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-The kidneys which are paired organs located on either side of the
vertebral column at the back of the abdomen, are referred to in
conversations with a touch of scorn and sense of embarrassment.
-This is largely because of the primary function they perform that
of producing urine, one of the main waste products of the body.
-Urine is formed via filtration of the blood which circulates
through the kidneys. The blood rids itself of numerous poisonous
substances which accumulate during the normal process of living.
-The kidneys form the first part of the excretory or genitourinary
system. The initial urine formed after filtration of the blood is
dilute and of large salts and concentrate the urine before finally
throwing it out. This passes through two tubes called the ureters
one of which exists from each kidney, and enters a muscular
receptacle called the urinary bladder . Urine is stored in the bladder
for varying lengths to time, and the desire to void urine arises
when the bladder in full. The urethra is the conduit through which
the bladder release the urine.

-Each of these symptoms signify renal disease ,e.g. pyuria could
be due to infection of any part of excretory system .Swelling of the
face (typically puffy eyelids ) and feet should arouse suspicion of
kidney disease , though other causes of swelling need to be
excluded by a simple urine examination . whenever high blood
pressure is detected ,kidney disease must be ruled out ,especially in
the young.
- Loss of appetite, progressive weakness , nausea and vomiting are
symptoms which develop when the kidneys begin to fail.
-Bone pairs and difficulty in standing from a fall in this causes
anaemia. To regulate vitamin D metabolism , which is necessary
for healthy bones.
- To regulate and maintain blood pressure .Kidney disease can lead
to a rise in blood pressure conversely ,high blood pressure can
damage the kidneys.
-Abnormal urinary symptoms may provide a pointer to disease.
These could take the form of:Plyuria-excessive passage of urine
Nocturia- passing more than usual urine at night
Oliguria passing a low volume of urine .
Haematuria-presence of blood of in the urine.
Pyuria-passing pus in the urine


Disease is any part of the excretory system can lead to
malfunctioning of the kidneys . the main tasks performed by the
kidneys . the main tasks performed by the kidneys are:-To rid the body of waste products any many drugs
To maintain the water balance of the body , by diluting or
concentrating the urine .
-To maintain the haemoglobin level of the blood. It is the
haemoglobin which gives the blood its oxygen carrying capacity.
-Problem in breathing and pain in the back which may or may not
travel down to the front of the lower abdomen are other symptoms
to be wary of.
- All the above problems may not be present at the same time in
unison or isolation in an individual . However , the appearance of
any or more of these should entail a visit to the physician.

Renal failure means inability of the kidneys to function
efficiently and may be of three types . Acute renal failure, as the
name implies ,begins suddenly,and may be due to a varietyof
reasons.The outcome depends on the under-lying cause: it is
often reversible . Renal failure can be separated into two
categories:(1) Chronic renal failure
(2) End stage renal failure


Chronic renal failure implies that renal failure has been
continuing for some time. The rate and severity of progression
are related to the causative illness. If in the mild or moderate
stages. Diet ,drugs and regular follow up may help the patient to
enjoy many productive years.


With the relentless march of chronic renal failure, there comes a
stage when it becomes impossible to keep the kidneys
functioning with diet and drugs . Life can then be sustained only
with dialysis and kidney transplantation. This stage is known as
`End stage` Renal failure`.

This is a process where the toxins accumulated in the blood due
to the kidneys inability to excrete them are removed . It is of
two types:(1)HAEMO DIALYSIS

In haemodialysis ,blood is passed through an artificial kidney .
this requires sophisticated gadgetry and has to be repeated 2-3
times a week,each session lasting for 3-5 hours . the procedure
is painless and effective and can increase survival by several
years However ,it is expensive ,with each session costing about
Rs 1,000 /-

The monthly expenses can amount to Rs12,000/-

The fluid called `Haemodialysis` fluid BPC(Renalute formulaE)is used in dialysis machines.

Peritoneal dialysis utilisis , the peritoneal membrane (the
covering of the abdominal organs ) as a filter to remove noxious
substances in blood ,and is drained after some time. This is a
simple procedure and can be carried out even at the Primary
Health centre Level.

This is the last resort for those with end-stage failure. It involves
surgery by a dedicated team of transplant surgeons. And the
follow up is done by the Nephroligist. Unfortunately , there are
some major problems associated with it, the main one being the
lack of availability of doner kidneys . though a person with two
healthy kidneys can donate a kidney without any detriment to
health ,the donation of kidneys is legally regulated to prevent
their commercial sale . kidney of dead person can be used within
2 hours after the man`s death. It can be stored under the
condition of refrigeration for approximately 48 hours. Within
this time ,kidneys has to be used otherwise it can`t be used.

Requirments of transplanation:(1)

Availability of kidney donor


Matching of blood group


HLA typing :-In HLA typing ,doctor detect that how

many maximum number of points in DNA are same
in donor

It may be 100%,50%,0%that is all the points may be same or

half of them may be same or there may be no similarity. If HLA
typing is 100% body will accept the kidney of another man
without any rejection . In case of 50%and 0%HLA typing ,body
will show rejection by producing antibodies against it.
This can be prevented by using medicines likes:(1) Steroids Antinuclear And drugs
(2) Signal transudation Inhibtor.

(And acknowledgement)
1) Newsweek (June 25, 1990)
2) The times of India .
3) kidney booklets ( central Hgalth Education Buraeu ).
4) Maj General ( Mrs. ) N. Ahuja ( Pune military

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