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Coastal Geomorphology

Abdul Malik, Ph.D.

Department of Geography
Universitas Negeri Makassar

Definition and scope coastal

Coastal geomorphology is a branch of

geomorphology in which the focus is on the area

influenced by large bodies of water, including seas
and oceans, and large lakes.
It is perhaps best viewed as an applied science and
overlaps with other applied sciences such as geology,
meteorology, oceanography, coastal engineering and
elements of biology

The coastal zone: definition and


Factors influencing coastal morphology

and process

Cowell, P.J. (1999) The shoreface. In Short, A.D. (ed.),
Handbook of Beach and Shoreface Morphodynamics.
Wiley. Chichester, pp. 39-71.
R. Davidson R- Arnott (2010) An Introduction to
Coastal Process and Geomorphology. Cambridge
University Press, UK.

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