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I. The crystal thickness and transducer frequency arc related The thinner the
A. The lower the frequency
B.The higher the frequency
C. There is no appreciable affect.
D. None of the above.

2.Where does beam divergence occur'?

A. Near field 13.
B. Far field .
c. At the crystal
D. None of the above

3 The ultrasonic test method in which, finger damping is most effective in locating
discontinuity is:
A. Shear wave
B. longitudinal wave.
C. surface Wave
D. compressional wave.

4. What law can be used to calculate the angle of refraction within a metal for both
longitudinal and shear waves.
A. Poisson's Ration Law
Snell's Law
C. Frcsnel's Field Law
D. Charles' Law

5. In B scan display, the length of a screen indication from a disjontinuity is related

. A discontinuity's thickness as measured parallel to the ultrasonic beam.
B. The discontinuity's length in the direction of the transducer travel.
c. Both A and B.
D. None of the above.

6. A 45 shear angle beam transducer produces a wave in the metal which is

A. Perpendicular to the direction of propagation and parallel to the entry surface
B. In the direction of propagation and at 45 to the normal to the entry surface
C. Perpendicular to the entire surface.
D. Perpendicular to the direction of propagation and at 45 to the entry surface

7. In an automatic scanning immersion unit, the bridge or carriage serves to:

A. Support the manipulator and scanner tube and to move it about transversely
and longitudinally.
B.Control the angular and transverse positioning of the scanner tube.
C. Conabl the vertical and angular positioning of the scanner tube

8.The change in direction of ultra sound beam when it passes from one medium to
another when velocity differs frpm that of first medium is called
A. Refraction
B. Rarefraction
c. Angulation

9.The formulae sini/v1 = sin2/v2 is used to determine

A.Angular relationships
B.phase velocities
c. Amount of reflected sound energy
D.Acoustic impedence

16 When inspecting a rotted or forged surface with a thin scale that is generally
tightly adhering to the part. What is necessary to do before testing the part?
A Clean the surface of loose scale
B. Have all scale removed
C. Rough machine the surface
D. Caustic etch the surface

17. One of the most common applications of ultrasonic tests employing shear
waves is
A. Detection of discontinuities in welds, tube and pipe
B. Determination of elastic properties of metallic products
C. Detection of laminar discontinuities in heavy plate
D. Measurement of thickness of thin plate

8. In an ultrasonic instrument, the number of pulses produced by an instrument in

a given period of time is known as the.
A. Pulse length of the instrument
B. Pulse recovery time
.C. Frequency
D. Pulse repetition rate

19. The cathode ray tube screen will display a plan view of the part outline and
defects when using:
A Automatic read-out equipment
B. An Ascan presentation
C.An Bcan presentation
D. A C-scan presentation

20. The refraction angle of longitudinal ultrasonic waves passing from water into
a metallic at angles other than normal to the interface is primarily a function of:
A. The impedance ratio (r = ZwZm) of water to metal.
B. The relative velocities of sound in water and metal
C. The frequency of the ultrasonic beam
D. 'The density ratio of water to metal. -

In steel velocity of sound is greatest in which of the following modes
of vibration
(c)Surface wave
(d)Sound velocity is identical in all modes, in a given material.

The ratio of stress to strain in a material with in the elastic limit is
(a) youngs modulus
(b)the modulus of elasticity
(c)both a and b
(d) the index of refraction

When inspecting aluminum by the immersion method using water for
a couplent, the following information is known.

Velocity of sound in water=1.49*10 power5 cm/sec, velocity of

longitudinal wave in aluminum is 6.32*10power5 cm/sec and angle of
incidence 5 degrees. The angle of refraction for logitudnal wave is
(a) 22 degree
(b)18 degree
(c)26 degree
(d)16 degree

The fundamental frequency of piezo electric crystal is primarily a
function of
(a) Length of the applied voltage pulse
(b) The amplifying characterstics of the pulse amplifier in the instrument
(c) The thickness of the Crystal
(d) None of the above

Acoustic lens elements in which of the following permit focusing
sound energy to enter the cylindrical surfaces normally or along a line
(a) Cylindrical curvature
(b)Spherical lens curvature
(c)Convex shapes
(d) Concave shapes

Reflection indications from a weld area being inspected by the angle
beam tequniqe may represent

(a) porosity
(b) cracks
(c) slag
(d)all of the above

An ultra sonic instrument has been calibrated to obtain a 2 inch
indication from 5/64 inch diameter flat bottomed hole located 3 inches
from the front surface of an aluminum reference block. When testing an
aluminum forging a 2 inch indication is obtained from a discountinuity

located 3 inches from the entry surface, the crosss sectional area of this
discountinuty is probably
(a) The same as the area of 5/64 inch flat bottomed hole
(b) greater than the
(c) slightly less than
(d) about half the area of the 5/ 64 inch flat bottomed hole.


The max scaning speed possible is primarily determined by

a. the frequency of the search unit

b. viscous drag problems

c. the pulse repetition rate of the test instrument
d.crystal size


the lack of parallelism between the entry surface and back surface

a. may result in a screen pattern that does not contain back reflection

b. makes it difficult to locate discontinuities that lie parallel to the entry

c.usually indicates that a porous condition exists in the metal.
d. will decrease the penetrating power of the test


Acoustic velocities are primarily described by

a. density
b. elasticity
c. both a and b
d. acoustic impedance

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