A Nation Survives Student Notes

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A Nation Survives Outline

Battle of

SaratogaTwo battles in _____ _______ in the Fall of 1777

The 2nd was a decisive ________ victory
Major _______ _______ in the war
Inspired France to agree to the _______ __ ________

Benjamin Franklin Had the most ___________ task of the Revolution

Sent to _______ in 1777 to gain a Treaty of Alliance against the British
His _________ in France helped him secure the Treaty of Alliance in ______
Valley Forge Washington has his army camped in ____________ during winter of ______
_______ officer Friedrich von Steuben, joined Washington, and implemented new
Over _____ men died during the brutal, freezing winter
Surviving soldiers emerge in spring newly _________
Battle of

YorktownFrench _____ arrived for support in September of 1781

Lord Cornwallis ____________ to the Continental Army
The ______ ________ of ___________ wins the war

Articles of Confederation __________ of the Articles:

1. Each state has __ vote in Congress, regardless of size
2. Congress has no power to ____
3. No _________ branch
4. No national ______ system
5. Amendments required a __________ vote
6. _______ printed their own currency
Shays Rebellion1. Revolutionary regulators ________ over owed back pay
2. Local ________ raised to put down rebellion
3. Shows that Articles are too ______, and a new ____________ is needed
The Constitutional Convention The Articles of Confederation are determined to be too ______
A convention is held in _____________ in 1787
The delegates decide to create a new ___________ rather than fix the Articles of
Key Figures of the Convention __________ Hamilton:
o Im Alexander Hamilton from _____ ________
o I argued for a _______ national government

James ______:
o Im James Madison from _______
o I am the ______ of the ____________ because I wrote most of it
_____ Sherman:
o Im Roger Sherman of ____________
o I think small states should not be overlooked!
George ____________:
o I led the convention as ___________ but kept quiet
Benjamin _________:
o Im Ben Franklin from _____________
o I say ________ must hold more power!
_______ Mason:
o Im George Mason we must not forget a _____ of ________!

Plans for the ConstitutionThe _________ Plan:

o Based representation in Congress on each states __________
o Favored by ______ states because it gave them more power
The New ________ Plan:
o Representation in Congress is ______ for all states
Favored by _______ states because it gave them more power
Compromises Great _________:
o Solves debate between ______ and ______ states
o _______ 2 per state
o ______ of ____________- based on population

__/____ Compromise:
o Placated the __________ states
o Counted _______ as 3/5 of a person for state population

Federal Law National Laws are the _______ law of the land
States have power to make laws but cant contradict ________ laws
Limits the powers of the _________ to those stated in the Constitution
Checks and Balances Avoids a ________ central government
3 ______ branches
1. Legislative ______ laws
2. Executive ________ laws
3. Judicial ________ laws

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