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Febrile Seizures

Occur in 2-3% of children, following respiratory, GI or urinary tract infections
Simple: single, brief (<15minutes), generalized during fever (>38) in developmen
tally and neurologically normal children between 6mo and 5yr without intracrania
l infection or other cause
Complex: febrile seizure that lasts longer than 15 minutes, is focal or that rec
urs within 24hr
Differential diagnosis
CNS infection
Metabolic encephalopathy
Neurodegenerative disorder
Brain tumor
Neurocutaneous syndromes
Previous brain injury
Seizure: length, description
Previous history of seizures (febrile or afebrile)
1/3 of children with one simp
le febrile seizure will have another
Precipitating factors: height and duration of fever, length and symptoms of prec
eding illness, head trauma, possibility of ingestion
Past medical history: gestation, birth, general health, growth and development
Risk factors: Family history, slow milestones, Roseola/Shigella, DTP and measles
vaccinations, males>females
Neurological findings: H/A, vomiting, lethargy, weakness, sensory deficits, chan
ge in vision/behaviour/balance/gait
Physical exam
rule out meningitis, look for focus of infection
Vitals, head circumference
HEENT (meningismus)
Neurologic (papilledema)
Standard physical exam
CBCD, lytes, Ca, glucose, toxicology
Lumbar puncture (<18 months)
EEG (once well, will be normal if typical must do if atypical)
Not indicated as only 1/3 will proceed to have another febrile seizure
of which will occur within 1 year of seizure
Increased recurrence risk if complex, family history, low fever with seizure
If typical no long-term adverse consequences
Rarely lead to epilepsy or recurrent non-febrile seizures later in life (1-2.4%)
, increased risk compared to general population
Anticonvulsants prophylaxis (underlying neurological condition)
Diazepam PO/PR
For parents: antipyretics, first aid instructions, when to seek help (ER)
No cold baths as they increase core body temperature

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