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Osce Stations most likely to come (According to Dr Aneel) ...

Since he is involv
ed in organizing the stations:
1. Station 1 would show an OFC of a child which would probably be less than the
5th Percentile. We could be asked to identify the case, causes possible for low
ofc, investigations and management ...
2. Station 2 would show a CBC report and we will have to evaluate the results
3. Station 3 would show a UCE report and we might be asked questions related to
cause of electrolyte imbalance .. example diarrhea
4. Station 4 would have an X-ray most likely rickets .. we need to identify the
xray ... the findings seen, management
5. Station 5 would have a picture of ra
sh ... could be a measles or chicken pox. and then related questions could be as
ked like identifying the pic, cause of the condition, management.
6. Station 6 would be an interactive in which we could be asked to perform respi
ratory exam like auscultation. Cvs might come but its unlikely
7. Station 7 would be an interactive in which we would be asked to do anthropome
try examination (Lenght, OFc, MAc, weight)
8. Station 8 would have either a EDT tube or foley Catheter
9. Station 9 would a case scenerio of a child greater than 2 years who is not im
munized. Question asked would be how to immunize the child at the initial visit.
Dr aneel told us to go through Neslson Textbook. It has 2 pages of immunization
10. Station 10 could be an imci station like for example we could be asked to te
ll Plan A,B,C etc
Sidra to be on the safe side, study more than this since Osce stations could cha
nge.But Dr Aneel has hinted that this would be the most likely scenerio.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Now regarding the instruments:
1. IV Cannula: Sizes are 20,22,24 gauge
For infants we use the 24 gauge, for toddler we go for 22 gauge and for children
greater than 5 years we go for the 20 gauge cannula.
Indications: For blood transfusion or Iv fluids administration
Complications: Cellulitis, trauma at the site of canulation.
2. Stopper: It is used so that blood doesnt clot
3. Drip Set: To give infusions
4. NG Tube:
Indications .. Gastric lavage, to give drugs, feeding, Uncounscious patients,in
severe dehydration when Iv is not possible. In neonates we use the 5 gauge size.
while in children it is 12 gauge.

To check whether the NG Tube has been inserted correctly .. enter air 2cc and au
sculatate the abdomen.if gushing sounds are heard this means that the NG Tube ha
s been inserted correctly.
Contraindications: Severe mid face trauma, esophageal strictures
Complications: Esophageal perforation, pulmonary aspiration
6. Oxygen Flow Meter:
Indications: Respiratory distress, not able to maintain oxygen saturation
Contraindicated in preterm infants ... as oxygen might lead to retinopathy due t
o proliferation of blood vessels.
7. Oxygen Mask: To deliver oxygen if oxygen saturation is low.
8. Lumber puncture Needle:
Contra Indication: In those who are hemodynamically unstable, raised intracrania
l pressure
Indications: Patient with meningitis, fever with fits, herniation of cerebellar
tonsills, to give anesthesia, to take sample of CSF
The patient should be in left lateral position with neck and legs flexed.
9. Endotracheal Tube: (Most important for osce)
Indications: For ventillation, laryngeal spasm, epiglottitis, Mechanical ventila
tion, Not able to maintain oxygen saturation
Contraindication: Pharynx is obstructed due to pharyngeal foreign body or massiv
e swelling of the pharynx.
Complications: Injury to the trachea or insertion of the tube into the oesophagu
s, pneumothorax
10. Folleys catheter: Size 6 french for 0-6 Months, 6-8 french for upto 2 years
Indications: To relieve retention of urine, for investigation of urine for infec
Complications: Infection, urethral injury leading to urethral strictures.Bleedin
g due to trauma.
Contraindication: Urethral Tear
11. Ampu bag:
Indications: Respiratory failure or failed intubation
Contraindications: Upper airway obstruction
Complications: Aspiration, Hypoventilation, Hyperventilation
12. Laryngoscope: To visualize the trachea during endo tracheal intubation under
general anesthesia.

13. Dial: To control the dosage

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