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Getting MTV Back Into the Groove

Content chief Michael Klein plans to revitalize network by refocusing on music
MTV which celebrated its 35th anniversary on Aug. 1 is looking
to recapture the beat of its past by once again making music-themed
content a staple of its programing schedule. The reinvention of
the iconic network comes even as parent Viacom is racked with
C-suite succession issues.
Network executive vice president of original programming
Michael Klein has been tasked with developing new and original shows that appeal to MTVs target demographic of millennials. Hell seek to do that with series such as Wonderland, a livemusic performance show, and Unlocking the Truth, a documentary
series that follows prisoners who say theyve been wrongly convicted
as they fight for their freedom.
Klein charted out the networks original programming strategy in a
wide-ranging interview with Multichannel News programming editor R.
Thomas Umstead. An edited transcript follows.

MTVs Michael Klein hopes to capture millennials by

mixing music content with hard-hitting documentaries such as new series Unlocking the Truth (pictured).


lennials as being passive

MCN: What is your stratand not engaged, but they
egy for developing original
are very engaged. They
programming for MTV?
are getting slammed with
Michael Klein: Music is
content all day, every day
our muse. We look at muon all platforms, so we
sic as inspiration, celebratwant to tap into that ining artists that bring voice
satiable curiosity and talk
to the youth generation.
to them in a voice thats
We target 18-to-24-yearauthentic and relevant to
olds, but our sweet spot is
them about subjects that
21. Its all about the firsts
they really care about.
in their lives first job,
first love, first meaningful
We look at music as
MCN: A lot of MTVs
breakup, first apartment
inspiration, celebrating new content and stars
and capturing that
energy and excitement
artists that bring voice to come directly from
the Internet. Whats
around the responsibility
the youth generation. the strategy behind
of adulthood and the fear
cultivating content
that also comes along with
Michael Klein, MTV
from the online world
losing your youth. So youll
for the linear channel?
see that across our content, whether it be in
MK: What we really look for are people with
the case of Wonderland, straight-on music live
a real strong point of view; it doesnt matter
every week on our air the first time in 20
where they come from. It they have a strong
years to documentary series like Unlocking
online following thats terrific, but its really
the Truth.
about finding people with a strong, authentic
point of view that will connect and engage
MCN: Can you effectively mix music content
with our audience.
with hard-hitting documentary content, or
are you looking to reach a different audience
MCN: MTV recently rebranded VH1 Classic
with each genre?
as MTV Classic, offering vintage MTV music
MK: Look, millennials are so curious about
videos and original series content from the
the world. I think people often think of mil-

1990s and early 2000s. Was that decision

made to reach the older end of the millennial
age group that grew up with MTV?
MK: MTV Classic is really the brainchild
of a number of people inside the company
who knew there was a vault of this incredible content that represents a moment in
time in youth culture. It still resonates so
deeply not only with that audience, but
with audiences today.
When I came to MTV, the first thing that
happened was people were sending me lists
of the shows they wanted to see brought
back. We listened to the audience, and thats
what youll find on MTV Classics.
MCN: What is the biggest challenge for
MTV in a very noisy and crowded marketplace?
MK: This is one of the most exciting times
for content creators in history. There are
more platforms and more audience demand
than ever for content, and I find this terribly
exciting. Every day I think, how can we
develop something that can break through
and cut through the clutter? I love that
challenge, and we work really carefully with
our internal teams and production partners
on creating experiences that really go back
to the MTV spirit of pioneering something,
and bringing something thats new and fresh
that can really break through. )

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8/18/16 6:00 PM

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