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Population Services International is a not -for-profit agency founded in 1970 with the

agenda of controlling the population explosion in comparatively less developed

countries through circulation of family planning information and products. After its
stint in Sri Lanka and Mexico, PSI entered into an agreement with the government
of Bangladesh in 1976 to carryout the Social Marketing Project (SMP) to market birth
control products through local retail outlets. The SMP marketed two products : Raja
brand condoms and Maya brand oral contraceptive pills .
Raja Brands 58.8% market share in overall condom business and distribution in
Bangladesh is attributed to various factors such as devising an efficient marketing
strategy, a well planned and implemented product placement ,an intensive
communication support ,expansive product availability across various retail stores
and extensive promotional campaigns. Apart from these factors, a consumers
motive for buying condoms is not just or birth control but also for providing
protection against sexually transmitted diseases .Compared to other birth control
methods such as IUD, sterilization and oral contraceptives, condoms are less
complex in terms of usage and are easily available taking into consideration the
vast distribution channels for the product implemented by PSI. Raja is made
available in various pharmacies ,general stores of all sizes, pan stores etc where
there are more footfalls whereas Tahiti ,the brand that Bangladeshi government
distributes, is distributed by private sources and certain organizations which
comparatively reaches lesser number of target audience and this explains massive
sales of Raja condoms.
Maya brand of oral contraceptives ,despite adopting same marketing strategies as
Raja failed to have the same impact on people .Contraceptives are considered
strong drugs which when used are assumed to bring side effects to consumers
health in the long run and must be consumed with due diligence keeping in mind
the pattern of hormonal changes in the consumer. Medical care system in
Bangladesh operates in a way that doctor prescription is not needed for procuring
medicines. As mentioned, literacy rate in Bangladesh is around 27% among males
and 12% among females so there is scope for illiterate people not being able to
decipher the instructions on the package and that may result in poor drug activity. A
reach to the doctor was mandate to get knowledge of the product. Also, illiteracy
made advertisement of Maya pills in terms of posters /signboards ineffective as they
could not read. It was seen as an inferior drug by the doctors and RMP, whom
people relied upon.
The management believed that their extensive marketing should have helped Maya
more than Raja but its sales were declining. With this we arrive at the problem
statement as below.

Given the current situation of SMP in Bangladesh, in what ways

can Philip, Robert and William revive the sales of Maya oral

Request Government of Bangladesh to provide social security and state

pension and incentives for family planning
Bangladeshi government wanted to achieve zero population growth by 1995 and
was actively involved in population control efforts both directly and indirectly. Major
reason behind having large family was dependency on the sons for future security
as Bangladesh did not have system of social security or state pensions for its
elderly. Requesting government to introduce such scheme would reduce
dependence on male child for future security. Also, providing incentives to people
with a small family would attract people to practice family planning. These
initiatives would indirectly ensure that people use pills and condoms more.

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