleanse and detoxify
primarily rather that weight loss.

Does the GM Diet Work?

While it has been a very popular diet plan over the years, there are still some questions about the
effectiveness of the GM diet. According to recent studies, this diet plan is indeed effective in
reducing excess pounds at a fast rate. While normal weight loss strategies induce at the most of 1
pound per week lost, the GM diet can help get rid of up to 10 lbs each week by simply following its
food intake regimen.
At the same time however, this diet plan may prove to be overwhelming to first time users, as it
involves radical change of diet intake that consists mainly of raw fruits and vegetables and reduced
meat servings.
The effectiveness of the GM diet should also be supplemented by a regular exercise routine, as
according to nutrition experts, the diet alone would leave the individual tired and weak. Through
routine exercise of up to 10 minutes each day, the bodys metabolism would be sped up and be able
to keep up with the diet requirements. Followers of this diet plan would also benefit from regular
exercise as they get to enjoy normal energy levels and use the pounds they shed in more productive

How to Prepare for the GM Diet

To those who are planning to follow the GM diet as their weight loss management regimen, they
should be able to withstand excess sweating, occasional feeling of hunger, and momentary
weakness, as these are among the common side effects during the first days of the diet routine.
One way to prepare for the GM diet is by staying hydrated. That is, regular water intake should be
observed, at 8-10 glasses each day. This is because once the body welcomes the effects of GM diet it
would require extra water for energy and metabolism. Those who instantly follow the diet system
may suffer from incessant muscle pain and weakness, increased body heat, and malaise, and all of
these could only be regulated by adequate amounts of water in the body.

Avoiding alcohol intake should also be observed when preparing for the GM diet. This is because
alcohol prevents the effects of the diet from taking place, and followers would only end up stumped
with their current weight even after a week of weight loss management. Alcohol also triggers water
retention, which prevents individuals from getting rid of the excess fluids from their systems.

Weight Loss Objectives and Goals

The primary reason for the development of GM diet is to help middle-aged employees of the
General Motors Corporation to slim down and enjoy better health as they are only a few years to
retirement. Through this diet plan followers were expected to get rid of the unnecessary pounds
they possess, as this triggers various health risks that may interfere with their work at the company
and at the same time prevent them from enjoying retirement.
Those however, who are planning to follow the GM diet plan should have the following objectives in
Shed off the extra pounds in order to achieve a proportional weight-height body mass.
Experience a cleaner body system through routine detoxifying effects.
Enjoy a better toned muscle through supplemental exercise.
Prevent the onset of obesity related conditions such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease,
and arthritis.
Followers of the GM diet should also observe strict yet at the same time manageable weight loss
goals in order not to experience the diet plans side effects. These include:
Following the diet plan in daily schedules until desired weight is attained.
Using the diet plan in weekly intervals to maintain the achieved weight combined with proper
exercise to avoid bouts of fatigue and other related health risks.

Side Effects of GM Diet

Being a fast-paced diet plan, the GM diet has also become known for its side effects. Like many
other quick weight-loss regimens, followers of the GM diet may experience conditions such as:
Sudden muscle weakness. This is because the muscle tissues are deprived of adequate amounts of
protein during the first few days of the diet plan. This condition can be regulated once the system
gets used to the nutrients provided by the regimen.
Incessant thirst and dehydration. Persons following the GM diet also feel incessantly thirsty and
even suffer from dehydration as their fluids are used by the body to foster metabolic processes.
Followers are therefore advised to take more water to prevent the onset of dehydration and
experience a more rejuvenated feeling.
Headaches and malaise. Persons who are in their first days of the GM diet may experience
headaches and malaise, as they are still on the process of getting used to the diet effects. These tend
to be psychosomatic, as followers are subject to cravings which have to withstand in order to
achieve their diet goals.
The side effects of GM diet are likewise similar to those of other diet fads, but these can be
effectively managed by

Following the regimen in a sequential and chronological manner. Skipping days and cheating on
the food intake may result not only to the ineffectiveness of the diet, but as well as getting
extra, unwanted pounds.
Supplementing the diet with proper exercise, rest and water intake. By supporting the body
system with regular exercise, water intake and rest, the body would be able to adjust to the
diet settings at a faster manner and avoid routine side effects. It would also lead to better
effects and easier maintenance procedures.

Whats the Best Diet for Keeping the Weight Off?

We get this question so often on the site, when finishing the GM Diet will the weight stay off?
This is not at all dependant on the diet, rather mostly dependant on the person. No diet, not
one, can guarantee that the weight will stay off.
We get this question so often on the site, when finishing the GM Diet will the weight stay off?
This is not at all dependant on the diet, rather mostly dependant on the person. No diet, not
one, can guarantee that the weight will stay off.
This is why we love the GM Diet so much. If you look at the overall picture of the diet, you will
see its all about whole and natural foods. There are no processed frozen meals, no fake sugar
desserts that are supposedly OK for dieting, rather we try and get our dieters back to real
natural and healthy foods.
The best diet actually at keeping the weight off is the one you will do after you finish the GM
Diet. Your lifestyle change will make the most difference; our diet is great for fast and
noticeable weight loss. It is also great for helping folks eat real foods and helping them to stay
away from sugar, wheat and processed foods.
If you want your weight to stay off you have to do something about it. If you want to return to
the same old lifestyle you were on before, then yes- you will likely gain your weight back and
feel the same way you did prior to the GM Diet.

GM Diet Day 1
The GM diet is a seven-day weight loss management plan that consists mainly of selected fruits
and vegetables, and strict amounts of meat. It can be a difficult diet to follow especially since it
relies mainly on foods that are high in fiber and less in protein, fat and carbohydrates. At the
same time however, this diet plan can be used for fast-paced weight loss regimens, with up to 10
lbs. lost after successfully completing one diet week.

Preparing the Body for GM Diet

On the first day of the GM diet, followers are only allowed to eat fruits. These fresh produce
should contain no form of starch, potassium and carbohydrates, such as bananas. This is
because on the first day of this diet plan, the body is subject to detoxification. Only fruits and
water can be consumed.
Persons who are planning to start the GM diet may consume starchy foods such as potatoes,
oats and bananas the day before their targeted week, so that they would be packed with enough
energy to last for the next morning. They should also practice drinking lots of water, so that they
will not be dehydrated in the succeeding days.

Aside from preparing the body for the diet plan, physical activities should also be set into rather
lighter tasks. Warm-up exercises should be performed before and during the diet, just to maintain
regular metabolic processes and not feel the fatigue. Through exercise, the body system
becomes resilient to the side effects of GM diet, and rather gives way for the detoxification and
weight reduction results.

Day 1 GM Diet Breakfast

The first important meal of the day in a GM diet regimen is breakfast. Followers may observe a
full breakfast consisting mainly of fruits such as melons and papaya together with 1-2 glasses of
water. These fruits easily make the stomach full, and at the same time the sweet tooth satisfied,
thus craving for more tempting meals such as pizza and pasta can be avoided.

Day 1 GM Diet Lunch

Lunch may consist of watery fruits such as apples or watermelons. Lunch time is observed at
12:00 noon to 1:30 in the afternoon. Consuming a bowl of apples or two cups of watermelons
can already make the stomach full. Other fruits such as kiwi and mangoes can as well be served.

Day 1 GM Diet Dinner

During dinner, followers may return to melons, kiwi and oranges, as well as 1-2 glasses of water.
Melons can be heavy on the stomach; hence only a half-bowl serving should be consumed in
order not to have a cramped stomach later at night.

Midday Meals and Beverages

While the main beverage allowed for the Day 1 of GM diet is water, followers may also turn to
fresh orange juice and coconut water during midday snacks. Orange juice fills in the cravings for
sweets, while coconut water keeps the stomach full the rest of the day.
Midday meals still consist of fruits, but at varying kinds and servings, so followers can still
maintain a good appetite during full meal times. Raisins, oranges, and apple dices can be
consumed during mid-mornings and afternoons.

Sample GM Diet Day 1 Plan

Breakfast (8:30 AM-9:00 AM)
1 cup of diced apples and 1-2 glasses of water
Mid morning Snack (10:30 AM-11:00 AM)
1 bowl raw papaya and 1-2 glasses of water
Lunch (12:00 PM-1:30 PM)
1 bowl of watermelon or muskmelon and 1-2 glasses of water
Afternoon Snack (4:00-4:30 PM)
1 orange/sweet lime/chico fruit and 2 glasses of water

Evening (6:00-6:30 PM)

1 glass coconut water
Dinner (8:00-9:00 PM)
1 bowl of melon and 2 glasses of water

GM Diet Day 2
Like the first day of the GM diet weight loss plan, the second day would entail another adjustment
for the individual in terms of food intake. The first day of the diet plan required a strict fruit-only
diet, while the second day would be limited only to vegetables.
All sorts of vegetables may be consumed on the Day 2 of theGM diet, and these range from
green leafy vegetables to starchy crops. This is to boost the fiber intake of the body while
regulating the sugar content from the first days consumption, and at the same time foster
metabolic processes.

Preparing the Body for Day 2

Unlike in Day 1 in which followers would feel a bit lightheaded due to the lack of carbohydrate
intake and continuous consumption of fluids, Day 2 would dwell more on foods that can be easily
digested by the gastrointestinal tract.
To prepare for the second day of the diet week, followers should eat a full dinner consisting of
heavier fruits such as melons, as they will be using supplemental fiber content the next day.
Drinking as much as 10 glasses of water on Day 1 will also bring good effects on Day 2, as
followers get to feel more relaxed and at ease with the diet.
Unlike in day one where bananas are restricted from being consumed, in Day 2 all vegetables
can be eaten, including those that are high in starch, such as potatoes. This routine would also
give more energy for the day, and followers would be more capable of doing more strenuous
activities and exercises.

GM Diet Day 2 Breakfast

Day 2 of the GM diet may start off with large baked potato with a pat of butter on top. It is
important to keep the stomach heavy during breakfast as this would keep the body energized the
rest of the day. To those living in tropical countries, cassava or sweet potato may be used
instead of the regular potato, as long as there is no sugar added to the meal.

GM Diet Day 2 Lunch

During lunchtime, foods that can be consumed must be lighter, and these may involve vegetable
salads with lettuce, cucumber and cabbage. Salads may be dressed with vinaigrette or olive oil,
but not mayonnaise.

GM Diet Day 2 Dinner

Dinner on Day 2 may consist of other fresh greens, such as broccoli, asparagus, as well as
cabbages, lettuce and cucumber. Boiled beets also prove to be good meals, but they tend to be
heavier on the stomach.

GM Diet Day 2 Midday Snacks and Beverages

When it comes to snacks and beverages, GM diet experts recommend leafy greens such as
boiled cabbage or fresh lettuce in order to maintain a light stomach. Continuous water intake
should be observed to keep the body hydrated. Cherry tomatoes may also be served during
midday snacks, especially in afternoons as they are able to satisfy ones sweet tooth cravings.

Sample Diet Plan for Day 2 of GM Diet

Breakfast (8:00-9:00 AM)
1 cup boiled potato and 2 glasses of water
Mid Morning (10:30-11:00 AM)
1 bowl of cabbage or red lettuce (raw) and 1-2 glasses of water
Lunch (12:00-1:00 PM)
1 cucumber, 1 tomato and boiled beet and 2 glasses of water
Afternoon (4:00-5:00 PM)
2 tomatoes or 1 cup cherry tomatoes and 2 glasses of water
Dinner (7:00-8:00 PM)
Boiled broccoli, cauliflower and asparagus with salt and spices and 2 glasses of water

GM Diet Day 3
Day 3, nearly half way through the GM Diet. Things should only get easier now. Day 1 of the GM
Diet and to a certain extent, Day 2 can be really hard for some people. On Day 3 of the GM
diet weight loss plan, followers are now allowed to eat a combination of fruits and vegetables.
There is no limit or restriction to the fruits and vegetables to be consumed on Day 3, although
bananas are still not allowed. Followers of the diet plan may find less pressure to keep up with
the regimens demands, as they have already adjusted their systems to fruit and vegetable intake
during the past two days.
During the first three days of the GM diet, it is important to consume only fresh produce, as they
contain more nutritional value. Organic harvests are also recommended, although these tend to
be more expensive and have lesser taste.

Preparing the Body for Day 3

Preparing for Day 3 isnt as difficult as that in days 1 and 2; it actually easier to keep up with the
dietary requirements in Day 3 as the body is already used to fruit and vegetable intake. In most

cases, individuals following the diet experience slight headaches in the succeeding days as they
are already allowed to consume meat.
It is likewise encouraged to consume a variety of fruits and vegetables in every meal on Day 3.
Having a variety of servings during breakfast, lunch and dinner would not only keep the stomach
satiated, but at the same time content as the appetites cravings are regulated at lower levels.
It is as well recommended to perform breathing exercises in the morning at the start of Day 3.
Doing so will release the tensions garnered from Days 1 and 2, and followers may experience a
more relaxed time ahead.
At this stage, followers should have already lost 2-4 lbs. of body mass.

GM Diet Day 3 Breakfast

Breakfast in Day 3 may start light with an apple, but those who are looking for heavier meals may
consume melon. When consuming melons for breakfast, it is important to have them
supplemented with two glasses of water for better digestion.

GM Diet Day 3 Lunch

The diet regimen on Day 2 may be repeated on Day 3, but with more variety. Tomatoes may be
included in lettuce-cucumber salads, but still these should be dressed in olive oil or vinaigrette.

GM Diet Day 3 Dinner

A serving of boiled vegetables would be ideal during Day 3 dinners, and they can be followed up
with fruit desserts like watermelon apple.

GM Diet Day 3 Midday Snacks and Beverages

A combination of tomatoes, fresh greens, and different fruits may be consumed all day. Fresh
juices such derived from berries, oranges and lemons would be ideal to those who are not into
drinking water, although these should be as well consumed in proportional amounts to avoid
Vegetable juice like carrot and tomato juice may be served during evenings so as to satiate the
appetite for sweet snacks.

Sample GM Diet Day 3 Diet Plan

Breakfast (8:00-9:00 AM)
1 apple and 1-2 glasses of water or 1 cup of diced melon and 2 glasses of water
Mid Morning (10:00-11:00 AM)
1 bowl of cantaloupe mixed with papaya and 2 glasses of water

Lunch (12:00-1:00 PM)

1 bowl of mixed cucumber, lettuce and tomato with boiled beet and 2 glasses of water
Afternoon (4:00-5:00 PM)
1 orange or ripe mango and 2 glasses of water
Dinner (7:00-8:00 PM)
1 bowl of boiled broccoli, fresh greens and raw papaya and 2 glasses of water

GM Diet Day 4
The fourth day of the GM diet weight loss program is filled with surprises. Unlike the past three
days where you are only allowed to consume fruits and vegetables, Day 4 offers three unlikely
meals: bananas, milk and soup. For our full coverage of the GM Diet plan so far, read day 1, day
2 and day 3before you continue with this article.
Day 4 can be quite boring at first glance as these are the only meals allowed for consumption but
remember that by now your body has already adjusted to the big change in diet and is slowly
getting used to the new dietary content.
By Day 4 the body has already garnered sufficient amounts of sweets from fruits, and at the
same time fiber from vegetables. Since it already has a sustained appetite, it would no longer be
responsive to the taste of bananas. Persons who have reached Day 4 would rely more on liquids,
and they get their energy from milk shakes and soup.

Preparing the Body for Day 4

Preparing for Day 4 is the easiest. Since the day offers only the said three meals, followers might
just as well make themselves busy with various physical activities. They already have packed
energy for the day, and they might just as well be productive by working out, or engaging in
different leisure events.
Most people feel different by day 4. By this stage, a livelier attitude towards life is what most
people feel. By Day 4 followers of the diet have already gone through natural detoxifying
processes, and they are found to be more cheerful and enthusiastic when it comes to performing
physical activities.

GM Diet Day 4 Breakfast

The best way to start Day 4 is by consuming a banana paired with a glass of warm milk. Some
followers prefer a bowl of sliced bananas on milk like those in breakfast cereals, only without the
cereal content.

Skim milk should be used all day in this stage; full milk proves to be heavy on the stomach and
filled with unnecessary nutrients that are not beneficial to the weight loss regimen.

GM Diet Day 4 Lunch

Lunch served in Day 4 consists of a bowl of vegetable soup. Most soup bowls consist of various
vegetable produce flavored with herbs and spices. Best vegetable soups that can be served
during lunch include tomato soup and cabbage stew, as they are packed with natural flavors that
the taste buds would savor even as the day ends.

GM Diet Day 4 Dinner

Dinner in Day 4 may consist of a serving of vegetable soup and banana shake. This can be quite
heavy to handle later at night, so followers may forego the shake and focus on the soup, as this
alone can keep them full until the next morning.

GM Diet Day 4 Midday Snacks and Beverages

In Day 4, the only recommended snacks would be bananas and milk, which can be served in
cold banana shakes. These snacks prove to be essential as they taste naturally delightful and at
the same time are a popular drink even in conventional beverages.

Recipes for GM Diet Day 4

Cabbage Soup recipe for Day 4
1 cup shredded cabbage
1 cup sliced celery
1 onion, minced
2 sliced green peppers
Boil onion, peppers, cabbage and celery in water together with salt, pepper and herbs for
flavoring. Any flavoring may be used as long as there is no fat included. Extra vegetables may be
added except for beans as they add extra calories. Serve hot.
Banana Shake Recipe for Day 4
2 bananas, sliced
2 glasses skim milk
2 glasses crushed ice

In a blender, mix all ingredients until a creamy, frothy shake is formed. No sugar is required as
the flavor is already naturally sweet. Serves 2.

GM Diet Day 5
Continuing on with our series on GM Diet. You can find day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4 here. On the
fifth day of the GM dietweight loss routine, followers of the diet are now allowed to eat beef
matched with tomatoes. On this day the bodys protein requirements are addressed, but not to
the extent that they will be followed up with fat. Beef is used in this case as it is rich source of
protein and fiber, and it does not have to be consumed in large amounts just to fulfill the cravings
of ones appetite.

Preparing yourself for Day 5 of GM Diet

When on Day 4 followers of the GM diet are allowed to consume bananas, milk and soup, on
Day 5 they will be subject to only beef and tomatoes. They loss of appetite will continue to be felt
on this day, and it is no longer a surprise for them to eat only sufficient portions of been and not
gore over it like before.
Due to the lack of appetite for most foods, it is important to have just small servings of beef
during meals. Large servings may only make the appetite worse, and this may as well continue
for the next few days. It is thus best to serve the beef with good amounts of tomatoes so that the
taste buds will be brought back to life.

GM Diet Day 5 Breakfast

Breakfast may start with braised beef and soup. This will keep the stomach heavy and full for
most of the day. The soup provides energy, while the meat becomes a source of protein, iron
and fiber. It can be a bit boring to eat beef but it may be paired with a sliced tomato.

GM Diet Day 5 Lunch

A hamburger patty may be consumed during lunch time together with tomatoes. The hamburger
may be baked or fried but not in too much fat, as it already contains its own fat material. Since
the body will be producing extra uric acid, it is likewise recommended to drink extra glasses of
water to flush the urine out naturally.

GM Diet Day 5 Dinner

Another hamburger may be eaten by dinner, although health experts recommend beef soup and
tomatoes so that the body would feel more energized. The soup also supplements the water lost
during the day.

GM Diet Day 5 Midday Snacks and Beverages

During Day 5, the only beverage allowed to be consumed is water, and not juice. It is because
the body has already been given doses of juice for the past three days, and water helps a lot in

flushing out the excesses for Day 5. Drink up to 14 glasses of water on this day so that the body
system will be detoxified and get rid of unnecessary nutrients provided by the meat.

Recipes for GM Diet Day 5

Below are a couple of recipes for you to use when you are on day 5. These recipes are really
easy to prepare and should not take you very long.
Grilled Beef Slices
1 cup beef tenderloin strips
1 lemon zest
Salt and pepper
Season the meat with lemon zest, salt, pepper and coriander and rest for 10 minutes. On a hot
grill place tenderloin strips and until golden brown. Serve with sliced tomatoes.
Beef Burger
1 1/8 pound beef patty
Salt and pepper
Rub beef patty with salt and pepper then place on a hot grill. Occasionally baste with a slab of
butter until patty becomes tender and reddish brown. Serve with tomatoes and cucumbers.

GM Diet Day 6
If you have been following the 7 day GM Diet then take heart in the fact that you are almost done
with the diet. You can read about the previous 5 days here Day 1, Day 2, Day 3,Day 4 and
finally Day 5.
On Day 6 of the GM diet, foods served will not only include beef but a wide variety of vegetables
as well. This is also considered a feast day or a cheat day for GM diet followers as they can eat
all the beef and vegetables they want. It is also great to eat on this day as the body is slowly
gaining back its appetite but in a rather fructose craving mode, thus it would yearn for fresh
On this day there would already be changes on how the way one looks as compared to the past
days. Followers of the diet are expected to have lost as much as 10 lbs. from the past few days
of dieting. Because of the previous fruit-vegetable consumption a different glow in the skin can
also be seen.

Preparing for Day 6 of the GM Diet

On day 6 the body is already in a continuous process of losing the extra fat through increased
metabolic processes. Thus there will be more need for beef for protein and muscle development,
and fiber from vegetables to keep the body energized during the day. Those who are currently in
Day 6 should take advantage of the moment and pursue lively activities, as this is where they
can test the effects the diet has made to their immune system.

GM Diet Day 6 Breakfast

Breakfast on Day 6 may be started off with a bowl of mixed vegetables. These vegetables may
be sauteed or stewed, so that they would have a more tender bite and taste. Having a bowl of
vegetable soup with beef cutlets is likewise recommended, as this would keep the stomach
satiated throughout the rest of the day.

GM Diet Day 6 Lunch

During lunchtime, any form of mixed vegetables and beef may be eaten. Asian-style cooking is
the best in this mealtime, as dishes under this cuisine consist mainly of beef and vegetables. A
bowl of beef and broccoli may sound ideal for Western diet followers, but as much as possible do
not include potatoes or bread.

GM Diet Day 6 Dinner

Dinner may be served with vegetable soup and a hamburger, especially when the follower has
gone through a long and tiring day. The soup will light up the senses and replenish the lost
energy, while the beef content brings back the protein, iron and fiber lost.

GM Diet Day 6 Midday Snacks and Beverages

Beef and vegetables may continue to be eaten during snacks, although it is recommended to
munch on the greens during mid-mornings and beef during afternoons. This is because the
appetite has to be contained at normal levels, so as the appetite would not crave for other types
of food.
Water is still the best beverage on Day 6. Water keeps the lost sweat replenished and the
senses rejuvenated. Coconut water may be taken during afternoons, but this may create bloating
and loss of appetite by dinner.

GM Diet Day 6 Recipes

Beef and Vegetable Kebab
1 broccoli
1 red tomato
1 yellow bell pepper
6 beef cubes

1 onion
Cut all the vegetables into quarters and skew them on barbecue sticks together with 2-3 beef
cubes per stick. Baste with butter and season with salt and pepper then grill on open fire until
beef is tender. Makes 3 servings.

GM Diet Day 7
Day 7, the last day of the GM Diet. If youve made it this far then you would have seen significant
weight loss and additionally will be feeling and looking great not to mention more active. For
those looking to start the GM Diet, here is the detailed diet plan sorted by day Day 1, Day
2, Day 3,Day 4, Day 5 and Day 6.
On the last day of the GM diet weight loss management plan, food servings vary. While no beef
or other types of meat may be consumed, followers of the GM Diet are now allowed to eat starch
in the form of brown rice. At the same time, the diet goes back to fruit and vegetables, which can
be easier to eat as compared to Days 1 to 3.
By Day 7, significant changes can now be found in your body. A slimmer appearance is now
seen and felt while a more positive outlook is observed thanks to the continuous cleansing
methods of the diet taking place inside the body. Regular sleeping habits may as well be noticed
as the diet schedule gets the body tired by the end of the day and energized the next morning.

Preparing for Day 7 of GM Diet

When preparing for Day 7, it is important to fresh fruits stacked. Fruits will be consumed at all
times of the day, from breakfast to snacks and dinner. Vegetables may be boiled or stewed and
paired with brown rice.
There are some individuals who tend to avoid brown rice servings as brown rice does not appeal
to their taste buds but it is important to have a cup or two in order to keep the energy and fiber
contents levels high.

GM Diet Day 7 Breakfast

A bowl of brown rice may be served during breakfast. It is best to consume brown rice in the
morning as it would provide all the energy and carbohydrate requirements for the rest of the day.
To those who want to save the rice for lunch, they may eat a slice of papaya or melon followed
by 1-2 glasses of water.

GM Diet Day 7 Lunch

During lunchtime, a bowl of brown rice may be matched with cooked vegetables such as
cabbage, broccoli and asparagus. This can be a boring meal so it has to be followed up with a
slice of mango or watermelon to keep the appetite satisfied.

GM Diet Day 7 Dinner

Day 7 ends with yet another bowl of greens and brown rice. However, most followers prefer to
only have vegetables as they dont want to feel bloated at night. Brown rice can be heavy for
dinner, so as much as possible increased fluid intake should be observed.

GM Diet Day 7 Midday Snacks and Beverages

Midday snacks should consist of fruits, mainly berries. Raisins prove to be a great snack
especially during mornings, while strawberries (without cream) may be ideal for afternoons and
after-dinners. Water should be consumed at 10-12 glasses, but at the same time fruit juice can
be taken during midday snacks.

GM Diet Day 7 Recipes

Moong Dhal Sprouts with Fruit
1 ripe fruit (pear, mango, apple, grape, strawberries or cherries)
1 cup moong sprouts (raw)
1 peeled and sliced cucumber
2 green chili peppers, chopped
1 tbsp cilantro
1 dash of salt
Soak the moong dhal sprouts overnight. The next morning, drain the water from the sprouts and
cover loosely with cloth set for two days. Once the setting time has elapsed, rinse the sprouts
and place on a bowl. Mix the sprouts together with the fruits, chili peppers and cilantro. Add salt
to taste. This recipe can easily serves 4.

GM Diet Vegetarian
The GM diet is a seven-day plan that involves a sequential consumption of fruits, vegetables,
starch and meat. While it has grown popular as a diet fad, this diet at the same time has
benefited different types of health buffs and diet enthusiasts and not to mention hardcore
vegetarians and vegans.

Vegetarian Version Of the GM Diet

The typical GM Diet requires you to eat meat as part of the diet plan. Obviously this is not an
option for strict vegetarians and vegans. This is why you have a slightly modified version, one
that is completely vegetarian version of the same GM Diet.
The vegetarian version of GM Diet plan is used by vegetarians and vegans not only as a form of
weight loss but as a maintenance method to keep the body slim and proportional. It is also great
way to practice eating vegetables and limited amounts of meat until such time that the person on
the diet finally gets rid of all meat and eggs in his or her system.

GM Diet Vegetarian Preparation

To prepare for the vegetarian GM diet plan it is important not to consume alcohol a few days
before and during the diet schedule. This is because alcohol increases the bodys uric acid
content which in turn leads to water retention and blocks the natural detoxifying processes from
taking place.
Drinking up to 10 glasses of water is recommended for GM diet practitioners. Since they will not
be consuming as much carbohydrates as they normally do, water would serve as their main
source of energy throughout the day. Water also speeds up metabolic processes in the body and
through this the unwanted pounds can be eliminated naturally.
To those who have already been through this diet plan, it is advised to take a 2-3 day break away
before resuming the method. This is to allow the body to fully adjust to its new nutritional intake
system and not get overwhelmed with the sudden change of events.

Schedule for GM Diet Vegetarian

Similar to the typical GM Diet, the vegetarian version of GM diet also requires you to follow a
seven-day schedule
Day 1. Only fruits. Just like in the regular GM diet, only fruits are allowed to be consumed on
the first day. All fruits can be consumed in generous quantities except for bananas, as they
are high in carbohydrates and potassium. Water intake should also be observed at 10-12
glasses during the whole day.
Day 2. The second day involves potato and vegetables. A cup of baked potato would serve
as the bodys main energy source for the day, and then it can be followed up with vegetable
dishes during lunch and dinner. Vegetable soup is highly powerful during this day, as it
provides all the energy the body would need.
Day 3. Fruit and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables may be served the whole day, from
breakfast to dinner, including midday snacks. Fruit juice can also be taken aside from water,
although no bananas or potatoes are allowed.
Day 4. Bananas and milk. Banana and milk combos may be consumed all day, with
vegetable soup servings during lunch and dinner. Banana and milk may be taken in the form
of shakes, during breakfast and midday snacks.
Day 5. Brown rice and tomatoes. Instead of beef, brown rice is used on Day 5. One cup of
rice is good to last for the day together with tomatoes in order to induce cleansing.
Day 6. Brown rice and vegetables. On this day mixed vegetables may be consumed all day,
together with one cup of rice.

Day 7. Up to two cups of brown rice may be consumed, together with fruit and vegetable
By the end of Day 7, you should be feeling much lighter and look more glowing. This is because
the detoxification effects have already taken place and the body has already shed off at least 2-3
kg or about 10 lbs.

GM Diet Indian Version

The GM diet is among the most popular diet fads practiced by Indians mainly because of its
vegetarian attributes and reduced consumption of meat. This weight loss management system
also appeals to Indian delicacies that dwell mainly with vegetables. Women in India find this diet
system to be helpful since it allows them to shed off their excess pounds and enjoy a long term
weight profile without undergoing major alterations in their current food intake.
The Indian version of the GM diet does not vary too much from that of the regular version except
for the beef intake in Days 5 and 6. For the Indian version, cottage cheese can be used as an
alternate to beef. Thus for diet, cottage cheese is served as a substitute to beef and this works
very well. For folks that are not vegetarian and who eat fish, fish can be a great alternate to meat
and can be used in meals and diet plan schedule.

Beef Substitutes
Aside from beef, there are also other foods that rich in iron and protein, such as red kidney beans
or low fat Paneer. Spinach and bean sprouts, as well as soybean curd or tofu and 1 cup brown
rice may be used to replace beef in Days 5 and 6.

GM Diet Indian Version

The Indian version of the GM diet is pretty close to the original. There are slight changes and
they are described below.
Day 1. All fruits. All kinds of fruit may be consumed except for bananas. 10-12 glasses of
water should be consumed throughout the day.
Day 2. All vegetables. All sorts of vegetables may be consumed during the second day.
Potatoes may be served during breakfast to boost energy levels. A mixture of greens and
boiled vegetables as well as theGM diet wonder soup may be served during lunch and
Day 3. Mixture of fruits and vegetables. A mix of fruits and vegetables may be consumed on
Day 3, together with 10-12 glasses of water. Bananas are still not allowed in this day.
Day 4. Banana and milk. Skim milk and banana, together with the GM wonder soup or any
type of vegetable soup may be served on this day. For Indian practitioners, yogurt may be
served instead of skim milk.
Day 5. Brown rice, curd and tomatoes. Soybean curd or 1 cup of brown rice may be used as
a substitute for beef, or a cup of cottage cheese. Tomatoes are important to match with the
days meal, along with cucumbers.

Day 6. Brown rice and vegetables. On Day 6, brown rice or other beef substitute will be
matched with vegetables, but potatoes are still restricted. It is best to consume cottage
cheese and soybean curd in vegetable bowls.
Day 7. Brown rice, vegetables and fruits. Two cups of brown rice may be consumed
together with unlimited servings of vegetables and fruits. Fruit juice may also be taken along
with 8-10 glasses of water.
We have many gm diet indian recipes for those who are looking for Indian food as part of the
Indian version of the General Motors Diet. Listing a sample recipe below
Moong Dhal and Channa Dhal Kosambari
cup Channa Dhal (soaked for 3 hours then drained)
cup Yellow Split Moong Dhal (soaked for 3 hours and drained)
2 medium carrot, grated
1 medium cucumber, peeled and chopped
1 tbsp. coriander, chopped
1 tsp. lemon juice
2 green chili peppers, chopped
tsp ginger, grated
Salt and pepper to taste
Mix cucumber, coriander, moong dhal, channa dhal, ginger, green chili peppers and lemon juice
in a bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve chilled.

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