Milk Society Automation System: Bachelor of Computer Applications

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Project report Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement

For the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Computer Applications

Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam
Submitted by
JINCE MICHAEL 140021044809
NITHIN O JACOB 140021044827
Guided by

Department of Computer Application (UG)

Marian College Kuttikkanam
December 2016


We, JINCE MICHAEL (140021044809) and NITHIN O JACOB (140021044827)

certify that the Minor project titled MILK SOCIETY AUTOMATION SYSTEM
is done by us and it is an authentic work carried by us at Marian College
Kuttikkanam. The matter embodied in this project work has not been submitted
earlier for the award of any degree or diploma to the best of our knowledge and

Signature of the students:




Certify that the project report entitled MILK SOCIETY AUTOMATION








JACOB(140021044827) is completed under my guidance. The matter embodied in

this project work has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or
diploma to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Name and Signature of the guide: Ms. Lumy Joseph

Name and Signature of the HOD: Dr. Rajimol A

Department Seal:

Internal Exam Date:

Signature of the Internal Examiner

External Exam Date:

Signature of the External Examiner


Gratitude is a feeling which is more eloquent than words, more silent than silence. In
undertaking this project work we need the direction, assistance and cooperation of
various individuals and organizations, which is received in abundance with the grace of
God. Without their unconstrained support, the project could not have been completed.
We express our sincere gratitude to our Internal Guide Ms.Lumy Joseph. She has
shown keen interest in helping us to complete the project and provide valuable
suggestions and guidance throughout the project. Next we express our heartiest thanks
to Dr Rajimol A, Head, Department of Computer Applications, Marian College,
Kuttikkanam for her valuable suggestions and guidance throughout the project. We
express our sincere gratitude to our Manager, Rev. Fr. Ruban J Thannickal and
Principal, Rev. Dr. Roy Abraham P, for permitting us to do the project.
It is with great delight that we express our profound thanks to Ms. Juby George, Asst.
Professor in the Department of Computer Applications, Marian College, Kuttikkanam,
for contributing a never-ending stream of help and suggestions.
With great enthusiasm, we express our thanks to all the teachers in the Department of
Computer Applications for the support given throughout the project. We would also like
to thank the non-teaching staff for their support. We express our thanks to all our friends
who supported and helped us in many ways.
Without the support of our family it was not possible for us to do anything. So we
express our sincere gratitude to our family for their support, encouragements and
prayers for the completion of our project successfully.

Jince Michael
Nithin O Jacob


Milk society Automation system is a project that provides automated way to
organize the valuable data. This software provides an efficient way to the manager to
update data in step while receiving milk from the milk giver, while selling milk to the
customer, while sending milk to the dairy and while spending money. Using this system the
admin can update milk-given information, milk information, payment details, changing
payment scale and changing price for each scale. This software package also provides
inventory management module, daily management details, amounts, sales reports, monthly
amount collected from the dairy, monthly account of each milk giver of the society and
finally the monthly budget of the society.
The Milk society Automation system has been developed for Charuvely milk
producers Co-operative society, Manimala. The main aim of this project is to provide
flexibility and user friendliness. The main advantage of this computerized milk society
automation system is that the stored data will not be lost and all the data will be secure.
The project Milk society Automation system is developed using Visual Basic 6.0 and
SQL Server.



Page No.

1.1 About the Organization1
1.2 About the Project..2
2.1 Existing System3
2.2 Proposed System..4
2.3System Requirements5
2.4 Feasibility Study..7
2.4.1 Economic Feasibility ....8
2.4.2 Technical Feasibility.8
2.4.3 Operational Feasibility ...10
2.5 Programing Languages and Development Tools...10
2.6 System Analysis.16
3.1 Database Design.23
3.1.1 Table Design......23
3.1.2 Normalization26
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Input Design...
4.3 Modules in Use and Their Function..
4.4 Output Design.
4.5 Database Design.
4.6 Table Design...
4.7 Data Flow Diagrams...

5.1 Testing Methods.
5.1.1 Unit Testing
5.1.2 Integration Testing.
5.1.3 Validation Testing..
5.1.4 Output Testing
5.1.5 User Acceptance Testing
5.1.6 System Testing...
6.1 System Implementation..
6.2 Training..
6.3 Conversion..
6.4 Post Implementation Review..
11.1 Screen Layouts.


To solve the problems of manual systems, there are two ways. One is to appoint more
employees and the other is computerization. By analyzing these situations, it was identified
that the first is not cost effective. So we took second option - computerization of the
existing system.
The main objective of the proposed system is to eliminate the limitations of the existing
manual system. Computers are fast tireless machines that are provides computation of large
amount of data quickly and give the output in the required format effectively. Cost
effectiveness is one of the main objectives of the existing system.
The project aims at the computerized functioning of a Milk automation system at
charuvely milk producers co-operative society, located at manimala village, Kottayam
district. The advantages of the computerization are reduction in the workload, avoidance of
the errors in keeping records. This system is expected to be easier for usage and other
operational independency. The following are the activities carried out in the concern.

Member Registration.
Record keeping of sales.
Milk Collection details.
Record keeping of expense.
Company details


The organization selected for the project is a Milk Society (Charuvely milk producers cooperative society, Manimala). Through this project MILK SOCIETY AUTOMATION
SYSTEM we are planning to automate the different aspects of a milk society where all
works are currently done manually. In the milk society, Administrator is the head of milk
society and he administrates all the operations of the milk society. Manager is the another
important factor in this milk society he manages all such operations.


The project aims at the computerized functioning of Charuvely milk producers cooperative society, Manimala. The advantages of computerization are, it reduces the
workload, avoid errors involved in keeping records like sales details, expense details, milk
collection details etc... The system is expected to be easier for usage and other operational
independency. It is an application to keep all record related to milk society.
Visual basic 6.0 is used as the development tool and Microsoft SQL server Management
Studio as data base



2.1. Existing System

In order to elicit the requirements of the system and to identify the elements,
inputs, outputs, subsystems and procedures, the existing system was to be analyzed
and examined in details. This constitutes the system study. The existing system is
analyzed by the complete co-operation of the staff of the agency. In the existing
system all the data processing are done manually. What is done in the project is the
computerization of the manual system, which is prevailing. In the current system
the retailers used to maintain the information such as Milk collection, Sales,
Expense and Customer details. This system is not that efficient and it does not
provide any service to the customers.

Limitations of existing system

Time delay
Manual work is time consuming. Service details will not get update with respect to
time. As data entry process is done manually, a lot of time and effort is needed for
proper functioning of the system.
Since there is a large volume of data, and human does all the calculations stand

alone, they are prone to errors.

Current updating of the records is not possible with the existing manual system.
Each detail is entered in different records and large storage space is needed.
Data Retrieval
Data retrieval is a difficult task.
Data Redundancy
Since the datas are stored in different registers the same data is repeated.
Report Displays
Before making reports regarding the transactions the manager has to make

searching with former records.

Error Prone
Since the system is manual, the chances for mistakes are high.
Registers may be destroyed easily
The chances of registers getting destroyed due to fire or water, time etc. is high.
To solve the above issues we go for our new proposed system.

2.2. Proposed system

The goal of the system is to bring down the work load with the increased efficiency
and to speed up the activities. The MILK SOCIETY AUTOMATION SYS TEM
is a software application which avoids manual effort needed in record keeping and
generating reports. Maintaining of milk details is complex in manual system. The
proposed system is satisfying the users need and it is very interactive. It is a system
which keeps all the sales records, expense information and customer information a
lot easier. The customers and sales information in the database will automatically
generate bills when the customer buys the product. The bill history can be
generated based on different criteria.

Easy search of milk details in the milk society.

Avoid the manual work.

Advantages of proposed system-an overview

High Speed
The proposed system is very fast in processing the information. Since retrieving
and storing of information is fast, the speed is also high.
Since all the transactions are done by the software it is less error-prone, leading to
high accuracy.
The proposed system takes less time so that more retrieval of information can be
made easier. The reports can be produced with less time consumption.
Easy to Operate
Insertion and updating of the records will become easier and the number of records
can also be reduced.
Interactive User Interface
The proposed system provides Graphical User Interface similar to that of windows.
The user friendly interface helps the admin to work with the environment more
Safe Data Storage
The data can be stored for long period of time and backup can be maintained to
ensure further security of data. It does not consume large physical storage space.
Therefore data storage becomes more efficient.
Data Redundancy

Data redundancy can be reduced

Further References Are Ease
Since the proposed system is automated, further references to the details are very
easy. By including member details it is even possible to get details of a particular
sales and expense details.

2.3 System Requirements

2.3.1 Function to be provided
The software developed must provide all the facilities for functioning of a Milk Society.
The operations include milk collection details, sales details entry, search member in the
society, milk scale details, Member details, Dairy information etc. This must happen
without delay. Also all the activities are managed by the Administrator of the Milk society.
2.3.2 Product Definition
This software is to automate the different aspects of the system. The package has a user
interface to enter all the data required for evaluating all records of Milk society operations.
The interface also includes giving overall operations done in a Milk society.
2.3.3 Problem Statement
Before starting to design software, we have to understand the problems faced by existing
system. This is the most crucial phase of the system development life cycle, because if one
doesnt comprehend the problem at hand, the end product will be wastage.
The objective of the product is to develop software that is used to manage all the
operations of the milk society. This software has to overcome all the disadvantages of
existing system listed before. Processing Environments Hardware Requirement

Hardware is a set of physical components, which performs the functions of applying

appropriate, predefined instructions. In other words, one can say that electronic and
mechanical parts of computer constitute hardware
This package is designed on a powerful programming language Visual Basic. It is a
Powerful Graphical User Interface. The backend is Access, which is used to maintain
database. It can run on almost all the microcomputers.


: Intel Pentium 3 or higher


: 512 MB or above

Cache Memory

: 512 KB or above

Hard Disk

: 10.2 GB or above


CD Drive

: Any CD/DVD Drive



Standard keyboard with 104 keys


: A PS2/USB mouse

Display Adaptor

: Super VGA


: Dot Matrix/Inkjet/Laser Software requirements

A major element in building systems in compatible software .The system analyst has to
determine what software package is best for the candidate system. It begins with
requirements Analysis, followed by a request for proposal and vendor evaluation.
There are several factors to consider prior to the proposed system:

Cost reduction: It includes reduction of savings on space and improved ability.

Improved efficiency: It emphasizes quick availability of information and improved

Cost avoidance: It includes early detection of problems and ability to extend


The scope of the project is identified to end of initial investigation. Then the system
benefits are stated and are translated into measurable objectives, These objectives are
effective in comparing The performance of the candidate system with that if the current
system .From the comparison it is found that the candidate system which is designed by
using visual basic 6.0 as front end and Microsoft SQL Server as Backend is many times
effective than the existing procedures manual procedure.
Operating System

: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1, Windows 10

Front End

: Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

Back End

: MS-SQL-Server

2.4 Feasibility Analysis

Feasibility analysis is a test of system proposed according to work ability, impact of the
organization and effective uses of resources. It also evaluates the resources. It evaluate the
existing systems and it procedures develop a candidate systems which are suitable to solve
the problem. A feasibility test finds answers to the following questions.

What are the needs of the user?

How the candidate systems meet the needs?
Whether the problem is worth solving?
What are the resources available?
How the system works in the proposed organization?

2.4.1 Economic Feasibility

Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a
candidate system. The procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are accepted
from a candidate system and compare them with cost. If benefits outweigh costs then the
decision is made to design and implement the system. The proposed system is more
economic than the existing system, since it uses GUI that reduces the operating time of the

system and also it is interactive and user-friendly, so the chance of error is low and cost
needed to correct the error is reduced.
In the new system the expense is only at the time of initial installation and hence
the proposed system is considered to be economically feasible, it also reduces the time
spend on writing details and other stationary items and also it reduces the manual work. So
the proposed system is supposed to be economically feasible.
2.4.2 Technical Feasibility
This is a study of resource availability that may affect the ability to achieve an acceptable
System. This evaluation determines whether the technology needed for the proposed
System is available or not.
Can the work for the project be done with current equipment, existing software,
Technology and available personal?
Can the system be upgraded if developed?
If new technology is needed then what can be developed?
This is concerned with specifying equipment and software that will successfully satisfy the
user requirement. The technical needs of the system may include:
Front-end and back-end selection
An important issue for the development of a project is the selection of suitable front-end
and back-end. When we decided to develop the project we went through an extensive study
to determine the most suitable platform that suits the needs of the organization as well as
helps in development of the project.
The aspects of our study included the following factors.
Front-end selection:
1. It must have a graphical user interface that assists users that are not from IT

2. Scalability and extensibility.

3. Flexibility.
4. Robustness.
5. Platform independent.
6. Easy to debug and maintain.
7. Event driven programming facility.
8. Front end must support some popular back end like SQL or MS Access
According to the above stated features we selected VB6.0 as the front-end for developing
our project.
Back-end Selection:
1. Multiple user support.
2. Efficient data handling.
3. Provide inherent features for security.
4. Efficient data retrieval and maintenance.
5. Stored procedures.
6. Operating System compatible.
7. Easy to install.
8. Easy to implant with the Front-end.
According to above stated features we selected SQL as the backend. The technical
feasibility is frequently the most difficult area encountered at this stage. It is essential that
the process of analysis and definition be conducted in parallel with an assessment to

technical feasibility. It centers on the existing computer system (Hardware, software etc.).
And to what extent it can support the proposed system.

2.4.3 Operational feasibility

The system must be operationally feasible so that End users can operate it easily. It only
needs basic information about Windows platform. The proposed system is user friendly
and easy to use, the workload is reduced and efficiency is improved. In this automation,
Milk collector is the administrator and other one is the manager who manages the milk
society and some others can only use the system if he permits. We can add details either by
just pressing a button. This improves the easiness of the system used. Since the software
used is so simple; chance of technical assistance is also rare.
2.5 Programming Languages and development tools
Microsoft Visual Basic
As the name implies, programming with VB is accomplished virtually. While writing the
program you are able to see how your program will look during run time. This is the great
advantage over other programming language. You are able to change and experiment with
your design until you are satisfied with features like colour, size, images that are included
in the program. Visual Basic is an ideal programming language for developing
sophisticated professional application for Microsoft Windows. It makes use of graphical
user interface for creating robust and powerful application. Features such as easier
comprehension, user friendliness, and faster application development and may other
aspects such as introducing Active X technology and internal features make Visual Basic
environment makes it easy to perform the basic takes necessary to create Windows
Its features include:
Event-driven programming language.
Power tools to create windows based applications.
Tools to create application with graphical user interface for creating
Robust and Powerful applications.

Supports procedural and event driven programming application.

Greater flexibility on accessing RDBMS.
Easier to comprehend things in a quicker and easier way.
Faster application development.
Provides Integrated Development Environment.
Programming control of cursor.
Ability to set multiple results set from a single query.
Flexibility to work with existing database technology.
Excellent error trapping.

Visual Basic Edition

Visual basic is available in three versions each geared to meet a specific set of
development requirements. The visual basic learning edition allows programmers to
easily create powerful application. The professional edition provides computer
professionals with a full-featured set of tools for developing solution for other. The
enterprise edition allows professional to create robust distributed application in team
setting it includes all the features of the professional edition, plus the automation
manager, component manager database.
Templates Available
Standard EXE:
Creates a stand-alone program that we can copy, give away, or sell to others. Examples of
stand-alone programs are MS Word, Netscape Navigator etc. Stand-alone programs have
an .EXE extension
ActiveX DLL:
Create a file that has .DLL extension. ActiveX DLL files are not meant to be used by them.
Instead, these types of files contain subprograms designed to be used as building block
when creating a stand-alone program.
ActiveX EXE:
Create a file that has an .EXE file extension. Unlike a stand-alone EXE file, an ActiveX
EXE file is designed to work as an OLE server, which is nothing more than a program
designed to share information with another program.

ActiveX Control:
Create a file that has an .OCX file extension. Unlike an ActiveX DLL or ActiveX EXE
file, an ActiveX Control usually provides both subprograms and a user interface that we
can reuse in other programs.
ActiveX Document DLL:
Create a file with a .DLL file extension. An ActiveX Document DLL file is design to help
us to run programs on internet.
ActiveX Document EXE:
Create a file that has an .EXE file extension. An ActiveX Document EXE files can display
a VB form within an internet Web browser.
Enable us to create an AddIn program specially designed to work with the VB user
VB Application Wizard:
The VB friendly guide to help us to create a skeleton VB stand-alone EXE program
quickly and easily.
IIS Application:
An IIS application is a VB application that lives on a Web Server and responds to request
from the browser. An IIS application uses HTML to present its user interface and uses
complied VB code to process requests and responds to event in the browser. IIS application
can be used on the internet or an intranet. End users of an IIS application do not need a
specific operating system or browser. IIS application uses the Active Server Pages (ASP)
object model.
DHTML Application:


A DHTML application to also respond to events in an HTML page. DHTML applications

are intended for use on intranet, and are dependent on Internet Explorer 4.0 or later.
DHTML application use the dynamic HTML objects.
Integrated Development Environment
The working environment in Visual Basic is referred to as the integrated development
or IDE because it integrates much different function. Such as design, editing, compiling
and debunking within a Common environment. In most traditional development tools
each of this function would operate as separate programming, each with its own
interface. The Visual Basic integrated environment (IDE) consists of the following
Menu bar:
Provide access to every available VB commands.
Display icons that represent most commonly used VB commands.
Display the type of object that can be drawn on a form.
Project Explorer:
List all the file that make up a single VB program.
Properties Window:
Display the properties of the currently selected form or object.
Form Layout Window:
Enable us to arrange the location where our forms appear on the screen

Provides a window where we can draw object to design our programs user interface.
Immediate Window:
Enable us to debug our VB programs.
Microsoft SQL Server:
The SQL language may be considered as one of the major reason for the commercial
success of relational database. It became a standard for relational database. Users were less
concerned about migrating their database application from other types of data base
systems. SQL is a comprehensive database language. It has statement for data definitions,
queries, and update .Hence it is both DDL and DML. In addition it has facilities for
defining views on the database .for security and authorization, for defining integrity
constraints, and for specifying transaction controls.
SQL is an ANSI standard computer language for accessing and manipulating database
system. SQL statements are used to retrieve and update data in a database. SQL works with
database programs like MS ACCESS, DB2, Informix, MS SQL server, Oracle etc.
SQL Database Tables
Tables are in basic building block in any relational database management system. They
contain the rows and columns of your data. You can create modify and delete table using
the data definition language commands(DDL). The table consist of a row of columns
heading together with zero or more rows of data values. A database most often contains
one or more tables. Each table is identified by a name. Tables contain rows with data.
SQL Data Manipulation Language (DDL)
SQL is syntax for executing queries. But the SQL language also includes syntax to update,
insert and delete records. These queries and update commands together form the Data
Manipulation Language part of SQL:

SELECT -extract data from a database table

UPDATE -Update data in a database table.


DELETE -delete data from a database table.

INSERT INTO insert row data into a database table.

SQL Data Definition Language (DML)

The Data Definition Language part of SQL permits database tables to be created or deleted.
We can also define indexes, specify links between tables, and impose constraints between
database tables. The most important DDL statements in SQL are:

CREATE TABLE create a new database table.


-alter a database table.


delete a database table.

CREATE INDEX -create an index.


-drop an index.

Connection used
Ole an acronym for object linking and embedding, a somewhat older communications and
data-sharing protocol for Windows application. The term Ole has been largely replaced by
ActiveX, a Broad collection of communication methods for Windows applications.
Ole DB introduces a universal data access paradigm that is not restricted to jet, ISAM, or
even relational data sources. OLE DB is capable of dealing with any type of data
regardless of its storage method or format. This access even includes an ADO data provider
into o ODBC so that you can use it with your ODBC data sources. It is important to note
that Ole DB doesnt replace ODBC because they each feature completely independent
Report used


Crystal report is used to produce reports from Visual Basic program, which is an integral
feature of Visual Basic. It is a powerful program for creating custom reports, lists, and
labels from the data in our application database. When Crystal Reports connect to the
database, it reads the values from the fields you selected and place them into a report,
either as-is or as part of a formula that generates more complex values.
Crystal Reports connects to almost any database system available today. Actually, there are
two unique methods used to connect a data base: Data Files and SQL/ODBC. The data file
method is designed for the smaller PC-based database, such as dBase and Microsoft
Access. The SQL/ODBC method uses an ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)
Connection, Which connects to any database that supports it. Some database in these
groups is Microsoft Access, Oracle, Sybase & Microsoft SQL server.
Operating system used
The Microsofts most popular operating system Windows 10 is used in the development
cycle. Windows 10, released in October 2015, has several attractive features than the older
version of Windows. Most important one is its enhanced GUI and added security.
2.6.1 Data Flow Diagrams
Data flow diagram is a way of representing system requirements in a graphic form. A DFD
is also known as bubble chart has the purpose of clarifying system requirements and
identify major transformations that will become program in system design. So it is the
starting point of design phase that functionally decomposes the requirements specifications
down to the lowest level of details. A DFD consists of series of bubbles joined by lines.
The bubbles represent data transformation and the lines represent data flows in the system.
DFD Symbols
In a DFD, there are four symbols
1. A square defines a source or destination of system data.


2. An arrow identifies data flow or data in motion. It is a pipeline through which

information flows.

3. A circle or a bubble represents a process that transforms incoming data flows into
outgoing data flows.

4. An open rectangle is a data source or data at rest or a temporary storage of data

constructing the DFD.

Several rules used in drawing DFDs:

1. Process should be named and numbered for easy reference.
2. The direction of flow is from top to bottom and from left to right. Data traditionally
flow from source to destination, although they may flow back to source.
3. When a process is exploded into lower details, they are numbered.
4. The names of dta stores, sources and destination are written in capital letters.
Process and data flow names have the first letter of each word capital.




2.6.2 Data Dictionary


Administrator and Manager can login and


can access the data available

Payment details about all the operations

3.Member Registration

done in milk society.

Registration of all member and non-


All the expense regarding the milk society is

5.Milk Collection

calculated and initialized.

All the details regarding milk collection in


the milk society is maintained.

Sales details about all operations done in


milk society.
Report keeping of payment, registration,
expense, milk collection, sales is prepared.

The most creative and challenging phase of the system life cycle is system design. The
term design, describes a final system and the process by which it is developed. It refers to
the technical specification that will be applied in implementing the candidate system. It

also includes the construction of programs and program testing. The key question here is:
How should the problem is solved? The first step is to determine how the output is to be
produced and in what format. Second, input data and master files have to be designed to
meet the requirements of the proposed output.
The final report prior to the implementation phase includes procedural flowchart, record
layout, and workable plan for implementing the candidate system.
The design phase focuses on the detailed implementing procedural flowchart of the system
recommended in the feasibility study. Emphasis is in translating performance specification
into design specification. The design phase is a translation from a user-oriented document
to a document oriented to the programmers or database personal.
System design goes through the phase of development: logical and physical design. When
analysis prepares the logical system design they specify the user needs at a level of details
that virtually determines the information flow into and out of system and the required data
The most creative and overwhelming part of system development lifecycle is system
design. The design phase focuses on the detailed implementation of the system
recommended in the feasibility study. System design is a transition from user-oriented
document to a document-oriented to a programmer or database personal. It includes logical
flow of the system. The physical design draws out of the details of the physical plan and
specifies to learn the software requirements.
A well-designed system should provide for controls to eliminate errors and ensure systems
integrity. The design activity is often divided into system design and detailed design.
System design aims to identify the modules and how they interact with each other to
produce desired results. At the end of system design all the data structures, file formats,
output formats as well as the major modules in the system and their specifications are
Basic design Approach
The basic phase focuses on the detailed implementation of the system recommended in the
feasibility study. Emphasis is on translating performance specifications into design

specifications. The design phase is a transition from a user-oriented to the programmers or

database personnel.
System design goes through two phases of development.



Logical design covers the following:


Review the current physical system.


Prepare output and input specifications.


Prepare edit, security, and control specifications.


Specifies the implementation plan.


Review benefits, costs, target dates, and system constraints.

Physical design covers the following:


Design the physical system.


Specify input/output media.

Design the database and specify backup procedure.
Plan system implementation

Prepare a conversion schedule and target date.

Determine training procedure, courses, and timetable.


Devise a test and implementation plan and specify any new hardware and software.


Update benefits, costs, and conversion date and system constraints.

3.1 Database Design


Personal computers provide an excellent tool for storing information in the database. It is
relational DB. Instead of relying on stops of papers, memory is used information in SQL
SQL server is the powerful management system and the user can create entire application
that requires programming. The SQL server can act as back end database for VB in our
3.1.1Table design
Design of the file is very important factor in the system. While designing files we have to
avoid data redundancy but the same time all required data should be considered while the
designing database.

Use the singular forms of table and column name.

Select the proper data types for each column.
Use descriptive names for tables, columns and indexes.

A table is a collection of data about a specific topic. It makes data more efficient and
reduces data entry errors. There are several tables used in this project.
Table Name: LOGIN
This table is used to store the login details of both Admin and Manager.
Field Name
Table Name: DAILY


Username of loginid
Password of loginid

This table is to store all the data of daily milk collection.

Foreign Key : crvy, from member table field crvy.
Field Name



Date of milk colletion
Time of milk colletion
Member id
Name of the member
Quantity of milk
clr reading of milk




Fat value of milk

Snf read
Amount of payment

Table name: Member

This table is to store member details.
Primary Key : crvy
Field Name



Name of the member
Member id
Address of the member
Contact number of member
Member or non-member
Date of registration


Date of the sale to dairy
Time of sale to dairy
Quantity of milk
Clr reading of milk
Fat of the milk
Snf reading of milk
Rate of milk
Amount received as payment

Table name: DAIRY SALES

This table is to store dairy sales details.
Field Name



Table name: Local Sales

This table is to store all the local sales details.
Field Name



Date of sale
Time of sale




Quantity of milk sold

Amount of payment

Table Name: Dairy to Society

This table is to store the scale of payment when milk is sold from society to dairy
Field Name



Fat of milk
Snf value of milk
Rate of milk

Table Name: Society to member

This table is to store the scale of payment when milk is sold from member to society.
Field Name



Fat of milk
Snf reading of milk
Rate of milk
Clr reading of milk

3.1.2 Normalization
BCNF was developed by Boyce and Codd. It was designed to overcome the drawback of
Third Normal Form. Numerous normal forms have been designed, First, Second and Third
Normal Forms. Some First Normal Form relations are also in Second Normal Form, and
some Second Normal Form relations are also in Third Normal Form.
Codds original definition of Third Normal Form suffered from certain problems.
A stronger definition due to Boyce and Codd was developed to overcome these problems
and was called the BCNF. Subsequently Fagin defined a new Fourth Normal Form and
more recently another Normal Form which is called Fifth Normal Form or Projection joint
Normal Form.
With the use of different normal forms in the database design, the problem of storing
redundant data in different tables is avoided. The use of normal forms permits storage of
data only once in the database, thereby saving space and avoiding the problem of
redundant data storage.




System design can be defined as the process of developing specifications for a system that
meets the criteria established in system analysis. A major step in system design is the
preparation of input and the design of output reports in a form acceptable to the user. Input
design is the process of converting user originated inputs to a computer- based format.
3.2 User Interface Design
It involves input design and output design. Input design is the processing of converting the
user-oriented inputs into the computer based format. The input details are selected and
processed in the computer accessible from then entered. The goal of input design is to
make data entry easy and fast. The input forms are designed to enter the input data.

Output design involves preparing reports for producing a hardcopy output from a computer
based information system. Reports are also used for display information about different
3.2.1 Input Design
Input Design
Input design converts user-oriented inputs to computer-based format, which requires
Careful attention. The collection of input data is the most expensive part of the system in
terms of the equipment used and the number of people involved. In input design, data
is accepted for computer processing and input to the system is done through mapping via
some map supportor links. Inaccurate input data is the most common cause of errors in
data processing.The input screens need to be designed very carefully and logically. A
set of menus is provided which help for better application navigation. While entering
data in the input forms, proper validation checks are done


messages will be

generated by the system if incorrect data has been entered.

3.2.2 Input pages
The software Milk automation system consists of following inputs:
Welcome Form

This form is the entrance form

Login Form
This form is used for Admin . admin is allowed to sign in using his username and
password and Manager. manager is allowed to sign in using his username and password for
the good running of the system.
Admin activities
This form is used by the Administrator to perform different operations for the user.
Manager activities
This form is used by the Manager to perform different operations for the user.
Search by date
This form is used by the user to search the information about the dairy sales by date.
Search by date and time
This form is used by the user to search daily milk collection expenses.
Search by month
This form is used by the user to search the expense details information.
Search by name
This form is used by the user to search the member information.
Daily Activities
This form is used to enter the daily milk collection information
Dairy Sales
This form is used to store the dairy sales information.
Local Sales
This form is used to store the local sales information.
Add Member
This form is used to register individuals to society by giving status member and nonmember.
This form is used to add the expense details.
This form is used by the admin to prepare various reports.
Reporting the complaints about the milk collection and return it back to the society.

Output Design: Reports, Bills

Monthly Milk Collection Report of member.
Milk Bill
Monthly Expense Report
Monthly Local sales report
Expense Bill
Dairy Bill
Local Sales Bill



Almost all error handling routines in Visual Basic programs follow three steps
1. Trap the error and redirect program flow to the error handler
2. Handle the error
3. Direct the program flow out of the error handler back to the main body.
The VBA engine is constantly looking for problems and immediately notifies it and
handles it when something unexpected happens. Visual basic normally handles most errors.
After an error occurs, the VBA engines normal operation is suspended. Normal execution
is directed to the error handler and further error trapping within the error handler is
inactive. After the error has been managed by the code, the program flow is redirected to
another location within the procedure.
For data to remain secure measures must be taken to prevent unauthorized access. Security
means that data are protected from various forms of destruction. The system security
problem can be divided into four related issues: security, integrity, privacy and
confidentiality. Thus security is critical in system development. The amount of protection
depends on the sensitivity of the data, the reliability of the user and the complexity of the
system. The motives behind security are to keep the organization running protect data as an
asset and seek management support for more installations.


5.1.1 Naming Conventions:
In computer programming, a naming convention is a set of rules for choosing the character
sequence to be used for identifiers which denote variable types, functions and other entities
in source code and documentation.

The symbol (') tells the Visual Basic compiler to ignore the text following it, or
the comment. Comments are brief explanatory notes added to code for the benefit of those
reading it.
It is good programming practice to begin all procedures with a brief comment describing
the functional characteristics of the procedure (what it does). This is for your own benefit
and the benefit of anyone else who examines the code. You should separate the
implementation details (how the procedure does it) from comments that describe the
functional characteristics. When you include implementation details in the description,
remember to update them when you update the function

Put comments on a separate line instead of at the end of a line of code.

Start comment text with an uppercase letter, and end comment text with a

Insert one space between the comment delimiter (') and the comment text.

Testing is the major quality measure employed during software development. After the
coding phase, computer programs are available that can be executed for testing purposes.
Testing not only has to uncover errors introduced during coding, but also locates errors
committed during the previous phases. Thus the aim of testing is to uncover requirements,
design or coding errors in the program.
During testing it is made sure that the product does exactly what is supposed
to do. Testing is the final verification and validation activity within the organization itself.
In the testing stage I try to achieve the following goals: to affirm the quality of the product,
to find and eliminate any residual errors from previous stages, to validate the software as a
solution to the original problem, to demonstrate the presence of all specified functionality
in the product, to estimate the operational reliability of the system. During testing the
major activities are concentrated on the examination and modification of the source code.

This is the phase where the bug in the programs was to be found and corrected.
One of the goals during dynamic testing is to produce a test suite, where the salary
calculated with the desired outputs such as reports in this case. This is applied to ensure
that the modification of the program does not have any side effects. This type of testing is
called regression testing. Testing generally removes all the residual bugs and improves the
bugs and improves the reliability of the program. The basic types of testing are

Unit Testing.

Integration Testing

Validation Testing.

Output Testing.

User Acceptance Testing.


After coding each dialogue is tested and run individually. All unnecessary
coding were removed and it was ensured that all the modules worked, as the programmer
would expect. Logical errors found were corrected. So, by working all the modules
independently and verifying the outputs of each module in the presence of staff was
concluded that the program was functioning as expected.
This testing focuses on each module and individual software unit ensuring that they work
properly. Unit testing checks for the changes made in the new system or any program in it.
Unit testing includes white-box testing. This is the first level of testing. In this different
modules are tested against the specifications produced during the design of the modules.
Unit testing is done for the verification of the code produced during the coding of single
program module in an isolated environment. Unit testing first focuses on the modules
independently of one another to locate errors.
Data can be lost access an interface, one module can have as adverse effort on
another sub functions when combined, may not produce the desired major functions.
Integration testing is a systematic testing for constructing the program structure, while at
the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated within the interface. The
objectives are to take unit tested as a whole. Here correction is difficult because the vast
expenses of the entire program complicate the isolation of causes. Thus in the integration
testing step, all the errors uncovered are corrected for the next testing steps.

Top -Down Integration

This method is an incremental approach to the construction of program structure.
Modules are integrated by moving downward through the control hierarchy, beginning
with the main program module. The module subordinates to the main program module are
incorporated into the structure in either a depth first or breathe first manner.
Bottom-up Integration
This method begins the construction and testing with the modules at the lowest
level in the program structure. Since the modules are integrated from the bottom up,
processing required for modules subordinate to a given level is always available and the
need for the stubs is eliminated.
It provides the final assurance that the software meets all the functional,
behavioral and performance requirements. The software is completely assembled as a
package. Validation succeeds when the software functions in a manner in which the user
expects. Validation refers to the process of using software in a live environment in order to
find errors. System validation checks the quality of the software in both simulated and live
put a lot of validation testing before finally implementing it. Thus the feedback from the
validation phase generally produces changes in the software. The system objective, the
functional performances, requirements were looked into see whether all these criteria are
satisfying the system needs. The system is then presented before the manager along with
the reports generated. The system then undergoes a testing phase with the sample test data
provided by him. System testing in this manner would verify that all the modules work
together and generate the intended results. All individual modules should be working in
tandem so that the overall system function or performance is achieved.
After performing the validation testing, the next step is output testing of the
proposed system since no system could be useful if it does not produces the required
output generated or considered into two ways; one is on screen and another is printed


The output format on the screen is found to be correct as the format was designed
in the system design phase according to the user needs. For the hard copy also the output
comes out as the specified requirements by the user. Hence output testing does not result in
any correction in the system.


It is a formal testing conducted to determine whether or not the system satisfies
its acceptance criteria to enable the customer to determine whether or not to accept the
User acceptance of a system is the key factor for the success of any system. The
system under consideration is tested for user acceptance by constantly keeping in touch
with the prospective system users at the time of developing and making changes wherever
Preparation of test data plays a vital role in the system testing. After preparing
the test data the system under study is tested using the test data. While testing the system
by using test data errors are again uncovered and corrected and the corrections are also
noted for future use.
Testing performed on a complete, integrated system to verify that the system is
compliant with its specifications and requirements. System testing is normally done before
fully implementing it for the users. The testing done before implementing the system
would help the developer to perform any further operations on the system.


Implementation is the stage of the project where the theoretical design is turned into a
working system. At this stage the main work load, the greatest upheaval and the major
impact on the existing system shifts to the user department. If the implementation is not
carefully planned and controlled it can cause chaos and confusion.


Implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert from
the old system to new system. The new system may be totally new, replacing an existing
manual or automated system or it may be a major modification to an existing system.
Proper implementation is essential to provide a reliable system to meet the organization
requirements. Successful implementation may not guarantee improvement in the
organization using the new system, but improper installation will prevent it.
The implementation stage was involved by the following tasks.

Careful planning of operations happening in the Society.

Investigation of system and constraints.

Design of methods to achieve the changeover.

Training of staff in the changeover phase.

Evaluation of the changeover method.

The method of implementation and the time scale to be adopted are found out
initially. Next the system is tested properly and the same time users are trained in the new

Implementation of system refers to the final installation of the package in its
real environment, to the satisfaction of the intended users and the operation of the system.
In many organizations someone who will not be operating it, will commission the software
development project. The people who are not sure that the software is meant to make their
job easier. In the initial stage, they doubt about the software but I have to ensure that the
rsistance does not built up as one has to make sure that

The active user must be aware of the benefits of using the system.

Their confidence in the software is built up.

Proper guidance is imparted to the user so that he is comfortable in using the

Before going ahead and viewing the system, the user must know that for

viewing the result, the server program should be running in the server. If the server object
is not up running on the server, the actual processes wont take place.

Implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert from
the old system to the new one. The new system may be totally new, replacing an existing
manual or automated system. Proper implementation is essential to provide a reliable
system to meet organization requirements. Successful implementation may not guarantee
improvement in the organization using the new system, but improper installation will
prevent it.
The process of putting the developed system in actual use is called system
implementation. This includes all those activities that take place to convert from the old
system to the new system. The system can be implemented only after through testing is
done and if it is found to be working according to the specifications. The system personnel
check the feasibility of the system. The implementation stage involves following tasks.

Investigation of system and constraints.

Design of methods to achieve the changeover.

Training of the staff in the changeover phase.

Evaluation of the changeover method.

The newly proposed system is implemented after the successful testing of the


Training is a vital part of the computer based information system. The main aim of
training is to make aware of the system concepts to users in detail. The training focuses on
two issues

User capabilities.

Name of the system being installed

The training sections that are given to the operators and end users are different. The

operators need to know the concept of system in deep. But the end user training is only
concerned with how to perform the transaction and how to access the transaction details.
There are mainly three types of training

Brain storming section

Computer awareness training
Brain Storming Section
It is a method of fact finding techniques and unknowingly the participants can be
made aware of various system concepts.
In the seminar the emphasis has laid on the various features of the system. Use of
various reports input and output procedures etc. after the seminars if require a practical
workshop can be organized in order to have proper control over the operational staff.
Computer Awareness Training (Technical training)
Training is given based upon the environment in which the system is running and
various software environments helping the working of the system.

Conversion is the process of changing the old system to the new one. There are
four well-known methods which offer a range of advantages and disadvantages.

1. Parallel conversion
This is considered as the most secure method, where both the system are running
in parallel. This method have some advantages, firstly the continued use of old system
provides a fallback when a new system fails. Secondly this method provides an ultimate
testing of the new system because both the systems are running in parallel so analysis of
results from the system is possible. The disadvantage is that keeping the two systems
running in the same time cause increase in the overheads.

2. Direct cutover conversion

In this method the users use the new system only. The old system is completely
replaced with the new system. This method is very cheap and fast but it is quite hazardous.
The direct cutover methods convert from the old system to the new system. This method
forces all system users to make the new system work. Direct cut over requires careful
planning. Training sessions must be scheduled and maintained.

3. Phase in method

The phase in method is used when it is not possible to install a new system
throughout the organization all at once. This method supports a phased approach to system
conversion. With this approach implementation can be staged with conversion to the new
system taking place by degrees e.g. some files may be converted to the new system the
other files will be used in the old system. The result of the system implementation, will
communicate the early users to others personals who are waiting for implementation.
Based upon the results the other parts of the system may installed or not.

4. Pilot approach
In this approach a working version of information system is implemented in the
one part of the organization. When the system is approved for its performance, it is
installed throughout the organization all at once or stage by stage.


The final step of the systems approach recognizes that an implemented solution can fail
to solve the problem for which it was developed. The results of implementing a solution
should be monitored and evaluated. This is called post implementation review process,
since the success of a solution is reviewed after it is implemented. The focus on this step,
i.e. to determine if the implemented solution has indeed helped the firm and selected
business units, meet their system objectives

In this project, first an attempt has been made to find the need for the system. To fulfill the
needs, a detailed study has been designed in such a way that the system is user friendly and
easy to use. This particular system has been designed in an attractive manner, so that even
a user with minimum knowledge can be able to operate the system easily.
The system is developed with scalability in mind. All modules in this have been tested
separately and put together to form the system. Finally the system is tested with real data
and everything work successfully. Thus the system has fulfilled all the objectives identified
and is able to replace the existing manual system.

The advantage of this system is that, the package can be easily being incorporated with any
other package. In future the package can be developed further to act as virtual manager
caring out all the operation.
The maintenance phase of the software cycle is the time in which a Software product
performs useful work. After a system is successfully implemented, it should be maintained
in proper manner. System maintenance is an important aspect in the software development
life cycle. The need for system maintenance is to make it adaptable to the changes in the
system environment. There may be social, technical and other environment changes, which
affects a system, which is implemented. Software product enhancement may involve
providing new functional capabilities, improving user displays and mode of interaction,
upgrading the performance characteristics of the system. So only through proper system
maintenance procedures, the system can be adapted to cope up with these changes.
Software maintenance is of course, far more than finding mistakes. We may
define maintenance by describing four activities that are undertaken to after a program is
released for use.
The first maintenance activity occurs because it is unreasonable to assume that
software testing will uncover latent errors in a large software system. During the use of any
large program, errors will occurs and reported to the developer. The process that includes
the diagnosis and correction of one or more errors is called corrective maintenance.
The second activity that contributes to a definition of maintenance occurs
because of the rapid change that is encountered in every aspects of computing. Therefore
adaptive maintenance an activity that modifies software to properly interface with a
changing environment is both necessary and commonplace.
The third activity that may apply to a definition of maintenance occurs when a
software package is successful. As the software is used, recommendations for new
capabilities, modifications to existing functions, and general enhancements are received
from users. To satisfy requests in this category, perfective maintenance is performed. This
activity accounts for the majority of all effort expended on software maintenance.


The fourth maintenance activity occurs when software is changed to improve

future maintainability which is characterized by reverse engineering and re-engineering
In future, this system can be implemented in web and can achieve the features of cloud
computing. The main advantage is that the administrator of the system can easily store the
milk collection and sales details, update scales as per the change in the scale.
The system has been developed as versatile and user friendly as possible keeping in mind
the advanced features in this technology. The System provides flexibility for incorporating
new features, which may be necessary in the future. The software now designed can be
modified for more complex applications using visual basic and SQL Server.

1. Elements of System Analysis and Design, Marvin Gore, 4th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill
publication, 1993.
3. System Analysis and Design, Elias M.Awad

4. Guide to VisualBasic6.0, Peter Norton and Michael Groh, Techmedia Sams

publication, 1998


Login type Page


Admin Login Page


Admin Main Page


Add Member Page

Member Search

Validation of daily entry

Updation Page of daily entry


Dairy Bill

Local Sales Bill


Monthly dairy sales Report


Monthly Local Sales Report

Monthly Milk Bill



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