Syllabus 2016 - 2017

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Syllabus for Algebra II 2016 - 2017

Georgetown High School

Mrs. Hahn (Schulties)


Room 216

Phone: 843 - 546 - 8516 ext. 2216

Book: Holt McDougal Algebra 2 Common Core Edition

Classroom Rules:

Students must be respectful to everyone at all times.

Students must wear ID badge as directed by the teacher.

Students must report to class on time every day.

Students must bring all materials to class daily. (book, notebook, pencil, eraser)

Students must raise their hand and be recognized by the teacher before speaking

Students will not talk while the teacher is speaking.

Students must remain on-task and engaged in the lesson for the entire period

Students must respect school property at ALL TIMES (no writing on desks, etc.)

Students must keep hands, feet, and body parts to yourself

Students may not use profane, vulgar, or inappropriate language or gestures.

Cell phones and other electronics must be out of sight and turned off at all times

Food and drink items are not to be consumed in the classroom without special permission from the
school administrator

Students must follow the directions of the teacher


Verbal Warning

2. Teacher after-school detention and parent contact/conference

3. Referral to administrator
Major disruptions may lead to immediate removal from the classroomthis is at the teachers discretion
Materials: I ask that the students have the following materials:

Lined paper notebook or loose leaf (wide or college rule)

Binder or folder

Pencil and eraser

Class Work: Class work will be assigned on a daily basis. Time will be given in class to work on/complete
assignments. Assignments should be turned in accordingly. There is no specific due date for assignments, but
cut off dates will be given to keep students on top of their work. All assignments that are turned in by the
cutoff date will receive full credit if they are fully completed to the best of the students ability. Assignments
not turned in by the cutoff date will receive a zero. Assignments will be worksheets or out of the textbook.
Assignments will be announced in class and recorded on the Been Out? bulletin board. Assignments are graded
on completion to the best of the students ability. ALL problems must be attempted and ALL work must be
shown to receive full credit. If an assignment will be graded for correctness the student will be notified of this

Tests/Quizzes: The number of quizzes and tests will vary for each chapter. If you are absent the day of a
quiz or test, it is YOUR responsibility to make up the assessment. The assessment can be made up before
school, during lunch, or after school. A written and multiple choice district end of course exams will be given
at the end of the semester.
Grades: The following grading scale will be used:
A 90 - 100%
B 80 - 89%
C 70 - 79%
D 60 - 69%
F 59% and lower
The following weighted percentages will be used to determine the class grade:
Major assessments (Chapter tests, projects) 40%
Quizzes 35%
Daily Practices (homework, in class assignments) 25%
IDs: IDs must be worn in class at all times. They are a quick handy straight edge when you need them!
Restroom pass: Restroom passes will be written during non - instructional time. Lessons will not be stopped
for restroom breaks. I recommend going in between classes.
Class Weebly Website:
This webpage is created entirely by me, specifically for this course. The webpage houses ALL instructional
videos for this course (at least one for every lesson), and ALL assignments for this course. All of the
instruction videos are also created by me, so they were explain problems the same way we do them in class.
Other Online Resources: Direct links are on my webpage on the GHS website.

Khan Academy


The Khan Academy is a YouTube channel that has tutorials on numerous mathematics concepts.

Free Math Help

Cool Math

Wolfram Alpha


This website helps with not only math but all other subjects as well.

Helpful Apps:

Wolfram Alpha ($2.99) : great app for reference materials for all subjects

Khan Academy - great app from math tutorial videos.

Your Teacher - math tutorial app available at both iTunes and Google Play stores

IPhone/IPad/IPod free apps


Calculator + - graphing calculator

Android free apps


Wabbitemu - graphing calculator

Note: Items on this course outline may change as needed throughout the year

Parent Contact Request

Algebra 2 Mrs. Hahn
(Please return for bonus points)

To the parent(s)/guardian(s) of ________________________________________________,

(students name)

Please fill out the following information in order to help me keep you updated on the goings on in
class and provide you with specific information about your childs progress in class. Email is the
most efficient method of communication, but telephone is also a communication method.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) name: _____________________________________________________

Email address: _______________________________________________________________
Phone number: _______________________________________________________________

I would like a grade print out sent home on a regular basis:

a. Yes _______ sent home with my child _______ emailed as a PDF _______
b. No _______

I wish not be contacted at any time ________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________________

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